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<br />- wita N DENNIS P MEIEq AND DIANF � MEIER . �.— _
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<br /> iF"�'"�"''"'a" Barowa owa L�nd�r th� prNOlpal�um of t Mtl �f1 -
<br /> > '- DoIMn(U.9.i 4 . . 0 1. Thb tMbt b �vidYnord by Barrow�� nob d�t�d lhu -
<br /> ?�+�•���!'�' arrN dat� u thM S�curky In�trummt ('Nob'), whbh provld�s lor menthy p�ynNr�tt,wk►� thA h,n dm�, M not p�W wfi�r, dw md �
<br /> _;'� : '.'.' psyWlo on Mev 1. 2012 .Thk S�curky k►:uum�nt acurN to I�nwr. (s)tho ropaymw►t ot tho dWt a+rld�nc�d =
<br /> � "�� by ths Not�,wRh ht�t, �nd aN ronwrab,extensbns�nd mndNtcatbns o}th+�Notr,(b)th�pnympnt ot aq othYr�um1, wNh ht�t, -
<br /> -�.�:. . -
<br />�="""`•.'",`��., adwnc�d undor pu�pr�ph 7 to protaot th� socurlty o}tt►ft Sacurky fnttrum�nC�nd(0) ttN pertomnanoe ot BoROww'e aovK►m!��nd '
<br />�t,—P a .►�
<br />�.,_-�.., : . �preM�Nnti. For this purpoe�. BortOw�r Ynvocaby pnnts �nd Con+r�y� to TrustN, In Vup,t, w)ffi pOwYr of �iltr, th� fObwfnD =__
<br /> '-.-t;;.r,i•, daserbed prop�Ay looated h H/LLL Catnty�N�bratk�: -_==
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<br />- �} �'� wh�h has tM�ddra:s ot 3600 W CHAPMAN RD .GRAND ISL.AAS(� � .?�
<br /> - etn.e �Y 4 -.
<br />" ''' Net�tiraska 68803 ("Propsrty Address"); _°
<br />� ,, z�v coe• =_-_-,
<br /> � 700E7HER WITH aY tir�qrov�nMnri now or hxwriK rnot�d on tM p�np�rty,and aN�aaarn�ta,appurtOnrnc�s, and fbctur�now -
<br />- or henelter a psrt o}th�p�opKty. A8 nphcwnonts md addkfona�hAN b�cowra! by t�b S�curly Inctrom�nG AY of ths brpobp b ����:-.
<br /> nt�nnd to h thk Securky Intwm�nt as ths'Prop�9y.' �''"-�
<br /> B05�i0YYER COVENAMS th�t Qorcow�r b lawluly ak�d of th� ostaN h�nby convay�d ar+d hna the ripht to pront tnd conwy ���:�
<br /> ' th�Propwty ond th�t th� Prop�rty It unencumb�nd,�xc�pt(ot�ncumbnncas of r�acord. Borrow►x wurronta and wHl d�hnd�nonNY -^--
<br /> -- the tkN to th�Prop�rty�pahst aN cl�ima�nd dernmd�,subjeat to my�ncumbnuic�s of record. -�^ ��:
<br /> r'��"��.� THIS SECURRY INS'TFIU�dENT oombinss unMorm oovemnte for natbn�t us�and non�nROrm aoranunto wRh Ifmk�d verktbm by -• I`
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<br />-- ' UNIFOFiM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lendar covsmnt and afl�as foMow�: �
<br /> - �� 1. Peyment ot Princtpal and Interaat; PrepAyment and Late Charaes. Bonon�v shnF! prompty pay wl�en due ,
<br /> = tha Frinaptl ot nnd htenst on the debt evWenced by the Nota�nd my propsyrtwnt and �t�chupos duo undat tho Noto.
<br /> 2. Fundi for T�x�i and Inaurenae. Subplot to appNCabp kw or to •wrkt�n w�kM bY lmnd�r, Borcower sh1�M p�y to
<br /> Lender an tho doy monthy poymants nra duo under ths Nata, untU tho Noto ta pa�ld h tup, a tum ('Fundt')for.(a) yeufy tucas end
<br /> ,. • assesaments whbh may 4ttnln prbrky ovor thls Securlty Inehum�nt aa a Ikn on Ih�propMty; (b)yeary 1Mt�hold payments or pround
<br />- re�te on the ProF+orty, a any;(o)yeu'ry hanrd or property haur�nce p�ambma;(d)yeari�j fiood insuancm pramlums, If any; (o)ysu�y � �
<br /> mortgaye Insuntnce premlumt,R any;qnd(f)any eumi payabk by Borrower to Lendor, in aecordpnce wkh the provlsbns of pnrapraph �
<br /> -- ' 6, h Iteu ot the payment of moRyege hcuranco promtuma. Yhese Rems aro celbd 'Esorow Items." Lender may,at any tYne, colleat
<br /> � nnd hold Funds In en amount not to exceed the ma�ahwm emount a lender lor a terkraly relatod mortgege Ioan may roqulre for •
<br />� '� �- NEBRIISKA•91nOb FamllpFanN�Mn/Fnddl� Mtc UNIFORM INBTRUMEHT Form 90YE C/90
<br /> F102o.LM0(plo9) Pap� t of b
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