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� . <br /> , ,,._� _ .>:,. <br /> . ::.. - <br />- �r�.� •�� ,. � --G�i;rr�w!_.a.:r�-- '-...._ -���:�_.,� . _ _... _..ct <br /> _ ._.__..._' -t__. .. .__._ . .___ _ <br /> 92�- �.fl9���� - <br /> TOOIiTNt?R W171i rll tba Imprnvomcnta now or hercnflcr crce{cd on il�o proporty,nnd ell cnsemems,dppurtennncts,xnd <br /> fixturcs naw or herr.�Rcr a pnrt of thc pmpcny. All rcpinccmeniR nnd nddtiinns shnll nlso bo wvercd by thls S�cudly <br /> � lnitrunxm.All of�1�E foregoing is rcRrcod to In this S�curity Instmmenl ns tho•Propcny.• ' <br /> IlORNOWCR CAV8NAN7S that Horrox•er is lawfully scised of U�o cstnlo herehy wnvcy.d nnd h�s�hc rig61�o gmnt end <br /> convey thc Propeny and�h�t the Propeny Is uncnrumtxrcd,exap� tor cncumbr�nces oi rxord. Borcuwcr warmms nnd wlll <br /> defend gene�ally the t(tlo to tht Pro?etly agnimt nll einims xnd Acmands,subJom m�nycnrnmbrances ot rm�rd. <br /> TI1IS SG•CURlTY INSTRUMBNT mn;bincs unlfomi covtnaNS fnr na�lonal usc and non-uniform mvcnnn�s whh Ilmllal <br /> varlatidns by JudsdlcNon rocnnstltute n unifomi secud�y(nsuumcrt mvedng real propeny. <br /> UNIFORPd COVpNANTS.Itonou•tt nnd I.cndcr wvcnam and ngra as follows: <br /> 1. P�yment oF I'rfndpxl nnd inleresq Prcpayment and I.rte Chxrga� llormwcr s6a11 prompily pay whcn duc the, <br /> pdrrclpai of s�d tn!crest on��:b!evidenced Uy tho Note aad any prepaymem and la�e chnrgu duo under tim Koto. _ <br /> 2.t�Ymds for Taxes oarA➢Wwrance.SuU)a��o npplica6lo law or�o a wrincn waivcr hy L.endcr. IIarrower shnil pay to <br /> l.ender on tLe day monthly payn�.rls aze dua under Wo No�c,unUl tke Notc is paid in full,n tnm('Funds')for:(a)ycnrly taxes <br /> ��d assessments xfiidt nmy z�t�in pdnrity oxer this S.eurity tnstrumetu as a Ilcn on thc Propcny:(�i yeady lcacehold payax.r�cs <br /> or graund rents on the 4tcytrty.if any:(c)ycady hxr„n!or pre�:rcy inv�tce premiums:(dl Ytazty floed trtwraece pnmiums. � <br /> if any;(e)ye:,�ty mongaye insurance premiums,if xny:ud(�any wms payabie by 6crmx�er ta�er,in accorda.c�tt with <br /> the provistcns of pu,graph 8,in lieu oF the paynxrt of mcrt3a�e insuranne premiums.7i:eze items are�allod'F.scraw items.' <br />- Len�kr mxy,at any iim;,mllm and 7wlA �¢mis in an amour,� rc�i us excced tF.� mufmum uncuru a trr�er for a federaify <br />- relate;l nv�ngage loan n�.1y rcquire for lSn:muer s ucro�r anrour.t�!nc4rr the fedzrai Rcnl Patate SeiQens:r.t Procedures An of �'-� <br /> 1974 as amcnclyd from tink to tima, 12 U.S.C.Srction 2b01 rf s�q. ("RESPA'),un[ess anahcr law that appli:s to ihc Nnds = <br /> sri�fl Icuer.moum. If sa, Lcndrr may,at t�qv timc,mtir.�and holA Furxis in nn amoum not to exatid ihe hsscr amouni. -= <br /> I.e�xler nuy rtina�c tho:w:ocol of PmtCx dff an�ht���n of cnr�e�da�a and rcasonablc cstinwtes of.xyn:rnli[ures oi futare __ <br />! Escrowllemsor�ckerwL�.di:rco�darfiz�Ntaarpll:ab4eiaw. _.�:: <br /> 7'he FaWr> he Ad�l in an�ins:i.eiion xhnse d:yosL•s a:e :�n:ured by a fttlerzl agencg, insuunexNxlity. or emi�y �-'. <br /> ' Gacluding Ler11e.,if 5.�.,.kr a;such an insiiimioN or ia a�g ftdeta'.�iar.�6oan 6ar,k.Lender shafl epply the Tamis lo pay Ihe =�_ <br /> F�crow Itemc.(.trCer may rn��charge iiorcox•er for F.vt?i�F xn�ap,�i�9ng�he Fun�.�.:mnaally enalyzing the escrat+�eccounl,or !��� <br /> vcrifying the Fsauw Ttenu.v.nlcss Lendez gnys DorroesY in:ucs:ra ihe Punds anel:gplicable law pennits I.endcr�o make xuch = <br />- e cbarge.Hown•u, I.ender reay nqutre&nmwcr to pay a orrtin:e charge Por an independem rr.+l estate�u reponing serrice �€�: <br /> used by Lender tm m�nec�ion whh this loan, unlas epplicable Im� provides otherwise. Untes: en agreement is nude or - <br /> appllcable Iaw rcquircs imea.v.�o bc paid,Lcndcr shnll rot be requireJ to pay Li,i�ro�+er any imen•.0 or carntngs on thc�unds. -_ <br /> 6orrower and Lcndcr may agre:in wdting, however, thn�Irarrest ehall bc paid ua ibe�unds. Lender shall gnx to 6orrower. - <br /> w(�hout chargo,an annual ac�vuming of thc Funds, sia�ving crcdiu and dcbits to�hc Nnds nnd �he purpa,r ior w�hich cach <br /> OcUlt[o In�Ainisw�ts mad:.1 nc Fu�s are plcdgai as nu�iiiiunal sctic�iiy fuP uii suiiu sc:nii.i Gy ihfs.°,¢t7tsity��t;ttutw'nt. _- <br /> If�hc ITi�nXc haiq r�7x�tdcr excecd�hc amoums{�nni�ted�n br h:ld hy applicablc Inw.Lcnder shall uaoum�o Donuxrr _ <br /> tor�ho excc��rw,�)s i�::a:.vrdancc wiih ihc requtr.mem+of npp;i;nbx law. If�he a�noum of the Funds hctd b}-S.s�sV:r s:azy _ <br /> tir.a is not suf�lclent to Ewy�he Cscrow I�enu wleen due.Lender m�y so r.calSy Iqvrcanrr in e�rl�ing,and,in sini�ra:t 8xmu•zr =- <br /> shall pay ro LerAer the omount nemssary w make up ah:dafi:ien:7'. ➢nttowxr Jea:E make up die dcficlency in nu rr,ou�:�m __ <br /> nrctve momhly prymznts,xt Lcndcr's solc discrcifon. -- <br /> Upon papi�nt in full of ell sums secured by this&curil� invrumtm, Lender shall promplly refund to Oorroner any <br /> Punds held by Isnder.It,under paragraph 21.Lender thall nequi�e ur s.11 the ProFeny.Lender,prior w Ihe acquislUon or salt �-._ <br /> of�he Propeny,shall apply nny�unds held by LenJec ac+hr iime of aequisi�fon nr s+le ns a cndit agatns�the sums ucurtd by "�- <br /> tLls Sccuri�y Inswmem. _ <br />� 3.Appl)calion ot Papmenls.Unkss applicablc law pmaidts o:fzmise,all paynums reccived by Lendcr urcJer parographs = <br />• 1 aM 2 shRll bt appliod: firsL m any prcpaymem oharges due under m,:Nole: socond.�a amoums payable under paragraph 2; _- <br />- third,to intcrest dae: founh,to princtpal duc:and last,to any�In:t n'�ah•s due undtr tlie No�c. , <br /> 4.C6arges;Uc�ss. Oorron�cr shall pay all �azcs.a�v;�tnx��ugcs, fincs and imposi�ions mtribWabk m thc Property <br /> w�hlch n�ay analn priority o��er�his Securi�y Iea tbid paymems or ground rents, if any. 6orto«•er shall pay - <br /> Ihcsc obligadons In thc manncr provldM in pangraph:,or if wl paat in�hat manncr.Qorrm��tr shall pry them on timc dira�ly _ <br /> to the person o+�rod payment. Dorrower shall prompdy fumish m Lcir.Lr all no�ica of amaums�o Ix paid under�his paragraph. _ <br /> I(Dovox�er maka thcse paymcm�Jin�c�ly.Aorro�cer sl�ali promptly Pomish�o Lcndcr rcccip�s cvidcncing tlie p�yments. <br />. Qorrower shatl prompily disrharge any Iian o�hich hac priori�y onr this Securiq�Insuumem unless Liorro�ver.(a)agrees In _; <br /> x�riling M the paymem of the obligation xtured by thc lirn in a manner accepia6le m Lender,(b)mntests in gaod taiih Ihe lien _ <br /> by, ur defenJs agains� enforeenxnt of ihe li.n in. legal pnwadiqes �chich in �6e IsnJer's opinion operate �o preve�x t;rz - <br /> enforcemen�of Ihc liCn:or(c)t�urcs!mm Ihe hnlder of Ih.litn xa:t«�mem.a�ixfactoq•m I.cnder sulwrdina�ing�he licn�o ��--�_. <br /> �his Sccurity lnstmmcm. If LcnACr dc�emiincs that:my p:m uf tht d':.�pcny i�iuhjnt�n a lirn which may avain priorily octr - <br /> �his Sccurity InvrumcnL LcnJcr may gi�e 13otrancr :�nnti..idrulif�wg ILr licu. Rouo.�.r.ha;l >aii.(y Ih:licn or lakc onc or -- <br /> nmrc of�hc xiiom sct fonh alw��c aithin IO da��s nf thr airinE of coli��a. <br /> Po�m 3028 9�80 - <br /> �.r::: <br /> ir. <br /> t tlisr�i`r J'`�<�-_ �i��t�� 'TN..--r, ..._.✓nt::'l,'1':41iS;k>��i-�PTi .J 'M(�i} .. �`h��'f�T '��4` -��YS tf "V-)'•n t ��.`:: <br /> r \ I 1 ' AhN <br /> 3{j�7,�V+ I r i' {� �� . ri�' i - . <br /> .j,� �._ . � -_.. . - : - . <br /> a! .h !.� Y ii�l?y '.� _ _ '_ _ _ ' _ ' —_ — ° _ _ _-_ <br /> �'� IrjT^j.--i. . -- _ . _ __ . _.__._—_--. _ - _ _ <br /> 1 �,.`}�5'��e�y af6 Jn'. - � - <br /> S�.if .�..:>�r �- ` <br /> ., Afja•.,. � - J. . <br /> + y +. _: �ij.'' . '. _ .. ': 'r� " _ <br /> `:; 1�r` <br /> .�. . <br /> j;}� � . _S: " . . <br /> .. S _ � - �t11 i�b'� � . . <br /> 'f _ . ' ;. ' ' . . .��< �. .. Y _ - . <br /> . . . - - �." � -1P . ` - . t:, ' . . <br /> s - - ..: 1 � . - . <br /> f ' � . _ ' .iY..�� t. Y 1 <br /> � �' - 1�l ' J � Cti7 �i_3 . _ ' .. <br /> t . . ,-.�s.,t. '� x�i' , r=.n --"_ Yri sTM_ <br /> p �e t- . t i�+ t- f . . ?i �� _' _. <br /> 4�._ _ _ ' � . - - �1 {i t :� _.��e j - - _ <br /> .. . . _ • . . �n �� . . �...: '�'. .f . ' . ''f� }-.,` .'h . , ��... ��- . <br />