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<br /> R�preaentationc W rranti s�n Cavenan of Grantor
<br /> �� Grantor agrees, covenants.represents and/or warrants as follows: °__
<br /> � Section 1.01. Title: Oo�ratinQ pa�e. (a) Grantor has good azed markcta6ld _-
<br /> tide to an indefeaslble fee estate in the I.and and Improvements subject to no lien,charge or - -
<br /> �°�� ' encumbrarnce except for, and this Deecl of Trust is and will remain a valid and enforceabl¢ �'�°
<br /> . (s:�'.:.��. t -
<br /> �,�.�;;�.,;. � fi�st and p�ior lien on the Premises, Dpnprovement� and the Reau subject only tm,ia each ,''-
<br /> case, II.iens permitted hy �ection 7.02 of the Credit Agreement and Secrion 7.Q�of the � ��,_�
<br /> ,.` ,,, '�•�� : ._
<br />�;;'�+;�;�.: , , Tranehe A Exchas�ge Note�urchase Agreements and 2�e exceptioas and encnmbrances �
<br /> ;:' �,�� �. referred to in Sr� �hd A annexed hereto(collectively, the Permitted Encumbsances"). �;::_
<br />: ij`:;:,'.;�.:'�' -
<br /> �„�'�.�� ��-.
<br /> (b) Grantor has good and markctable title to all the Personal Progerty s�lb,jetc
<br /> ` '� ro no lien, charge or encumbranc�other than this Deed of Tmst and d�e Permi¢ted =.
<br /> , � Encumbrances. The Personal Property canstitutes and wtll constitute all of such items as are
<br /> necessary for the use of the Premises and Improvemants as a full service truckatop facility(o�
<br /> tr����G^F f2C1l4t4p� in thP �A�e where rhe Trusc Property is comprised of more than one
<br />- � � independent,fully integrated truckstop facility)of the type there canducted an the date heseof
<br /> (each a"Truckstop"1. The Personal Property is not and wlll not(except as ea�rasly
<br /> � petmitted by 5ection 7.08 of the Credit Agreement and Sectlon 7.08 of the Tranche A
<br />��.;,r ,., : i Exchange Note Purchase Agreemenu)become tho subject matter of any lease or other
<br /> _ � . � anan�ament that is not a Permitted Encumbrance whereby tho ownership of any Person�l
<br />.'�.;��_. ,,; Feoper¢y will be held by any person or entity other than Grantor; cxcept as expressly
<br />-: yM� ""'' pennitted by Section 7.05 of the Credit Agreement and Sectton 7.05 of the Tranche A
<br /> _ ,.�,�. =..
<br /> ��,,,,;,� ��� Exchangc Note Purchase Agreements, none of tha Persanal Proporty will bc re�novcd from
<br />'�;�,;:,,��, ': the Premi�es or the lmprovements unless the same is no longer needed for the wntinued
<br /> _._y�`;�:� operation of the Premises and the]mprovements as currently operatod(or as then operatecl,to
<br /> �„ —_:_,�, the extont that nny change from the cunent manner of operatton was permittad by tho Credit
<br /> -=��i�:� Agreement and the Tranche A Exchange Note Purch�se Agreements)or is replacsd by other
<br /> -- �•����'� Personal Property of substentially equal or greator utitity and value; and, except as expressly
<br /> �•��"'�"°`_'""�'� permitted by Section 7.05 of the Credit Agreement and Section 7.OS of the Tranche A
<br /> =-=��-� Exchange Note Purchase Agteements, Grantor will not create or cause to be created(other
<br />—`___?�_?�Y � than Permitted Encumbra!nces)any security[ntorest covertng any of the Personal Ptoperiy that -
<br /> _ ...�,:. ,.
<br /> �•:�r.�bY�l�� Grantor owns other chan 2i�e securlry inter�st in tho Personal Property created in favot of
<br /> ..:':1'lii3�
<br /> v_��� 8enefic[ary by this Deod of Trust or any other agreement collate ereto.
<br /> --�.�«.-,,�:._.
<br /> �,�„�,i� —
<br /> - (c) Except as set forth on Schedule B hercto,thero are ao Le�ses affect��a __
<br /> " ��;.;,:,� material portion of the Trust Property. Each Lease is in full force and effect,and� except aa
<br /> ��F�� �"� seY forth on Schedule B hereto, Grantor has not givon, nor has it received,any notice of
<br /> = ��: :
<br /> :,.rt�.'�';.;� default with respect to any material obligation under any Operating Lease. Each l.ease is
<br /> _ .._ � subj$ct to no lien.charge or encumbranca ot�er than this Dced of Trust and the Pec�mitted �
<br /> • ��' Encumbrances. :::_
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