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:.,.— f�4fo w�. . . si*ii�s�+�T�1�rk_ -{�� � ��S ' <br />-. 1J�F'r � f A � . r 1`r..r.:: <br /> �__. i�Fityf�J, . �i�f�'�.,Ylta ��jJ�._..-"..._...s,.ie4y._��yr.�... � ,..�.�r'y..�r,::" . <br /> ua c.. af4�w.¢eaL4...,.,. c'......,, _..-.� <br /> " .. �....�_ ._ ...._..�._ ._....�...�.�_. ___ /�/} /�(p <br />'• YIn��A �()fliJil� <br /> {xtiods thnt Isnder rw�uiras. T9x Insur+umcxrcicr provldin�tho Insurenw shnli lx chasen by llorcower sub)ec1 to I.endcr4 <br /> - � � npp�ovnl wldch shnil rtnl to unroasonably wiihheld. If IIortower fnlla�o maimafn coverage dtsedlxd alwve,I.ender may,ai . <br /> f.cndef�s oplloa,obinin co�•ercgo Ia protect Lendor's dgh�a In iho Pro}xity In nccordanco wii6 p9rognph 7. <br /> All insmm�r.o pollcies s�xl rcnewa�s shall tx acccptnblo w 4ender nnd shatl includc e wnnAnnl mortgago clanse. Lendei <br /> � shnll hnvo tho 8ght to hold�he{wlidcs and rcnewals. If i.ender requin:s.Uorcnwer shnll promptly giva�o I.ender all receip�s <br /> af p�id promluma nnd rcnewal nolices. tn�hp cvcm of luss,Ilorrowcr shall glvo promp�notica io t6e insurnnco rnrcicr and <br /> I.tndcr. Lendermnymnkapronfof�assifnotmadopromp�lybyt3ortowcr. <br />- Unicss l.tndcr and Oorrowcr alicnvlsc a�n:o In wdting,(nsunnco procccds shall Iso appllcA�o roslonqon or r.:paU of �- <br /> t6o Pro�ity dama�W, if iho rostoraqon or repalr is economically fensibto and I.enAer'�secud�y is no� Iessened. If iho <br /> rostomt on or repl r Is not economfcnlly feasib!o or I.endcr4 secndty wonld Ue,tl:e uiwrance proceeds shalt bc <br /> � opplicd to�ix sums sceured by �his Secwiiy Insuuman6 whc�hcr or not thcn duo,wlih aziy azeess pud�o&artowzr. if --- <br /> porcowcr abazdons�ho Ptopeny,or docs not answcr wl�hin 30 days n notice fmm Lcndr.r ttzxt tE:e insurance carrier[vu <br /> ot(ered to scule n dnfnt,then l.ender[e,sy collecl tix ins�:rar.�e praw*at=. LeaCer may vse Ne peaca�ds ro n�aIr as restocz <br /> th:Pcop¢ny or to p3y sums secund by tlits Securi+.y Snstrumene.vrhtther or not then due. itv:30-day period rn![Lrgia whea _ <br /> A:e naftt(s giren. <br /> Un!ess I.ender and D«rower ahsrv�ise a�ree in writing,any application of proceeds to priacipa!shat6 na exce�c!or �- <br /> pwtpor�e tho dua date of the monNiy paymrncs rclenx+!to In paragmphs 1 and 2 or changc the amount of the paymertes. 1f ° <br /> u.^.d:r eaph 21 fF.e Ptoperty is acquirrd 6y C.oak:+�,Borroa�erY right to any iasnmr.ce policies nnd prveeeds[esuttiz� -- <br /> {��}n ta�e ro�lro Proprny pricr w Ure ac�uis;)�>�s�ll pass�o Lender to the eatent of dv:sums saarrd 6y this Sccw.iey - — <br /> immaliately priorto the aa�ss:irnn. __. <br /> ' 6. Gklapancy, IPaurrmtic. 3�:ufalensnce and Prolecitan of il.e Sroperty� ilorrower'a Loaro Apptlrnt3�n: <br /> �laiiv:ho�dc, Borro�cee�h.Il occupx,es;nb;ish,and use ihe Property as Rorro�+r.rY princtpal rc:idence wi�hin six�y days nRer _ <br /> tNe e�e:cu:im of Uils Sa�d�y instn+utr.�and s6all rnnUnue lo occupy�ha Nvprny as OoROwer S pdnetpal resldence for at _= <br /> Ic.v°, oar ytar nfler the dato of oe:+:�ancy, unless Lender o�henvis,: agrces in wri�ing, which eonsem shall nw be - <br /> tln:xu4rr.t�y wl�hhelA,or unless eztcaaa�ing eircumslanees exi�t��filch are beyond Rortox•crk comrol. 6orrower sh:J!m.c �•� <br /> d.snse!�,ct.�magc or impalr Ihe 1'ropcny,allow thc Propeny m d:�criwatc,or coinmit wacte on�he flropeny. 6orcowcr�f�a:i ��,. <br /> be in default It zny fodeimm action or procecding,whetter civil or cdminal,is begun�hat(n Lenderk gaod faith judgnxm = <br /> could result in fodeiture of the Propeny or o�h:�v:�sr matedally impair the Iien crca�ed by this Seeumy Instrument or �-:-. <br /> I.cndcrl security intcrcsi. Dorcowcr may cure such.�Fe(nul�Tnd rcins�atc,as providcd in paragreph IS,byeausing thc eaion = <br /> or procecdins w be dismiucd w(�h a ruling�iaL in lander�s good faith dcicrmfnation,pre�luties forfcimre of ihc Aortowerh =` <br /> (ntercst In Ihe Propeny or aher matedal Impnimicm of the Ikn rrcated by Uiis Securiq� Inswment or Lender4 secudty *�;[ <br /> imcrcsi. Rorrowcr shall atw Ix ia.tefxul� if porcowcr, cnx�ifi �hc loan application pr�xess, gavc ma�cdally faix m °-- <br /> inaccun�e infonnation orvatementti ta A.ender(or fniled�o pm�hta I.ender with any matedal fnPormation)in connation wlth ��:�' <br /> the ioan evldenced by �he Note, InNuding, but na Umfnd �o, represemations conccming Dortou�crY occupancy of the -- <br /> Proxny nc n nrincin,i rae(nPnca. [5?!�is c•c,�d!;Srsuum.^.r.t!__cr,e M^�M!d.➢crr^W^_rsF.�ll cem�t;WI!h a!I thc pmvisIens .- <br /> of t�e Icaso. If 6orrox�eracquiros fee ai�le to�he Properry,�he Iencehold and tha fee tlde shat�not merge uniess Lender agrces — <br /> to the i�r rgcr in wriitng. <br />