, ;t... . �.:
<br /> . , . i'i;f:�':1�
<br /> �� ��
<br /> ugy/� _—
<br /> k�X
<br /> ro.i.
<br /> s+'�'i�� ... . , . .
<br /> . .
<br /> —"� ' �—/-�t�'�,�. .. .... ........ . . . . .. . � . . ....._....._.�
<br /> _..._. .""""..+ ._""..._..... .. . . .. .. .. .. . .. . . .. .. "'" '�� _.'YI�.. —.
<br /> �'_fRartlaer"lI—-
<br /> • �� J.A.1J'��-,::µi_
<br /> 7.Em{n�ntDomBn.���►b hi�iby�osl�n�d dl compen�ation,�wud�,dsm�pu�nd oth�r p�ymmt�or r�ll�t(h�r�in�ft�r'P�oc��") `•• . :��.,,�
<br /> � !n cennwtbn with cond�mnstlon a►other tiklny of tha Proparty or pvt therenf,ov for oonvayenao in Heu of condemnotlon.6�nd�r�h�H �
<br /> t��COn or d�maQ�d,L�ndar ohail hev�th�oplion in i4e eole snd obnotuts dl�oratlon,to eppiy dl euch Pr000adn,eftar deduotlna then}ram "
<br /> • dl co�tr�nd rxp�r►tn hcurr�d by It In oonnsctian wlth ausfi P►oo�ed�,upon�ny Indobt�dneo� rmured ber�by snd fn�uah ordN N
<br /> l�nde m�y d�t�rmin�,or to�pply �11�uch Proa�ed�,dter ruoh deduotlom,to th�r�otor�tbn of th�Prepsrty upon�uah oonditMnt�A
<br /> L�nde m�y d�t�rmin��MY�ppfio�tion o}ProoNdr to ind�bt�dns���hdl not�xt�nd or�o�tpon�the du�d�t+�of�nY p�Ym�+t�undK .
<br /> lh�Nob,or oeu��nq ddsuft thH�und�r or h�r`und�r.My un�ppti�d fund��h�ll Ds p�ld to Trwtor.
<br /> 9, ��1�.,,,ono.by L.nd.r. Upon th� oacurnnc�o} �n Ev�nt of Ds}�ult h�►wnde,or H �ny aot f� t�k�n o� Isp�l pracMdhO .
<br /> commsno�d whlch m�tarlelty ait�ato L�nder'�Intereet I�i tho Prope►4y,Lendar mey In Ito o�Yn diacretlon,but wlthout o6Hp�tlon to do�o,
<br /> � �nd wfthout notlo�to or d�m�nd upon Trwt�r end without rel��sfnp Trurtor from sny nbGpssion, do�ny�ot w?�iai Yruotoe hc�c�zc:�
<br /> but f�fN to do �nd m�y aleo da�ny otho►�ot�t de�me nenes��ry to ptoY�ot tho�sourity laxwt.Ttuetor ehdl,knm�diat�ly upon d�mand
<br /> thenfor by L�nder, p�y to Lende► �II com ond expeneee inaurred enA �urns�xpendaA by Lend�r in oonn�otbn wlth th��x�rob��y
<br /> - •^ Lendx of tho for�p�inp riflht�,top�ther wi4h Mtere�t therot��et the dnteult nt� provid�d i�the Note, whtch �hdl b�add�d to th�
<br /> � � hdebt�dnou e��cund hsreby.LMdo►�hell not Incur eny 1'ub!!i9�i h�ax,�eaf oi nnythinp It may do or omit to do hsrwnd�r. ,'
<br /> 9.Naxdcu�M�tKI��.Trustor eh�il ksep the Pr�pert��c7 ocmplatmoa witli ell�pplicable law�.ordin�nce��nd npulatlon�tal�tinp to
<br /> k�du�trid hypi�ne or er►vironm�ntd proteotian(ootlantively�eterrod tn h�rnin a�'Environm�ntal Lew�'l.Ttuotor�hdl kMp th�P�op�rty
<br /> fre�from dl substence�doansd to be h�=�rdnun or toxlo undr,r anV 6mr�:nnmm�ts!la+ne Icollxrtivety ntand to haraM��� 'Hazudou� '��
<br /> M�tKNb'1.T�u�tur hersby w�rrMt�Md rspre�ent�to Lende�thet thnro ma no H�:erdow Mrtariel on or undsr th�Prop�rty.Tru�tqr � •• '�`
<br /> hereby epres� to indemnffy snd hold harmlees Lender, fta dltimLum, aftl�ro,employeeo�nd a��nt�, �nd eny wcca�to►a to Lsndv'� . �','����
<br /> Intere�t, trom �nd �pafmt mv end dl al�kne. domepe�, lax+m�md tirbl!itlo��dsktp h eonn�otiun wiih th�prq�rtco. use.d!aposal ot ,.s,,,,r-;-
<br /> tnnepoR o}�►y Hazerdoue M�te�iab on,under,from or eb��rt thc+Ptnpetty.TH�FOREC301N0 WA�kANYiE�1iPiD Rsins�c'PJTATIQNS, '- —_-_
<br /> ..`�Y-.__._
<br /> TRUST. �ir:��:
<br /> 10. Awipnm�t of R�nt�.Tni�to► hsreby esaipne to Lende►. �nd pronte Lender�s�curtiy{nteNt in,�M prM�nt,h+ts+n�nd�ftM „�;�
<br /> ' � risinn rar►to,iowza��d Protitr,a4 :ha Proparty;pravlded t4set Tneator ohe8,until the orscarre�nce oi�n Event of D�iwlt Mnunde.h�w .:E,-.=�_�•
<br /> tteo dpht to colbot�nd rstaon ai��h rent�, issuee x►d profitu�ns they become dua end Deynbl�. Upon th�oeourrMCe o! �n Evsot�f ' -`.-��
<br /> � Dsfauk, L�nda mW,eith�►in eraon or by�pent,with or vritieout brkspinp�ny�otion or Grace�ding,o�by a rwavM�ppofnt�d by• ;i�";�_._'_;-
<br /> D
<br /> nourt nnd without�epsrd to ths edequeoy of ite cecurity, enter upon end teks posseeilo�oi th�Prapaty,o►�ny pa+t thoreol,in k�own '` '�;_�
<br /> ,,.;. nam�or in th�n�rm of ths Tne�ta, aed do�r►y sot�which it deems necss:ary m de�ir�bN to preanr�th�valw+,marke:ebNity or "���t��'
<br /> -.,-�.---
<br /> �..•;�, . . ,y r�t+bNity oi th�Property,or�ny p�rt theeof or E�tere�t thsrain, or to increa�s the hcom�thK�from or prot�at th���a►rity h�not�nd, -
<br /> .,�, with or whhout hkinp posses�inn ot the Property,�ue for or otherwise coliect ths rents,b�ue��nd pro}ib th�t�of,inckedlny iho��p�at +�`�'��,';�„
<br /> dw�nd unp�icl,by notifyinp tsnantt to m�k�peyms�ta to l.ender. Lender m+y spply rsnt�, i�wN�nd profk�,lw�oasa amd�ocp�n� __ _
<br /> ��''"` ? ot op�ntlon�nd coll�ation includinp�ttomey�'fees,to sny indebted�ess�ecursd her�by.�II kl/UCI1 OTdH N I.N1dM flfly RI�DZMMIfi�.Th� c_:�M-
<br /> +;'�;,.'t?'.';��' .� �nt�ri�p upon md t�k(np poaussion of ths Property, the collection o} euch nnts,Iseuw and Rrofk�,�nd th��pplioet3on thstwf N :��,��.,_;
<br /> (c���,�.rYsi efora�3d,�hall not cur�oo w�Iva �ny de}auit or notice of detwlt hersunder or tnvolidat��y�at dono in rMpan�to woh dd�uk ot _=_-_
<br /> ;!�;:,Y.
<br /> � �.� purw�nt to�uch notio�ot defwlt�nd,notwithstandinp the continuanae in possen(on of the Prop�rty ar�th�ooNwt�on,r�o�t and .��.
<br /> ( ' 1{�' �pplicadon of nnt�, iswN or profft�, Trustee snd Lenda� ehell be eotitlsd to ucKOis��vary �iyht pros�id�d fot tn �ny af th� Low� �r•;---
<br />`"��'��� �!' Instium�U ar bV��w upon uocu�nnc�bf any Evant oi Defeutt,inohidinp without timintion!he r)pht to�xKCM�tM poriw o}Nh. '": :
<br /> �^�� P Furth�,L�ndec'�rlpht��nd►�rr.sdiw und�r thlt paapraph chell be cumuietive with,end n a�o w�y��miation on,t�d�r�ripi�i��na
<br /> ':i • � ;,si:. r�m�diw undar my esstpnmcnt o4 lesser end re�te recorded e9.shet the Proparty.Le�dtt„ T�ustes und th�rsoefv�r o'hall b�NabM to �� ,
<br /> . `�:�, .caount cnly ta tho��rent�actualty recefvod. t
<br /> � ������'' 11.Ewnt�of��f�uR.Th�followind�hell oonqtkuts at�Event of Defeult undmr thf�Qed o}7ru�t: �_
<br /> ,:+' !�)Feilut�to pay any in�t�iknent o}principel o�intereat of any othei�um seeursd hxeby when dus; �
<br /> , : lb)A br�o} or de►�uk under�ny proviilon conteined in ths Note,this Deed of Tru�t,any of ths Lo�n inattum�nt�.or�ny
<br /> '�C otRM Ibn ar�nwmbnnce upon tAe Property;
<br /> ,,;,
<br /> (a)A wdt of�x�outton or mtl�chmait or any�imiler proceat shall be entered spen9t Trusto►whloh�h�ll b�co►ne�IIw�an th� ���
<br /> • � Property o��ny portion 4hewt ar inteest tfieroin;
<br /> (d)Then�hdl b�filsd by nt p�intt Tn�ator or Borrower en aotion under e�y presmt or futur�f�dxel,at�t�or oth��t�tu�,Nw
<br /> " or r�pul�tion r�tinp to b�nkruptcy, insofvenoy or othsr rolief for debton;o� th�rs�heA bs�ppoint�d �ny ttuetN, no�hra w
<br /> IiquW�tor ot'�ru�tor or Borrowa or of all or r►y part ot th�Property,o►the nnt�,N�uw or protit�tfi�nof,o►Ttu�ta o► 6or�ow�r
<br /> ', � �h�N m�{c�rty pMerd�sdpnmmt for the benefic of aredkoro; -
<br /> (�)Th���A,tt�st�r,he�e,n�ipnmenL convayancn or tunh�r �ncumbnnw of�11 or any p�rt oi or�ny int�t in M�Propwty. 1�-:=--
<br /> � dtha vofunhrtiy or invobunta�Uy,whhout ths exprm�written coneent of Leode�;provided th�t Trustor�hsM b�p�tmkt�d to�oaout� °"
<br /> -: � ;_ ,��{� � �(��of th�Props►ty that dos�not contain en option to purr:haee and ths term oi which does not sxce�d o��yNr:
<br /> (fl AbandonmeM of the Prop�rty;or
<br /> `-` ' � (0)If Tru�tor b not �n individwl, th�issu�nce, sai�,transfer, assfpnm�nt, eonveyw►aa or �naumbrano� of mon th�n Cd •
<br />-�..;�� � .� corpoation) �tot�l of N/A p�rant of it�it�usd e►d out�tandktp�took,or iif�pertnerrhtp)�tot+l of M/A p�rc�nt o} �,:��,
<br /> p�rtn�nhfp ht�rNt�, or • h�d Nshfiit com �ny)e tot�l of p'A—pec�nt of tha linit�d Ii�bNity aompany r�terati or votinp n�=
<br /> ' Y P e�.;
<br /> _ ,...�� �� �, rigMt�durinp!Ne psriod thi�DNd oi Twt remains�lien on th�Prop�r�— i+;,= _-
<br /> 1 Z.Ilwn�dlM;Aom��tion Ilpcn D�4euk.ln the sve�t of my Eve�t of Ooleult Lander may,wkliou4 noticw�xo�t a rpuk�d by Mw,
<br /> '' •"+ �` deobn �II Ind�bt�dn�n��curd hesby to be due and psyebls end ths same�haB therwpon b�aome du��nd payabl� without�ny F�'
<br /> � :��,., _ pra�ntmmt,d�tnand,protsst or notice of any ktnd.Thsreafter Lend�►may:
<br /> �-� : � . (d D�tn�nd that Truete� exeoi��ths POWER OF SALE qranted 4�erein, arid Tnuctse �halt thanatt�r cw��TruatoP� intK�tt
<br /> -;�b'��, � kt the Prop�rty to bs wld�d th�procead�to be dietributed,all(n the menner providad i�the N�brsolw Trust DNd�I.at; �;�`_ -
<br />-"` (b)Ex�oi�� �ny �nd d! tfpht� provided for tn eny o}the Loan inetruments or by law upon ocwuro�nw of any �v�nt oi G
<br /> ir,,., i`i;:; -
<br />,;�I .. � .... .r.,��,i�5-� ��{Hlhi Mld i'i`:"=`_
<br /> '.'R (0)Cwmmeno� en aotlon to foreclose this Deed of Truat ea e mortpepo, eppoint e ncehrar,or apacHlo�My�nforw�ny of tA0 - __i
<br /> ! coveomta henof. :�
<br /> n No rwn�dy herein oonf�rrod upo� or►eeerved to Twte�or lvndar ia k�tended to be exclusive of�ny oth�r ntnedy he�in,In th�loen ;;�����.�
<br /> p Inatrum�nt�or by liw provided or permitted,but �e�ch�hall be cumulative,ehell be fn sdditlon to every othsr rwmdy p&�n h�rew►d�r,in !`�t�`�°'`��
<br /> ths Lo�n Insttumentt or now or heroeitm existinp at lew or ie equiry or by etatute,end marr be sxxcited ooncurrsntiy,ind�pend�ntly or ;�:;� � �°::_
<br /> ;�y�;,,
<br /> �ucoN�iwly. -
<br /> 13.Tn+st«.lrh�Truots�may n�iy��t�ny ttmo without cauee,end Lendar mey et�ny tkne�nd whhout oaw��ppoint��uawesor .
<br /> � or wlsstitut�Troa2M.Tru�tN�hetl nut b�Ifable ta My p�►ty,k►oludinp wiUlout I'imitetion Landx,Bonorrev,Ttwtor a�e►y purd►�r o? ,�
<br /> + the propKty, for �rty la� w dweps unts�� dw to reokte+� or wNHul ml�aonduot, and sh�tl not D� roquind to t�ic� r►y �otion in .
<br /> `� ' • canreeotFon wkh th��forcwr.mt of thi�D�sd o}Truet unfeea irexlwnniHed,k►wdtinp,fer nB �co�ts,oomp�nation w�cp��N which m�y
<br /> � be nwolrted tAerawkh.In add;dfdn,'fruetee mey 6ecome e p�rcheoer et eny eete of 9he �uporty(judto4el or und�r cha powM of�ah
<br /> . , prsntsd hmei�);pottpona tTne eate ot ell or eny portion oi the Roporty,ee provided by lew;or eeli ths Property a��whoi�,or in��pnst� :
<br /> ,.• ' parcels ot lot�ot Ttuetee's dieareEion.
<br /> . .. .� . _. ..._ .�'.�__'�....' _ .a__� r...�.�r.�u t.�.��LW�..�....A........1� .,
<br /> ---—_ __, -. .--1 Iq.►�A�q(t C7tpw�wt.m cno oYOni iiaiiit'e uo�m�no r�v�rma7 v7 oiiviuino v:yvvv. v�o...o� ......�...�..�.......�.�-►rr—'�_--� __-. -.---
<br /> • pronMds Ilnt to paymunt of dl co�b and sxpeneee ot exercfeinp power ot aale,includlnp ell Trustee's fee�,�d Lenda's�nd Tru�te�'�
<br /> " � �itomey'�feeo,�otually incuned to extmt pertnitted by eppticeble taw.In the eve�t Bortoviar or Trus4or exxcN�s�ny riyht providw by �, ;`
<br /> i 7ew to curs a�Event o4 Dsfcwlt, Le�der�h�ll be entitled to rxover trom Trustor all costs�nd expenow�otuelly t�oun�d N�n�uk of f, •
<br /> � Ttustor'�dsfsuli,hcktdk�y without Imit�tion al�I ruotee'e end ettomey's feee,to tt:e extent permitt�r)by applic�bb Ww. '
<br /> 16.Wtun Adv�naw.Upon repueat of 9orrower,Lender mey,et ite option,mek�edditional and futttt��dv�ncoa a�d r�tdv�naw to
<br /> Borrow�r.Suah�dvancM and reedvances, with intermet thoreon,�hall bo aecute*J by thle �eed ot Ttutt.At no time�haM the prtncipal
<br /> ' amount of the fnd�bNdne����cured by thfa Deed at T►uat,not Includinp sums�dvenced to protwt th���curky of thls ONd of Trust.
<br /> , e�oNd th�ar{ph�t prinalpd�mount�teted herefn,or 6 l21.000.00 M,whlohsver ie pnatN.
<br /> • Necs�e�e a+etia�n+c�,u oe.e�n�..ona —I `-
<br /> - la�t N.nlmr ewi o�c.mn,.ra rn,n m sn+�w�•.aawa+.►MCem.N�a.u. _-.. J
<br />