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<br /> ' cxccutcd For thc purposc uf crcating,sccue'ing ur gu.�rantying lhc Sccurcd ncht. A f;c�od fai�h hclicf hy 1..:�tcicr th,.it
<br /> r1 l.enJcr.�t nny timr.is insecurc with respcct to tu�y person ur cntity ohli�atcd on thc Sccurcd Qcht c�r tiuu th�:rrus�,rct t � .
<br /> �I�.i of iiny paymcnt or thc valuc of thc Pn+perty is impaircd shall niso can�titutc�in cvent of dcf.iult.
<br /> 1S. REM�IDIF.S ON DGFAUI.T.In somc instunces,fedcrul nnd st�Uc law will require Lender to ��ravidr lir;��ca��r with ,
<br /> '' notice ot thu right to curc or uthur notiees and mny est�blish time schedules fur foreclosure ucti�ms. Suhj�:ct t�� thc�c �
<br /> �' ;� limitutions, if any. L.cndcr may Accclrr�tc thc Sccurcd Dcht and forccic�sc this Sccurity Instrumcnt in x m,ann��r i .: '' •
<br /> providcd b��la�s if Grantor is in dcfault. �
<br /> ;' '��% � At ihe c�ption of I..�:nder,all or any pivt of the agreed fces�►nd charges,accrucd intcrest and Eirincipnl shult h�:come '• ,�:,
<br /> , immediaicly duc and p.►y:►hlc,nfter givin�notice if rcyuircd hy law, upcm thc occurrcncc o� a d�fault or.inytimc •
<br /> °�'��'"� thcrcafter.In additiun,Lender tiht�ll he entidcd to all thc remedics provided hy law, the terms uf thc Sccurc�d Dent. . ,
<br /> `r ;� ' this Sccurity Instrument und any rclatcd documrnts,including without limitation,thc puwcr to scll thc Propert}�. �:'�` '•,•
<br /> ; • � °;: . ,..
<br /> If thcrc is a dcfault,Trustcr shall, in addition ta any ather permitted remcdy,at thc rcyucst of thc l.cndcr,arAvcrtisc ,;
<br /> :��� �� und scU thc Property as a+�vhulc or in scparatc parccls at public uuctian tu thc highcst hidJcr for cash anr.�convey ' `::,� ';�-
<br /> ;: -* ubsvlutc tiQc trec und cicar of all right, titic and intcrest of Gruntor at such timc and ptacc as Trustcc dr:;;i�,n�ccs. �t; '_-
<br /> ';� � Trustce shaU givc noticc ot salc including thc timc,tcrms and place of salc and a description uf the property�a br.sold ��G;--�__
<br /> �'� ��~ as required by thc applic��blc law in effect at the time of the proposed salc. �'� �•�=
<br /> �'��_':__
<br /> Upon sale of thc property and to the extent not prohibited by law.Trustee shaU makc and dclivrr a dced to thc Praprrty '•;r�-"�
<br /> �;; ;,', Y P p Y S g � �•y ,5-,��x
<br /> i ; sold which come s absolute title to the urchaser,and alter Grst a in all fces,char es and costs,shall �i to 1.crtdcr all ,r -
<br /> ,j ;.,�s moncys advanced for repairs,laxes,insurance,liens,assessments and prior encumbrances and intercst thcrco�,and the =`_'_-
<br />