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L <br /> page 1 <br /> ���n;��t A�� 98— i(�3685 <br /> ��-.�. 10��24 � <br /> A tract oF land comprising a part�of Lhe West Iialf of the �ast llalf (W� ��) <br /> of Section 28, in Townsliip 11 Nortl�, Range 9 West oF l-he Gth P.M. , 1(all <br /> CounL-y, Nebraska, more T�articularly described as f-ollo�as: Conunencing aL- the <br /> Southwesl Corner of the Souttieast �uarter (SG!�) ot said Section 28; running <br /> tt�ence norl'li along tlie middl.e section ltne of said Section 28, for a distance <br /> of 2200 feet to an lron sL-ake on said middle secl-ion line; running tlience Lrom <br /> said iron stalce 73 degrees norlli and 50 minuL-es east, 800 fee� to an iron stake; <br /> running thence �U degrees north, east 229 feer to an iron sLal:e on the east and <br /> wesl- middle section line of said Sec�ion 2F3; Cl�ence running east 34 degrees <br /> nortli 569 feet eo an iron stalce wl�icl� ls 33 Eeet wes� of Lhe east line oE the <br /> West ilalf oL tl�e Norti�easl !�uarler (W!§ NT'!t,) ot Secl'ion 28; tl�ence running east <br /> 33 teet L-o Lhe east line of Lhe WesL HalE uf. Ll�e Norlheast (2uarL-er (W� NL!r,) of <br /> said Section 28; thence runiiing souLl� along Ltie easl line ot Lhe Wesl ltalf oE <br /> the rast llalf (W`� G!�) of said Sec�Lon 2F1, L-o �l�e south line ot said Section 2F3; <br /> thence turning aL- righL angles anJ running wesl. alon� lhe south ltne oE said <br /> • Section 28, lo tlie place of beginning, and coiilaining about 75 1/J acres, more <br /> or less. <br /> And, � <br /> A tract of land comprising u part of the Soutl�west Quarter (SW'T,) of Section 28� <br /> in '1'ownsl�tp 11 North, Itan�e 9 West ot Lhe GL•h Y.M. , 11�11 Counly, Nebraska� more <br /> particularly described as L-o:llows: Begtni�ing at a point on Lhe west line of <br /> said SW��� said point betng 201.5 teet norll� �f tl�e southwest corner of said SIJ!�; <br /> thence detlecting right 35°17' a�id running nortlieaslerly a dlstance oE 55a.0 <br /> feet; thence deflecl-ing rigl�l- 35�07 ' ancl running northeaslerly a distance ot <br /> 511.1G fee�; tlience detleclj.nb left 20°19' aud running norl-heas�erly a distance <br /> of 542.48 feet; L-lience ru�inin� easterly u dis�ance ot- 1,1G1.73 [eet to a point <br /> on the east line of said SWZ; L-hence running norCherly 11ong and upon khe eas� <br /> line of said SW�, a dislance of 975.07 feet to a point that is 460.0 feet south <br /> ot L-he norLlieas� corner of said SW�; thence running westerly along a line 460.0 <br /> feeL sou�h of and parallel to the nortt� line of said SW'� a distance of 2,154.5 <br /> Feet to a point 510.0 feet easL of the west l:lne oE said SWT; thence running <br /> southerly along a liue 510.0 Leet eas� of and parallel l-o tlie west line of said <br /> SW�, a distance of 1,044.5 feet; tl�e�ice deElecting righ� 64°32' and running <br /> southwesterly a distance oL- 167.1 feel-; thettce dellecling left 7°24' and running <br /> souLtiwesL-erly a distance oC 427.25 Leel- �o a point on tlie west line ot- said SIJ�' <br /> thence running soutlierly alone and u��on �lie west line oE said SW�� a distance of <br /> 727 feet plus or n►inus, to Lhe point ot beglnning and conl-aining G2.732 acres, <br /> more or less. <br /> �xcepting tl�erefrom a tract of ground more parl-icularly descriUed in • <br /> Corporation Warranty Deed recorded in I3ook 149, 1'age 599, ln the Register' of <br /> Deeds OlLlce, llall CounL-y, Nebrasica. <br /> And, also exceptinb therefrom the following: <br /> A tract of land comprising a parL- of �lie NorChwesl- Quarler of the Southeast <br /> Quarter (NWZ Sl�) and a parl ot the NOrI-lieast !�uarl-er of tlie SouLl�west <br /> Quarter (Nl;!� SlJ!y) ot Seclion '1'wenty-L;i�lit (28) , Townsliip I;leven (11) North� <br /> Range Nine (9) West of the 6Lli P.M, in Ilall County, Nebraska� more <br /> particularly described as follows: <br />