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<br />.-_l�.fFSKl ,:.a ,..._...s . ..+.«awninM.Y�.l.. .:i��ns�..-•--�-•-�-��-�-----�
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<br />- __'__'_ir__'.____ . .
<br /> ��.�, �.E��3H�
<br /> {aynxms m►y no Inngar Ue ra�ulr�cl,a��ha opdon of Lcnder,if nwrtgagc liuuranca arvcmgo On tho mm�unt nnA Por thc perinS
<br /> timt I.tndcr rcqpitts)providcd by an Insurcr approval by l.ender again becomcs avnilnhlo ond is ob�ainal.liorrowcr s1�s11 qy
<br /> Iho prcminms r.�u�t.d�o atalNaln nwtlgago Insunnc�in cffat,or tn pmvide a toss rcserve,umll tho rr.quircmcnt tor nwngqte
<br /> inai�mnco onds In accordance with any K•nnen ngrcemem ix�x�cen ftorrower and Lencicr m npplicabio Imv.
<br /> 9.Ins�xNlon.Luwier or hs agenl may mako rcasona�lc cntdes upon and inspcc�lons of the Propcny. t.cnda shnll givc
<br />. Rorru�eer iptlm Tt�hc tim,e of or pdor to an inspoction spcelfying rcasonabio causc for�he inspectlon.
<br />- 10.Caidemnatbn. Yhe protteds of nny nward or claim for dnmages, dGcc�or comeqnemial, im m�nec8on wlth any
<br /> m�danro�lon or ahcr taking of any pm of tho Propcny,or tor cumcyanca in licu of rnndcmnation,sm hcre6y msigned nnd
<br />' stull ha�uld to Lendcr. ,
<br />- Jr�ihe er:m of n mlel mking of ihc Propcny,Uic proca�cds shall bc appilcd m tl�a swns sccur�d by�his Sccurhy Insin�mcnl,
<br /> whstlMr ot�to�t6tn da0. wlt6 any excess paid to Borrowcr. In thc crrn�of n panial tatcin,of�hc Propcny (n�vhich Wo fuir .
<br />�- ma�ket valno of Iho Propet�y immodia�cly Cetora thc�aking is cqual to or gralter Uvw the amavnt of iho sums saurcd by thLs =
<br /> Securl�y Insltumrnt intmedlntely Ixforo the ta[cing,unless Rntrower ani Leoder ahe�vriv:a3rcz i¢wriHag,the sunss smutQ by
<br />, 1UIs Secudty IasuumeN shall be reduced by tke an�sr.t o(Ihe preceeds multipiicd 6y tM Coltowing Gz:�ion:(a)the rota[ .
<br /> azr,curd oF ttu wms securw!inm:ediatety before the�a.4in�,dtvtded by(b)the fair mu&tt vatue of tF.e PreQeny immediate(y __
<br /> before tM taking. Any ba[ar:c+e shali 6e paid to Bacrower. [n the cver.t of a paniat taking of the Proreny in which tEe fair
<br /> mutet ralae of tho Propcny irnmadiatety 6etore the taking is Icss ttun�hc an»ime o!�he su:ns secun�d immediately bcfarc the
<br /> takfng,untess Borrower ar.d Lertdcr othenriw„nr in�vriting or ualcn applic.ble la�v o�henv+sr,pcuvides,�ho proceeds shal[ -
<br /> bc applitd to the sums sccur�by this S:nuitg trsuumcnl whe�hcr or no;tha sunu are tten due. _
<br /> If�ha Propertyds abandoncd 6y Qomower,or if,aRer notice by i.enctzr to 13ocro�.rr tSSt��:,c mndemnor otters lo make an —
<br /> � a.rani ur sctde a daim Por Qamagcs, 6orro«�ar fnils to rcspond to Lendcr wichia 3o days u4cr the date�hc (w�ice is given, _-
<br /> 4rnder is nuUM.�ltcd to col lect and apply ih.e proeecds,a�its option,cic6ec���resio�.:u a cr rcF.tk w€ilm Prop:ny or to the sums A::
<br />- socured by tids S_curi�y Insuumen4 whGL•n.•r na then dua `
<br /> Unitss L<n?cr and llouower olherwise agree in �vming, any npplication of procecds ro pria:iyal shal! ra1 extend or {?-
<br /> p���no tha Aue date of thc mm�hty paymcros n:femyi ro in parographs I a�d 2 or change thc amoum of ns�.pa.m:nts. -,_
<br /> ii.Aorrox�cr Not lielea<ed;Fotbearnnee By Lcndcr Not a 1Yplrer.Cz�ension of�he lime for paym.n[ar nodifiwtion �•-�
<br /> oi,v�wniration of�hc sums securcd by�h(s Securi�y Insuumcnt grantcd by Lender m any sueccssor u intcrest ot Donowcr shall _
<br /> na opem�e to rctease tLe Ifabllity of the original Rorrox�cr or Borrower s successors in intercst. "...�xtu shall not be rcquind to =
<br /> rnmn�ence proca+dings againu any successar in interest or rcfum to exicnd�ime for paymem or a,ctu:rwise nwdify amoniuqon �`.
<br /> of the sums secured by thia Socurity Instrument by reason of eny denund made by Iht origiral Oortower or 6orrower's _
<br /> suceesmn in inlerest. Any forbearence by Lender in exercising any dghl or mmaEy shxll nol tx a waiver of or preelude the _
<br /> enercix of any dght or renxdy. _
<br /> � ii. Succcswrs and nsigns uoundl +oini uiiu' a:rrri�I I.iuYilllif{ Co-Sigiliin. inv i:::v^.-..:a's afA 'ubf.:TAR:� 0�tlll:
<br />� Secumy Insimment shall bind end beneOt the succeuon nnd essigns nf I.ender nnd Dorro.:ca. sut�jcce to the provisions of �:-,
<br />- prragreph 17. �orcowcr's mvenants ;md ngrnmcnts shall be Jolnt and severnl. Any Uorro�a.r �t'ho co•signs tnis Sccurity _
<br /> (nsr.�menl but does no� exame ihe Note: (a) Is co•signing�hfs Securiiy Insuumem only ta moA@age, srnnt nnd comey thal -
<br /> 8osron•cr's Intcrest in�he Prapcny undcr�he Icmu of�his Stturiiy Inswment; (b)is r.ot person;Jly obfiga�ed w pay�he sums __
<br /> sccurcd by tliis Sauri�y liuimmcnr and(c)agr.cs ihai I.cnder ond a�iy o�hcr Qorrowcr moy agre.m ex�enJ,madify,fotlxar or -
<br /> nwke nny accumnwdations wi�h regard m die Iernu of�his Securi�y Insuument ar ihe No�e wi�hoir:cha�Uorrower's mnsem. - -
<br /> 13.Lomt Chorges. If the loan securcd 6y�his Sxuri�y Insuwnent is subjec�to a Imv which s.ts maximum loan charges, c"�
<br /> nnd that law Is finally intesprc�ed so�ha��he intercs�or o�her loan charges collecced ot to be collec�af in rnnnection wl�h�lie �_
<br /> loan exceed the pemii�led Ilmlis,then:(a)any xuch luan cl�arge shall be reduced 6y et.�amoum necessary to reduce�he charge i�.
<br /> Io�he penultted limli;and(b)any sunu ulreaJy callcacd (rom Qorro���cr e•hich excttdeJ permiEt:J limi�s will be refundtd lo
<br /> porwwer. Lender may chooxe to make Uds refund by aducing �lic p�incipal uwed under th¢ ?:ute or by making n direct
<br /> paymcnt ro 6orrmv�r. If o rcfund nduccs principal, thc ruducUan v.ill lx �rcatcd ns a panial prcpayment withow ony ".
<br /> pcepaymem chargc undcr the Nota --
<br />- !4.Noticcs.Any noiice to Oorrow�et providcd for in this Secnriq�lna�rumcro shall bc given by dcliverin�: it nt by mailfng =
<br /> i�by firs�clus mail unless applicable law rcquires use af mM�hu nxthMl.The no�ice shull be JirecicA ro the Propeny Address =
<br />-� or eny other r.ddre.ss Oonower designate� by notice �o LenJar. ,\n7� intice m Lender shall b: given by firs� class mall to ;.
<br /> LenJer's addrucs suieA L•.rcin or any oih.r address Lender designa�es b��no�ice to Oorrmrer. Ana ra�ice providnl tor in�6is E���
<br /> Sxuri�y Insttunxm shal!be deemcd io hare becn given m 6orrnwer or Lender when giren aa pmvid�d in�his pamgrsph. _
<br /> I5.Corcruing d,n�r; Serrrablllty. This Sewrity Insuunxnt shall bc go.'emcJ 6�� fnlcml law and �hc law of the =
<br /> jurisdic�ion in ufiich the Yro�:•rq�ix lccatcd. In�hc evem diat any provisfon or clause of�his Sccuriiy Insuumcm or thc Notc =
<br /> conllias wi�h applira6lc hnv,snch cnn0in shall nnt nffai o�hcr pro�isinai of this Sceuri�y Iro�nnr..m or�hc Notc uhich can bc �,�
<br /> given C(fal uithont�ht tnnflic�ing pro��ision.To�Ui.:rd�he prm'fsi.�:��nf�his Securily Ins�mn:em ant�he No�t urc deelared -
<br />- lo bc xrcra6!c. -
<br /> 16.Qorroircr's Copy. Rurm�ccT�hall ba Fivfn nnt:,minnitcJ tnpy of Ihc ti.�:c and of Ihis 5ccuti�i lneru:o:n. ':�.
<br /> i-
<br /> Fo�m 3028 9100 ..
<br /> v.x�o�e -
<br /> ti..' L- s���l'f5l1ITl� � - IS''.`.F:�1.�.:Ii��g'JIV��.� .�FI`L1I��S�S�:LY•• 1 Foi7;�t�i.'#:tj'�$'i%�i1FF' "'a.,a:� � 'sln�P r �;�.
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