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<br /> .,, . . , ii�f,r3e�::� _z"' " - '
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<br /> t7.Tnneftr ot Ihe Froperty or�8enetkGl initrat in Hnrcower.If nll ar nny pitn of�he I�ropcny or any intcrest In It
<br /> is wld or tronsicrred(or if a benclicial intercst In fbrrowar la sold m�ran�fcrrcJ nnd llottowcr Is nat a namr�i perwn�wlihout
<br /> I.eakr's prfnr wdnrn mnxn6 I.enJcr nwy. at Ue opilon, rcqulrc 6unxvlimc paynunt in NI� of all aun�ti xccum by Ihis
<br /> Stcud�y lnslmnknt.Itowerer,thls optlon slmU nat bc easrclscd by I.cixlcr if excrcise Is prnhllil�eJ by fcdc�al law av of�Ik dato
<br /> of thls&cutity Instmnxnt.
<br /> If t.ciMcr cxcrc(scs thls np�lon,t.nxler shnll gI�•c Onrmwcr notlro of areticmUon.Tho nntice�hall pmvide n pctlixl nf nm
<br /> Icss tltan 30 dnys from�ho dntc d�o nalco Is dclivcrnl nr mellccl �vhhln x�hich pnrmwer mus� pny nll sum� xccurul 6y�hla
<br /> 3ceurlly Insmmum.1f Dorrowar fnlis In pay d�csc xnms pdar la Ihc oxpim�inn n(�hiti perinJ, I..cndcr muy Invnko r.ny rcmcJlcs
<br /> pemiiucd by this Sceurfiy insuumcm wi�honl funhcr noiica or demand on bnrrowcr.
<br /> 18. Borron•cr's Rlght tn Rclnstnlc� If Rnrmwcr mects ccrtnln conJlilnns. 6orrowcr shall hm•c tlio rig61 tn 6avo _
<br /> rnforcement of thls Sandiy Inst�ument dlswminueJ at nny �imu prior to�hu ea��icr uC bU 5 days(nr sucl� mhcr periaJ ns
<br /> nppllcnblo law may specify for rolnsinlenkm) Ixforo xnlo of tho Pro�xtty pursnanl lo nny pn�vcr of xnlc conlained In ihis
<br /> Sccurhy tnstrumem:or(b)enlry of n Judgment enforcing this Securhy nslmmen�.'fhoso rnndiituns nro tha�Durrower. (a)pays
<br /> Lender nll sunu which�hen would bo dua under th(s Securiiy Qutrumem r.nd tho Not�ns if no acceleraiion had accurred;(6) -
<br /> cures any dctmd�of any other eovennnu or agrcemrnts; (c)pays nll oxpenscs Incurred In en(mtins this Secnr(ty lnstnimem, _-
<br /> Includin�,but�wt Iim(ted to, rcasonable niromeys' tecs:nnd(d)takes such onlon ns I.enAcr may t�azonnbiy rcqulre to assure _
<br /> �hat ths li�n of this Sen;dty tns�m�rtt,t.c+r5.�'s dgY,ts in iFu Atroprty and tlorrmvcPx obligntlon to p,ry thc sunu vxuad by
<br /> thts 3aurity tnstmrtr,r.. steai! caxinue unch�nged- Upon rtinstY,trtxr.t by Oorrow�cr. �lits Scwrity Instrunxr.t a.rsl th: -.
<br /> obligations secttnd 1.`n�y sTeaU mrtuio tully efftcliv.as if r.o ascelemtiun R.'xt accumd.3Sowevtr.Qifs right io nirstate atull
<br /> cut app�y in tP.e c.ue of attzl:ntion un4r paragr.�ph 17. _
<br /> D9. Sa1e ot Plo,et Chnnge�i Lonn Srnicrr. The No:e or a yvlttia! ir.tenst in the Naa(rogether�vith this 5.tvrity =
<br /> Incimnxnt)may be sold oth;or nwrc tints�ritAout pdor noiin;to Dortoive�.A sale n�.iy rcsule in a�h.inge in thc cntity(known _
<br /> az ihe"I.a�n Servicer)Iha�collecu nwnlhly paymen�s dux ur.dtr the Note and�his Sceurity Insuumenl. There also m.�y bc one e
<br /> or morc changu of ttz l.oan Serviar unrelateA to a sate of ihe Note.if Ihere is a ch3nge of the Loan Scrvimr.IIurrox�er will M _
<br />. given ar+!ian nmix��f tha c6a:�ineccordacce uith{aragrevh IM1 ebove and applicable law.The naicc will sta�c ihe r.a:rR s��d _
<br /> n�.Ere�.�°�f��r.aw l.aio Servser aa:1 ltx nd.'.mcc m N�hi:t�px�rr,r.ts ehocld h nvd�.'lh no�ice�rilt also contain naq o:iier _.
<br /> infsm:eF�s 7e.lcired by np}'fi:flble fa�r, _
<br /> 3D. 37n30r0uu:Sut�ttauccs. D.vthw�rr chal: not rTase or}rm:it-7Lc�rsencc, eu,di.;wsti.�ur.agt, or nsacc of a:Lr -
<br /> Hnznrdoua Slibsinax-�on or in flx Pn+}trt�. Horm��er xhnll r.i.v Qn, aor .dloa� a�cone clu �v Jo, :mp�hing n!kcting �he -
<br /> Prupeny inat is In vielation of nny Zi:cironn�cn.�� 1sw. Tlte preceding �oa scnnr•ei shalf no;q;.ty eo�tx prcun:e. u;e, or =
<br /> stomgc on the Propeey of smalf ci.axetiaa ef�a:.andous S.ibrarses�hnt are grnemlk Te:ngr.i•red m M r.ppropria�r�.�cnrmal _
<br /> ralAcn�ial uscs and lo maimcnar,cevi¢th Proprny. _
<br /> Uorrox•er shall promp�Iy gi��e Lendzr wntten notfco af any im•estiga�lun,clalm, demanel, la��snit or o0i.r acteon by any ,
<br /> governmemnl or regula�ory ogency or privnte pacry involvGig Ihe Properly nnd nny Haurdous Subsiana or C:nrirovxnlr,l Lnw =
<br /> of which IIorrower haz ecmel knowlccise. If Aorco���er Icams, or is nolified 6y any govemmental or re�ulamry uulhorily,�h;n =
<br /> any removal or othcr rcmcdimlmi of eny Ilmardous Subsinnce afkaing the Propeny Is necessnry.Dorrower shall prompdy mke _
<br /> nll nece:,ary remedlal acllons In nccorAance wl�h I?nvironntental law. _
<br /> As u.ud in tids pamemph 20,'Hnrardous Subswncus'are those subst,nc.s dtfineJ as toxic or hamrdouti substances by -.
<br /> Environmental Lnw and lie follo�ving subslunee.r. gnsoiine, 4erosene, o[her Oanimable ur toxic pelroltum ProQnas, iocic -
<br /> pesticides nnd her6icides,ralmlle wlvents,m;tterials comnining nsbeslox or fomialdchy<le,nnd r.dior.ciive matenals.Ts used in =
<br /> �Ids pnmgraph 20, 'Envlromnenml I.aw' means federnl Imvs anJ Imvs oF the jurisdic�ion where�he i'rop:rty is locmed �hm =
<br /> rclnte to hcal�h,snfety or environmcntnl rMCCtion. _
<br /> NON•UNI�ORM COVISNANTS. �nrmwcr and Lcndcr Nnhcr covcnant nnJ ngrcc m follo�vs:
<br /> Zl.Aeccicn�llunt Rnuedles.I.ender shnll Fh'e nntice Io Itormu�cr prior ln secelem�lm�follmring Oon•o���•r`u 6renrh _
<br /> of uny corrnant or ogrmment In �his Securtty lnslnnnrnl (Uuf nnt pdor la nccclere�lon under parngrnph t7 uniess _
<br /> appllrnble lex�provldes o�henrise). The noUce shall s{xriry•� (a)tl�e defpuift N) Ihe aclion rryuired lo cure�he de�anil;
<br /> (c)A date,not Icss than 30 da��e from�hc dnte Ihc notice Is gkcn to Rorrover,hy�rLlch Ihe de(aui�musl hc wrcd�mid =
<br /> (J)that fx�lure to cure tl�e defaull on or Im(orc �he Jale speclflal In�he notice nm�� resull in accelerollon of q�c sums '
<br /> srcured Ly this Secudq�Instrununt and snle of t6e Yroperty. The notice s6nil furi6cr intorm 6orro�+�er of Ihe right lo =
<br /> rclusiate n�cr nceelerntlm� und Ihe dgM tn 6dng e rnurl acllon ta ncserl �Le non•exislence of n Jefnuit or any mher -
<br /> dehnse of Rorrox�er to aceclemlion nnd xnle. If Ihe defnull is nul rureA an or Ixforc the date s�xrilicd In the nollce, -
<br /> I.endeq nl hs oplinn, nmy rec uirc Immttlinte paymenl In full ot�il sums smval by Ihis Sttm•iq•h�strumcnl �rfllmul -_
<br /> turlhrr�emm�d nnd mny Inro�c ILe po�ecr of snle nnd nn��utlicr irmedics�Mrm(Iled by ap olrn6le Imr. Isudcr sbnll lic _
<br /> enlilittl lo mllecl nll ex�xi�ses 6irurrttl in pwsu6ig Ihe rcmctlles pmrldcA in lhls pnmF�nph�I,Induding,hul nul Ilm(lttl _
<br /> lo,rcmm�n6ie nllorncys•fces mid wsts of Illle crldence.
<br /> if Uiepo wer ot nJe Is I�u�oknl,Traqce shnll trcnrd n nolice ot drfnull In eacb caunl>'In �r61d�any pnrt ot Ihc
<br /> Pra�Mriy Is lorated and shall nmil mplrs of sudi notlee In�he manner presed6ed b��npplicn6lr In�r�o Rorrmrer nnd lo _
<br /> ILe o16er�rxons pracrihed b�•upplicn6le Inu�.Afler lhe tlmc requlrcd bp nppllrnLle Imr,"frurice shnll gh�e pub�ic notlm
<br /> ot snlc lo thc�x�ro�u nnd In tjic mnnncr pracdbnl by applicablc Im�.'fr�u�cc, nitliont demand on Oorro�rrr,ehall scll
<br /> Ihe Pro�xn��nt pu611c nncllon to Ihe highest bidder nt Ihe Iime nnd pimm�nA under tl�c Iernu drsl�nafcd in Ihe nolice of
<br /> snle lu one or morc partcls nnd In nny order Truslm delcrmh�cs. Truqce ma�� posf�tnnr s:de ot atl nr nny iarml of Ihc -
<br /> Properly 6�• �uUlic mmowimnenf nt the Iimr m�d pinm af oiq� prerlousil�xheclulyd.��le. I.enAer or Its ��rsignec map• .,
<br /> purchnsc thc�ropery nt nny snlr.
<br /> Fa�m 3028 0100 -_
<br /> vsa.s o�4
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