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.1� �.) nl t- �7 .v :(� tM ���y !.• . - ����'�...,, �.�k�.'E ` � yt fr�"--) .s _ <br /> :?� .-.�� �. )�- +> ��r�-�� 1�ti � y�i � -. , '• . <br /> • �lr� { t��tti � � �- i s„ t � ..__...-r..y__..._�-.i"t�Me,..�1;,.-��v <br /> 1.A�I�La� �u.�vlfii���.S.�.�.L...�LiF1nd.,n�tGa Y�a.4+/:+L�ti..S:l�. <br /> .---�.,����:. 92�.t�3s3 = <br />-=— 1, i'epment of Prindpel,Inlerest�nd Lpte Chargr. llortowar sMatl p,y�vhen duc�ho pdncipal oL nnd fntens!on, <br /> ---- tha dFW evldencal by tlro Nao anA lela chugts due under dio Nnte. _ <br /> .-.,._,.. .. . . <br /> - 2� Monlhiy p�}mtnts of 7qxc�,Insnranu And Olher Ch�r�cs� Rorcmver shall indudo In wch mom ypaymcm. <br /> _-__;�_��� rogethcr wltL tho pflncipnt nnd tnterosi ns se�tonh in�he Nao and nn la�o chnrges,nn Insmlimcm of any(n)mx�s and <br /> __=,,-a. special esussmcNS lcvir�d or lo Iw Icvlcd ngnins�d�o P�opony.@)IcascXoro pnymcros or groimA roms on�ho Propc�ty,snd <br /> � (o)prcmtums forinsnrnnco rcquired 6y Paragmpl�4, <br />- a=_� F.ocL momLly Insiailmrnt tor hems(n),(b) and(c)sball cqunl one4�ecl�h of tho nnnnal nmonntR, as rcasonnLly <br />_�;::� cstlmalcd by Lcndcr, plus:m amount eufficicm �o an nddi�lonnl b.ilnnw of no� moro t6an onoaixth of�ho _ . . __ <br /> �� cstlmned amounts. 71w full nnnual amaiN for exh item shall Uo nccmm�lated by l.cndcr withtn a pariod cndin�ona <br />--"--'-;� month 1�etoro an Item x�outd ixcome deltnqucnt. Lcndcr shall hold�ho amounts colicaul in tnxst to pay Itcros(a),(b)nnd -_ <br /> �rws� _ <br /> �k. <c)Txturc O.,:y Lzco�:�1%n.}¢ent. ��-- � <br /> f� t£ac:ny tiax rt.�tcwl cf�he paymems hetd 6y LenAer for itcros(a),(b)arut(c),togett:er wit4�futvx arr�e.ttdy <br /> ,,,�, paKo�ats fa v:�2� 'c'�rms Qayabk w I.ender prtor to tta:due dates of sucl�imns,txceeds Ey muee thzat ece-sixth�tx <br /> ;-„3.�?,$� awmr.r.d zm�or.c of qaymrats eeqaircd topay s�xh i:cros wheo iWr..and iE payrae¢u en tF.e N�.e an er.m.m,th�A.enS:r <br /> -•"•-'+�� t�.'�,�f eiePxr refruxl R+e exRSS ovrr aro:-siute of Qa:esCim,ataf pay�rsnes oz c2dit Uy:excau oxzr�•sixih of�M estimsi:d ____ _ <br /> } � ` <br />-�`,�t.'# p�ynrs:ts to sv3xqu:m piym:rus by L•k:c�o•xer,at ttae c�cian of ftwroxer. tf the totai of tlm fuym:ms made 6y Borrouer _ <br /> '�},��.: fcs iune<a).@>.w(c)B to p�y tt�itrm.�l�m '�:.II�ea Bcr�ouer shatl pay to Lend:r.ny amount r.ecusary�o <br /> m�.ke ag the deficieocy on o¢Leforo ttee dzte the item 6ecw.�nes d�r:. ��- <br /> • .c.Z:�' As nsed in this Stturity,'Setrttary'meaas ilw Secrt�ary of Hauing acd UrWn Developmcnt or hls or her �f'i`z;, <br /> f".t: '"` d:slgnrc. ln aay ywr in w9icte Ux Le�:tzr musi pay.racwsage Incur�r�e prcmiura to J�;Seerrtary.each monthly p�yment ST^--� <br /> - '::..n:.C1 ��t'o-'__ <br /> ���-��y shall atso iad�ede cf�hcr. (i) an inslatfuwni of tlic annnal mortg�gc insuranx yror..5�m to 6�: �Id by Lendet m lhe <br /> �p��y�, Secrctary,ar(i)a monthty ci�arge insiwd of e mongage insuranre premfum I!�hSs Secumy la.urzment Is hcld by the = <br /> S:trctary. Tacfi mon�hfy Installment of�he mongage Insumnee prcmi�m shall l+e In nn amount s�i�icicr�un aceumulate the .. <br /> rl�r�,� £¢il annual mohgage insurance prcmium wi�h Lendrt�Re month prior ro iho da�e the full anMixt m..oxgage insorance a�y�ors25. <br />-?�'i�•+--:_. sz'sum is duo to the Secrc�e or if�hfs Security Incxamrnt is heid b the Setre� each mo�u}i;p�r.v�x shHl br ia ax «?�"'"� <br /> ary� '� `f.c ,.� <br /> -:t-}��u,` w�»muitequxlloone•twelGho one•halfpercemof�Aenutsundingprine,pal6alanceduean�hoNaU. {�v r�.��,,—_ <br /> 1i$wcmecr tenden to Lender�he PoII payment of nll mms secumA by this Securi�y Inswr.>:.7:.Dorto�vu's.�ccoun: CSp2 Fc�� <br /> °'�;�' shall be crediad with�he baiancc rcmainin (or all ins�allmeNS tor Items(a), (b) and (c) ar:@;rxy mort a e tnsurence � }r i _ <br /> ,q � prcmium ix,tallment Ihat I.ender has r.o�hcome obliga�ed�o pay w the Secrc�ary,and Lender sSxtS promplly retund any ���*�t��= <br /> if�'iA�'+ exct.0 furxk to Bortower. Immediately ptior�o a fortclosure sale of the Propeey or its ocqniai,�o�by Lende�,6ortower�s ���iF_vS� <br /> _t,��91� neeountsL�llboeredilcdarithanyF.ilaneercmaining(orallins�allmeNsforftems(a3.([�4anA(c). .'t� � <br /> .L 3. ApF��catlonotFn3mouls. Allpaymentsundcrl'nr�graphslandl.shallbexgp-rsdbyl.en<krasfoilows: )�Tk�;7� ___ <br /> -- � to�hemotl ngcinserance e.mmmtobe atdb Lender�o�heSecret.x �tn�hrannth' chareb �he a ] � - <br /> � �ti. L1B$L 6 4 ' P Y }.,.., ry 6 Y rt �"4.} <br /> - ���.�y Sectc�ary Instead of�he mon�hly�rrtgage Insumnte prcmtum; �{`f', <br /> f�`.,,�i y'�, $F.CONn,lo any�uces,spetial ususmen�s,Icasehold paymenu or gmund nns,and fi�e,ftoo:l�nd o�her hazard sj`'is"f' ,�: <br /> �t,�;� Insurancc��:quircd: ,.>'�1=� r `.— . <br /> p - 7}{IRI),IOI(IICresIQJ.enndcrthcrioic: �t �F ' <br /> �r F.1, - - JY�gj�{,to amonira:iun of�hc pdncipal of�hc�ntr: ����ut�t� -�_ <br /> ��r,, '"� �J�jj.tolamchargezdueundcrtheNota F r • �,tYTr <br /> y�,i t:, 4. Flre,Flood and Olher Ilazxrd Insurance. Oorto�ver shail insurc all improvrnicros ort az Anpeny,whether now t N;S;y��''�t .. <br /> `L-�`��.p in existenm c�r subscqucntty crcaed,a�aim�any hazvds,canuahics,erd comingcncics,Inclvd�m firr,for whkh l.ender i ��+ 'a_ <br /> .ai`�'� 'G <br /> �' !ti 7 ulros inxmmcc. 'Ihis insurance shai7 b:maimnincd(n thc amocros nnd fot�hc dals Ihet 6.c:A.:r�c uims. Oortox'cr � �� <br /> � p� . sh II also Insurc all Imprm�crcnts on the Propeny,whe�her now in existence or su.�rquentl��erecred aga,n:a bs by floods lj%�`n12���, ;. <br /> � ' ��` Io�hc exknt ru�utrcd by�:r Setniary. All Insurana shall be carttcd witli comp:ni�npproveA by LcrAcr. 'fhe imurnacc .�j�i'`. -'.��t jj� � <br /> .�rt ✓.` <br /> ,-, . <br /> -��tr;:, pollcles end any renewala shall b�.• lield by Lender and shall Include bss payaE4e cln:�.us in fmtt of, end in n fomi s� { �� z�t .. <br /> r� `r acccptabteta�ndcr. � } P 'x �� -- <br />�'-'Tr,`3�i'S�i In iha ecem of loss,Oorcomer shall give Lendcr immediate na�ice 6y mail. Lende�r.�a} m.:•:proof of loss if nm fFC,#"( �� .,,��;2.�: <br /> -,j4�"�'t? made promp�Sy 6y Uortower. Tach insur,uuc companp eoncemed is herc6y nmhorized ancl disecc v!to make payment Por lr�'S � t5,� .. <br /> - ?« ,, ,- such loss dircc�ly�o Lcnder,instead of to Dottox�er and�o Lender Joimly. All or�nc pari of�he insnrence praceds may be ��,��+•� t, <. <br /> Lr tt �� �pp���by Lender,nt i�s op�ion,ei�her(e)�o Uu reduciion of the indcbtednas undoi thc Nmc and�his Secud�y Inswmm�. �`cl;: �}, , � -` <br /> � ",t ti PP R P P Y, P P• �1,tF'f}M1s;..�r.{«.,.: <br /> y�•xg rs1 to any deltn1ucnt nmoums a licd In �hc ordrr in f:�ra mph J.:uid�hen ro rc a�mem of rinci al,or(b) to�hc <br /> � ! resteratiun o�repa�r o(�he damaged propcny. Any applica�ion of�hc prceceds�o�he prinapal shall not cxtcnd or posqwne ,.•;;:,: r�L - :,. <br /> � ,:� the due dve ot�he momhly paymenis�vldcl�nre rcferred m in 1'.�ragr�ph 2.or change�he amount of such p,rynxn�s. An� + ��� '�"'r ' <br /> qF ;_ � cxcess insunnce praecds ovcr an vnnu�i rcquircJ�o pay all omsianding inJebicdness undrr�hc`otc and this SceuA�y -- -. �s�' <br /> � � ��� Inswmentshallh paidto�hcemi�p Iegallyentided�herc�o. •'���� ���r <br /> 3�1 j}�}�, in thc cvem ot toc.cUsnm of�his Searity Insvumcnt or othcr transfcr of�i�lc�o thc Propeny�hat c�dngu�shcs thc it���}� �,f,'-�� <br /> indtbtedness,ail rig#v:.:ak and inercc.of 6orto�rer in and�o insurance�o licies in force shall pass lo�he purch:�er. L�S{3;,� . <br /> ?,. i,� 5. (3m: imc�, 5'ersenailou, ;�lnimenanee nnd Protecllon o( the Propertg; Iforrowrr�c Loan Appllcuilon; -�7�'>��t 7 '�- <br /> - - �.9. F 9 anv il t�7` ,- <br /> Leauhul�. Donox�r sY.a11 occupy, e�aulisli,and use�he Pmpeny�ac 6ortmeer's principal rcsFS�nce wi�hin siuy days uq,t5; 1,Is <br /> �� � '�' afier Ihe ex�a:icn ot Security Ins�rument and shall cominue�o occupy�he Propeny ac Oorto�.uk principal rcsidenee _ ��i..:'.-t'r,�+ - <br /> `z °- for a�Ieazt one ycar oh:�the date of«cupancy.unless�he Sccmtaryde�em�ines�his rcqwrement will cause ur.Aut hardship � ��i�t��'+� i __. <br /> . . (or 6orcower, or unless c.tenuaiing circunis�mices exis� �chich are Mpond 6ofro���et�comrnl. Donower shall no�ify <br /> _ -}�; �t�. . <br />..-{��:f?=�:f Lenders of any excenua�ing circums�ances. Uortoa�cr shall noi coaunii waue or davoy.d:miage or wbs�amially change �i `)�� `�f - <br /> , � .,�.,f, thc Propeny or aliow�hc Propcny m dctcriorate,rcawnable�ccar and icar cxccp�cd. Lcnd.r may�r.s�cl�he Propeny if�hc ��� •7', `�� <br /> --� f?openy is vacam or ab�ndoncd or�he loan is in default. LenJer mny�:�lc rc.nonabic:n�iw�in p�<�iul anJ prcaent wah - j � '_ <br /> . ,,rb-=, vecam or abandoned Propeny. Oorroo�cr shall also lx in dcfauh i(6orrox.r.during�hr loan e/�lkatinn proccss, gave = '.; v� � <br /> malcriallY falsc or inaccuralc infomialiun or cl:dem.nls Io Lrndcr Nr failcd lu prnridc Lcndcr ailh any malcrial n� ,�3: - ' � <br /> , TF�i":v� informavonl in conne.f:�.��.ith ihe loan n�iJenco!t: �FC\o�e. induding.M1m r,N Iimi�eJ �n.rcprcuma�iom m�eming �,.;r, <br /> � f Oonowcrl occupancy.t c:;Propcny a.a Principal rr.Am.a. If Ihi.Sccunq�h:.:r.�rnl i�nn a Icaacho!d.Ucrm�s rr shall :� <br /> � _ -�� cmnply wi��Uic provia�.:-o!Ihc Icasc. If Borruwu nrqmm fcc iidr w Ihc 1'rofini.lhc Ica�chold and(cc luh.h�ll nm <br />---- �:�-i� hm:rgedunircalsr.drr:iFmesmP.�e-.:�FCrin�rriung. • - -. <br />`��;y:��- 6. Charges lu Uorro��rr xnJ�Prncerllon of I.endrr i Righis in Ihe Pruperlr. Dnrta��cr.hall pay:JI gm�cmmcm.�. . <br /> �� - = or iavn::p::::i::�•:ir.d i;r,Fusiccns Ihat am nM induAed u P.rt�Eraph'_ 13urro��cr.h:Jl pay Ihc�e ubLgalimm�c - <br />...:;�. .�, �'J :irt:t diten)y ro�h. rn::� .�*�i:h i.oncd�hc papnr:u If(ailurr in pa� ��ould.�d�cncly affrct Lcndcri imrrr•1 in iF.r � � <br /> / ?�cpcny.upon Lendcr:rc.,::,� Q�all prum��h fnmi�h�„LrnJ.r rcccipl.c�fdcn�ing ihcsc p.nmcm.. . - <br /> q . ' r If Ooiiowcr faili lo i ake �hc.c pa�mcnu�x�t:�a)�mcnt� rrqmrcd 6y I`ardgraph :. nr failti m�wr..-- �.,ny oilx�� � <br /> wvenaNS and agrcenxul.conlnined in�hi.Secunly In.trwnem.o�O::re i�a Iegal procecding�hal mac.ignit�,:nily:dfrc� <br /> ��°-.-�;-«�° �cnocrt nems m me rroprny twci�a�.�pr�ccding in i+animp�q.i.,r condc�nnaiinn o� :o ci�L.;.c 1d::..-.,;,t;;::I::��::. <br />��j��i(`"��li� indud n�g pa�n em o(i x c?haie�rd m�urance anJ mher ueiu.�m¢nun icd�in Varay.nph;.���, Len:�rt�igh��in ihr I'roFrn�. <br /> ;•I`.�;�. � <br /> ��.h,y��u� Any amouNS di.bened hy Lcndcr undcr�hi.Parogmph�hnll lrinmc an adJnfonal Jebi of f3onower anJ h�ccurcJ <br /> ;•-fy::.: by this Serurily Insuun.rai. "Ihe�e amount•�hail Irar imcrca Gom tbe d:te o:dnFu�meN.:n�hr\n�e and :n�hc � <br /> _.n YLv.iS <br /> -��r�l^�_�Y� opion of Lender,shall lx�mmediaieh due and payahic. � <br /> � '� 7. Candemnalion. The award at dann for dn:mgc..dim.i n�cnn.eq�.rr.�� an. <br /> <ondemnaiion ur nthct taAing of any�an uf thc Pro(kny.or fnt a.•mc�ancc in placc of^n.arn c�reh�a..�gnrJ t <br /> _ ' ' � a�d shall bc paid Io LcnA<r lo thc extcnt of 1hc full amounl uf�hc mdc7xcJrc.��h:n rrm3im unpa�d unJrr ih G�:r:md ilu. <br /> �..:r.:`��'.4. .���. , � <br /> ;.z,!f.'�.,_s Stturily Imwnxnt. Lcr..\r+hall apply.uch prtkccJ��u thr rcJuruon of thc mdrh:... a urdrr�hr Sotc e�xt�hi.Scaunq <br /> °::;'r{��lf� Imirumem. firsl to a�y Jctinqu:nt amouN. applicd in Ihe urdcr pm��dcd m Puagraph !. �nJ ihen �o pnpa�m.m of � <br />_�_'>.j. r..'.. ptincipal. AnY" appLcat�ni of thc p:cxccd� In Ihc prinripal shall noi citcrM o� p+.qam: �D=dcc Ja�c uf Ihc momhh <br /> _ �4G;�: <br /> '-�..., a�: <br /> :�e'�r,���S� 'N¢�:.�I Ncru <br /> t.l. <br />- �i�T <br />. ._ :-�. <br /> , <br /> - �_�1 __-_. _._ . .. . .-.._ --,,- ' ____ <br />