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<br /> � �7� ��D2�92
<br /> � � 5� Na�uue�d or Pruperty la5uronse. Borrower �hnll kecp the improvemente now caiscin� un c�reafter crected on thc
<br /> ''; Praperty insured ngainst Ioss by fi�e,h�.ards includcd witliin the term "extended coverlBr." and any other h�ards, including
<br /> ' ftooda or flooeliug, fur wl�ir,h i.xnder requires insurancu.Thir insurance shall be malntaincd in dic unounts and for the periods _
<br /> :';,'" that Lender requirea. The inai�cance carrier providln� tt►a inournnee shall be etiosen by Borrower subject to Lender's upprov�l
<br /> ':;;;,;,,�::�' which shaU not be unrcasonably wiihh�id. If Dorrowar failn to mnintaln coveraBe descriUcd above, Lender may, at L.ender's
<br /> :,�,�:...�+�e+� option,obtala coveraBe to protect Lend�r's riAhts in thr.Aroperty in nccordunce widi prra�raph 7.
<br /> - All insur3ttr.e polRCies anc�rencwals shall be accaptnble to L.ender and shall include a standnrd mortgage clause. l.ender
<br /> shall have d�c rlBht to hold tH.e policies and renewnls, If i.andcr rcquires,Borrowcr shull promptly give to Lender aU receipts of �X,
<br /> • pnid premiums and r�nr.wol itoticcs.In ehe event of lase,I3orrowcr shall�ive prompt notice to die insurance carrier and I.ender. :
<br /> • ,� Lender may make praof of loss if rotmadc promptly by Borrower. .�
<br /> � �, Unless I.eader und Borrower other�vise s�grce in writing,insur.�nce proceeds sl�all Ue applied to restoration or repair of the r '
<br /> �' Propeny dan�age�d,if die restorntion ar repair is economicuUy feusible and Lender's security is not lessened. If the restoratlon or -
<br /> repair Is not economicnlly feasible or L.ender's security�vauld be lessened.tlie insurance ptocecds shail be appiied to the sums
<br /> _ __�_._.� securcd by this Security In�tsu�:er.t,�vhether or not thr.n duc, with any excass pald to Bonower. lf&irrower abandops the �
<br /> ' � Froperty. or daea not an�wer within 3� dnys a noticQ fmm Lender that the insurance carrier has offered to senle a claim,then :�:
<br /> Lender mn/ collect die insurance proeeeds. Lender may use thr. proceeds ro repair or restore the Properry or to pay sums `
<br /> secured tsy du�Security Instrument,�vhciher or not thr.n due.Tbe 30-day pedod will begin when rize notice is given. �;�
<br /> � Unl�ss L.ender and Borrower oihenvise a�rca in �vriting, any application of proceeds to Principal sh�tl not extend or "�
<br /> • poatpoae the due date of the monthly payments reifnned [n in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change tlte amount r,T tfiE payments. If �.:..'
<br /> � . ' uader pnragragh 21 die Property is acquired Ly Lcnder, l3orrower's right to any insurance policjes and proceeds resulting from �
<br /> demege tm tha Pro�eny prior to the acquisition shall p�s to Lender eo the extent of the sums secured by this Security Instniment �'`-
<br /> immediatcly prior to the acquisition. �-
<br /> 6.(!rcugaacy,FYeservatton, Maintepance And I'tY►tecdon oP tl�e Praperty;Bonrower's�un ApplicaUon; Leaseholds. �-
<br /> , � Borrower ahall occupy,establish,and use the Propeny afl Bonower's principal residence within sixty days after the execution of �'�_
<br /> • � this Securiry Inouwnent and shall continue to occupy the Property as Honower's princinal residence for at teast orze year after —�
<br /> ..
<br /> �'`'' _ .__;;; the dat�of occu�rancy,unless Lender othenvise agrecs in wricina,wl�ich consent shall not be unrwsonably withLeld,or ess
<br /> - • •;;`��°;� extenuat�II circwnatanees eaist wNch nre beyond Horrower's controi. borrower snaIt noc ac�iroy, ciamage oi i;,i�,af� ii�c —
<br /> � � ``�"P"' Propercy, allow die Property to d�ceriorate. or commit waste on ehE Property. Horrower sliall �e in default if any forfeiture
<br /> �•--,;;,;.: •
<br /> 'K .�,:•�•, r���
<br /> : ,,, ;„{....,:` '• actian or proceedin�, whethcr civil or criminal, is be�naEa tlzat in Lender's good faith jud�ment could result in forFeiture of the
<br />;�' ``t'�'`�'��'"� � Property or otflerwice mnterially impair the lien create�by this Securlty Instru►nent ar Lender's securiry interes3.Eonower may
<br /> �'.r;:s,I�'',',''i��' �' .
<br /> -n:ri1.':..��y.�,:.r, •
<br />- .,.�;: cure such a defaule a�id reinatate,es provided in parn�ruph 18,by causing uie aetion or proceedin�to be disu�issed with a niling
<br />- • ''';;' . that. in I.enQur's goad faith deternuaation, precludes forfeiture oP che Bonower's interest !n t[ie Property or other matarlal
<br />--__: . impairment of tl�e lien created by Uus Securtty Instrument or Lender's security interest. Borrower shall also be in default if
<br /> - - ` ���'� Bonower.during tlic loan application process,aava matcrially false or taaceuratc information or statenients to Lender tor failed
<br /> ��•- � ���� to pro�ide Lender witla any material information)In connection widi tbe loan evidenced by dic Note,includiug,but not limited
<br /> . � . � to, repre�ntat�onn concerning Borrowea's occupancy of the Property as a principal residence. If this Security Instnunent is on a
<br /> ` "`" leasehold. Eorrower sl�all wmply witfi all the provIsions of the lease. If Horrower acquires iee title to the Property, the
<br />'��n.:•:I.:-I•��:�. .
<br /> •-����':;�:•, � lcc,sehold and dia fce dde shull not mcrge unless Londer agrecs ro the mer�cr in wdtin�.
<br /> -`=`�''-:;`;''�� T,Pt�utection af Lcnder's Rjghts ln the ProNe�ty.If Borro�ver fails to perform the wvenaues and agreemeats cantained in
<br /> ��;�`�' thi� 5ecurity Iuetrument, or there isa legal proceedix��ihat may siBnificantly affect Lender's i�ighu in the Property(s¢ch as a
<br /> T�i�� x�� . proceedfnB in bannkruptcy,probate.for wndemnation or forfciturc or to enfoccc Iaws or regularions), dien Lender may do and —
<br />�--��L.;��
<br />---��;,a''��'.�'•� puy for wltatever is necessary to piotoct che valua of che Properry and Lender's rights in dic Froperty. Lender's actions may
<br /> �-"�` �`���;'� include n an sume secured b a lien whfch hus riorl over this Securl Instrument, agpearing in court. pxying
<br /> _�,�.;j;;;;;y: P Y►aB Y Y P tY �Y
<br /> T�x,,;ay�;'!:T. reasonable attamcys'fc:es and enteriag on the Yroperty to make repairs.Although Lender may wke action under this paragraph �^
<br /> —'='�M���a 7,I.xnder does not uave to do so. ir?:_•
<br /> �-�:_
<br />���^^y.� Any amounta disbursed by Lender under thls parugraph 7 shall become additional deUt of Borrower securcd by tl�is �"'-
<br /> _'::,
<br /> �—��:.� —
<br />��r�'•...;:�i'.s, Sesurity Inct4ument. Unless Bonower and T..ender agrce to othcr terms of payment, thcse amounts shall bear interest from the --
<br /> x�►r.;�:,
<br /> ��,r, s.•,;.. data o�die�ursement at the Note ra�e ancl shall be payAble, with interest, upon notice from Y.ender to Borrower requesting
<br /> -"�'"�'�'a� pwyanent. —-
<br />-;- •� ..-:
<br /> S.Mort;age L�aurance. If Lender required mortgage insurance as a condition of makiuB the loan secur2d by this Security :
<br /> - [nstrument, �orrowcr sltall pay the vremiums requii�;d to muintnin dic mort�agc insurance in effect. if, for any reason, the ^';'.-
<br /> . : .,�+�';. mortgnga incuc•ance coverage required �y Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect, Fiorrower shnll pay the premiums tequired to ��'N;_
<br /> `.�', � �3 Y 9 8 P Y � Y 4 ,.�'°
<br /> •„ :�';�,_,; : obtain covara s suUstantiall e uivalent ro the mort a�e insurance reviousl m effect,at a cost snbstantiall e uivalent to the
<br /> �'•: cost to Homd�var of the mortgage insurance previously in effect, from an altemate mon�aQe insurer approved by Lender. If •
<br />��'� substantially eqiiivulent mortgage insuranoe caverage es not availuble,Borro�ver shall pay to Lender each month a su�equal to �r�=
<br /> ,.�,;
<br /> • ana-nvelftti nf thQ yeurly morigage insurance pnemium being paid by Borrower�vhe�the insurance covernge lapsed or ceased to ;::;;
<br /> - ' be in effesct.Irend�r wlll accept,use ana•]retnia these payments as a loss mserve in lieu of mongage insurance. Loss reserve �;t,t:
<br /> Form 3028 9�/j90 �
<br /> - rt'~._ ��8Ii(NEI��J^.t:t�.o� aeps 3 oi o in:cuiu </C �4i�.
<br /> �rc.� ;•t
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