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<br /> - Y.,t .. . .. `i. . . . •� . � ?, . `-=J�Fil.��lAtY��_
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<br /> •- .�.. .. . .. . - - . � �,�.
<br /> . , , . � � � 9'T—� io2'75� -
<br /> which have� included personnl in�ury proceede in the msr��a1 es�aLe ��_
<br /> '�' =
<br /> ,�;,,,;� hsve rc►tlonal�iYed thnt the in��red �arty now hne a reduced eerning =
<br /> - ,�.. -
<br /> � capaci�y and a settlement would allow him, to some extent, to _
<br /> � r` provida for his feimi 1y ao i�e Na� dor�c Rr�or �o Ghe in,�ury. it is =
<br /> ` baBed on a losa of earning cnpacity which has occurred during the _
<br /> � marriege. 7hat rationnle fails in the in�tant cn�e. The personal _
<br />« � �.� in�ury proceeds weceived by tho petitionAr include comp�nsation for
<br /> • ' ; med i ca l expenses, 1 ost wage�, l oss of f u�eare earni ng capac i ty, p�a n
<br /> � ` " � ' and sufferi ng 9 and �V�e n�ature and extent of the dianbi l ity itself�
<br /> � -. �
<br /> �� �� ? Thea� losses cover a lengthy period of time before the msrria9e and
<br /> �. :. ':� - which w911 continue to exist af�er the me►rriage. Maricle stat�s _
<br /> `;', ', that the equities of that case requirQd tnat the proceeds from the
<br /> .�;.;. ', ,
<br />- � � sottlem�nt be �ncluded in the marital estate . Clearly, t�rie
<br />���.. �
<br />"�R � e u i t i es of th i s case requ i re that �h� proceeds not be i nc 1 ud�ad 9�
<br />��:�.� :y.. .. Q
<br /> _�;�(;;;Kr+.�l '
<br /> -�;.:,:�::« the mar i tal estate but rather that they be set as i de to �i�e _
<br />�i�:N:,L.��..•.
<br />�`'"�"'`����, pexitioner as his separate prop�rty. ThA responde�t is an able-
<br /> .__ ,�.,
<br />.�,_ �-
<br />,UT��.�A`��
<br /> -� .�� bod i ed person, cspabl e of earni ng a 1 i v i ng. The re i s no ev dence
<br />�{'��t'`��4 d her career ar suffered any 1 oss af earr+i ng
<br /> ""—t6i��:��::.� that she i nterrupte
<br /> :r,a:;��
<br /> -_='-K�'��"�"'� capnc�ity because of the anarriage or h�r cering for the pc�titione�.
<br />_T«7z=� .
<br />— In fnct� the evidence was quito to tne contrary. Ai�thougYe sNe
<br />�����:;:��
<br /> �==�::`� helped witn the petitioner's care on occa�io�, it seems min�tmnl
<br /> �
<br />-��-°�- � aompared to the averall care requi red.
<br />� ""' '�� 3. Petitti�oner shall racei�� as his solo ao��I separAte prolWerty
<br />��'�.
<br />-Q ���,
<br /> '.��„�, },., the following items o�F propertyv:
<br /> -A;.
<br /> v;u: .. - .
<br />_''�- -���-��• a. A11 of hi s own �ersonal effects and c l othi ng.
<br />_�_•- � b, A11 items of household furniture, furnishings,
<br /> - .. �� `� equiprt,�nt and miscel laneous property now in his
<br /> . -4-
<br />_- �.�;- .
<br /> _ : =''�
<br /> . . � — ._ -.-- - - �- ---
<br /> � .'�_'_"-Ir-�-�-"'�^�L�!T��f.N�l::.rnE��'.__. �} -_ .'_ .o;� ' . .K.=.}�:N- ., . �a'�[ `-.�:;:��"'t_ r
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<br />