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<br />__y;�,� TRUSTF.[i':i.f�f:f0 (J(' ftCCON1fIiYA1VCE . `�?° 1��i�a.�
<br />.�;M�� itNO:il Rt�L (�t�N BY TWESE PRESE:�!T�! � `_
<br /> `'S-`�`• UMGfif•.AS, all of the indebt�dn�rsa socwr�d by tt7A Trust Deed executed by
<br /> '�_��� r�1r1.T IAM ;j,,,j,�AWTON AHD MA1tCIA .T LASdT�N, HUEiAA1J�1 AND WIY�E , �
<br /> - to RREN(� R. BARCK , �
<br /> -° = Trustee, for tho benefit of �i]ME Fff17QRAl. aA�ITNGS ANfJ LOAN ASSOC7ATION OF GFiAND I�RNDr
<br /> _='-� MEBfiASKA, tho beneficiary named Llier�lr�, cJated OGT.�AER 27 , ].9 , _-_
<br />-�-,.��:�.
<br /> end recoadr�d NOVEMBER l�i � 19 9�+ , in tha QPfice of the Register of Deeds of
<br />___,�,,�� !iall Cou�ty. Nebroska, as Insl:rumr:rat, (�'•umber 94-109130 , has been paad,
<br /> and said henWficiary has requested .fn r;rxiting theL i;his Deed of Recon�eyance be exe-
<br /> _ - cuted end d�aliverc+�: �{�
<br /> -�,�;,_� NOSt�, THEREFQR�, in consi�ta�:atian of �uch peyment in accard�nce a�th the reques��
<br /> -- _ of the benefi�iary named ther4an, the undersignedo ds Trustee, does by these presents, -
<br /> —"� grant, remi�e, relcase anrJ .r000rniey tip tih� per.snn c�r persons enfiitled thereto all the
<br /> ����- interest and estate deriu�ci �o said T�r�stee by flr through said Trust Oead in tha fol-
<br /> _�:���� Lowing descrihed premises, t�u� on3.y� 4� tn such pxemtses;
<br /> �I�E EASTk:RLY 660 FBET OF THI3 tJTiST�ItZY 13�0 FL�T OF THE NORTHERLY 13ZU risn�i
<br /> _ togathax with all buildinc�s, fixturea, improvernen�� and eppurtenances belonging to
<br /> _
<br />