<br /> Performance of Obiigations. Grantor promises [o perform all Carms, conditions, and covenants vf this
<br /> 5ecurity Instrument and Related Documents in accordance with ihe termti contained thercin.
<br /> DefenSe and Title to Property.At the time of execution and delivery of this instrument,Grantor is lawfullv
<br /> seised of the estate hereby conaeyed and has the exclusive right to mort�age,grant,convey and assign the
<br /> Property.Grantor covenants lhat�he Prnperty is unencumbcrcd and free of all]iens,except for encumbrxnces
<br /> of record acceptable to Lender. Furfher,Grantor cov�nanls that Grantor wil]warrant and defend ge�erally
<br /> !he title to the Property againsL any and all claims and demands whalsuever, subject to the easements,
<br /> restric[ions, or other encumbrances nf record acceptable to Lcnder, as rnay be ]isted in the sche�ule c�f
<br /> exceptions to coverage in any abstract of title or title inyurance policy insuring Lender's interest in the
<br /> Prnperly.
<br /> Condition of Property.Grantor promises at all times to preserve and to maintain the Pro�erty and cvcry
<br /> part thereof in good repair,working order,and�nndition and will from time to time,make all needEu]and
<br /> proper repairs so that the value of the Property shall not in any way be impaired.
<br /> RemovAl of any Part of the Property.Grantor promises nol lo remove any part of the Properry from its
<br /> present location,excePt fetr replacement,maintenance and relocatiou in the ordinsry course of business.
<br /> Alterations to the Property. Grantor promises to abslain from the comnusyion of any waste o❑ the
<br /> Property. Further, Grantor shall rnake no material altcrafions, additions or improvements of any typc
<br /> whatcver to the Properry,re�;ardless of whether such alterations,addilions or improvements would increase
<br /> the value of the Property, nor permi[anyone to do so excepl for tenant improvements and completinn of
<br /> itents pursuanl lo approved planc and specifications,without Lender's priar wntten consent,c��hich conscnt
<br /> may be withheld 6y L,ender in its sole dis�:reliun. Grantor will comply with all laws and regulation5 ul'all
<br /> Public authorities having jurisdiction over the premises rela[ing to the use, occupancy and maintenance
<br /> thereof and shall upun reyuest promptly submit to L.ender evidence of such contpliance.
<br /> Due on Sale-Lender's Consent.Grantor shall not sell,further encumber or otherwise dispuse ol',cxcept as
<br /> hercin provided, any or al1 of its interest in any parl of or all of the Property without first obiaining the
<br /> wriuen consent of L,ender. If any encumbrance, lien, transf.er or sale ur xgreement for these is created,
<br /> La;nder may declare immedialely due and payable,the entire balance of the Indebtedness.
<br /> Insurance.Grantor promises lu keep ihe Property insurcd against such risks and in such form as may within
<br /> the sole discretion af Lender be acceptable,causing E.ender to be named as loss payee or if reyuested by
<br /> Lender, as mor[gagee. The insurance company shall 6e chosen by Grantor subject to Lender's approval,
<br /> which shall not be unreasonably wi[hheld. All insurance policies must provide that Lcnder will get a
<br /> minimum of 10 days noticc Qrior lo cancellation.At Lender's discretion,Granlur may he re�uired Co producc
<br /> receipts of paid premiums anc}renewal policics.If Grantor fails to obtain the required coverage,Lender may
<br /> do so at Granlor's expense.Gran[or hereby directs each and every insurer of the Property to make payment of
<br /> loss to Lender with the proceeds to be applied,only at I.ender's option,tn the repair and replacemcnt of thz
<br /> damage or loss nr to he applied to the Indcbtedncss with the surplus,if any,to be paid by Lender lo Gr�ntnr.
<br /> Payment af Taxes and Qkher Applicable Charges. Grantor promises to pay and to discharge ]ien�,
<br /> encumbrances,taxes,assessments,lease payments and any other charges relaLing to the Property when levied
<br /> or asscsscd against Grantor orthe Property.
<br /> Environmental Laws and Hazardous or Toxic Materials. Grantor and evcry [enant have been, arc
<br /> presently and shal] cnntinue to be in striet compliance with any applicable local, state and fe�ieral
<br /> environmental laws and regulatioits.Furlher,neither Grantor nor any tenant shall manufacture,storc,handle,
<br /> discharge or dispose of hazardous or toxic materials as may be defined by any state or federal]aw on the
<br /> Property, exccpt to thc extent the existence of such materials has been presently disclosed in writing io
<br /> Lender.Grantor will immediately notify l.ender in writing of any assertion or claim made by any party as tu
<br /> the possi6le violation of applicable state and federal enviroiunental laws including the location of an��
<br /> hazflrdous or toxic matcrials on or about the Property.Grantor indemnifies and holds Lender hxrmlcss 1'rom
<br /> any liability or expense of whatsoever nature incurrcd direclly or i�directly as a resuJt of Granlor's violation
<br /> of applicable local, state and federal envirunmental 3aws and regulations or Grantor's invo�vement with
<br /> hazardous ortoxic materials.
<br /> F'inaneial Tnformatiou.Grantor agrees to supply Lender such financial and other informatian concerning its
<br /> af'1'xirs and the stxtus of any of its assets as Lender, from lime to time, may reasonahly requcst. Gr�ntor
<br /> furti�er agrees tn pemnit I.ender to verify accounts as well as to inspecf, copy and to exarnine the books,
<br /> records and files af Grantor.
<br /> Lender's Right to Enter.Lender or Lc;nder's agents sha11 have the right and access tn inspect the Yroperty at
<br /> all reasonable times in ordet to attend to I.ender's interests and ensure campliance with the terms nf this
<br /> Securiry Instrument. If the Propertq, or any par[ thereo£ shall require inspection, repair or niaintenance
<br /> which Granlor has feiled�ir providu,ixnder,after reasonable notice,may cntcr upon the Properry�o effect
<br /> such obliga[ion;and the cost thereof shall be added to the Indebtedness and paid un Lender's demand by
<br /> Grantor.
<br /> A9SIUNM�N1'OF LI�;A5E5 AND RENTS.As addrdonal securitp for the payment of the Indebtedness and the
<br /> performance of the covenants contained herein, Grantor hereby assigns and transfers over to L.ender all rents,
<br /> income and profits("Rents")under any present nr future le�ses,subleases or licenscs of thc Property,including
<br /> any guaranties,extensions,amendments or renewals theteof,froni die use of lhe ProperLy.So Inng as Gran[or is
<br /> G?oo-a-2u i o Compraocc systems,[nc.F"9<7-aa2A-z7iu.us,3ei
<br /> Cnmrr.orciil Re;J 1'v��a�e Secu�iiy Im��umen�-f][AMi7 Pabn 2 uf 5 www,w,mplian�syeteR.a.enm
<br />