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<br /> � DEED OF TRUST �'' �
<br /> . .•--" ,.
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<br /> . , amonp tho Grantor,,�70�T 47 �TCHF20$N nrm •,-
<br /> pppTIHS:This Doed of Trust is m3de on 61ARCFI_.3.1.-1-9..9.7 (^Borrowor"1� _ �
<br /> ^RT 7 V C RTT('HHARN tttiCAL1NA,�PID. �� �. -',��
<br /> AR ?
<br /> , Caunty, Nobruske('Trustee"],and tho Benoficlary, \`�C ;,��1;*�:?��-
<br /> ��hr.��reaidence add'FlSP�S o_q.gn% 79�, [arnnd 'a:and. H'' __.,_�:�..S�,S�
<br /> r_ T,AAN A9SQC�TIf�IL _,Q C07pD787iOT�Otg:fiiil"ut� ` �,��:;,-.,;._•,-.
<br /> . A()MF FFD�RA'[�SpVTN[�9 ����
<br /> � �� Wh03B UddfOSS i8 9?.1 RQ�j�'L STRF.F.T._.�.---- �"�1"�''',tiD^'_.
<br /> • and exiating undor the Ipws af_ t�TRwFtASKA_ <<F'a�.0;;'�;1t,�t•:�•
<br /> , ('Lender"1. •�.,,�<<� �_�
<br /> . - [3RAt�*^ T 2 A PFA jjR�A 6A B09-1009 � ---'-' 1�:l��Yi,:t��y1J_..:
<br /> ,,tlt?f, CONVEY�IHGE:For ve�l�n ra�alvad,Borrower irrevoaably qranta and conveys to Trustus,in truat,with power at sela,the real property,of which f�c,(;�i,���.;�
<br /> ,�.;
<br /> '��``�:'=;t`°"` Borr�war 1s lativfuly se+zed, <7�scribed befow and all buildlnps, fixtures,ard exiating and f�ature Improvements therflon and all righta•of•way, ,- +-�,:-
<br /> '�71:.:'i:i•.
<br /> ' "'����'��i�;�; eesemonts, rente, issues, prnfita, income,tenementa, hereditamonis,privileges and anV �+ppwtenences thorounto bolonginfl 4ell celled thn t;.,,'. -
<br /> " �'��;i�;,�:;�;•,; Gwan3 — �_:",r
<br /> � �, . 'p�Operty"1. r�� �T n�m rer.nun ,Nebte&ke
<br /> FRDPEfiTY ADDRESS:_ 42ia.i.�^...._�v� Avl?. • �B �zip coael �`�r``➢—"'—
<br /> ISlra�q ICiril �,'
<br /> � NCBRABKA. ��
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<br /> a
<br /> �t•
<br /> : located in �R14t�ID IAr.10.t�ID-, uar.r. County,Nebreske.
<br /> TITLE:Borrower covenant�an:t warrents tiUe to the proporty,excopt for
<br /> SECURED DEOY:This dsed of Vust eecures to Londer repaymont of tM secured dobt and tho performence of tho covonante and epreemente
<br /> contained in thie dted of uus4 end in eny other document incorpor�ted herein.Secured dobt,es uaed In thte deed of trust,Inciudee eny amounta
<br />' ' Borrowor owes to Len�tr un:er this deed of trust or under any inauumo„t secured by thla doed of truat,end ail modiftaations, oxtensions end
<br /> renewata thereot.
<br /> The secured debt Is evides�xra�by 6�+c�e��Instrumenta end epraementa cecurod by thls daed of trust and t19qayes thoreof.i:
<br />- � • � A PROMIS,$[?},LY�n_TF�3�^� SECL 7TY AC�AFTEMEl�'P DATF•� MARru ��
<br /> ` ', � (• � �Futuao ACmnsu:The nbove amourtt fs secured even though all or pert of it may not yet bo edvanced. Future edvancea as�e
<br /> `':"'�'" 'w ' contnm;etod end wUl be secured to t�e a�mo extent a�it medo on the date thls deod of trust la eKUCUtad.
<br /> �? } ❑ Revolvfny Untr ot ciedit eproemant datod ,with Initial annuel Interest rate of_ `1�•
<br />' Afl emouMS o�ved under thla agreemdnt are eecurerJ even though ali amountm may not yet be�dvancad. Futuro advences under
<br /> •• � i' the a�7�ement are co�templated and wlll be secured to the same oxtent es If mado on the dete this deed of truat Is executed.
<br /> •', ` .4 MAR�i� �s ?D04 if not paid oerller.
<br /> _�� •� � Ttie ebove oblipatior+Es due and payable on .
<br />-°'t �'�v;,�• �: The total unpaid btlants cacured by thia deed of truat et any one tlmo shail not exceed e meximum principel amount of_ . —
<br />-�'+ :•�'�;•:''•, • Tf�RRR TI{rY[iRAl71] F0�_Hi7lJIIRRif THSR'['y R2[SHT nvn �����aoue�R is�.�aa e.7t 1.Plua Interelt, -
<br />_._"'; , jr p u eny ameurvts dfntoureed under rhe terma of thls Qood of trust to protoct the necurlty of this deed of buat or to perform eny of the
<br /> � covenants contalrad Fn thl�deed of Vust,with Interest on 6uch dishursementa. _ _
<br /> ',,. _.�'=-
<br /> �r•y. �,_.
<br /> ' ❑Vari�bN R►te:Thx Interest rate on ihe oblipation secu►ed by thls deod of trust mny vary accoidinti to t�io torma of that obiigntion. r��c� J v
<br /> ❑ A copy of ths loan aflroemont contelning tho terms under which tho Intorost rato moy vary is attachod to thla doed of trust and �.;,r���
<br /> . made a part htreo}. R��-�~"�`�'
<br /> . ,a�isa,i,.,.,,._
<br /> � RIDERS: ❑ Commerafal �_E6S.""""""'"'� ^� nF�rra ❑ "'x�
<br /> . �i..-,-
<br /> Pursuant to th�Form Homesteod Protoctlon Act,daelgnation of homoatoad ❑ Is attachod to thls doed of Vuot end mndo o port heraof
<br /> � ❑ has been dfaclafmad;the dlaclaimer la attachod to thia deed ot truet end made a pnrt horoof. " '
<br /> 1 S(ONATURES:By�IpR�irtD b�iow. Barowe�prN to tl»tums�nd cov�n�nts contrn�d In this d��d of trust,inctudinp thos�on p�p�2,end in
<br />. � �ny d cribed�bow slyMd D�r Baro u ,.,
<br /> . ; __i:�� � �" � � � - ' :
<br /> - - . � / KPT.T.V c Fr�rr.HxoRrt
<br /> __- -- -
<br /> . JHN W FITCHHUtttv ---- - - -
<br /> ACKNOWLEOQMFIV'!':STATE OF NEBRASKA, c4RANIl-18'"' ., uAT r __ County ss:
<br /> Tho tare�oinp Instrument wna ecknowiodgod boforo mo on this� z i SS _doy of_1�I]�CFI, l 497
<br /> ��11�1 , u�ennun nnm wiF
<br /> . .. by. Wl�li� � -.__— Ri�le1s11 �,
<br /> - 'i',' IOlfNnn --
<br /> CalwtetE or —��'� �___ INOme ol Cwporotlan or Pprcnenhipl ��
<br /> . � vertnereNp 0} - �� ,. � ,
<br /> � ne►nowiaapmom o _ __ ____on�ehalf of tha corporntfon or partnorship.
<br /> �..5:` My cummtssion oxpiros:�Z' �'L"v�' � ���J — .
<br /> . isoan INotary Pudlcl
<br />' Thfa instrumont wes preperod by ^��^•^ , °"�YT� — - ---- -
<br /> r;,;� APPLN 00030233 �Dsge I o121 NEBRASKA
<br /> B iDBFZ�NKERS BVG'fEMS,INC..ST_CIOUD.MN 68301 d�800•397•23411 FORM OCP�NTQ-NE 0/19191 S
<br /> , .� CCD# 0000000000
<br /> � __�
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