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<br /> sole use shall be �t his u�le char�e and exFense, both as to buildir�g and ma.in�enance, so lor�� as
<br /> he retains the sole use t7iexeof.
<br /> 7th. It is furtYLer ag;reed between tYie partie.> hereto tYiati, in case either of said parties �h�.11
<br /> de7lre to �rect a buildin�; uFon his respective premise� and tY�e other party shall, at such time, not
<br /> be r�ady to ,�oin in saici building, then, and in such casE, tYle said party who elects to build snal].
<br /> �rec� sa�id wa11 of the kind herein �pecifieci a.long anci over sa.ici divi�irl�; line on s�.id premises
<br /> herein le<�.��ci at r�is sole cYiar��: anci expcnse aricisa.id �vall so erected shall, be maintained at the
<br /> �ol� char�e anc�ex��ense of tlle per�on so erectin� same so lorig as 7ie retains the �ole t�s� thereof;
<br /> • tLa� , in erectirig s�id wall, a.s in this clau�e of t7�is lease provided, if the pa,rty so building �
<br /> J same, witrlout bein� joined by t�e other party, findu it necessary to cut dc��vn or r�move a pa,rt of'
<br /> . tYie fra.me buildin.� noti^r er�r,t�;d ari s�.i�i premises and ex*„endin�; over said diviciin�; line, then, and
<br /> � in such case, it is a�;r�ed tha.t t7�e F��r. ty buildin�; 5�,1(l T�vall shall have and hereby i� �;iven trie
<br /> privilege of �poin�; upon the premises of tY�e other p�,rty to this lease and cutting off so much of
<br /> � _ thE, f��me buildin�; now standing on said premise� as may be r.ece�:��..ry to :na:ia trie party con:�truct--
<br /> ` in� sald garty tivall to erect �ame pro�erl,y on tYie line herein provided for; that, in such event,
<br /> � t��e p�rty buildin� said wall �h�:�11, at hi;� o�vri ex�en�e, �hore ug said fru.mme builflin� on the prem-- ,
<br /> • isca of the other party h�;reto, and c�urin� th�; cu:,���u��:�n o� said ti�all glace a temForary �a,rtit=- '
<br /> ian throu�;h s��id frume buildin� so t2iat tY�e use tYiereQf shall not be; hindered or interfered :�rith
<br />` any more th��.n the nature of said ,vork 5ha11 require anci when said wall is completed said party so
<br /> . - buildin�; s��me shall, at his expense, connect said buildin� a.nd the roof tYiereof to said completed ,
<br /> . . �
<br />'� , wall, It is furtrler a,�reeci t�iat , iri case said party v�all ia built by one party, as herein contem—
<br />� plated , then and in such ca��, n� shall �ive to th�: other garty � thirty days written notice Qf
<br /> � hia ir�tention to so build s��ic� wall prior to co��encir�g work trierean.
<br /> �th. Itisfurther agreeci by t2ie part:ie� hereto tY1at, in c���e either pa.rty 3hall build tne pa,.rty
<br /> ��tall con*�mplated herein c�ithout being joined in such buildin� by tYle ather party, or dhall build
<br />��� . � an extension of a�id tarall �.t hi; sole char�;e a.nd expen:�e a.s herein contemplated, then, and in such
<br /> I �
<br /> c�se, th�; �ther part,y hereto shall have tY�e ri�;ht , which is hereby granted, to use, utilize and
<br /> en�oy b�id wall and all its f�,cilitie5 �,t any tir�e he may elect , upon tY�e Faymer.t to the other
<br /> � � - , g�,rty of one h��,lf of tYi� v�zlu�; of aucri ��art of :aid p<.�rty �vall as he may, at any time, use; said
<br /> pa�ment to be �etermir_ed at trie time w71en said use commences, �,nd� in tYie c�vent said partie� can—
<br /> not a�;ree upon t7ic� tTalue of said tivall so ut ilized, as hErE�in provided, they a�ree to each choose
<br /> ' one arbitra,tor and the t�vo tYius cYiosen shall choose a third anr� s��.id three p�rsons thus aelected
<br /> sY��.l�. determine tYie value of said wall 50 utilized ana th� am�unt to be pa,id tYLerefor under this
<br /> le�.se anc� a�'ter payment tri�reof ea,ch party shall own one half of such party t�all thus used and
<br />( p�.i� for.
<br />� Durir.� the ,�oint u�e of �aid wall, or any part t7i�;r°of, tne expf��n�e oi' .maintenance and repair shall
<br /> be equ:zlly borne by the p�,rties usin�; anci o�lnin� s��me. I:; is furt]�ier �,greed tn�,t, in ca�e the wall'
<br /> hc�rein �ontemplatec� to be erected shall not extend to the Nortilerly limits of s�icl zot 5, and
<br /> �ither p;�rty hereafter should deaire to extend saxne �ny distance hc� rnay c�o so under the condi�ions'
<br /> above describ�d at hia sole char�e and exg�nsc;, the o�rier party to h��.v� tYLe r. i�nt , in ;�ucri case,
<br /> to util.i��? sucYi extended vv�,ll or. a.ny part thereof upon th� p�ymerit of one h��lf of tlle v�lue thereof
<br />� at tne time .�aic� tz�e cornmences , s��.zne to be de;t�:rmined in t71E; ma�nner Yiereiri provided.
<br /> It l:? f1Z;C'`il") ,� �:1;-:,T, � in G,:�S,' �i*,.�her ���:lY'�y Yl:'7'��O ��Yi�lll C�t':ilT'C �0 bill�.d ��:ll �1.;�(�ltlU7'it�,1JS�OT'V� 0�' Stt�I'-�
<br /> /
<br />, , ; ie: , or� iiis ���,id ��lail��in�;, not �axc�.edin�; i,iir�� �;tori�:a in ��11 fr�ri the �;roun��, tr��en, ar�d in such ,
<br /> c�.�aa, suc�l�,��rty 5i�a11 h,_iv:� tr.�; ri�riit to �:nti�n:3 <�n:i buiid �uc.,h c��,ji`ional ;�tcsrt%, �r atori�;s , tY�e
<br /> I
<br /> :°r��,ll la��::l tiler�;f or tr,� be oi' t�1e �am� :;��n�r��l n��turE; au h��.rt-:in p,'ovi�z�:;� f or �zn�i, in s�ac�G� ev��nt , the�
<br /> c�ttiF�r p<�r�y Yif�r�to s.1��11 h�xv�: t��c: ri�rl�t to u�.;E. �:�nci utilize .�uc+� efit�nded t�J��,ll iLt �zn,y timf: upon the'
<br /> .
<br /> . .
<br /> .
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