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.. ..� . -- 5` ( ' -_. . ___ . _. . . <br /> �i�( t •i�(e u !4 ^f l. ;�l_ .1 v 1 �r f '" <br /> ,..,�.vs.� t.�L.v.:J11�.�%�::,�3:t{�.t.,..(.,i:c:::1.'wr�::.......:.�,....«�.:..w:...,..,..... � t,,.,s..,..,.. <br /> ::� 92��.a�a�� . <br /> ` � M ar pul ol tho Propxy, a a 1»nMdd hlKNl N � Wtl oxminp �! or pul ol the fYopary, I� aold or �,,.- <br /> alhmNte idndxred(olher th�n by d��a daanq by the�oirowar,end e�z.=. <br /> m The PtopatY le nol occupled Iry tr�purcM�K a prnmea��his a ha pv�dpu rnw«�a,a Ih�purchux a �:r°�"=� <br /> -- �MNee does �o ocwpy the PropMy, bu� N..s a htt r.�edd haa noY bexi .p�rwea n iaa�a w��n me �,>"` {' <br /> _ �puYe+nxAeoltheBxrM�ry. ��� `lar` at �-: <br /> - (0) #10 W�fVA1.11 dramsunces oaw IMt would p�mYl Landx to raqu4s 6m�N p�ym�nt N ful. but Lmda t'�i'`�'�' = <br /> = dai not requYe eudi pn�mwilq I.bnder doei nol��Ns Ns rlyhls w11h respoq to svbspuanl Nenle. !�=kpr7�9+t+ <br /> _ (d) Aspui�ttont of HUD S�orN�ry. In m�ny cYamsuncas uyuAtbn� I�w�d by m� SeaNUy wl1 4Nt I�7y'ri�'tj <br /> - lmder'a dphle, In tN r.�ie oi p�ymeal JMAUNe.lo requYO Immed4le pryment N fu� and fae:iose II nol P�id.This I3;.'•�S->a�c,:�,.p.. <br /> _ BxurNy Inswmenl doea nol emhoAte eecHer�llon or toredoeure il nol perrNtted by repupclona ol Ihe Beuetuy. !,t +�, _ <br /> ' (�) MoHgeps Not� Ine��rsd.Darov+W agracs ih�t ahou!d thls Secutb ��¢�vmmt and the Nol�a2atrotl thereby !:� ��e. <br /> ' no1 be efyDle for Msunnce unda tl�e NWona1 Itousinp Ad wfW.N�9Q��i��__� trom U:e c,h!� liemof, ,�`�j ,i � <br /> -j lendx m�y,�t Ns W�llon �nd mrH3ha�.�•Qi+S �lL�S '� P�'��9. r�qdr»Sn»zS2+n 6aY�i h!�i aF u7 sorrcs 7 f3 4''}� : <br /> - axured by thle SawrNy In� A r(r�us�st�.¢em�+t o:any r�cc'xe4 ayx:t ot tax°s¢ae:iY d�tr! s�:6axe,.:cn2 `{ j �' �. <br /> �,; M,�l„�Jyt l�r.m 61e fH:a her¢ot, �YacFiNq to Sna�xe tA`s S�,�rTy hs:w-rea:t artd tAa ticta az,xxnt ' v f r_�_: <br /> tT.atd-ry. s�a1 Ge d:M�e3 ca:du�`+e prool ol auch Incfg�i`aty, itohrlhs:t�n9 6ho totepa�g,tt�s oPGcm m�y Y.ct l�d �„ , i y r <br /> �� unisrs b�tm^�d�when tha un�wAabGy a� hsunnce I� sWry dra ta tn.�:afs f�Yure to rernl a mcrga„o 4mTnxe dj �, �y-. <br /> .f i+m�m to the Szcrifry. - �sj�C�Y�i�'r .:. <br /> --� 9d1..�1U111;11A�11'1iN1.BortoxYC P,r.T��Iphi to be flNelal�il L2nitt Ns ttqukM Lmmsdelo�VymMl In NII beuuso a1 �f '� �rz -� <br /> `;1 Barcx�erb sa��uin lo pty:1�amouN dus under lhe Nole or Ihis fiz:,nq•InslNment Ths rlpht cjqit•a aam a11er f.redwu:o �=�`S?t.�a��� �� <br /> ,{ proceaAn,rs a:e hriWlxi To raNstate tna EeaiNy Inawmait, 9oircwer shnl tn�du h� lump aum J emeimts re�u5«1 to �y���i ?yH�'u -�. <br /> -=t �_ . � Wkip 8afo�tx3 uCCint tu�eni 4idudn9� �o the exlt,�l Ih6y are ob9�al'ena o� Dmaxer unda lh,� 3ceur�ry In�lnmrnt, � r <br /> (aecNauro eoota ui3 r<m,:iubN �nd astomuy anomrys' tees ons e�yennes prepMy asaccLtcd w Hh me lciec iosurv 'y.�� z _: <br /> � � praaedr.g.Upon rda�n'rm�rt by Borravx,thls Securiry InsWme�f ead tho ob3geLOna Ihtl N s2c.n.ea sh�t��n h NfeU�s i✓�"' j` <br /> ; M Lender Md rtot req�4ed Yrrnedrle p�ymmt In ful.Howrra, lendt�s nol required to pmnh«r�ato!mimt M n Lmdu has r i �� <br /> acupled rmsWtxnenl �Att Ihe wrmxncumml of fatdowra F�oe_edngs w9h'n txo yens 6TmerA�tey FvecofFny Ihe �� �'�'"ry�r ��-. <br /> ;j eommeneanml oi a wr.a�llaedosure proeee6np, n reheutxnml w�*p:echr�.�.n toredowro on cu;um�pround++n�hn luwro, f ���f -- <br /> -_; w(��reNsktxmml xl asixsely dfett the ploriry ol lhe im ae�t�i by Il:is&eccii.y inehummt. �g�` '� :_ <br /> � 11.8mtra>war id2+1 fl�t�w�d; PorMuanc�8y t.�nder Not u BJnivo.Extmslon of the tYne ot pyment w t�r(Oz��tti t a <br /> modAUibn ol rmoillutbn o�the a�ms aecured 6y lhis Security InsU•:�cnt qrrNted by lenda to �ny¢uceessa N Ntuesl ot .?h{1[j3;il5` , <br /> s';,{ Bwrowa shY not opa�te lo rde�se Ihe GMSIy ol the Mpin�Bonowv:cr Oarvxda suuesser fi�n!nest.lenda ah�A not be '+z�;y;i,•a'ar°r,_;. <br /> --`� reyvYed lo eommeece �xoceedn9e�9�iis1�ny aucasaor N hterest or reNae to aarnd tYne iw pnymmt er dnmvise modAy �Yj 'o} 3 , <br /> ura�tit�lbn ol tha sums aewred by fh:s 3ecudry InaWmenl by re�son of arY R=�d r.atla by tF.a cr�g:^v Etorcowa or f��'FF�r � <br />%'j Qmowds nucceefors i.+ h�xeat Mv la6eannce bv I.endbr N exKdsng any�fl'+� tt reme�y sheA nof ba o �wNn ol w �i;.i CA��i-z:�-� <br /> �'�v��f,5 1}... <br /> -� predude the exr.dse o19ny�tght a remcd�. ��/f/` �y�>;- <br /> 12. Suuooseora md Aelct�ns 8uund; Jolnt antl $sv�rd U�bIIHy; Co•81pn�1E. Tho wvtn�NS .nd ��f{F�;at <br /> �, agrearnenla o�lhis Secu>.ry 1nsWmenl ahii bad and bendd tha auecessors end aasAjna oi Lenda�nd Borcowu,a�bJat lo the ���;1�i{N�t ��- <br />-_�� prov4slons ol Panpnpt� O.b.6urtotver'6 Covmanls o�A xyeanmis sheR be�olnl and sertrtl. My 6MOwtt who co-Elyns Ihls :�v�qr�,-��r�::: <br /> 4¢ A J.-,. <br /> - SecuAy InsWment 6u1 Coes not exeiwte the Nole: (a)h co�algnhg this Sewriry Instmmenl ony to moMgege,qraat end conveyr �:r/.,;��.,-...F�_.,: <br /> -;:� IMI Borrowera Nteresi In Ne Propaly under the tmns ol this Searity Insirumml: (b)Is not persoiuly obig�tetl lo pq the -�+ t y�t - <br />�;��j aums eawred by Ihis Sewriry InsWmenL' �nd (c) agrees thU Lmdtt end any olhcf Bortower may�gree to eMmd, modry, � i-�;}�f;,,;,"�+ <br /> .� fabeu w m�ke �ny weomnoGlions vrith regud to the terms ol Ihis 3ewdry InsWmmt a Ihe Note wRhoul th�t Dortower's {'�"-'�"i,:t`:.-. <br /> � , � <br /> conaenl tr+� • <br /> ,� 13.NWl6�.Mg ooRe to Oortowa prodded br N thla Seariry InsWmem s:a7 be gNm by deF+erh9 ft a by mt7ng R t��{{k ft�a� , <br /> -- by hat c4ss nuY unless appicable hw requYes uso ct�nolher method.Tho noLw a.kaY 6o drecled to the fhopay Address or 7 <br /> s� my olher eddross Ocncwa deslCnu�es ty noliw lo lender.My ncEta to Lentler shell 6a gMen by hst e4ss mei to LmJer's i�J�����' ,- <br /> �ddress snted htteln C!NY G(IAf0E9 LYGM IIOS�S11flIC5 by ncFCO lo Oorrowtt. My noVeo prorlded ta N lhis Sew�l�y Y�) t �`lyJi�i �- <br />_-:;y InsWmonl sh>>be c4e¢ud lo have bcen q'rmn l0 BaRCwu or Lentler whm qNen as proYded In lhis purynph. ,1/�S•���•-�=--- <br /> 7-1 ta. nov�min� 0.a.�x, 5YWliblll . Thie Sewi. InsWmmt shoX bo ovemM b FMtt�uw �nJ Ihe Ww oi lhe '�r�j'�'���'"�-� <br /> _ 1Y �Y 9 Y �r,¢t:y��.�!�..__. <br /> ::j Jwisdicticn in which I!r_?rcpeiry Is loa!ed. In tho evmi Ual eny porisbn or deuso ol thls Securiry InsWmml or the Nole ��i45�'i t �--. <br /> ��� eonCiqs wtm apprwNa 1�w,such wnAlq aheil nm etted olhtt pc�rs�ms ol this Securiry Inswment or Ihe No1e wtdch un be �,��r yt A___ <br /> .-� 9Mm e1kU wi�hoW the conSOlk�9 DroNSion.Tu this end the provts:cns ol thls Seady InsWmeni�nd Ihe Note ae deUared to s� r <br /> A3� bo seYeta4r. �r����t 1 <br /> -.� i6.�107a�D�xO�a COpy. Donown shall be qirm one eonfortnM eopy o1 Ri»Sea+:y InsWment. '. �� �._ <br /> i` r <br /> '�i 18.Asa7:pnmon;; of R6n18. Bonower uncontlNOnaOy essigns and venafxs ta lmdn nV Iho rmts and rermuas of the }; Us�{31�� <br />:�_;;� Properry��a3y ho mis lo L�tln or Lmder6 egents.,Haxerer,�M�mostender's nollceelo Qa�a.rrr o�0ortow[�s breech ot i��(jf�f�(;� �� <br />:_<;i eny cm�eraM a eyeement N Iha&a`Yy InaWmenl. Oonower ahn!I cdecl and receNe o0 renis ar.d«vrnues ol lha %opary !'/�y;�fitE;�:-;.;�=,�--. <br /> 1+' .: <br />�___� as W�fee lu Iho ttceY: cl Lendtt and Oorcowea Tl�'s ass�5r��mt cf rents censitules an obsolule nssignmml anJ nol en -Y! `�:ii+--� <br /> == aesipnmer.l(w eCG".cna�srcuNty ony. >•�•�..�.- .-. <br /> 11 Ur.u� {yves nof7cro ol breach to Oonmver. (a) a7 �cna rccei.ea ty �ertcwar sht7 be hNtl by 6orwwtt as Wslee lor •���':;' ,���•1f-' <br />'�%� benefn C LenGN ony, lo be eppfed to the sums sewred ty�`r Se_..e:�-;nsL�:rxr.f; (b)lender shail bo mC7ed lo eollen snJ �r4,. ' <br /> ',.� �eatro zs c::.:e rmts oi Ihn Propcvly: and (e) each teneM o�tr.e ��.^CGI:J E}di COy P] fCnli EUC 9nd unpeid to LenEtt or � <br /> _ .` Lenders�pen1 on Lmdca's�xinen Ai+nond to the Icnam. }'�. <br /> � - <br />�;:;� �ortcwtt hns nol any pdor asalgnmmt U tne rmts a:c ras�;: a�::�+.7 cci perlcrtn ony eU thm woutd prevent <br /> -'-�1 Lendtt Gam derdsh0 its tlghts undtt Ihis Parograph 16. f� <br /> .��1 <br /> ` Len[�sal ncl ba req�4ed b mitt upon.lake conYOl ol cv nurar,Iho Ncperry 6ebre e.a^.er g4Ng nolice ol breach to I <br /> �_';s� Oura�:� �i�,,.,�.M,lendtt or a JuddaCy eDPOinled reu4�tt rcay 2c ao al eny Eme IhMe is o Lveach.My eppEpUon oi rmis �. <br />� '�� shei mt cra or wa�ee a��v tlMau7 or WnSdete env othtt rtoht w temedv ol Lendtt. This nssignmml cf rm6 of Ihe P�oGe�ry � <br />--_:,� a�al tm:uuto vrhm tna Gibf accured 6y thc Scariy Ins',rumc�l is paid In NB. � <br />_ y{ t7. Fcroctosorm Arocaduro. If Londar rcqulros immodiato paymont In tuil undor Paragraph 9, <br /> .,� fI.97�SIDt may 3nvo'ka Ih0 powar of sato �:id any othor romod�os porm5ttnc7 by appl�ca6to low. <br />�.,;1 fl.andrr nha17 bm m�;ltled to collect ail oxpensos i�eurrad In purauin� t2a� usmodlas prov(dad In t <br /> `�Sj ihie p�ragraph 53. SnNuding, but aot limAed C�, v.�asonablo at:ome�s ta�»s and costs oi title <br /> , � ovidenca. <br /> .a <br />.":''j <br />��a� <br /> -:� FSpUt�o P�hU oav<]e.f _ <br />. �� • <br />:__,`� � <br /> ' � <br />. _ <br /> 9t111�n <br /> ,dl _ _'_" _ "_"_" <br />