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<br /> . . 97-� i�a�v4 ; <� �-
<br /> • � � 17.Transi'cr oP thc Property or a Bcneflci�l Gitcr�s4 In Borrowca If all ar:►ny pan of thc Propeny or any intcrest In it �` ,�_
<br /> . is sold ur transferred(or if a beneficial interest in k3orrawer is sold or tnnsferred and Bonower is not a n1t�s Pecu ed b�ththis I' '. � -
<br /> l.etidcr's prior wriuen consent, I.en dcr may, �t i t s o p t i u n. r c q u i r e i m m e d i a[e p a y m e n t i n f u l l o f al l s u y , •,-;�_;.._
<br /> � . Secw�ity Instrument. kio�vever,this option shall not he exerc:ised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by federal In�v as of tl►e d�te � , . '.,
<br /> '��' �"' • of this Security Instrument. � `"<�`���� •
<br /> ,,,. .
<br /> If I.ender exercises this option. Lender sh�ll give Borrcrwer notice of acceleradon.The notice shall provide a period of not �•;�;�;.
<br /> '`�' �� � ��`� less than 30 duys from the datc the notice is dclivercd or rnailed�vithin which Donower must pny �11 sun�s secured by this � ,�1;�Y+�'�'_
<br /> � ���'�? 's. permitt d by hliseSecunBy Instcu entswthout�further otce ardemnnd an Borroweh�s period, Lender may invoke any remedies , '.����A..
<br /> � � , -,.s;�_..
<br />,`;.�', � � 18. Sorrower's Ri�ht to Retnstate. If Bonower mcets certain condicions, Borcower shall have thQ riaht [o have , _,,��;_�-�
<br /> ' ' ' , enforcement of this Secunty Instrument discontinued at any�ime prior to the eulier of: (a) S days (or such other period as � ML__._
<br /> �� '�' appilcable law may specify for reinstatement) �efore salc o(the Praperty pursuant to any power of sale contained in ti►is
<br /> , __
<br /> ' ' " � Security Instrumenr,or(b)crary of a jud�ment enforcing this Security lnstrument.Those conditions are that Borro+ver:(a)pays : _ _.___
<br /> � �'� I,ender all sums vrhich then would be due under this Securiry Instrument and the Note as if no acceleration Ga�i �x:cur►ed;(�} �
<br /> \••�1 '''�u� cures any default of any other covenants or agreements:(c)pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Seciu'Sty Instrument.
<br /><:;`::�`���' ' _
<br /> ,:,,�-:•,,: • including, but not limited to. reasonable attomeys'fees; and(d)takes such action as Lender may reasonably reyuire to assun _.'
<br />�?:��1�•' that the lien of this Security Instrument, Lender's rights in the Property and Bonower's ubligation to pay the sums secured by :
<br /> :;.
<br /> .. '
<br /> this Secunt Instrumcnt and the
<br /> .�,�';. , • ��: this Security lnstrument shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, Y , � .. �=°,
<br /> � % .. " ;� ubliga[ions secured hereby shall re�ualn fully effective as iF no�ccaleration bad occnrred. However, this right to re►nstate sht►11 ;;,,
<br />�:`;��;;,,;� . ;,� not apply in the case of acceleration under paragraph 17. -
<br /> ,�;;;r;: . • � 19. Sale ot Note; Chan�e of Loan Servicer. The Note or a partial interest in the Note (together with►his Securitf �.k
<br /> `"`"� �• . Instniment)may be sold one or more times without priar notice to Borrower.A sale may result in a change in the entiry(known �,_
<br /> ° as�he "Loan Servicer")that collects monthly payments due under the Note and tbis Security Instrument.There also rnay be ona '; ^��i. �*+��•
<br /> � or more changes of the I.oan Servicer unrelated eo a sale of the Note. If there is a change of the Loan Servicer.Ba�rrower will be �.r,::::�-_,�,�,�.
<br /> „ given written notice of the change In accord�nce with paragraph 14 above and applicable law.The notice will state th�nFUne ut�E � � • �,���:.-
<br /> address of the n:.w Loan 3ervicer aud che addrsss to which payments should be made. The notice well also contain.any oth�r t .{�;;�";
<br /> .,I<i; �:%'
<br /> ::,r, � ; information required by applicable law. ��::�, �
<br /> 20. Hazardous Su6stances. Borrower shall not causz or permit che presence, use. disposal, storage, or releue of azty � :f,.,�' � r,'.
<br /> ' � Ha7ardous Substances on or in [he Property. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyone else to do, anythiag affecting tf�n � '
<br /> property that is in violation of any Environmental Law.The preceding two seatences shall not upply to the presence, use, or .,��� �
<br /> ""� ��� storage on the Property of small quantities of Hazardous Substances thnt are generally reco�ized to be appropriate to normul , .�.,
<br /> � '��:� '-- — residential uses and co maincenance ui u�c FiuE,city. ``�
<br /> '"�•��; � s" Borrower shall prompdy give I.ender written natice of any investigation.claim,demand,lawsuit or othor action by any ;�,,
<br /> "'�'��'���� J� governmental or regulatory �g�ncy or private party inv�lving the Properry and any H�zardous Substance or Envimnrnental Law
<br /> ���'`'`; ,�: of�ti�a9ch Borrower has actual knowledge. If Borro�ves learns, or is not�fied by any govemmental or regulatory authority,[l�ut '.� �
<br /> •. ���,'���;"�•. •� �,. any removal or other remectiation of any Haaudous Substanu affecting the Properry is necessary, Boaower shull promptly talce ••l� -�
<br /> � • ��;, .'r� all necessary remedlal actions in accordance with Environmeatal Law. "�
<br />- • ,.� :,., �
<br /> • • ,� . As used in this paragraph 20, "Hazardous Substances'are those substances definecl as toaic or harardous subsccinces by ;.,�,,._,�
<br />., ..,f�; . : Environmental Law and We followin� substances: gasol3ne, kerosene, other flammable or toaic petroleum product�, tmaic ��;(�-
<br /> ;::;t., ,, pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents,materials containing asbestos or formaldshyde,and radioactive mater�alo. As uecd in ��.�
<br /> ,: ;,,,:.. � this paragraph 20, "Envlronmental Law" means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Properry ie lacated thnt
<br /> ? F relate to health,safety or environmental protection. ���—�
<br />' � i`�, NON-UN�FORM COVENANTS. Borrower and I.enderfurther covenant and agree as follows: _
<br />. � � �;, ,��; 2 1. Acceleratton; Remedtes.Leader shall give noticeto Borro�ver prtor to aceeteration tollowing H`orra�vnr'y brcach ���!G
<br />�:,��vi;�;.': .� 1�!'�=°=_'..
<br />�. ;;:;:��:.,. � of any covenAnt or ngreement In this Security Instrutaten t (bu t no t p r to r t o a c c e l e r a t i o n u n d e r p s t i��t�{t h 1 7 u n[�s
<br />�,i��,"ti�,1j � . , ' applicxble!s►w pmvtdes otherwise).The nottce shal1 specify: (a) We defuulh, (b9 rthe actfon requfrttt to cure titn dafault; �'
<br /> "'`°' (c)a dAte,not less tdan 30 days from the date the notice fs given to Borrower, by which the de[ntdu must be cu��d�and
<br /> 1M�.'•h,` . e,��_
<br />` � (d) that [nUure to cure the detault on or before t�e date spec[E�ed ia the nocice muy result in aeLdm�tfan ot t�to sume �
<br /> � � �� �` •i secured by this Security Lutrument and sale of thR Property.The notice shall further inform Burro�var oP sLo rigltt to �- —
<br />�. i 5� R.:
<br /> retastote aiter acceleraifon and the r1g6�R to bdng a court action to essPrt the non-existence of a defuult or any otBcer �.'F A
<br />�:�:: . drfense ot Bocrower to acceleretlon end sale. If t�z deleWt ts not cured on or before tl�e date speciftee!In thQ nntEce,
<br /> - i,enaier, at its opdon, may rPqulre immedtate payrnent In full of all sums secured by this Secisrlty Iu�trument w(thout �� - —
<br /> i:,;,,,; _ �._
<br />_,:,,,,:. to�ther demaad and may invoke the power of sale and any other reaned[eg permitted by�p��lc�nc111d�n• II-�►dcr sttnll bo
<br /> - entitlod to collsct all expenses incureed in pursutng the remedies aovided in this aragrop g, but not U►nited ��'--�
<br /> P P 1�.='��
<br /> r'"�'���� • to,reasanuble nttorneye'fees and costs of title evidence. — ---
<br />-�.. �� ' If the s3rer of sele Is invoked, Trustee shall record a notic�e of default in each county in wi.itett suy par3 0[EBn �:���Y�..
<br />-,�';:,,;•{. � 6*a�ap¢rty Is�icate�end st�nl7 mall copfes of such nottce in the manner prescribed by applic:ablo!nw to BvrrOti�'er nnd to .g__�-�---•------_
<br />'":,:,�t.. ' 4he other perso�os prescrlber7 by upplicable Iaw.A[te�c�e ti�ne reyutred by epp�lr.able law,'IStw�tca sltnll ae ublfc notice -•;�'��''=-
<br /> � t� �r,u�,�=
<br /> ,r.;:, ��;:,;.�—��-_
<br /> ,..�•�. � �8 sale to the persons and tn the manner prescribesl b;v applicable law.Trustee,without demnnd on Burrower,shall sell ,,�..;...—_��____�:__
<br /> � � :+ the Pmpetty at publfc auctton to thc highest tatdder at the time and place and under the terms da�il;nnterl in tho notfce oP ;�r��,
<br /> �� sale In one or morc parcels and In any order'Cr�gtee determines.Truste�may postpone saia af up,or uny�aAtrel oF t6e -:� �=`�+��.
<br /> , Property by publfe announcement at 4P�@ 41me and placc ot any previously scheduled sale. Y estdrx or itn dcufgnee�n�y ,.,•,�v,.•�'�,t'� � •�,;;�
<br /> .:�n��,'.
<br /> purchase the Property at suy sale. ';,ti��t.."'�••�:�,�:,,}��c':
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