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<br /> —(Spsco Above th�e Une For Recordinp L�ot+i) !a `:
<br /> o�eo oF r�usr $� �Y �
<br /> A��r.o�Narvcw.sExxvccES �
<br /> P!PP.�RNATIONAL,INC. �� ��=.,
<br /> �cc«Hr►naa� _>��,.
<br /> ,. �:�
<br /> aRANt�O�Rt��' 59530�937 Fet�. Box 53f '--
<br /> ' , C0.9'COl'1�4 41H{� fsTW lA9TXMIG iLl3T R!(Siil (Addtt��) �...�=-
<br /> - d J . David W. Mundt, Trina M. 1�33 N Webb Rd.� Ste 120 €'�.�_.
<br /> � ����� �y 6tA6 21PCODE �.•��.
<br /> } wnro A e. Granc� �alana, NE 68801 Gxand Ysland, N� Nebnska , �
<br /> 14th da A ril , t�`.��.txtween �avid W. F�1unc3t �Tr.. � -+z==°=
<br /> THIS DBBD OF TRUST,Made thil Y ot �—
<br /> � heninifter called TRUSTOR.whoae edQrcu�e�1 A���'�+n,.r-._Q$�,;YI S�arxi le�and uid� � = ''g
<br /> `� (�{^�-�,......r:��iarillcL ,hereln�ilea�c�lbd+7[tU E�,whax�dd�ua la . 121� Pac�if�G �C.� Omalia. NE �.:
<br /> �� �nd AVCO FINANCIAL SBRVIC�'IN1SElNJ1TIONAla 1NC.r�i�d?sk�car�ar�U.oR�.Reteinetter c�tlled PBNBFICIARY,who�e�ddrea�i�
<br /> 1,Z�3�-�1-WY�.Jir3.a�-L2Q._,GL"eOd_Io�11 , NE ----- . ='�
<br /> W!7TQPSS6PH;tls�t 7Ywta aRAti'i'9�CONVf3YS.SBt�S AND WARltADTI'3'PQ 7�tU�?F18.IN 1RU5T,WifH POWBR OP SALB,�he fotYowin` _
<br /> '•� ,�� _ Cnunty�Ntbruka:
<br /> de�cHbal propeny.Ntu�tcd In �.�._
<br /> [,ot 7 Jamson Subdiviaion� CiCy of Grand Ialanc], EI2�11 County� Nebraska
<br /><•,�,
<br />=:,;r,�.�„��.
<br /> _ . .��. .
<br />=;,.., :.�,.,� .
<br />-• "' ' - togeWer with aU bufldinge and Impmvemen�a now or horeafter erected thereon md alt screeas,awnings,ehadea,atonn sash and blinde,and headng,
<br />_��:_:� :�•• Ughtiug,plumbiug,Qos,electric,ventllating,reSdgerxHag nnd nir�coadirlonfng equipmont�sed in concecttoa tlterewith,all of which,for th�e pnrpose of
<br />��w�.� - t6is Aeed of Tn�ay shul De deemed tkcures aad anbJecc co the Uen 6ueot,and tha ber�Af:tments wd apyurtenmces pert�ininII W the pra�perty�boee
<br /> _•;;-• �� � descHbed,anA�Il ttreeu,kaw,�Iteya.pusage�,�vaya,waters,water coursea,dphr�,IiAsrtles and privllogce,whauoever therennto belan4inQor!n
<br />}•",•�-x� �t^=�-� wywise aypenainfna and tho ceverstona and remtinden,nll of which ts referrcd to horc�rsfter n tbe"premlar�".
<br />�..���_�,—
<br />- '"���'F'-?� TO HAVS AND TO ROLD the abovadescrtbed premisee,with the appurteaaneea aad fYctures,unto the eafd Beneticia��,iu auccessors aad assigns,
<br />�;.�.:".?-�_4�__. forever,for she purposea�nd ase�hecein tet fortD,free from ell dghts�ad benefin nuder wd by virtue of any Homatoad Eaemptioa I.�ws ot the Stata
<br /> h
<br /> _-' �.� of Nabush MhicL may be enscted.which tald dYhte ead lxaeIIts the aaid 1Yuator doe�tureby expretsly releue and waives.
<br />-`=�ya�ir�»�..t'
<br />- ��' FOR T1�PURPOSB OF SECURINa:(1)Pertamance of eieh egrecment of 1YueW r concatned herein;(2)Fayw�nt of the princlpal sum wlth Interesa,
<br /> '-=�'!'�' u provided ta eccordance with tha term�aad provfslonn ot a Pmmissory Note/i.oan f�areement(huelnifter referred to u"pmmissory note")d�ted
<br />� -"`�'�``� hare�vltA exccute0 by Truotar md payable to the order of Beueficl�ry,in the Princlptl sum of
<br /> _,t;s��a g i�m�.� .aad t�aving tha dnu of I�a fenul�ayment due on, a��d�l� .or a�eaceaded,
<br />_�'' �� • defemdorresehedulcdbyrenowalorcefinenea;(3)P�ymeetof�nyadcUdonaladvances,vflthintuattheriwnumny�eresiterbeloinedby Benefielary
<br /> .:;.�.�--:.
<br /> �-'�� � to Tru�tor ln a mexlmum aum o[S.�q$92 60 wft h io I S yeus trom t he da u o f t t il s Q e e d o f 7 t a s r,
<br /> . �,,.._.
<br /> - - doFever.thit pu�gr�Dh doe�not conatitute a commitment by Beneficinry to make[emrt�dvances; (4)The payment of aay money tLat imy 6e
<br />= adv�nced by the BeneYicinry to Traator for tny reason or to thlyd ptttiea,aith interest U�erwn.whore the amounts are af�vnnced to pmtect the seeurity
<br /> - fn accordmce�vith the coveeanta of thts Deed of Truot:(S)Any renewal.Qeflnancing ar entension of eetd promissory note.or u►y ot6er egreement to pay
<br /> , � � . whtch may ae aabstituud therefor.
<br /> " Aa addiUoaal seaurlty,'Ituator hercby gives to md conten upoa Benericlery the riIIh4 poWer,and authnriry,dudo$the continuance af these Trusts.to
<br /> collect the renta,iaauw,�nd profita ot eatd property,reserving unto Tivetor Uia rl�h4 prlor to any detauit by Trustor!n payment of any tndebtedness -,
<br />- securcd hereby or in perform�tnco of myngreement hercunder,tocollect and rttnln�uc6 renu,tssu�a,tnd pmAta as�hey become due snd payab1e.IJpun �
<br />- 3�� Rny snch def�ult,Beneflcitry may at my dme.either in perso9.by agan4 or by�rceelver to be�ppointed bg t court,and wltLout rogud to the adequacy
<br /> � 04 any tecurity[ar the tndebudneas�oreby secured,enter upoa and talce posse�stoa of sUd property or any puc thereot,in 6Is own na�o sue tor or �"
<br /> '} otherwi�e collect such nnts.tsaues,�nd profia,iacludinII tLose past duo and unpnld,end�ppty the s�me,Iess coste�ad expoases ot operntion xnd F
<br /> , col:eccion,lncluding ceuonsble attomoys'fee�,costa,�nd ea�ponsa.!t petmlttad by lnw,upoa my tndebtedaess seCUted hereby,�nd!n suCh o[der u __
<br />- ' • - � HeneAcitry mey deterwtue.Tho entednQ upon md takingpoaseaslon of s�id properey,tI:c cottecHoa of such rent�,isaues,�nd proflta end U�e applica _,
<br /> � "...'• � • Uoa t�ereof a afaesdd,�hall aot curo or wafve a�sy deiwlt or aodce of dafnult horauader or invalld�te any act done pus�uaat ro�ucE nodee. -
<br /> .. _... .. .. � -
<br /> '`-� All Daymente made by 7Yustor on tlio obtl�tUou�ecu�ed by tIIt9 Dced of T[uct thall ba appfled in the totlowtng order:�+��w.�N .�A���M�* _
<br /> - _- = -
<br /> r- - -- -� - . • - • - . . ... .•--•-----•--- -_•_---
<br /> ., �$'I�:Zip Ib0 QiymCGl OI►UtES tRA tSEES6IDODI6 I�ll may Oe ICV�cu an0 isxssao ageannt saw piomwoa,aueuaswo p.w........,..r---. ------- _
<br /> charges and eapeasea egreed to be paid by the Trustor.
<br /> SECOISD:'Ib the paymont ot iutetcst due on aald loan. -
<br /> �� THIRD:'ib the psyment of principal.
<br /> 'Ib�'ROTECI'THB STiCtJRYTY HEREOF,TRUS'PUR(S)COVBNANTS ANl�AQItELS:(1)To�eep anid premises iasared against loss by tirc nndother
<br /> ���1A� l�azards,cuudty and toadngenciet up to the fUll vatue oY e11 lmprovemeuro far dio pmiecdoa of Benef�ciary in such manaer,in cucD amounes,and in
<br /> '; such compnntes sa Beneticiary may trom dme to time approve,and�hat toss procceCs(lea�eapense df collection)ahall,ut Beneficiary'a opdon.be
<br /> ' �� toihe Henei�icluy,ewho may make pnoof of loasf o�m de prompQy by T�aiorv and each insurance�co pa�ny�onicernied imhe eby u�hori eA and
<br /> ' • � �� direcied to m�Ice peyment for euch loss dlrecdy to t6e Henef�ciary lnstond of t�the?rustor.(2)To pay all taxe�and specinl usesameata ot any idnd that
<br /> +"�+ have been or may De IevieA or nesessed apoa eald premises,und tv deliver to�Bensficiary,upon request of�he tieneficiary,the officlal ncelpt showing
<br /> 7,a payment of dl�uch taxes and tssea�ments.(3)In ths event of detnult by Ttuntorunder Paragrnphs 1 or 2 above,Beneficlury,at its opdon,mey(a)placc
<br /> �� and keep such insarance�bove provided for fn[ocee throughont the life otQ�lu Deed otTruat�nd pay�he reasoanble premlums end charge�Ihentor;(b)
<br /> pay all sefd tues�nd asseasments without determining tho vtlidlty thereof:nnd(c)pny such itens and all tuch dlabursements aa ahall be deemed e part
<br /> of the indebtednesa securcd by ehls Deed of Trust nnd e6ap bc immcdlntely duo and pnyabte by Truacor co Bene[iciory.(4)'[b pay when due any I►en on
<br /> „ the propeny which is senlor to the lten of Benettciary cnd,notwtthsttndiog nny dght or opUon grantcd by nny senior lien or by any senior Ilenholder to
<br /> ' permlt the principal balence of such eeniot lien to incnase,Trustor wiil not permit dic principal balnnce ot any senlor lien to lncrcase abvve the 6elance
<br /> I Z6-0474(RH1/.&94)NE•dENERAL USURY lAW
<br />