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' 'f0 PROTGCT TIi�Sh:CURITY OI'THIS D��D OI'TRUST,TRUSTOR HGR�BY COV�NANTS AND ACREES AS I`OLI.OWS: <br /> 1. Pnyment o{Obli�ations. Truator shnll Promptly pAy t,he Oblisations when due. <br /> ' 2. Wnrrunty oF Title. Trustor is lawfully seized and possessed of good and indefeasible title and estnte to the Property hereby conveyed and <br /> has t�e rj t to �rnnt and onve tho Pro ert • ho Pro er y is f e and clear of nll liens and encumbrances except t�lOSe easements, <br /> res�ri��io�is, anc� cot�ien�ntns 8�� rec�'rc�, � any . � <br /> �nd Trustor will warrant and defend the title to the Property against ell claims and demands. ' <br /> �.. <br /> 3. Mnintennnee and Compliunce With Laws. Trustor shall keep the Property in good repair and condition and shall not commit�easte or r <br /> permit impnirment or deterioration of the Property and ahall comply with the provisiona of any lease if this Deed of Trust is on a leasehold. No � <br /> improvement now or hereuRer erected upon the Property shall be altered, removed or demolished without the prior written c�nsent of � <br /> T3eneficinry. Trustor shall comply with a11 19ws, ordinances, re�utations, cov.enants, conditions and restrictions affecting the Property und not <br /> commit,su('fer or permit eny act to be dono in or upon the Property in violation oi'any law,ordinance,regulation,covenant,condition�r restric• f <br /> t,ion. 'I'ruaCor ahnll complete or restore promptly nnd in good workmunlike mnnner an' buildin im rove <br /> �rt of the Pro Y � ment or c <br /> P perty which may be damaged or destroyed and pay,when due,all claims for labor performed and materials furnlshed the efor and � <br /> f'or nny nitcrntions thereof. <br /> � <br /> II' 4. Insurunca Trustor, nt its expense, ahall keep the buildin s And other ' ~ <br />' insured by insurnnce ca�riers satisfuctory to Beneficiary againat losa by Pre,lightnInge ornado�and o�ther perilaecovered by e standard extended � <br /> cnverage endorsement, in un amount equnl to at least one hundred percent of the full replacement value thereof; and insurance against such W <br /> other hnznrds nnd in auch amount as is customarily carried by owners and operatora of similar properties and as I3ene6ciary may require for its <br /> protection. Trustor will comply with auch other requirements as Beneficiary may from time to time request for the protection by insurance of the W <br /> interest of tho respective parties. All insurance policies maintained purauent to thia Deed of Trust shail name T�ustor and Beneliciary as <br /> insurecis,nx lheir reanective interests mny uppQnr,nnd provido that thero ahali be no cancelintion or m�dificntion wilhout written riotice to the <br /> licneficinry IiRcen(15)dnys prior to its expirntion dnle.In the event of cancellation of auch inaurance,Trustee ar I3eneficinry may procure such ' <br /> insurnnce nnd tliu cost thereof shall bo added to the loan secured•by this Deed of Trust and sha11 bear interest from the dete of disbursement at <br /> llie ri�lc pnynblo fr�m time t�time on outstanding principnl on tha Note unless payment of interest at such rato would bo contrary to applicable <br /> Inw, in which ovent such amounta shall bear interest at the highest interest rate suthorized by appiicable la�v. Trustor shall deliver to <br /> I3eneficinry Lho originul palicies of insurance nnd renewqla thereof. Failure to furnish auch inaurance by Trustor,or renewals as required hereum <br /> der shnll,at Lho option of BenePcinry,constitute a default.All u�earned premiums are hereby assigr►ed to Trustee ns ndditional security and a <br /> snle and conveyance of the Property by the Trustee ahall�operato to convey to the purchaser the Truator's intereat in and to all policies of insur• <br /> nnce upon lho Property. <br /> G. Ti�xos,Assossmont nnd Chnrgos. Trustor shell pay n1I taxes, nasosaments and other charges, includins, wilhout limttation, fines and <br /> impositiona nttributublo to the Property, and leasehold paymente or ground rents, if any, before the same become delinquent. Truator ahell <br /> pr�mptly furniah Beneficiary all notices of amounts dua under thia paragraph,and in tha event Trustor ahall mnke payment directly,Trustor <br /> shnll promp6ly furnish to Bene(iciary receipts evidencin�such payments.Trustor ahnll pay all taxea and asseasments levied upon this Deed of ' <br /> 1'rust or tho indebtedneas secured hereby,together with any other taxes or assessments which may be levied against the Trustee or Deneficiary <br /> or the legnl holder of the Note. <br /> G. Adciitionnl Liens nncl Protection oPBenoficiury's Security. Truslor shAll make all payments of interest nnd principal nnd pnyments af <br /> nny other chnrgcss, fees nnd expenaes required to bo pnid by tho torma of any priar.or aubsequent doed of trust or m�rl6nge befnre the date they <br /> nre dclinqucnt or in default,nnd promptly pay and dischnr6e any and all othor liena,claims or charges which may jeapnrdize the security granted ' <br /> lierein. If n)'frustor fails to muke any auch payment or fails to perform any of the covenants end a�reements contained in this Deed of Trust,or <br /> the Note referred to herein,or in any prior or subsequent mortsa�e or any prior or aubsequent deed of trust;or b)if any action or proceeding is <br /> commenced which mAterinlly ttffecta Beneficinry's interest in the Property, includin�,but not Iimited to,eminent domain proceedings, proceed- <br /> ings involving n decedent,notice of salQ by T�usteo,notice of default by Trustee,or mortgage foreclosure action;then Fiene(iciary,at Beneficiary's <br /> optinn nnd wilhout noLice to or demnnd upon Trustor ond without releasin�Trustor from any obligation hereunder,may make such appearances, <br /> disburse such sums nnd tuke such action as is necessnry to protect Beneficiary's interest.Such action may include,but is not limited to,disburse- <br /> ment of rensonable attorney's feea, payment, purchase,contest or compromise of any encumbrance, charge or lien, entry upon the�Property to ' <br /> mnke repuirs,or•declnrntion of defnult under this Deed of Trust and Note referred to herein,and sale or foreclosure thereunder.In the event that <br /> TrusLor shnll fnil to procurQ inaurance or to pay taxes,assessmente,or any oLher char�es or to make an <br /> quent beneficinries,I3enePciar mu Y paymonts to any existing prior or subse- <br /> y y procure such insurancQ und make auch payment,but shall not be obli�ated to do so.Any amounts dishursed <br /> by I3eneficinry purauant to this Paragraph B ahaU become additional indebtedneas of Trustor secured by this Deed of Trust.Such amounts shal! <br /> be puynble upon notice from Benetcinry to Trustor requesting payment thereof,and shall bear interest from the date of dishursement at the rate <br /> pnynbla from time lo timo on outatanding principal under the Note unless payment of interest at such rate would be contrary to applicable law,in ' <br /> which event such nmountx shnll heur inlerest ut the hi6hest rate permisaihle under applicable law.Nothing contained in this Parngraph 6 shall <br /> require Ileneficiary lo incur any ex�enso or tnke nny action hereunder. <br /> 7.�sed Promiaes;Assignmonts ot Itents. Within ten(10)dnys aRer demand,Trustor shall furnish to Beneficiary a achedule certified to <br /> lic Lruu, sclling forth nll IensQa of apnco in or of tho Proporty then in tsffect, including, in each cnse, the name of the Lonants and occupnnts, a <br /> description of lho space occupied by auch tenant and occupanta,the rental peyable for auch space and such other information and documents with <br /> respect to such leases and tenancies as the Beneficiary may requeat. . <br /> Witliout tho prior written consent of BenePciary,Trustor ahall not,directly or indirectly,with respect to any lease of space in the described <br /> premis�s, whethe�auch lense is now or hereaRer in oxiatence: (a)accept or permit any prepayment,discount or advance rent payable thereun- <br /> der; (b)cnncel or terminnta Lho anmo,or accept t►ny cnncellution, terminution or surrender thereof, or pormit nny event to occur tivhich would <br /> entitle the lesaee thereunder to terminate or cancel the eame; (c)amend or modify the same ao as to reduce the term,thereof,the rental payable <br /> thereunder, or to change any renewal provisions therein contained; (d)waive any default thereunder or breach thereof; (e)give any consent, <br /> wniver or npprovnl thoreunder or take any other action in connection therewith or with a lesaee thereunder, which would have the efPect of <br /> impairin� tlio vuluo of leasor's interest thereunder on the Property,'or of impeirin�the position or intereat of the Trustee or Beneficiary;or (fl <br /> seU,assign,pledge,mortgage or otherwise dispose of,or encumber,in any such lease or renta,issues or profits isauing or ariain�thereunder. ' <br /> Beneficinry ahall have the right,power and authority during the continuance of thia Deed of Trust to collect the rents,issues and profits oC the <br /> Property nnd of any personnl property located thereon with or without takin�posaession of the property affected hereby, and Trustor hereby <br /> absolutely nnd unconditionully assisns all such rente,issuea and proiits to Beneficiary. Beneficiary,however,hereby consents to the Trustor's <br /> collection and retention of such rents,isaues and profits as they accrue and become payable so long as Truator is not,at such timea,in default as <br /> defined herein. Upon any such desfault,BeneficiAry may at any time,either in person,by a�ent,or by a receiver to be appointed by a court,with- <br /> out notice nnd without regard to the adequacy of any aecutity for the tndebtednesa hereby aecured: (a)ente�upon and take posaession of the <br /> Property or any pnrt thoreof,and In Ita own name sue for or otherwiae collect such rente,iasues nnd proGts,including those past due and unpaid, <br /> nnd npply the same,less coats and expenses of oporation and collection,including reasonable attorney feea.npon any indebtedness secured here- <br /> by,nnd in such order as IIeneficiary may determine; (b)perform auch acta of repair or protection as may be necessary or proper to conserve the <br /> vAlue of thu Proporty;und (c)loase the aumo or any part thereof for such rental,term.and upon such conditions ea its judgment may dictate,or <br /> terminute ar ndjust tha terma nnd conditiona of existing leases. Unless'IYustor and Benerciary agree otherwIse in writing,any application of <br /> rents,issucs or proPta to any indehtednesa aecurod hereby shall not extond or postpone the due date of the inatallment payments as provided in <br /> r+nid Nole or chanqo tho ameunt of such instnllmentx.The entoring upon and teking�osaeaston of the Property,the collection of such rents,issues <br /> nncl prolits,nnd tho npplicution thoreof as deacribed herein,ahall not waive or cure any default or notice of default hereunder,or invalidate any <br /> nct done puraunnt to auch notice.Trustor also assigns to IIeneficiary,as further security for the performance oC the Obligations aecured hereby, <br /> ull prepaid rents and all monies which may have been or may hereaRer be deposited with said Trustor by a lesaee of the Property,to secure the <br /> pnyment of nny rent,and upon default in tho performance of any of the provisions hereof,Trustor agrees to deliver such rents and deposits to the <br /> l3eneficinry. Delivery of written notice of IIeneficinry'a exercise of the ri6hts granted herein,to any tenant occupying said premises ahall be sufti- <br /> cient t�require anid tenant to pay said rent to the Beneficiary until further noEice. <br /> 8. �vents of Defuult. Any of the followin�events shall be deemed an event of default hereunder: ' ' <br /> (a) Trustor shnll fnil to pay the principul or interest of the Obligations when due; <br /> (b) Tn�stor shnll file n voluntary petition in bankruptcy or shall be adjudicated a bankrupt or insolvent,or ahall file an <br /> secking or acquiescing in any reorgnnization, arrangement,composition,readjustment, liquidation,dissolution or simlar�re!ef for t elf <br /> uncier any present or future bankruptcy,insolvency or other relief for debtors;or ahall aeek or conaent to or ncquiesce in the appointment <br /> of nny trustee,�eceiver or liquidat�r of Trustor ar of all or any part of the Property,or of any or all of the royalties,revenues,rents,issues <br /> or proPts lhereof,or ehall mnke any general nssignment for the benetit of creditora,or shnll admit in writing its inability to pay its debts <br /> gencrully ns lhey bccome due;or • - <br /> (c) A court of competent jurisdictian shall enter An order,judgment or decree approving a petition filed aga{nst Trustor seeking any�reorgani- <br /> znlion,disaolution or similar relief under nny preaent or future foderul,atate or other atatute, law o�regulation relating FD Aankruptcy, <br /> insalvency or other�elief for debtors,end such ordee,Judgment or decree ahall remain unvacated and unstayed for an a� <br /> (60)dnys(whether or not consecutive)from tho first dnte of entry thereof;or any trustee,receiver or liquidator�f Trustor o allor anf sixty <br /> of lhe Proporty,ar of uny or aU of the roynitios,revonuos,ronta,iseuos or prolits thoroof,shall bo a y part ' <br /> escenco of Truator and such nppointment shall remain unve�A�.a.,..,....e.._�r____ �M►inted without the consont�r acn��. 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