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<br /> �l � �C� C��L�a� �O � � � �C� O� D� � �
<br /> �7�jJ-C�QpPi6ARTLEYYCO•.PRINTING,LITHO6RAPHING.STiT10NEHy;OMAHA . . . . .. , .._.. . .. .. - � �
<br /> Part.y ��'all Lease:�-�-�;
<br /> TrII� I?�DEN'PURE ��J� L;��L�L mad.e a,nd ent�:rf�� inta on thi:: 20th d�,y of �eptember, A.D.1.913, by and
<br /> bEt��reen T2�omas Connor e�.n�i T�Ta.ry E.Conn�r, hi:� �ti�ife, ��ier�inafter the "First Partie�" , on the one
<br /> p�.rt , a,nd Fred I�oth (a tivic�o`°rer ), herein�fter th� ��5econd Party" , on tYie otYier part, all og Hall County, .
<br /> Nebrauka, �vitnes�et7i:
<br /> lst. That , for a,nci ir� con�ideratior� of tne payment of One Pollar and other valuable con�iderations,,
<br /> as hereinafter nar,ied, tr��e receipt of z-�hich is her�:by acknovvled�;�d, the saf d First Partie� hereby
<br /> and by these presents ciemise and l��.se unto the 5econc� Party a atrip of �round twelve inches wiae �
<br /> and one hundred and thirty t�vo feet lon� (or �o muchther�of as may be needed and u�ed for the pur—
<br /> poses hereinafter st�,ted ), a.lon� and off tYle tide�t or W�;�terly side and boundary line of tne c�nter
<br /> one t3�.ird of Zot NuMber Tive ( 5), in Blc�ck Ntzmber Fifty Six (56 ) , of the ori�in�.l town, navT city, .
<br /> of Gra.nd 7sl�,nd, ir H��11 Cour�ty, Nebra�ka, for trie Fur�oue ranCi use af erectir.� anci maint;ainin�; a party �
<br /> wall �t7iereon, as hereina.fter sgecifiec�, with suitable footin�s underneath sa.rne. .
<br /> 2nd. And the said Second P<�.rty, far and in cnnsideration of the payment of One Dollar and o�her
<br /> va.luable considerations, as h�;reina.f�;er stated, receipt of which is hereby ackno�rled�ed, does here—
<br /> by der::ise and lea,se unto t;rie sai�i Thomas Connor a� strip of �;rounc� ttivelve in�¢hes vlicie and one hund—
<br /> rea ar�d thiry,y t�tiro feet 1on�, (�r so much tYierrof as rnay be needed for the purposes and uses here--
<br /> in��,ft�r st;a�ec�), alon�; anc� off t7i� Eaat or E�.�terly side anc� bourlc.�ary line of' tYie West one third oP
<br /> Zot 2nzmber I'ive (5 ), ira I�lc�ck Number Fifty Six ( 56 ), �f the ori�;in�.1 tov�rnr no��� city, of Gra.nd I31ana, �
<br /> i.n IIa�I l Cot.�nt,y, Ne�r��.�.>ka, for. t;'rle �urpo�e and use of erec� in� �,nd maintainin� a party �vall thereon s
<br /> as herein�.fter s��ecified , vYith uuitable �'aatin�;s ur�derrieath same.
<br /> �rd. This lease include:� �, utri� oi' land tt;elve ir:ches `�ide and one Yiunc�red and thirt;y t�ro feet
<br /> lon�; (c�r so rnuch t��.�reo�' a� may be needed �and us�ci �'or tY�e �urgoses Yierein stateci ) alan� ea.eri sic�e �
<br /> of �Y�e d ividin� line be�yveen the cer.ter �ne third o1' said Lot 5 and the V�est one third of said I.ot -
<br /> 5, sa,i� st�ri�� of l��nd bein�; � tetal o�' t���enty four inches in width conunencin� at the Southerly
<br /> bot;�nci�.xy lir�� of �aid I,o* 5 on Trzird Street in said City and extendin�; iJortherly �,lon� eaeh side "
<br /> �
<br /> of the diviciin�; lir.e bet�jreen said center ore third �.nd ti�lest one third of sa.id Lot in said I�lock
<br /> 5�
<br /> 56, ��y �a,bave stated. Tne above nanied Leasors, in ea.ch instarice, bein�; the o�vn�:rs of the re�per,tive �
<br /> tract of. 1a.nd hereir; by them severally le��:sed.
<br /> �+th, Saic� �.���.r�,y �vall to be erected ori s�id strip of �rc�und above �e�cribeci sh�.11 be built of bricK
<br />� �
<br /> ar s+cne, or both, a.nc� s7�a11 include �. U�,sement titi��,11 not leas than ��vc�r�teen inches thiek and nine
<br /> �
<br /> + r + ,
<br /> �'eet deep from t��e paver�ent surfa�ce, �ri�h sub,�t;�ntial fo��ings unc��,rneat3� same not less LY��an thirty ,
<br /> i'o�tr I.riche� ;iic�e, permis�ion to �lace one halF o�' �aic� footiri�;; on t��e property of each of the
<br /> parties hcreto beir�� given, arid said ���a11 to be built in a sUlid, subst�a,ntial manner af ��ood mater—
<br /> ial� «r,c� eaFable c�f e�:.rrZ�in�; and :u����o�tin�; a builciing tYlree �taries in height , if eitlZer party
<br /> desi.r. ed t� so extend same i'or .�tach pur�:�o�e.
<br /> �tP1. It is by bath par±ie� mu+u��11y agreed *hat this le��se shall be�in witYi the date hereof and
<br /> continue ir forc� so 1on�; as citYler p��,rty Ylereto ina,y c�esire to rn�.inta3n a p�,rty tivall t7iereon and
<br /> that :�aicl �tiTall shall be built and eons�ructed tilereon as �oon after the si�nin� of the�e pre��nts
<br /> as eitrler party may dE�sir� or �� ready t,a builci sarne. +
<br /> 6th. 7* i.s furthE�r agreed bettiveen �he pa.rtiea h�reto tYlat , in ca��: both o�' tYiem �.re ready to construct '
<br /> buildin�s on trieir respective premise:� ov�ned by tY�em as �.bove �tat�:d �.t the same time, then said
<br /> party t�rall hereir� grovided for s�11 be built at thc mutual cha,r�e and expen�e of ea�ch party heretot ,
<br /> • e�.ch to pay ane h��.lf of tYie proper cost and ex��:nse ther�o�'; tY�a,t in c�ae botYi �f said parties shall
<br /> � be rea,dy �o builfl at tYie s�.me time or. tri�ir r�;�pectiv� Fremises and one af ;�aid p�.rties shall not
<br />� cieaire to extend his building full 1en�;tYi of �aid 1ot a.nd tYie other party s�iould desire to so extend
<br /> his builciing, tYien, and in suc7i c�,se, the said �all built a.nd used by b�th of s�,id garties shall be
<br /> a.t t7�eir equal and mu�;ual char�;e and exp�:ns� and the extension tYiereof made by either uarty for his
<br /> a.
<br />�. ��. : �:, �
<br />