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G , ' . . <br /> � � �� �� �Q � �� � � ��� � � � � d <br /> 1 . - _, _—__ -_--_ _-=_ _ _ -: __ ----= <br /> �3�I419-«APP66ARTlETYCO..PRINTING.LITlf06RAPNiNG,STATIONEFiY;OMAHA � � ����`� ` ��- <br /> . . . ..... ...:.:--:: �--. - -..:::_ . , . ... .....i. . . .... <br /> that no proceedings have �een had or ccmmenced to vacate , reve�se ar set aslde the probating of <br /> tr�e said �vill and thst the time fcr s�,me has now expired and the adrni�sion af the said cvi11 to <br /> pro�ate has become a�solute. � � <br /> ThE Gourt furt�er find� th�t the � �Zary Quinn duly and Iegally <br /> di�claimed th�: provisions of the aaid �rill ,refusin; to ta,ke thereunder and elected to �ake her <br /> inherit�,nce und�r the decedant laevs of tl�e State of idear�,ska and t�.e Court finds that the elect-. <br /> ion ,�r�.s made in due time and waa effective , in discl�.iming the provisions of the said wi11 , �.nd <br /> in �.cUepting the prcvi�ions of the la,�s of the State of �ebr�ska,relating to deeedants,and that <br /> by virtue of said laws ehe �ecame at his �.eatY� by inherita,nce , the ov�ner of an undivided one- <br /> h�.lf interest of Jahn �uinn, therein. <br /> The Court furth�r finds tnat James H.�dcDonald defendant <br /> in a�ove en.title3 �ction ,��,s duly �.�pointed s�:�ci�,l admini�t��.tar of the eatat� of John Quinn , <br /> dec�asad,on or about the lst d�.y� of i�Tove���r',1g0�, and since said time has �e�n a,ctin� as such <br /> �,nd tha,t he h�.$ no other int��est in said premises other than as �pecial �.dn7ini$tr��.tor of the ' <br /> aaid estate . <br /> The Caurt furth:�r finds �hat Nora La�xrler and Eliza By�ne ,defen;��.nts in the <br /> a"ove entitled action ,h�.�e na int�rest wahatever in the p�eraise� in controvarsy herein. <br /> Th� Court further finde th�t by' v:irtue of t;�e premisae , herein eet forth, pl�,intiff became <br /> and is the av�rner of an undivided t�ree-fourths (�) intereet in said premises and to all right , <br /> title and intPrest in and to the said three fourths (�) interest therein and that said '.�iles <br /> �uinn, Eliza Quinn , �llen 4�uinn, Joseph Quinn , and Patrick Quinn, jointly became the o�rners of <br /> an undivided one faurth (1) intereat in and to aaid premiees and that the interest of each of - <br /> said defendante is one t�ent�ieth ( 1/24) interest therein, ' <br /> It i�s therefore ordered, adjudged <br /> and decreed �y th� Gourt t��at the said ?.�ary q,uinn ,plaintiff in t'�i� action be and she is hereby <br /> aajudged to �e the owner of an undivided three-fourths (�) interest in said premises. " <br /> . . � �� ,.. .. <br /> t�nd that the said ���ilea Quinn, Eliza �uinn, Ellen Quinn, Joseph Quinn and Patrick t�uinn are <br /> �� <br /> r A�.ch hereby adjud�ed to be the owner of an undivided one twentieth ( ]./20) interest in an� to __ <br /> I <br />� s�,id pr�misea and to all ri;;ht ,title and intere�t in and to the said undivided one twentieth <br /> ( 1 f2Q ) interest in and to the afore deacribed �rerni�e� , to-�it : - The South-:�eat quarter <br /> , <br /> (S�`�t �) of section num�ered ta�rentlT-three (23 ) in township numbered ten (10) north of range num�er- <br /> ed twelve (12) �reet of the 6th principal meridi�.n. Al�o the north one half (�t�) of the North i <br /> w+.^,at quarter (T��' _?;) of sec�ion numbered twenty-aix (2b) in township numbered ten (10) narth of I <br /> xan�e num�ered twelve (12) �rest of tha 6th principal mexidian, in Hall County, Nebra$ka, and <br /> the interest of each of said parties as herein found,adjudged and decreed is hereby quieted and <br /> confirmed in swid �arties in their re�pective interest herein adjudged. <br /> It ie f��rth�r ordered that one half (2) the eosts in this action be and they are hereby <br /> t�,xed to �,Zar3* Ouinn and one half (G) of the casts in this a.etion are taxed to �dilee �luinn,Eliza <br /> Quinn,Ellen Q.uinn, Jos�ph Ruinn an d Patrick �uinn. <br /> To the findinga and jud�ment of the Court , <br /> pl�,in'tiff and d�fend�,nts each severally ex�z�t �,nd forty (40) days are hereby allowed to pre- <br /> pare and serve a �;ill of exceptions. <br /> Sup�rssdt�ae �ond f ixed at the sum of two hundred doll�.re (�200) . <br /> Jarne s R.Hanna <br /> Judge . - , <br /> Endarsed:- Na. 3307. In Di�trict Court , Hall County, Nebr. , ',4ary �uinn ,plaintiff,ve Jamee H. <br /> � <br /> 1,�cDonald,et al . , defendant. Decree July � ,1�12. Filed Jul . 17, 1�12.' Fred G .L�ngman, Clerk Dist . � <br /> Ccurt. 16-65a. <br /> � <br /> Sta.te of Ne4.;rask�, ( ;' � <br /> :S3 . i <br /> County af Hall ( I , Fred C .Lan�man Clexk of the Distriet Court wit�in and for �aid Countg <br /> and St�,te , do h�re�y certify that I have corr�tiared the faregoing copy of the DECREE in the case ��' <br /> � . <br /> of '�Tary �uinn vs J�,m�s H.;:�cDon�.7.d, et a,ls. , filed �y said Court of the 17th 3ay of July A.D.1�12 1 ��� <br /> � <br /> � � � �� � <br /> . ' '�; <br /> . _ . , <br />� _ . � <br />