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<br /> T9]-1001 EXIIIBIT "A" Aollcy No. C191140 `
<br /> '." ,:
<br /> .T, .
<br /> ��,� A tcoCt oi l�nd eompcloiny a pa[t ot tNe Noitheast QuartQC .
<br /> ot !he Hortlieast puoctar {NEl/a, NEl/11 ot oeccion z
<br /> . • '* Tliicty-slx l]61 Townel�ip Ten (301 NorEii, ttonyv I:lnvan (7.1) .
<br /> Wwst oe tha 6tli P.H. in II�11 CowiCy, Hebco�ko, woce
<br /> paeelaulzoly da�orlb�d u Eollonas D�9ln�ing nt o pelnt on _ - •.
<br /> th� Noreh Llnn ot oaid S�ctfon Tlil�ty-sIx {36). saiJ point , ( ,_
<br /> bedng Focty-tHO and One� T�nlli (1�.1) teee Nest oI •ehu„
<br /> � ,i�: .i�ir=
<br /> Hotthaa�t cor.nec o� safd Ssctian Thirty-atx (3GIi tlience ��,4°'!�+;,�;;_
<br /> • � [unning Southt+oetecly along a llnv lr�rniin9 an anc�le of 49 • J,.;��r..�•
<br /> ::t *_.
<br /> 16'15" Nlth aald oeollon line. �nd ylong the Nocthwest�rly ;'";.{.
<br /> highway cighC�of-way line, a dlatance oE One Thouuand ',�:,, .-
<br /> Forty-Six �nd Four Tentho (1,046.�1 [eet, to a palnt.of •-;Ar�;.„�„��:
<br /> curvaturct thenao 9ouch��oeb�riy �long tho aec ot s eurvP to " �,
<br /> the rl�ghk t+hose cedius la 718.51 leet (initial tangent of .�.�;���.,�•;�'t,
<br /> which coincides wlCh !be last desccibed aau�au), � dlatance �..:,,;�39a?tu;i�`
<br /> ot Three llundted Fitty and Two Tenths (350.2) feeC; ttianee f�,;,��;_
<br /> continuing,Sauthwesterly along tbe Einal tangent o[ tl�e last :��.��}?;31:'-
<br /> doscribed curve. a'nd on sa�d xight-oE-way line, a distance •���+°N���,_._
<br /> . • 'ot TMO Ilundced SAxly Fiv and FlC ey-Five ilundcedthc (2G5.55) .•��"���:c':::-
<br /> Feet to the West line•o! sald HEl/1:' NCl/4� a distanca o[ .;��y'•'.�:��'
<br /> One Tl�ousand Ono hundced Or+e and Tventy-fouc Ilundcodths , �Y���,.-
<br /> •�; (1,101.2�) fee� to tt�e Northwest corne� oE saiJ NCl/4. NE �'-=�°�`
<br /> i•H.�—
<br /> 1/IJ tBence•Easterly along !he Norlh llne of �a1J Sect�on ..-
<br /> Thi[ty-Sia (361� a diskance of One Tl�ousand Two tlundre ;;_�_
<br /> �, Forty-Tbraa and Nlneey Two Uu��dcedtha 1.t,243•921 [eet to ,the i(C;�.-
<br /> place oL beginning t•_„=�
<br /> i ��
<br /> $ 1111 oi the above aeearibecs la.�S :.a:zs5 =2:' °'-"-'• a• lo11oN�� :•
<br /> �•. -.
<br /> ;� .
<br /> ■
<br /> r "
<br /> �; .
<br /> � � .
<br /> . IkGAi.UHSCIUl71QN
<br /> A tract c+[ Jond e+�Prtelnr n pnrt af tlio Mo►daam�t Q�+nrcer a� d�a Mosd�o��t quaecee(NBl
<br /> NKlI uf Scctlun Thlrty Rtx (14). T�wowl�lp Tou (10) Nustl�. Iton6o 61�ran (11) Nc�t af CAo
<br /> ' " 4Ch P. M.. lu Ila.11 U„+��ty.�Nebta�k+b A��� �cQ pnrticul+��ly JsKerlpsJ u [ullu�ni�
<br /> lf�girtning ae :+ Pulnt an tl�o nurtli llno oC �aiJ Saation ihlter Si�e (36)i wid piut
<br /> � b�ing Purty Une n��d T�� tiroeec S AO�Ll n 2G M alooRt�sm! upona t4��ostq�rtarir
<br /> � � M
<br />� 9setlan Yblrty Sl�c (7b)i
<br /> ... i�l�t�vay slµ�[ oJ v�r llnu o �lmtanoo o[ Oo� YBowuwi r.tty f�tia�are o[r a tus've
<br /> , (1.04G.4) fuet to e p��iut o[ a�ry+�curui �anes a+weiwrst�.pe o6�vl�leb aolacl�lar��j�b
<br /> F?��� .��`?�!a � • ae tl�o elR��t dwKe raJlue le 715.51 iNt, (lnitful u�
<br /> s�`r';.�:�:.;.'�.l•�,; �lae I�MC JuacsibrJ ca�tna). o �lstance u[ tircn� th�n�r��l'u�s�M,=�sALeteentLet3nR
<br /> �. �..,,1tr
<br /> �'>:1�' �•;� tat (lun� ehorJ Sh6.�b' � la^g e1�orJ Y�orin� S � ep� t� �Rsnt oG tt��lou -
<br /> ' eouslw��torlr (S 68 Oe S9 W) +la'M1 �°J �p°
<br /> ��wsibw! eurve nnd nn s�ld eJni��• af wy lin� a d1+e°^�� oi Ti1° �+►�� s�sr!lw
<br /> - msd Xorc� Your Uundrodeh� (265.h4) i�ae to �poiee on th� wMC u�� ot ��1�MottMesu -_- -
<br /> ' ' +� 1}u�sdr oE th� M:sctMsase punet�r INlb� ME1�i ��� M 02• 06' 1!"t r�(x� ��)�
<br />-;:ir'�J•';:� die ti�re 31nc of wld Nostl�rawt Qusrt�r od th� Nost6ae�t Q�
<br /> �..�'�:':� dlatnne� o[ Ona 17wu�anJ On� IWndr�d On� �nl lUlsi7 ��t Yw�dr�lehs (lonOx.1�Ile�t _---
<br />-,,i. �;:� �• �_
<br /> r;,;,•�,�,, � to th�nasthvea� eornar at u1J Noech�at ryusrar of eh� Moeth�a�t Qwztor ti����� ____
<br /> • y�. th�nea N 90 00 00 6 alan� soJ u{roR the norels 11e� oi asid 6v:tiop Th�TeY f�Y
<br />-°°�+.,�•,•,:''"• �;;, n diatnnc� oi Ono TtwuumJ llio Iluod�eJ ►oety SUx�e aod �e'�ant� Tbv� Uundndtlu -
<br /> _ •,,,; . '�.�. (1.247.75) i��e ea Nu yoiat aI �a�snnin�� _
<br /> • ��'l::`; . . �r �_..—_....�.�
<br /> .',`..S��.i ,� - ,=-
<br /> 'i�::,:,t.. , y., Fcc'�+c't_.���.=_r::
<br /> .;,,t� '�'{�'` NC!!L; Th� �bovn baasln�� ata rcloelro to th� north lln� ot th� Nost4nst Q�+a«nr °� F.Ma _
<br /> .,'�
<br /> ��� � tu�8orthao�e l�vntsr (NB! HEl) �hl��vaw NsMred a� N.40° 00' 00" E. , i -�_--
<br /> . '��:�' 'r''"`.'�^'��n7
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