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_ . ,.d.,�+, ' ' .� .:�� <br /> . �. � �� <br /> , _..f,,�� . . . ..�•r..-_ <br /> -,q,►191� o . , ._ • <br /> �.nij. .. �• . , . �_ -• ir;;:. <br /> - � • . ,vIH���"� . • u „ .L ��n. ���v':. <br /> I•. • ... ...,rt.K.i^„�h3S(..r:.,. . - . - - � - ..., a�. .x�..W..��-�- <br /> ••��_�� <br /> . . .. .. � ��? . .. . .... .,. ...wS.. ...... .-- -_ '. <br /> . . - � . . ' " .`;'i'^'ytY�T� <br /> , , i. i � " � ��:��, <br /> • ,. '- . ' . • ` �� '> .. � . . ... s.a aJtUYlfi��'i�. <br /> . .� 97-- 1�)�9.2 �� '. <br /> 17.'Crnn�fer oi'Ihc l'ropert}��•u 13cttcficlal Lnterest in FSorroa•er. If nll nr any part i�f t ic n,perry ar�iny inaerest in it � <br /> iti solJ�u tran.fcrrad l�r if'a hencliriiil intcrc,t in I�urro�vcr i+ �,uld or transl'crrcd.uYd Hurro�vcr i, n�n a natural peryun)without °� <br /> � l.cnder'ti prior writicn amacnt. I.enJer may. at its opiiim, r��yuire immediutc puyment in full uf all sums +ccured by thi+ <br /> � ; '�, .Sccurity It:,trumt�m.f{uw�:�cr. Ihi+optinn shaU not h�crcrrriticd h,v IAndrr ifrxcrti�ci+ pruhibitcd hy frJ�rul I,nv ati uf thcJatc <br /> 5.� uf tlii+Security Instnimcnt. :•�. <br /> • � If Lender exc:rcines thir.uption. I.e:nder shall give oorruwcr nnticc o►'acrrleratian• The�wticc tihall provide u peri�xi c�f not ,., <br /> � .,,;;�M�`" �; Ic�y th.m 30 duy� frnm ihc dutc ihc noticc is dclivcrcJ nr muilr.J within which Borrowcr must pay all �ums ,ccureJ by this <br /> ,,.,.: ,.;iuM'j� Scrurity Instnimenl. if Aorrower fails to puy these swn,priitt to the expinitiun i�f this period. Ixndcr may invoke any remcdies ''� <br /> ' pennitted by this Sccurity bistruntcnt�vithout funhcr noticc nr dcmand an Borrower. ,• ,. <br /> 18. Bornm��r's Ri�ht t� Rcln,tatc. If Borrowcr mcets� ccrtain cundi�ions, Burruwcr tihall havc thc right to have `r. <br /> • ;� enforceme�u uf thi� 5ecuriry In�trument discontinued at �iny timc prior [o du earlier of: (a)5 dayti (ar such other periacl as _.; <br /> _ � ' applicable law muy y�►L�ify foC reinstatcmcnt) hefore sale of ilie Propertv pwsuant to any power of'+ale cantained in thi. �_;�• <br /> �, ,,, '., Securi[y Instrument;or(bl entry of u judgment enforcing this�ccurity lnstniment. Thase conditioos urr that Borrawer:(a1 pays �` <br /> ' Lender all sums which then would be Jue under this Security imstrumen[and the Note as if no acceleration had occurred;(b) <br /> � cures any def�ult af u�iy other covenunts or ugreements; (c1 pnys all expenses incurred in enforcing this Security Instrument, ��_ <br />� � including, buc nut Ifmited to,reasonable attorneys' fees: und (d)uslces such action as l.ender may reasonably require to assure ��.-_ <br />� . t'. that the licn of tiiib 3ecurity Instniment, Lender's rights in th:.Pr+�perty und Borrowcr's obligation to {�ay the sums sccured by �._ <br /> !� this Security Instnimeut shall continue wichanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Security [nstrument and the _ <br /> , � obligations securod hereb�• shail rcmain fully effective as if no aa�eleration had occurreci.H��wever,this right to reinstate shall _ <br /> , �, not apply in the case of acceleration under paragraph 17. �� <br /> • `�' 19. SAIe oP Note; ChunAe nf Loan Servtcer. The Note or a partial interest in the Note (together with this Security _ <br /> � Instrument)muy he sold one or more timeti without prior notice Io Bnrrower. A sale may result in a ch:mge in the entity(known e-=- <br /> '• • • as the "Loan Sen�iccr")thut collects monthly p•ryments due under che Note and this Security lnstrument.There also may be ore �:�--��^ <br /> � �;.;., or morc changes of thc l.o»n Serviccr unr�lated to u salc of the Nuec.If thcre is a ctiangc of the Loan Servimr.Borrower will be �' <br /> • given wriaen notice of the chnnge in accordance�vith parugraph 14�bnve und applicable law.The notice�ti�n�l state the name and <br /> address of the new[.onn Servicer and the addre�s to which pnyments should be made. The notice will:ilsi�rontain any other �_ <br /> ,' '�' information required by applicable la�v. - <br /> '�„"r? 20. HsiwrdouE Substances. Borrower shull not ca+!�e or permit the pr�:sence,use, t�ISpOSAI, storage.or rele:ue af any _ <br /> -� +'�' Hazardous Substctnecs on or in the Property. Borrower shnll not do, nor allow anyone else to do, anything affecting the - <br /> . , },,-,'�� Property that is in vinlation of any Environmentnl Law. The preceding nvo sentences �hall not apply to the presence, use, or � <br /> storage an the Pmparty of small quantities of He•raudous Subslances that are generally recognized to be appropriate ro normal <br />'- • residential uses anJ w mmntenance oi che PropC►ty. _ <br /> J Barower slmll promptly give Lender written nutice of a��.�• unvestigation,claim, demand, lawsuit or other ac�ion by any <br /> �� ���'�,!'� governmtntal or regulatory agency or private party involving eL-r l�roperty and any Ha��rdoix Substance or Environmeneai L.:sw <br /> ' ��'�'� of which Borro�var hns actuul l:nowledge. If Borrower l�rns, �r is notificd by any govetnmental or regulatory authoriEy,ehat <br /> .�',1,,'�'���:'.°,��,� ,� uny removal or other rcmafiution of any H:vardous Substance affectin�the Property is necessary.Borrower shall promptly take <br />����� � :�"" �� all necessary remedfcil uctians in accordance witl�E:nviranmental law. <br />�r 4':�r,:.;;;, As used in �his pangra�h 20, "Ha•rardous Substances" am those tubst:ances defined as toxic or ha�lydous substances by <br /> t�,',: . ;:;�•:7' � <br />-�--.•c,p,j;;;;��j , Environmental Law and the following substances: gasoline. I�erosene, other tlammable or 2a�xic petroleum products, toxic <br />-`�. �s'•"'!� � pesticides and herbicides,vol�tile solvents,materiuls contnining asbestos or formaldehyde,and nidinachve materials. As usecl in <br /> �'S•,.1'�Y.;�:}:,:� <br /> �n..:�i,:;�;�;�, this paragrnph 20, "Environmental Law" means fe.�leral laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is locat t at <br /> y� �-:ti�••' relate to health,safety or environmental protection. <br />?���`�� • NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Dorrower and Lender funher covenant and agree as follows: _ <br /> s��^-��rr:�f��;, • 21. Acceleration;Remedtes. Lender shall�ive nottce fo�orrower prior to acceleration followe�g Horrower's bmuch <br />-'°'��,"�i� �# : of nny covenant or agrceu�ent in th[s Securlty Instrumercc (but nut prior to ucceleralion untler �ragreph 17 unless <br /> ���`�•:��4�` applical�le law provides otlierwlse). The notice shaq spec�CS�: Qa)the default; (b)the setion required to cure the detault; <br />�:;�„n:;����:�`� (c)a date,not lass than 30 days from the date the notice is�iven to Iiorrower,by which the default must be cured;and <br /> '''�?�` (d) that fulluro ta cnace the default on or before the date s�ec(fied in the notice may result In acceleratfon of the sums <br />�aY��'�,T•�' secured by tNts Sectt��ty Iiu�trument and�te crf Elie Property. The noticc shall further inform Bora��owcr of the righic tu R <br />=;=�'r�4�3'�; reinstate aRer aecelernUon and the right eo I��ing a cou��t uctEon to essert She non�xistence of a dlefault or any other <br />��='�����`h" defense of Borrower to accelerat[dci nnd sute. if the default is not Cured on or before the date specifiPd In the notice, _ <br /> �v�;z5;i;,:;;"� I.ender, ut its optlon, may requirc immediate payment t��full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument without _ <br /> �• `� ° [urther demand nnd muy invoke the puwcr of sule nnd nny other remedtcs pemiftted!►y applfpble law. Lender shall be <br /> •u <br />'�� ' e�riiQled to collcxt�11 expensc9 Incucred in hursuin�tNe remedics provided in this parn�reph Zl,including. but not limited <br />'��' to,reasonable attnrneya'fe�und cosGs of title evidence. _ <br /> •" � �;+•���.a� � If thc o�vcr of snlc is invoked, Trustee shaU recard a notice o6 defeult In cach rnunty in which any part of the <br />'-�,,�,7,,t���t'�, p <br /> - . �,.. Property (s lacAted nnd sBall n�nil copies af such nottce i��LEie mflnner pmscribed by applicable law to Borrc�wer and to <br /> "�.,�:.`:�•• ..�., ;. <br /> __;;.���;,F{J�; the oti�Yr. {�ecsons prGSCribecl by a��p�licuble law. After the t:hns reqnired by upplicnble law,Trustee shall g�ve pum�fi�not ce <br /> , .�, . , . •.: of sale¢m the pe�:mns and in the munncr pr�scribed by a��sficnblc law.Trustce,�vithout demand on Borrower,s:�all sell <br /> the Property at publlc auction tc►tlie highest bislder at tl�e time nnd place and under the terms designated in the notfce of <br />�;'. � � � sale in onc or monu purccla and in nny order'A'rustre detecmines. Trustee may postpone sale of aB9 mr any pflrcel of the <br /> _ ;;; , ��' Property by pnblfc announcement ut the timr and pluce oV any previously scheduled st�le. Lencleu� or its designee may � <br /> "';^ ';�� purctiase tl�e Propertv At unv snle. � <br /> 1�..��fi, �' �.... <br />� . Y <br /> ii. <br /> - � �: <br /> .�, Fo►m 3028 9l90 �,-; <br /> r. <br /> ' ' • , � Pnpe 5 0�6 <br /> .'3�.� <br /> M�� J. <br /> ' ., +vJ,i.�iut+w'iiirS,i�1:::,::i-.=i��7..G+T�..: .:5.�� _,__'_—' ._. . ....._".._'_ , " n�.�iihrib.`i�d��46AA'u�.,i... .-... -cr'ia'..:�i�� <br /> . �' � <br /> ' , . . , . � )) - <br /> . . . . ,. " . � . ., � <br /> -..t � � .. . . . .. ' �� . <br /> u . . . � .. � '.. ... � ,... <br />