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�� ! itnx7 �S�Yi�+�� tt, � � � r{�� "- . <br /> F � ' y — - <br /> Y lL. � - i ( �I1H{ l _ �{t �! VyJ�^ <br /> �� /� 1-- l� r� ii} �.r � (r li - F�ZlNe 'fA'F' f�P'S+�•i'1 f itWCv ... - -- <br /> _ ..�'r„,,.y�.xF....-:•�,3£.� .�J.�J::,,:.�iril�df:�'�:.cktiuJL^'.a:4u:uK.-+JJ:utiintrau.- �_........,w..�.a...,. ... ._....._ <br /> �� 92_�,a9ss� <br /> t, Peynxnt ot Pdaelpd,laurnt and t.ue Cfi�rQe. Oonox�cr shal l pay whrn duc�he pdnrlpai of,nnd intercsl on. <br /> Ihe debt ovidcnced Ly Aw Nao and late chuges due undenha Noto. �—---- '`�� <br /> �, Monlhiy peymrntt of 7Yxes,insunnce ar�d Olher Chnrgts. Ootto�cer shall Inciude In each moNhly pnyment, _ <br /> �ogaher wiih�ho pdncl�nt md intercs�u set fonh in tho No�o and nny Inm chnrpa,nn ins�allment of nny(n)�ucs and <br /> spesl�i esussmeNS lovltd or l0 6a levied agnlns��ho Propcny,(b)IeascholJ p�ymcnis or groumi nNS on t6o Propcny,nnd ___ <br /> (o)prcmlums for insurmco rcquircd by Puagmph A. <br /> Exh monddy Instnilmem far ikms(n),(N) nnd (c)shatl equnl onc•twelf�h of tho annunl nmonms, as rensonnbiy �_,:,_�_. <br /> estlmated by nn ameum suhiclem a meimain an aJdnionnl bnlnnca of not more Oian one•slx�h of the ___ :�___� - �__-� <br /> esllm�ied�mounis. 71io full annual amoun�tor end� I�em sh�tl bc accumulnitd by Lcndr.r wlih(n a pcdocf ending ono _ � <br /> mon�h&�oia en Ittn�would bemme d¢tir,�nem. i.tnder shall hofd�he amaunts colicc�ed in tmst�o pny iicros W),(b)ond �K43� -.. <br /> (c)btinro�hoy bccome dollnqurnt. �',,_. �:�.+ �.� <br /> If ot eny•r,total of ihe paymenta IMG14y I.enAcr!m ikms(n),(b)nnd(c),togcther wiih�he faturo momhiy ��� rf , ,�,fin:.'._ <br /> paymeMS for sucG Items paya6le lo Lender pzor w tt.e dve dmes of such i�ems, excceds by moro thnn onasixth tho r.k� �z- _�,_ <br /> csilm.akd amamt of�xymrn�s«qulrcd lo pay sech irems xhzn due,and if paymcros on the Nme am currcm,�6en LtnCzr --.� t -:__ <br /> nhAt tit�r�efur,t tar.excess over one•sixth oi tt�:atimated paymsr.ts tt ctWU the excess over ono-six�h ot the estunated � -`_ ' .< ' r; �_ <br /> �aymzrzs to wbscqueca paymems by Bnrrowcr,at�hc op�ion of 33orrm+�er. lF rhe total ot�he payn:cnes mrA:by$oicovrer " ' .�:_�;;ru��,;-� <br /> fm Etem(a),@),a(c)is insumci.nt a pay�he Rem when due,�hco 6ccrower shall pay to Ler.�lzr any amconx ncccsss7r ao ����?-�=�i:�v::�;!;•,'��t' <br /> I���.'l.:liS�l'...�:i�-3..�. <br /> m�e up the daficiency on or beton:the date the item becomes dua ��,;,,��--:,=- ��� �- . <br /> As used in this Sttudty inslmmeN,"5ecrctary"mezns tha Secretary of IEausing ard UAan Dere3w�,;.ent w his ah:r �� �s i�F�t���!:: <br /> d:signcc. ln any year in whtch the Lender mus�pay o mongage}vemium ro titi S.rcelary.eac�i momhly{+aymeni �"�-. r _ _, <br /> shafl aJso include e(�her. (U an inswllmen�of the annual motlgage insurvice prcminm ro 6e pald by I.ender to�e '(°�k� {.,',�, T - <br /> Seeretnry,or(If)a montt�ty eh�rg.: ins�ead ot a mongage insumxe p:�mi:me tf this Sandty InsWmem is held by tLe ti?�3��A[E' �'�:r"•� <br /> Seeretary. Pach menthiy tnstalin:e�t of the mongaga insuran:c yremiur,i s[+:tl be in en e�rAUnt sufficiem�o accumutaie��o Tr-.x'.��s}��� �-=� <br /> full ana��1 mortgaga insumnce premium wi�i Yender oce month prior'vr��e da�e �he (ull anneal mor�gage Insurance ;4C.C2�i,t:��;Q:,Sg:,__` �� <br /> ,�.•� <br /> premturn is duo m�he Secrc�ary;�v if ihis Securi;y]nstmmen�is held b�the Secrcluy,each momhly ch:r.�;e shali 6e in en .,,:;;�_.}��;�:�_,,�- <br /> amau.tia.ynal to onatwel(ih of onefi�if p.rcem of the outs�anding pdnc pal balance due on�he No�e. '�."�2y;""-4;�,-,�.,,;:�_ <br /> YF�Sarowu�enders to L.enAer�he full pa'mient of oll sums securcd by Ihis Security Insuumemy, Ourfuu'er�s:+:cmml ?.�s`;�._.,.:�,,,,,.�._ <br /> premh m t�rcs atlmenii hha��I.endcr hns not becorn obliga�ed o pay lorihc Seto:iery�and Lender shall pro:np�Iy rcfund myc '''i�?:;a 7�-;;��?'-� <br /> excess funds(o T3orcower. Immediately prior m n fo�alosuro sale of the Propeny or hs acquisi�lon 6y LeMler,�orcox•er4 -�=:{`tC'^`%•rSSCi!-� <br /> �y,�t:�i•..,�,z:., <br /> account�sAhQalpl bo crcditcd wiih nny baiancc rtmaining for ell InstallmcNS for items(a),(b)and(c). S,k:yt::�.p;,_�;g;;, <br /> 3�I7R.Si',t+o the mons ge insurenco p n�ium w be pald by Lc,nder�o tl e Sare�iary orito�1 o montl ly chars 6y�he ,-'�Z fYu ,.0 :- <br /> Secr�tary insmxd of�Ue mamhly mongnge 4nsunnce prcmium; �:t'� �r;;'r„'ur`-_`� <br /> �j�,ao any Iaxes,special nssessm:nis,F:asehold p�ymems or grun�rentx,a:iA tire,(lood a�oihsr hazard t--,,.liSk y, j� - -- <br /> �I`.5�f°11rnF.��,;�,m�,a�t��iurc�l; 1�%�� �C �i,.. <br /> �wimcreslAucuncNheNott; --jlj1S�`i,�s ----- <br /> •toemotll�niionatt'scprincipa!irtihcNotc: .,. , � � <br /> to lale eharges due wJenhe Nota ` ':�j�?2�x�;'�4.: <br /> 4. Flee,Elaod and Olher Nazard Insurnnce. Dovo���er sMll Inmre nll Improvemems on�he Propeny,whe�hcr now iJ�f,�'r�lt��;�';;`g��+: <br /> in exis�ence or subsc�uen�ly erated,�galnst n�y haznrds,ca+uahies,nn;comingencies,Including fire,for whlch Lsnder L:_;;J�,..��fzY�q:�_�, <br /> rcqulrcs Insurmua 77i1s insurance shall bc maintained in ihc amounts ond for�he pedods�hat Isndcr nquircs. Qortowcr '•'•::,+},�;��,K�F1 ±.' <br /> shall also lnsuro all improvemems on�he Pro r1 whe�her now in existrnce or subs/�/�uemlV crccted,n1�iinst loss b�/tloods �,%'�v-"t}�•AA�?;<i;�'�.�4- <br /> �1'' Y� �'1 J O' ! �y.l.�}S,�lii1F.' <br /> to Ilro exlenl rtquired by the Secre�ary. All Iruurnnce shall 6e cartled wi�h comp;uila a�proved by Lender. 71�e insurence ¢ -�"��(��;:.j`riy����'-' <br /> pollclu md any renewals shall 6e held by Lender and shall Include loss payable c auses In favor of, nnd In a fonn ,t r�y��.;.5�,;,�i����� <br /> acccptablc to,Lendcr. tz'yi�r�„':.;s�;,.,_-,�� <br /> In the eveN of loss, Dortoner shall give Lender tinmedinte nmice by mail. Lender may make proof of loss tf not - -.::;;-'..i��•?�-.•. <br />-- mado prompily byy Donower. Coch fnsurnnce compmidy concemed Is hereSy acihoriupA md dirccted to make paymenl for _;.�;�-;�t:�;;;r��"��.,=°--� <br />- np�pllcdSby Lcndcr,u�1 s opilon�ci he�(a)�to�h.rtduc�ion otlthe tivleLvidnes.undtr�he No c nnd this Secunty In.irun,cn�i. ����)}��5�'�°�-°,'� <br /> fltst to any dclinquent nmoums�qplied in tke ord^• in Ihr..•rnph 3.xuA �hrn �n prcpay�mcm of principal,or(b) to the yt{_'„4J� h . -- <br />° testora�ion or repatr of thc damaged pro��n7•. Any application o �hc praceds�o�he prinripal shall not exlcnd or pos�pom nj�!�����5���'�'t-'•` <br /> the duc datc ot�hc monthly paym.nis�ehmh xrc referted�o in Peragrnph 2.or ehangc�hc amour.i of such paymems. Any ��,}._,�:�it, ,;f;n1`<_�, <br /> excess insurance proceeds over an nmonnt re.�uired to pay nll nwstandmg indebtedness under�he Nom and�hfs Security r^'�., � :�1x�,,�t;��^. <br /> Instrumer.t xhall M qa!d to ihe emf�y kg�liy emideA ihereta �� , �} ��,.:� :: <br />._ In t}c evem of(on:closure of ihis Securi�y)nswmen:ur other�ranxfer of ii�le io�he Propeny�hni ez�inguishes�he ' ,i yt ��?�j�-�t,.: <br /> I.^.c!oS1:d.^.tss,all righl,�itic ar,�!imcrcxl o($orrow¢r in and�n imnnncepo licics in forcc shall p�ss lo�hc p��rchascr. ,! h �r�.,-,-� <br />_ 5. Uttupan¢y, Preser�ntion, ,liaintennnce nnd Pratrclion of the Property; Ilorroxyr's Loan Applir.uten; r -';��'' - <br />° i.enaeholds. Dor;o�ver shall excn v,ts�nblish, and use iF.c Vro ri ax 13nvower's nnci �I residence wi�hin sizl-<1a s � "'•at�`'y✓'�'�?'>-f <br /> P P� Y P P• 7 Y .�..,s.qi'tr•�L,R}�t:'�'_ <br /> a(ter Ihe execution u(�his Securiiy Imtmn:em:md shall cominue Io a�cepg�he Propeny as Uorcarers prineipal resiAcnce -;,`��,s4:, �i.s_;,�4,.•:�- <br />= for a�Icu�onc ywr aftcr the da�c of xcupanc;.unlcss�hc Sccrc�ary dci.:�au-rc�hi.reyuir.mem�vill ca::se undnc h:+rdihip i,-, t s��t.;„z�.:,:: <br />:° for portower, or unless ex�enuaiing circunfsiar,�es exisi whi.h am Myord 6ortnweri comrol. Aortuwer xhF!i aofify .,.� �.J,l.`�^d=.-: <br /> .,,,e,�,:••R , <br />� Lenders of nny exlenuating circumstances. Dorro�ver xhall r.o�cwmm�w:u�e ar desuoy,Jam:�ge or suhsmmiall�� :h•n�c A,"„ �,,� �:_ <br />= Ihe Nopctly or allow lhc Pro�ny lo dcicrioratc,rc;uonablr x..rt and Icar ez�cp�cJ. LcuJcr may un�xci lhc ProF<r.}r�Yt t. �� . .- . <br />� Propeny is vacant or aFmi'�ned or the loan is in def.�uh. l.ender may lake reaso:iable actim�to pro�en and prtsenr sech r: ._ f'_y,.,' ' �'� �� <br />- vncam or abandoncd Ropcny. Oorro��rr,h�ll al.w h in�c@m11 if Dr:rrc.�tr.durin �hc loan a li:acoa racss, �avc � �'"��'- <br /> F PP P 6 �u,:t r <br />= malcriallY falx or inaccuntc in(omiation r� s�a�e�r.rr.n in :n: `,:icd to prneidc Luider ���fth any malcrial tiiv. i�.�� } .: <br /> intonnauon)in connection wid��he loan evic'an_rd b� 1L•e\ d:::_. h�1 nol IinuleJ to.repmuneiiions enneeming � � � ��.j-. <br />.' Dottox�ettacupancyoflhePmpenya�apri�xip:ilte+ii:r..:r. If:.'.:..S:n::i:� lrolnunemi�on:+lcacehold.6onox�crshall � :.�ii�i�%}�\�-�:�-.. <br />�= comply���ilh�hc prov�sions of��r lcace. )f UovoS�cr¢n�..:c� i:c ti7k 1r tkr Rn�xm.�.`:lra.ehnld ar.d fec li�lc<T.:i t r.uf �.�� 'i�'- � ' <br /> - be mergcd unlexs Lender agrce�:. :he mrrger�r,wri�ing. . !.. �' iif��'�`. <br /> - 6. Charges Io Rorro��er and Prolrmlon o!I.rndrr'x Ri{,his in�he i'ruperl�. Uorrmrci•haf r:y a:l gmemn:rmal � �;Z,..};�� '' <br />-= or municipal chugcs,finc.and im�xni�iom:r.::arc nm fncluJcJ in P�ra�:-.i;h '_. ISnrtm�cr�hall pa. 'rr..c obligatiom on ��',p,�.-' S. <br /> limc ditttlly lo Ihc rnlily xhi:n n o�+cJ thc�aymc�n. If(a�lur. lo pa} ��oulJ aJrcncly� ;dla� Lcndcr'� imrre�l in Ihc �� �.�!i� � _ <br /> - Pmpeny,upon LenJeri rcyint Bnrto�a.r.hall promptl��fumi.h W Lendtt renipP cridcncing t6t,r paymcn:�. . <br /> - If dorrox�ct fails lu maAc thc•n Fu}mcm. ur�hc pa.nxnt.rcyuircd h�� N+ragr.�ph ?. or fafl� In�xd��rtn�m. c:.ct t`- , <br /> _ �m.�ryl�omrn.rm.amv:r..�d�a�h�a Snurin�Imtre.:en�.or�h.crc is a Iccal�ttcccJm�:Ihat ma} �igmfica�dt s[f<c� [_ _ <br /> ' LcnderS righn in�hc Propcny�x:�h a,a p:accdmg in tv:.Asuptc}_fM��mJcmnalion or tu tn(mcc ir.+�a rcgufi;cnr.y�. <br /> 1hrn Lcndcr m:+y do and pa��hi:e•n n nc�r.�ary ro�ranci�F.:ta(•.<��I ab:Rapcny�ar.�Lcnk��n;iN•�n cte'rt�ctt�_ � <br /> . inciuding paymcnt uf�axe5.Rua:C mwn.v.<+.vl nFr.<acm+mrnr..,csvt m Par�graph:. <br /> Any amount+di�6ucv.3 b;Ltnk�url,rr inn Purtr.uh.h.dl tc<omc:m aJJiGon:+l dchl of florto��cr an.l h.:,anr.ol <br />�-1 by this Seeurily Inslrwr.c� Thr.0 xrlrints Q:.all h:u mrarra from�hr dale u( ih. M1mc m�t.and ar ciu <br />-_� oplion of Lcndcr.shall tc immet�.r..:l�d�a:a.^A pa}a6(r ( <br /> 7. Cundemnation. Ilkpmcrc:.ofany.iw.v��r<<um(ord:unagc..dire.�orconKyu.nual.incunncau�naiih:m� i <br />...;� eondcmnalion or olhct IaAing of any Fi�nf ii�e Frn� for aonrc)anec in placc af.ondcmnannn.arc hcrebr a«igncJ <br />, � and shall bc paid�o Lcndcr m ihr cxi.nt uE Ux liill:mmnnr of�ht inJ.Ft.dnc..iha�rcmnm.unpaiJ undcr Ilec lotc:wJ�hi. � <br /> $tturiiy InetmmcN. Lcndcr ahall appl��wch pmcccd.m rttc rcJuciion of�he mJrb�cJnr..unJ.r iLr\ot.;mJ tlu.Sc vnry� � <br />:j Inslrumcm, fint m any dclinyucnt amouma applicA m ii�t urdtr pruriJcd in Paragr.�ph t. .nd �hcn lu pnpaymcm u( <br />-, prineipai. Any application of Ihc pnxccd�to �hc pnncipal shall not cA�cnJ or �k�.l�m. Ihr duc Ja1. af ihe mnmhl� t <br /> iry[r:.f�rvc�.� <br />.� <br /> �. <br />'i ___ ��_..� __ .: <br />