<br /> Upon lhc occurrence nf an F..vent of Default,Lcnder shall immediately be enti8ed to make applicatinn for and
<br /> obtai�[he appointment ot a receiver for thc Property and af the earnings,income,issue and profits oF it,with[he
<br /> powcrs as thc court making the appointrnents confers.Granton c�reby irrevocably consents to such appointment
<br /> and waives nolice of any application therefor.
<br /> NO WAIVER.No delay or failure oF i_snder to exercise any right, remedy,power or privilege hercuncler shall
<br /> affect that right,remedy,power or privilege nor shall any single or partial excrcise thereof preclude the exercise of
<br /> any righl,rcmcdy,power or privilege.Nu I.ender delay or failure to demand strict adherence ta the terms of this
<br /> Securily Instrument shall be deemed to constitute a course of conduct inconsistent wilh Lender's right at any time,
<br /> befnre or after an even[of default,to demand strict adherence to the terms of this Security instrumcnt and the
<br /> Aelated IJocuments.
<br /> SUBSTII'UTE TRUSTEE.Lender,at its o�tinn,may from time to time remove Trustee and appoint a tiuccessor
<br /> trustee to any Trustae appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the coun[y in which this Security
<br /> Instrument is recorded. Without wnveyance of the Property,tl�e successor trustee shall suceccd to ail [he tiUe,
<br /> power and duties conferred upon'Frustee herein and by applicabJe law.
<br /> JOINT AND SEVERAL LIABILITY,lf this Security Instrumcnt should be signed by more tha�i une persnn,all
<br /> persnns executing this Security Instrument agree that they shall be jointly and severally bound,where permitted by
<br /> law.
<br /> SURVIVAL.Lender's rights in this Securiry Instrumcnt will continue in iLS successors and assigns.This Securitv
<br /> Instrument is binding on all heirs,executors,admini5tratnrs,assigns and successors of Grantor.
<br /> NOTICE9 AND WAIVER DF NQTICE.Unless othcrwise required by applicable]aw,any notice or dcmand
<br /> given by I.ender to any party is considered efi'ective when it is dcposited in the Uni[ed States Mail wilh lhe
<br /> appropriate postagc.A copy of any notice shall be mailed tu each pxrty at the address oP the party given at the
<br /> beginning of this Security Instrument unless an alternative address has been provided to Le�der in writing.To the
<br /> exlent permitted by law,Grantor waives notice of Lender's acceptance nf this Security Instrumcnl,defenses based
<br /> on sureryship,any deFense arising from any clection by I.ender under the United States Bxnkruptcy Code,Uniform
<br /> Commercial Code,as enacted in the sta�e where Lender is located or other applicable law or in equity,demand,
<br /> noticc of accelerxtion,notice of nonpayment,presentrnant,prutest,notice of dishonor and any other notice.
<br /> REQUEST FOR NUITCES:Grantor requests that copies of the nulice��f def;ault and noticc of sale be sent to the
<br /> address of ench party given st the beginning oF the Security Instrument.
<br /> WAIVER OF APPRAISEMEN'I'RIGHT3. Grantor waives all appraisnment rights relating to the Property to
<br /> the extent perrnitted by law.
<br /> LENDER'S F.XP[+,1�'SES.Grantor agrees to pay all expenses incurred by Lender in connection with enfurc�ment
<br /> of its rights under the Indebtedness,this Securiry Instrument or in the evcnt Lender is made party to any litigation
<br /> because of the existence of the lndebtedness or this Securily Instrument,as well as court costs,collection chazges
<br /> and reasonable attorneys'fees and disbursements.
<br /> AS5IGNABILITY. I.ender may assign or otherwise transfer this Securiiy Instrument or any of Lender's rights
<br /> under this 5acurity lnslrument wi[hout notice to GrAntor. Grantor may not assign this Security Insfrumeat or any
<br /> part of the Security Instrument wilhout the express written ronsent ol Lender.
<br /> GOVERNING LAW.This Sewrity Instrument will be governed by the laws uf lhe State of Nebraska including
<br /> all proceedings arising from this Security Instrument.
<br /> SEV�RABILII'Y. If a court of competent jurisdiction determines any term or provision of this Security
<br /> Inslrument is invalid or prohibited by applicable law, that term nr pmvisian will 6e inefPeclive to the extent
<br /> required.Any term or provision that has becn determined to be invalid or prohibited will be severed from the rest
<br /> of the Security Instrument without invalidating the remainder of either the affected provision or this 5ecurity
<br /> Inslrumenl.
<br /> UNIFORM CQMMERCIAL CODE(U.C.C.)Grantor grants to Lender a security intcres[in all goods thal
<br /> Grantor owns now or in the future and fhat are or wil]be�omc fixlurea relaled to the Property.Crantor agrccs that
<br /> this Security Instrument shall suffice as a financing statement and may thereFore be filed of record as a tinancing
<br /> siatemcnl fur the purFwses of Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code. Granior authorizes L.e�der to file an}�
<br /> Pinancing stat��nenis required under the Uniform Comtnercial Code.
<br /> EiYTIRE AGREEMENT OF THE PARTIES. This agreement, including all agreements referred to or
<br /> incarporated into this agreement,eonstitutcs the enlire agreement between the parties relating to the sub.ject matter
<br /> of this agreement. This agteement supersedes all prior orxl or written agreements, commitments and
<br /> understandings between the parties relating to the suhject matter nf this �greemen[ and cannot be changed or
<br /> terminated orally,and shall be deemed effective as of the date noted above.
<br /> C�?UfW-2i�10 Compliana+Sysrems,]nc.}gq7.4y�p_2010.05�GS
<br /> Cnnmc:c�al Rcal f�aic S�miry Inctru:nen!.Il1AW7 Pagc 4 u1'S www,t��nrlian�a�y.:l�mx.�vm
<br />