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<br /> punctual payment and petformance of all obligations of the Borrower,monetary ar ott;:.tu�5se, ;i �;
<br /> under each�cate Protecdon Agreement entered into with a caun2erp�ty that was a Le�der(or ` ^.;'
<br /> an Affiliate of a Lender)at the time suc�Rate Protaction Agrefsment was entered into (all the :� ��=
<br /> obligations refeneA to in the preceding clauses (a)thraugh(c)being referret4 s�o,collec:tively, �,���°-
<br /> ..,.,�__
<br /> as the "Secured Obligations"). `" .`�
<br /> r -
<br /> '� E. Pursuant to the requirements of the Credit Agreemeat and the 'franche A �;�";_
<br /> � Excha��e Nate Purchase Agreements,t�e Grantor is entering Lnto tbis Deed of Trust to cr�ate �;.:__�==
<br /> y a security interest!n the Trust Prope�ty(es defined herein)to secure the perfo�nance and '��`�=
<br /> r' payment by the Grantor of the Secured Obligations. The Credit Agreement sin�Tranche A ��'"-''_
<br /> ;,<��.
<br /> ,,..��,;,° Exchange Note Putctsase Agreements also require the grandng by the Grantor and t6e other � r.::,
<br /> � �`� �� Grantars under the Security Agreement of mortgages(the"Other�iortgages")that creete ;�
<br /> .E-:�.::.
<br /> _�'' ��� security interests in certain Mortgaged Properties other than the'Trust Property to secure t�e ;..,:.-
<br /> , .,��.
<br /> � � performance of the Obl3gations. -
<br /> e�r,....
<br /> �;�.'
<br /> �rantine l�tset t"'+==
<br /> ��
<br /> r�,---
<br /> '�: �;:,�.°
<br /> � NOW THEREFORE.IN CONSIDERATION OF the foregoiag and in orcier ��;
<br />� - IU JCVU[C USG`A}3u� wZd ptiAC:.7�.' pa;�n�ent and p?rfo*?n?nce of the Secured �bligadc�nsby --- -
<br />_ � the Granror.(B)the dne and punctual payment by the Grantor of all taxes,cammon area -----
<br /> charges and lnsurance premiums relating to the Trust Property and (C)all disbursementa = _ ._
<br /> made by Be;�eficiary for the payment of taxes. common azea charges or insurance preanivans,
<br /> all fees.expenses or advances in connection with or relating to the Trusc Propercy,end _
<br />;;: . . interest on such disbursemenu and other amounts not timely paid in accardanc;e with the
<br /> :.,..:,,.. ... terms af the Credit Agreement.the Tranche A Exchange Nota Purchase Agreements, this
<br />�„ r Deed of Trust, the Loan Documents and the Tranche A Exchange Noto Aocument�,Gruitor
<br />� ---- A� hereby assigns and conveys as securiq�, grants a security interest in,6ypothecates.mortQages.
<br />�ri ' '. . pleCges and sets over unto Trustee. IN TRUST FOREVER,with power of sale, with
<br /> -�, . mortgage covanants, all the following described property(the"Trus4 Property") whetttor now
<br />;�'�`�;':.:"�' owned or held or hereaRer acquired:
<br /> t+�s.
<br />"� -��-� q)all of Grantor's right,tide and interest in all the fer.estate in the land
<br />��s•���� mora panicularly described on�it.A hereto(the"Land"),together with ali nghts
<br /> ti.�.
<br />;'���'�� appurtenant thereto, including the easements aver certain other adjoiuiag lmd�a.nted
<br />-�t: , -
<br />��_�:�.: � by any easement agreements,covenant or resMctive agreemants u�d all sir ng ts, -
<br /> Y``;u;;:�_ mineral dghts,water rIghts,oil and gas rights and developmeat rlghts,if�ny,teladng -
<br />__- �''�'�� thereto,and alsa togetLer wlth all of the other easemenis, dghts.pxlvileges, interests.
<br /> ::,rr:,n.
<br />=�,`=°, -�- permits,heroditaments end .ppurtenances thereunto belonging or in aaywlte
<br /> �;:_-.�.
<br /> y�����,,� , appertaining and all of the estate,rlght,title, intcrest, claim or demand whatsoever of _
<br />=-�-�, �.• Grantor therein and in the sueets and ways adjaceut tliereto,eithet in law or �n -__
<br />-;._:::��r;.;�,,.
<br /> _-.,. .�,,.:. , equity. in possession or expectancy,now or hereafter acquirod(the"Premiaes"); ___
<br /> .:' .:,�t :...... - --
<br />_�, - � � (2) all of Grantor's dgt�t,tide and interest in all buildings,improvements, _-_-
<br />_ ' ' �'• structures, paving,parking areas,walkways and landscapiag now or hereafter erected =�_
<br /> or located upon the Land, and alllegal fix2ures of eveiy kind and type af6xad to the _;�,
<br /> ;t '•,: " Premisea or attached to or €orming part of any structures, buildings or i=nprove►neats i��:�.
<br /> } �:�;•
<br />_ �, ���
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