�..:- ..�ti� �..7Ltli{�1iv'. �f�i . _� .- _ . _ ".,�_......w.�.,..�..,.,....,.._.-..__ f _ , l �Y���,e'.,.
<br /> r j``jY q 1 f IT�ti t��i c� f ' t i - -- �.}- � (4...,...
<br /> ,.».{IJ�{�'3 tt.4..r�..:�.�r..TU1�fHlia{:4�s.. `AK/alflfiYiWWWiffli�fSYFi�LL'
<br /> ��� �V�7'.�V.i.
<br /> 1� 1'�pmtnt uf Prtactpet,lnlerest 7�nd 2,e�e CNerEe. Borco�vcr shnil pay�viKn due Ihe princip�l of.and imcrcst on, _ _ —
<br /> 11b AtGt 0vitk;wttl by tha NW.e�tefe ch:rfies dua nnder the Nae. --
<br /> 1, MonihlyyaywewCtot7l�xes,insur�nuandOlherChupes. AorcoWxrsh�ll(nciudeineachmontblypaymem, �
<br /> togtilltr wlll�tik�nci{wd uKi InitrzH�s xt foti li tn t he Noie and aa➢1nro chu gts,Afl IM1SI7II11%�t OI911y(A)t111lCf MA
<br /> sp�clni aswnrnen s kvied or io Iw lovkd agains�iFw Propcny,(b)leaseliold p�rnenu a groun�rcms on tlw ProponY,nnd ,.� ,�y� ,
<br /> (c)prcmlumsfalnsurureercquhcdbyPuag�sph4. ���.f_#�
<br /> P.�ch monthly fnstallmen�for hems(�),@)nnd(c)shnll tqunt oncdwelOh of the annual mwums, as rcasonnbly „,�
<br />� ¢stimittd l�y Lendtt,plus nn amount suf�iciem to mulmetn nn nddi�lonnl balar.tt of not more Ihsn one•slx�h o(the �,f-c��'�,,��`�a�,�.'.
<br /> adrcu�cd anoums. 77w full�nnu�1 amount fw each item shall bo aceumuiatcd Oy Lender wi�hin n period ending onc �. ��5
<br /> momti 6cToro an I�em wald 6ecome deiinquent. l.ender shnll hnid the amoums coticcted In trun�a pay iiems(�),@)and ,1(����;f � ;
<br /> (c)beforo ttroy lneonu delinquenl. ' �`{�� ,
<br /> It at any�ime Uw td�l ot ihc papmems hold by Lcndcr for items(n),(b)and(c),�oge�har with�he Po�are momlily `" �
<br /> p�ymcn�s for sucN Itcros payabie to tandcr pdor to tho dua da�es of sucpL yitcros,excceds Ly moru�han onosix�L�F.o td` �i��,4}"';� '
<br /> es�etQier rc nd thc eacess�ovei on�six�P of tho�estimatcd Qayment�s oc�fcmdit�6o ex ess o er�onc�sixili of iho cstfn A ed �<�kt?_,k;:`i��� ��
<br />� payar:o7s to svl�se�{utnt paYmeN;s by�ottower,at U�e opHm:of Bairow�ar. Ff�x wrat uf�ho p:�ymcNS made by itorsower ;.��.;�Z.;,;�fi,4��..-
<br /> foe Item(a).(b).oe Ccf Ls tnsufficuni tnpay Ih�f:cr,x wP,en dn�.�Cen Qa�mwe[s(v�Ji pay[o L.eaAr.r anY an:cuut necessat�N �.j �`�--r��{pku.`.p, .
<br /> makeuF�t;edefictearyonorEefom�AedalsituiiemCecoir.�:sd�ir.. � 4,<}t%ii+''v�- -_
<br /> (dSU.SY'hIRL�]i95CCVdly fnstxvmmr."Sxnvary"o;�ens+SerSa:a�s;�ry'nfF.G.vsngar.hU�nk7eveWm»r.ntor6i.swL'rr �rf-r�t �.r'
<br /> desfp�tce. L�zny yr.�in�vhtch @e[.enEer mu�pay a mohgage insaanoe�xemlum to C.r.Sern�ary,eadt mctUl.dy ps.)n^:«c �Yp`t�g,��'t>� �,`p T ::
<br /> shall eJso includc ci�her. -(p an instellmcrt of�Fc mmial mortgagc insn�r.r.ce prtmium ro t+e pxid.G7 l.iea'tr to Nc l.j�R^�' }e,.,,,
<br /> Seccecuy,ot(ii)a monthly sh:v�e inatend of n mortgage insurr�ro prcmium if tAn Securiry lnstmmem i� helA by�he '�jy, a�'� °:`r :
<br /> Secmc:uy. Gch monthly Insmttment of the mori e Ipsur�nce remium shntl be in nn nmoam suf(ciem to accim�uhte ihe ���4��X��'i``�.-'�
<br /> a�s v ,�t�„ �'tr
<br /> fuik nnnuxl mortgnge insu�encc premium viith Lendcr one month prior to the Jnh thc (uli nnnual mong»ge insumnce r y�.i } _t
<br /> premlum is dne to the Secremry;or if this Sesurity Insunment Is held by tNe Searemry,wch momhiy charge xhall be in an ,��J'}�,j,�nY r.�__._ �.
<br /> nmount equnl to onGtwelf�h of ono-hnif pemem of thc oa�stnnding ptinaynl batance due on�he iQole. ,ii�}},�Yp��,��___.:�7;
<br /> If➢ortowcr�enders tn Lender ihe full pny�mcn[of nil sums saured bp this Setud�y Inslmmen6 Dortowerk r.aoum ,.,.�:l4,tt:,��y�,:,
<br /> ah::ll be citdivd wi�h ihe balnnce remalnfn for all installmems Car items (a),@)and(e)anA any mo�gage Insur.mee � �
<br /> premtum Ins�allment ihr.�t.ender Nas not become obllgnied to pay w ihe Secrctary,nnd Lender shall promp�ly refund any '�'�.:?t r s f `,,,_,
<br /> exass funds Io qortoaer. Immedir.�cly prior�o a forcelosurc sele of tho Propcny or its acqulsition by Lcndcr,�orrower� n.;,Y+;.�.. �,::
<br />- eaoum shnil bo crutited wi�L any balnnw remaintng for nll inst.11menis for items(a),(b)end(c). riit�t�`i;t��;�r_
<br /> 3. Ap�licellonoF1'rymenis, Allpaymcrosundcrl:irognpLslnnd2sLalllwnpplicdbyi.cndcrnsfollows: �� �r����}`
<br /> fjg�l_,to tho mortgago insur,nco premium�o Ue pxid by Lender�o Aio Secreiery or�o iLe momhly chargo 6y ihe -J� --.,_
<br /> Secro� Insteadoftbomomhlymongngainsunncepremium; ;5'.rij=�� ''�'�N`
<br /> toanytaxu,specialmscumcros,IecucholdpaymrntsorgrounJrems,nndfire,iloodnndothcrhNnrd ��rtiYT=;1 -�.-.-
<br /> nsurance premiums,as rc�ulrcd; N'�ty+r —
<br /> 11i�.iv inittcsl uus unucr Ihs ri"vi"v� ��q�i=3t"-— -- -
<br /> r•ouFrru,ro antotlizatlon of�ho pdncipal of tl�o Nou; :yN 1�;::-.°.—
<br /> �p'jj,lo loto eharges due undtr tlw Notc. ��esv»�:S`s%��-�:-:-
<br /> �. Flre,Flood and Olher Hpurd insuranrc. Ronowcr shall insurc all Improvcmemx on thc Propeny,wLciher now }%%!,'•-�% �+"'���---
<br /> in exisunco or snbsec�uemly crccteA,ngalnsl nny hnituds,cusualiics,a�d eomingene�es,Inclnding fire.(or whlch Lender ��i K"�r{?���y;'�. -
<br />�� rtquira insurnnco. 71ds insuranw shall be mnimnined In�tm nmoums;u�d for�hc perlods tlwi Lendcr rcquires. Dovox�er t{;+�;t s/ �� .:
<br /> shall alm Insuru nll ImprovemeNs on�ho fkopeny,whciher now in exisienee or scb::qncr,dy crec�ed,agalnst loss by Iloods i� t"_�� �
<br /> �o tho extcnt ru�uired by�hc Sccrci�vy. All insurance shall 6e cvrled with comp.�nits npprovcd by Lcndcr. Tho insumncc is e> u» (� —•_
<br />_ polldu ond any rcnewals shall bo hcld Ly Lcndcr.nd shail Includc lass payablc clnuscs in favor of, cmd In a folm ,`ixr'.��!?�,�.5;r,_;,-�
<br /> 'f� s; �c
<br />- oacp�ablo to,Lcnder. _ tii,�;:�:3:.C�.:'sy,:;;=.
<br /> in 1ho cvem of loss,Dorrower shall give Lendcr immediatc noticc by mail. Lcnder mny makc p�oof of loss if nm ,fi�,��y�l„1�4;,,,.
<br />-� made promp�ly by Dotto��•er. Cnch insurnnce company concemrd is here6y nuthariud nnd din:c�ed�o make payment for -.: :, �»� ` +--
<br /> such loss dtrcedy to Lcndcr,lnstcxd of�o Oorro��er nnd to Lcndcrjointly. NI or nny"an of ihc insumncc procccds may Ue ��„j��V�f'''p,'_.'�;_
<br /> applicd by Len<ler,r.t its optlon,cither(n)to�he cedunian of ihc indebicdnexs undcr�he Nolc and thix Se vd�y Instrumcm, r�i�. i
<br />- firxt lo nny delin�ucnt nmoums appli<A in ihc outer in Paragrnph 3,and then w prepayment of principal,or(b)to�he � , �s{l
<br /> rosloradon ot tepa�of lhe dmnngeA properly. Any 9pplica�inn of�he puxeeds lo�he prmcipal shall noi exlend or pos�pone Elipticlts �o� n
<br />�_ iho due dnto of Ihe monihly pnyments wh!ch nrc rc(ert.d io in Pnmgroph 2,or r6ange the nmoum of such paymems. Any �y?S:�t ti(r �tis� ;,
<br />� exeess insurance proceeds over nn nmoum reyuired lo pay nll uulslandmg mde6ledness under�he Note end tliis Securi�y .7}�����r�r��rr -
<br /> Insuumcnt shaU bc paid w thc emi�y Icgnliy emnled�herc�o. � -:
<br /> In tha evem of forcclosure af�his Secnrny Instrumem or other i�nnfe�o!iiile�o ihe Proq.ny�hat extingulshes the �S? 7 , :
<br />- indebtedness,nll rigM,U�le nnJ interesi of Uorrower in and�o insurance policies in force shall pass io�he purchuer. 'S;;�t�tf� ��` ,-
<br /> 'S. Otcupnncy, Preserentlon, M1lnintenance xnd Protrcllon of the Proper�y; Uorro�rer's Loan App�lcat�on; ;;f`��,�r,�3�3 y --
<br /> Lenxholds. Dortoo•cr ahall occupp,e+Nblish,and use�Le Propeny az 6orrower\princip�l residence withfn slx�y days ,a���i��'�����;�;;.
<br />' atler ihe execu�lon of thts Securiiy insmmien�md shall cmninne�o ocn�py the Propeny aa DorconYr'a principal rcsidence . �•,� �
<br />- for et Icut one ycar nRer�he Anre of occupzncy,unless ihe Secrcmry Jetemdnes�his r.qnirrmem will c�use undue hardshlp 71. {�'+��v 7 � :t
<br />' Por Oonower, or unless ex�enna�ing circunis�arres exis� which arc IxyonJ 6ortmrer's comrol. Uortowtt shall nmify ��.7.,L�F�tz,fi -;.
<br /> Lenden of eny ex�enuaiing circum.iances. Oorrower shall nm commit �vnste or Aairoy.Jnmage or subsiamially chan6c f ��>-.�� J u �k t�k
<br /> - tLe Propetty or nllaw the Propcny to de�eriorote.rcosonabie wcar and Ieu exceptttl. Lendc�may inspecl ihe 1'ropeny if�he 2�Y>f:
<br /> ?;
<br /> Property fs vncant ar nbandoncd or Ihc loan is in de(mi11. LenJcr ntaY�nke rea�mmble anion lo prolCCl anJ prcsen•e such __�_� M
<br />- voc,�nl or nUandoncJ Pw�rly. Rorro��•cr shail also bc in Jcfnull if flortoweL dnrin� Ihc loan npplicauon proccxs,g,rc � Z � .'
<br /> malcriellY faim or inaccura�c infomialina nr slnlcmcnls �o Lcndcr (or fai!cJ �o prm•iJc Lendcr �ri�h any ma�crial c- ��< <
<br /> infoimmionl in cunneclion w•ilh�he loan eridcnced by�he Nu�e,including. 6w not limiicd�o. rcpre.emalions cmiceming f`_i;�.^-,u.'-...;;+.5,..:���.
<br /> �ottowcr4 acur�ncy of lhc Property a+n rzin.ipal rc�iJcnre. If�hi.Securily linwmcnt i.on n Icaxlmld.RuRO�rcr.hall �- ';� -
<br /> - comply wilh�he pronsmn�af ihe Icau. I�Uurtower:�cquirc.fee�itie to ihe Pnq�eiry•.�he Iea�chold anJ fec�itle shall nm r--.�;:
<br />.. be mergcd unicss Lcndtt agrccs�u ihc mcrger in�eriiing. :,�t:�;::.°_-::�;:�..:.
<br />- 6. Cl�arges l0 6orrmrer nnd Pruftttlon ot l.cnder's Ri�hls in Ihe Properl}-. 8orta�ccr.hall pay all gorcmmcmal 1;�" ' �`��
<br />.= or municipal chargcs.6ncs and im(wsilions Ihai;rte nn1 includcd in Par.�gr:iph?. Bnrroxrt shall pay lhcsc nblig;+iiom on f . 7-
<br />-- �ime dirceUy to�he emity���hid�i�on�ed�he p:�ymcin. I(L�ilurc to pap ���ould ad��cnclp a((ca I.cndrr's imcrcsi in �he (i��. . . ,;.�.'.� .
<br /> I'mpeny.upon Lender\rcyue.l Ifnrrnocr shall prompily fumi.h Io Lcndcr receip�a c��idcnring ihc�c p:q�mcnl+. `'�-`. _ .
<br />= If Donoa�cr (aih lo makc Ihex papmcnh ur �hr p.rcincnN myufrcd bv Pardgr:�ph:,or faik lo pcdonn:my oihcr I _ _ �
<br /> :
<br /> - corcnants nnd ngrccmcnu cnmamcd in Ihis Scwril��InsimmcnL nr Ihcrc i.a�icgal pnxccJfng�hat mar.�gnifir.nnir aff.n
<br /> � _`'_'__._ " .....��t:n�o��a L
<br /> LCnUC�s Il nls in Inc iTO n i�ain na u ..�_........6......r......f...... I....-.nr __ __ _ __ .
<br />.- 6 {^ Y Pr�wadiiig���•....�..,,�.:c,.:o::o:........._......... ._._..._.:_ ._."__' ._�_.___..
<br />�- lhen Lcnder may do aud pay u�6aterer i+nccessaq•to prota�Ihe�:due of ihe Pro�xn��anJ LcnJu.nghit in�he Pmpenr. �
<br /> - induding payment of�axcs,hazarJ inwran<c a�d ulhcr ilcmc mcntinrv�d in R+raFraph 2. �
<br />.. Any amoun�s di�bm�cd bv Ler.dv ur.der�Tis F'�ra2�taph tihall hcomr ar,xddiGonal dcM uf Uorroxcr anJ M�ecurcJ .
<br />- by this$e<urifc lnsm:rr-•. 7tc e amoums sh:dl Lca�r.�'erea Gom i}r d:nr r(d`.*rrvn:.tN. :a ih.c tintc ralr.�r.d at Ihe i .. . .
<br /> op;ian of Lcndcr,sF.�ll tr ir..r.:_�iatclp dcc:mJ papah!r. .
<br />::i 7. Condemnulion. TF.e proceed,of any au:nJ or dzim for damage�.direc�nr c.,mr�7�em�a:.m connen�rr.�Aiib xm 1.- '. , .
<br />- condcmnalion o�mY.er takiog of any pan oI�I:r Pw�nrty,or fm«.meyanre in piare of cmiJcm:�.r.iva a�e Fcrcby aofgr.ed I � � -.
<br /> ' .^.�ahall tr FaiJ�o l.er.drr 1n ihe rx1:::�c1 Ihr fr.11 amouut af Il:c ir.Lrttedncs.�hat rcmaim m:,.i d unJer�he Nn;c ard�6i. t
<br />..- Securi�y Insuun:em. LenJer shall appl}'such pmceeJs�n O�r¢d�rtitm nf Ihe ir.�!eh[cdne�ti undrr ihe Plu:c aud�hi.Se.un:_: 1 ,s�;_ .
<br /> L ;•
<br />- ]ns�n�nanl, fitxi Io xnc �elinqurnt amum�is ::pplic:l iu �hr urJe� pro��iJed in I'ar.igr.ip!i 3. and �Gen In �«�:�>�-�•�v �,; t,.
<br />•• prir.cipel. Any appliciGnn oi �I:e pm�eedt In the ptincip.d .hail not exlenJ or �wit�,r.c thr Jue J:ne u( ite r.�!mhl� - -
<br />" 1(VA���.�J)'JPfai " '�
<br /> _ • . __ _. __._C�i�' . . .. .. .�.. �� `����'�9"1tt6� �i�L� ���i...
<br />