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. .,. <br /> .�.._:..: Yu�. .._ _ . <br /> ; g���,(�93�� �.' <br /> rmm M�c�q ulrcd to pey el outs%ndirgrindoGlt-0nc t nndcr�ho No1e�ul Nfs cecud Y�Insimmcni shall boµatd n�t o cniliy _ ... .. <br /> Icgaliy enlfliedlhercto. <br /> 8. Fces. Lender may collul Res md chnrges nu�horizul by tho Surctary. <br /> 9. LiroandsforAeeekraibnot�ebt. <br /> (�)Aefauit. I.snder may,exccpt ns Ifmttcd by regidntlons issned 6y tho Sttrctary in�ha case of paymcnt<tofnulls, <br /> requirc immedl�le�ynxm(n fnll of all sunu securcd by�his Sccadiy Insuumcn�IL• <br /> ({)IIorrowar defa�l�s by fnilin�m pay in Po11 ony momhiy payment nqnired by ihls Securi�y instmmenl prior <br /> to or on tho duo Jatc of tl�o noxt mom6ly paymem,or ' - <br /> (ip i3orrowcr dcfeul�s Uy fniling,tor n perial ot thiny days,to perfomi nny ahcr obiign�lons contafnccl In thls <br /> Sccnri�y fnstmmcnt. <br /> (b)3ato Wilhont Credlt ApprovnL LcndershallJf pcmihicd by applicnblo Inw,.nA wiih�ho priorapproval ottYo: <br />� Secrelnry requtro immediate payment in fall of nll t6o sunu sccured 6y�his Secudiy Instmmem i@ <br /> (q A�I or Pw of tF.e Property,ar a treneliclal tnr�rcst In n tmsl owning nll or pan of Ihe Prapeny,lz 3a!d or <br /> e�F.eewis:i�anstertcd(oil:cr�iwn Ly�f::vis;or dzscent)Ly tlee 6orrowcr,and <br /> (ii)'[2.e Pzepeety is r.a«cepied by tha purehas:r a graniee as hls oe her prfnctpal reside:s�e,cr rGe paahaser -� <br /> or grantee rces m occupy the PYopercy �ut his a her cndie has not becn npprured in accmdu�se <br /> �vith thx ryqutrements a°tSe Sccrclary. <br /> (c)ro\Ynirer, iicircnmstaa�s occur�hnt would p:rnd.t i.e�er ro nyuin;immedlato payment in fult,but Lea'en <br /> dcesno� ufrcsuch7�aymenr�Lenderdoesnolwaiveitsrightswiihres�ectlosubscquenterents. ____ <br /> (1!)Regnl�nns of IiUU Secratary. In many circumstances regulaticns�zsucd 6y ihe Secretuy will limit�:rS <br /> dghts,in thr ci=¢ uf ytiyr.ient dcfanits, rorcc�ulre immedia�e p�pnxcat In full and toreelose if xca FaiA:- iiii9 �- <br /> Secnriry lustn�.mrm dees mm�nthodze accelera�ion or Poreclosurc if nat p:m��neA hy r.suladon m°i3e Sic�c�a�•. <br /> (m)Morlgage Not InmreA, ftoROwe�agnes that shouid�his Securiry;nsnumem ar.d the no:e secrm:�he�en?nw � `"-` <br />. be eligiblo(or ipintarcc un:Ier tl.r Na�ional Ilousing Act wiihin e montY� frem�he = <br /> datt heuf.Londer mnq,nt i�:o,:io�and rohvithsianding any�hing in F:�Mgreph y,rrquire immediau�in �i�..:, <br />� (ull of all sums securcd by�his Securiq Inswmcnt. A wriucn s�a�er.:cnt of nny amhorized agrnc eu¢he$an�ary --- <br /> da�ed subsequem to 8 moDths (rom iGe 8a�e hercof,dccilning lo insia��tiix Sctud�y � <br /> InslmmeN nnd the nme re:iued ihereby,ehall be deemed conciusive proof of such inelig@ility. tiawii6stviAing �="�� <br /> the forcgohig,�his opiion map no� Ue exercisrd by I.ender when�he unavailability of Insurance is sotely Auc ro �s:�-' <br /> Lenderk tailure to ttmii e monga�e insurnnee premium�o�he Secrctary. _-;:�-, <br />� 10. Reirrstafenaem, Uortower has n dgM ro 6c rcinstated it 4ender hac mquired immuliate pnymem in PoII Ixcaus. �.:�._: <br /> of Rortower5 fnihim to pay nn amount due undcr�he�Nme or ihis S«miey- lnswnunt. 'Ihis right appites even a(cer �{r_' <br /> Porcclosum procadS:�,c are Ins�imied. To rtinsta�e �he Seendry Instrurc.m. SnROwer shall tender in n lump snm a�l <br />� amoums rtquircd ro bring Ronowrrt accounl curtem the exirm �hry arc obilgailons ot Dorrower under this �'���.: <br /> Securily Inst�ument,foreclosure caxts anA reasonnb!e nnd cusiaru.ry ailomey�s'ices aitA rzFenses properiy associated wifi ��_: <br /> tho to:eclosure praceding. U�wn reursmtement Uy porrower,�his Securi�y aml�fix oblfgaticns�hat it sewres �'-:: <br /> shall rcmain in effect as if Lender h�x nm re�r.Fred iauncdia�c payment In tuU. Nowevcr.L.:rtder Is nol rcqulred Io�milt �,;_.-_ <br /> rcinstatemenl iC (i)l.mder has eccepaA rnascuement n�er�he commencrmem of foreciosurc praczdmex wi�h n�wo ��;r;- <br /> pears immedla�ely prettding the eommtncemm�t of a cumm foreclosure praceding. (IU rclnslatemrn� will preclnde ls=�'?`- <br /> torcclxure on differem grounds In�he future,or(iii)rcins�a�ement wlll advenely nffec�ihe prbri�y of�he Iten crcnted by r}k:;,t:. <br /> diis Sewd�y Insuvment. �-`.-: <br /> S7. Uarrower Not Released; Farbenrence by I.ender Not n {5ulvee Cxtenslon of ihe time of paymem or +_g..- <br /> modi�caiion of nmonb��ion ot�he sums secund by�his Securi�y Ins�mmem grnnted 6y Lender to ony xuccessor in in�crest ;�-.:. <br /> of 6ottower shall no�operate to relcace the liabifi�y of�he odginal Uottm��cror Ronox�crh successor in In�erest. I.ender i';�%:�. <br /> sltall not be requlred�o commence proceedings againsi any xuceezsor In imerest or re(use to ex�end�Ime for payment or �` °` <br /> C.:.... <br /> othenvise modify amotlivation o(Ihe smns saurcd 6y Ihis Securily Insuwnem by reason of;my demand made by�he �- - <br /> odgtnal IIorcower or poamvert xuccessorx in interesi. Any forbeamnce by Lender In exercising my right ar r.medy shall ��i.±?:��. <br /> not be a waivcrof or praludc�he en.rcise of:my dgh�or rcmcdy. �;�.�.- <br /> 12. Su¢cessora and As.algns t'x;nnd;Joint nnd Se�rrnl I.labllily;l'oSlgners. Tl:r covcnanu nnd agrcemems of r:_' <br /> thls Saudty Ins�mmem shall bind na!'hr.c6t ttx�uccesson nnd assigns of Lender nnJ Qortower,subjec�to�he provisions <br /> of Famgrnph 9b. Cortuwerk coemi+m�s nnd��:Rrmems shall IH:Jotnt m�A sevenL Any Dorzow�er wIm co�signv ihis -- <br /> Seeuri�y Insuumem b�:t docs no�execme ihe Koie: (a)Is co-signing�hts S.amiiy Insmnn.nt only�o n:�age,gmni nnd =---� <br /> eonvey that Oonowcrk Lncrest in�hc Pmpeny undcr�hc�emu of�his Securiry�In.uumem:�bi is not perxonaliy obligmed ta 'r1�lcf� <br /> p�y thc sums securcd by�his Sccuriq Instrumem:and(c)agrcrx ihat Lendcr:md an�mh,r Hortowcr may agrcc�o exter.J, °�`-'� <br /> modify,forbcar or makc nny nccan`r:alations�eiih rcgnrd w thr�emis of�hic Secunty Inswmcm or the Notc wi�hout iha� ��_���-� <br /> �ortowcrs conscm. �!�'�-`��� <br /> 13. Nollces. Any nu�ice�o Oorrower providad for in�hic Srcuri�y]ns+rcment shall Ae given by delivering it or by rt;:'='� <br /> malling fl by fifs�tlass mail unlecc ap lica6lt tau nqulns nse of nnoihr:mclhod. 'fhe notice +hall be dircc�ed to�he "�-=- <br /> Property Addtess or any other adl�esti�orrouer d.signaics b�. nmice�o Lender. Any no�icc lo Lendcr shall be given by �f;"' <br /> fitsl dac;mail m Lendert address.ia�rd herein or any x�!drr,c Lendcr Aaign:na I�y r.n�ice ia 6onower. Any noii.e � • <br /> pro�:d.d tor in�his Securi�y Ins�mmcro shall M dern•rd io hzn given�a Iiortmrer or LenJer�chrn gi.en as proridcd k <br /> m�hia pnragraph. ::.. <br /> 1A. Gm�erning La�r:Se�etflUlilq�. 'll�i,Sr:u:i�y Inqmmrnt sh:d:tr sorcmcJ hy 1'rdcral I:m an.!the law of�he '.';," <br /> ,1urisdictim in a�hich Ihe Propeny i�localed. In Ihe eveni�h.�i;ms pm��.inn nt dau.e o(ihis Sccuni� lmwmem or�he �-"'� <br /> NMt conficls wilh ap`ilicu6lc laut.uch con0icl shall no�afkr�n:hrr prmi.inm of�hi�Srrurily InVrumrnl or Ihc Notc .•���.. <br />. given effe.l wi�ho�t�h_eonllicling prm�i�ion. 1. :���rnd 7:�r prori.ian.,•':'e:.$ccuriir Insvumenl v�d�he �>;�;-:. <br /> Nole n�e dt.lartd lo lr.evcrabir. " <br /> 76. llorrmrer's Cape Bormucr o-h:dl Ix gircn nnc cunfnrrad capy of ihi�Sc vri�� I::.immcnl. .. <br /> 16. Auignmxri nt lirnt+. 13orto.�cr uncnnJi�ion:dlr:n.ign.:mJ u:, b+Lcndrr all Ihc rcnl.�nJ�crcnun rt ihc . <br /> Propeny. Uonowe::r.:ihrnitn Lrr.Cer ar LenJer'.:igrnh lo cnilerl die rcN..ind re�enuc.a�d herr6r ditett.eath�ena�.���f �..�`; <br /> Ihc Propc�ly W pay'�Y.a tcnh 1��!cr o�LcnJeri a�•cni�. Iloxeccr.poar to LcnJrr'.r.ou:c lo bunm�cr of Ilortoner's i,; _ <br /> brcach of mry ro��cnam or agrcar..r°::��hc Sccunt)'ImlmnxnL 13ortoxcr.hall a oIL^cl:c:.:rc:ticc all ruv�and re�crr.t.of - <br /> lhc Fro��ny a.INacc(ot Ihc hr:.`r...f Lcndcr.mJ Ilorrm�cr. lLn a..f fnnn•m ol«n1>o• ah.oLnc a..ig�:'rnl <br /> and not ar.a.vignmcnt(or:�Jdi1r,r..�..ccuriry�onl��. <br />- If Ler.,'ar}i�::,n;•Iice nf brer..h tn 13nrtnxrr. �a�:dl�a�i.«acned h� Bartawt�4ha);M ke:J 1•c Rurmwet a�In:Hre - _. <br /> for 6cr.cfi: r.7 l.r:..::: n:ly.In M1c:�ppGvJ lo�h. .um..ccund b)Iht Snuni� InaNnKnl:Ih�Lcr.2..•. ;`dii M cnii)Itd in '� <br /> collei:am:a:::•.t Ihc rcnh af Ihc Pro�xtly:anJ Icl rach 4nan;ol ila�Ru�nm .hall�:i} .L: :r.:..,:ar.mJ m:�a::�n _ <br />- Lcnd<r rt LC�2TS:igcnl on Lcro!a',wnilcn dcm:mJ to Ihc trnvnl. <br /> I+.-^DUCt I11 no1 etc�uMd am priur a.vgnman �+f Ihc rcnt.aitd hd.nrl a�J udl m•I �c::unc ary aA that nc.uld <br /> prevcm Lcndrr from n,n�ht.w�dt�thi.l'ar.�g�nph Ib <br />- Lc:Jer shaii mv ta rcyuucJ�n cmcr up�a.�aAc�ais�oi��t nr m:unLUn Ihr Ronn. ix(nrc or .�irtr gn fnt nutwc u[ � <br /> 6rcaeh lo Bortu�wcc Iluwcrcr.LenJrr ur a�ad�..ull� ap{'..�nr�.f rrcri�cr may do.n a:�n� hmt�h:rc n a brradi. Am I <br /> appli��aliun of rcnb shall not curc or xairc an.dr(�afc�,r m� am a�hcr nghl or rrmrd.o(Lrndrr. 'Ihi.a.�ignmcnl { <br /> uf rcnlc of Ihc Ikapeny.hall Icnninal.��hcn ihc dchncaur.d h.ihc Sca unn In.trwncnr n paiJ w lull. j . <br /> � <br />. � <br /> •rn. ...t�p.c... � <br /> �` <br />