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. '� •'•. , .. u�.+:..:.:.�a:..�aamx+rsmuiem+m�r...00 <br />. .aa 4Fd'u i��• �4�lfd •a :) <br /> . , � 9�--x�3�9 � �. <br /> apPllwblc I��v mny speclty for reinsmtomenq ttifo»salo ot tl�o 1'ropeny pursumt to any power of silc conlnincd in�his <br /> Smi�iiy tns�romcn4 or(b)emry of a Jnd5mom cnforcing this Sccudty InstmmeN. 'fhosc coi�dctlons an:�hxt Ifmro�etr. (a) <br /> p�ya l.�ndcr atl sums wldch �hen�eoulA Iw duc under ihis Secndty lnswnxnt and the Motc es It m� aettloreUon hnd <br /> acnrrcd�(�)ci�roz any defenit of any aher m�•enmts or agrcenxnti;(c)p+ys a11 exprn:es Incurrcd In enforcing tids Saudty <br /> Instnimont,lndnding,but nm limitcd to,n:asonabio auomeyP kcs: nnd(d)takcs wch action as l.cndcr mny roawnnUly <br /> requtro to�sturo thpl�ho Ilrn of this Sccudiy ins�mmcm,l.endcr�dghls in�ha Fhvpmy and Uorrowcr�obtigaiton lo pny tUo <br /> sums ucurcd by this Sccnd�y Ins�mmcro shali continuc unchangai. Upon relnslatcmtnt by Horrowtt, �his Saurily <br /> Insnvmcnt and thc obllgntions sceurul Lcrcby shali rcmatn fully efRcth•c u if na acecicntion had acumd. Howovcr,tUis <br /> dgh��o relau��e slnli not apply in tho cnse of accclentlon under pamgraph 17. <br /> 19. Sak o►NWai CNanRO of l.�nn Scr�•ictr. Ttw Nac or ap�nial Imcrcs�In thc No;c(togc�hcr wtth this Sccurity <br /> Insttum:nt)msy�wld ono or moN tlmes wiihom pdor notim to Ilnrtoxror. A salo may n�xult In a chango in the entity <br /> (known as the"Loon Scrvicer")tha�collecis moa�hly p�ymcnts duc andcr�ho�oic and�his Security inswmem. 7iure also <br /> may bo onc or morc chnngcs of�ho l.oan Scrvictt unrch�cd to a salc of thc Ngo�pa It ihcru is a d�ango of tho I.oan Srrvlccr. <br /> will sta a��i o'na no and ndArcss of�ho ew�i.�no Serviccr andahe addross iorwhl��ch'paymen��sii ulellrrofmade'a�'t'h�:n:o�ire wlll <br /> alco conmtn any o;hcr In(omiaiion ru�ulmd hy npplica6tc law. <br /> 20. Ifnrardous Snbslnnces, Dorrowcr sLall r.ot cause or permlt the pmsccee,use,disposaf.swmge.or rc!eax of any = <br /> EExzaMous Substances on or in the Propeny. Rorrovrer shall rcot do, al[ow anyo�u else ro du,mry�Atnp afFec�ing tNe i';'_ <br /> Fropeny that is fn violaUon of any Envtronmenul 'Ehe preccding two srnter.ces stwl! ap�[y ro th�p�.ce,use,oc w,:: <br /> slongo on the Propeny o£smali quuxitees of Hua+C.�u Substances tAa1 aro genrrully rccoSniced ro Ge approyr<x�r ro no�ma� _ <br /> resldentiaf uses and to ma'rs:ranre o:�'x Rvpeny. `--- <br /> Oorrowrrx+,sil Frcxli+tky girc 1aa4a.�nnm oclicc of any inc.stlga�ion.ciaim.dcmand,lawsnit or ah:r action by any i�: <br /> govemm:ntal or rr.�:l:nory egency a:pa�.:x'p=ny in�viring�he fko�ny and any Herardous SuUslence or Lnviroror.emsl -_ <br /> Law oi�vhich Rntm��cr aclual knarcicdge. If 8ortox•cr Icams, or is naificd by nny[vL or regutatory - <br /> xmhoriry,tha�uny rcmnc.t ro o�her mmedia�ion of nny ftavardous Substance atfcaing the Property is naes,a},Borrower - <br /> s?,all Ftor.�p�:y�akc all ntttssary rcmrc?ia1�nions In ncccvdencc wi�h L'nvlronmeNal 4aw. °: <br /> As vsed in Ihls pamgmph 20,"Hrzrr.d�us Subsiances"are t6ose substances defined as toxic or haavdow»ir���ances by K�. <br /> Fnvironrneneal Law and the follow(ng snbs�anms: grtwiinc,kcroscnc,o�her Oammablc or lozic prtroknae irMnNS,�oxic _ <br /> pes�icides :md he�bicides,vola�ile snlvems, ma�erfah comalnfng aslxs�os or(omialdahyde, xnd radia�.rii.•r sso!erixis. As _ <br /> uscd tn Ihis paragraph 20."L'nvironmental l.avi'mcans trderal laws and laws of Ihejudsdtcilon�vixce tt:r 3M1-cgsry is laated _ <br /> t6at rciate to hwhh,safcty or envimnmemal protccfon. _ <br /> NON•UNI�ORAi COVCNANTS. Rorrower and I.ender funhercovcnant and agrce as folio�vs: _ <br /> 2I. Attekratloni Remedhs. inardu sPill S��'e notice to Uorrox�er prfor to acmlcra27on!n))owir.g Borrox�er's �� <br />- 6rexh of any covmar+t or agrttnnci7 in�his Sccorily Ia�trmnent(but not dor lo accclrretion and.a{uraSnpi� 17 �' <br /> unless aoallcabie I�w provldes o:h=�nF�;srl. 73�e nnilae shali sped�y: (a)the Sefault;(b)tha nctlon rec�ub:rd to cure the - <br /> dctoulli(c)s date,not k:�s chan aU 4L�n�s 7aom c:w ai;ne the naiice is giren to 2'•e�t.,Ke�,ty,:i�i:h t.,��ua�:t:u;t L: '_ <br /> eurcdi and(d�thnl tailene r,ro�oure ahe detav7f m:o:briarc lhe date specifirll imttc nollce may rcsu51 fr.:t..eelerntion of __ <br />-- IAe sunu secureA by IRIa Seenrity l�xarnmeN nntl s:�le of Urc i`aaperty. 7'he nollce shall turihei i�94�rran d3orroxer o� <br />= the righr�s ae(nslale afler ntcelera�:inn ar.d ihe r1gh7 3o Urin;�s covrt action lo assert the non•extatenoe uTa detaull a: __ <br /> any othe:neirnse of Iiorruwcr ro nore�erafion nnll�1c. If the defaui�ts not wred on or 6�efore 1he dinte Fped�ed!i,: <br />- Ihe nollce,Lender at f4c oplian may require InmieCnm�r paymenf in NII of all swns secured b1 �his Sec+�•ri;q9nslrument _. <br /> �vit'�out tnrlher demend und may (nroke Ihe pvnrr ut sute and any other rcmcdies pernillhd 9+} flpp7icablc h�w. - <br /> Laudcr shall Le entitled �o collcet aII expensrs incurrcd In pursuing Ihe remedies provided In I'hFS p:e�,ngrapA 2I, _.. <br /> fnduding;Fa�not 16niled lo,reuonabie attomey�s'fees and wsls of tille eridence. �_ <br />�" If ihe ww�er ot sale Is Ihroked.7Yuslee shall recard u noilce o(defaull In each eoum9{n��Idch sny pnrl oT U�e F,_ <br />- Properly Is located and shall mail mples of such notke In Uie manner�re.uribed by applicabie law lo Darrower and ro <br />, IMe olM1cr petsons prescrilxvl by applic�ble Iaw. A6cr Ihc tlme rcqu red by ap��ka6ie law,7Yuslee shnll g�ve publlc _ <br />' nolltt of sale to Ihe persons m�d in thc manner pressribed by applirn6te taw. 7Yuslce,xitl�out deman+?on ITorrowen <br />- shel:uIi thc Properly m pvblic auctlon lo Ihc highest bidde�•af U�c tlme and placc and imder ti�e lernu dcsf��led In <br />. the nollce of saie In one or more parceis and In nny arder 7Yustce detenulnes. 75�uslee mny Qostpone safe of all or any V: <br />_ parcei of She Properly by puLlle nnnouncement ot tl�e tinte and plam of nny prevlousiy achueluled sale. Lender ol•fic <br />_ designre anny purchase the Property ni any sale. - <br />= Upon receipt ot paymenl ot tl�e pdce b1U,'IYus�ce shall deti��er ro the purchaser Tnutce's decd mnve�ing ,"+c _ <br />= Properly. The rcetlats In Ihe 7Yustee's decd shail be prima fade eridence of Ihe Irulh of Ihe stnlements�a�ete ihere7n. <br /> 'fYarieeshallapplythcprocceJsofihesztcinlhefollmdngorder. (n)ronllmslsnndexpensesofexerekicglhepower _ <br />_ �`: <br />_ ,. <br /> - 4brm t02R 9.Po .Nir t�JnpuXm - <br /> i_. <br /> rmr R S1�j��/Y(�"'x_ _i�utSR?�ss.-f• . _ � -.......,nn�jrn; ...�.. S.o( � . '..-.. _ _._. . ._.. <br /> ti � ul . <br /> " _ ���y�� `. _ _ �_ ' " '_'__ , <br /> f,. . . '" .. . _--- . . . <br /> L- �- - �_ i . . . . . - ... <br /> � 3.r7t5}aa�° lir� �� - . '_ . - <br /> ��4f���t�i �1J � i -ti�. . . <br /> . S �m �L q ,. . <br /> f_�?f. -. -! . - . <br /> - _ : JiC:�y"ti.)� • " _ _ <br />.�_ .. <br /> ' . <br /> � ' �✓ <br /> )- <br /> L ° � . <br /> l <br /> ' +[ p', ,_ .iJ ' _t .. . . . . . <br /> . f � -.�, � . . � . - �, . <br /> ii y.7: �. -.� :� . . .xi t'�'�L4krt... �a.-. <br /> �Y..,�� -�- 1 _ ' _ ' . . . _ <br /> � - i . . , �- -. - _. <br /> � � - -�J '.! �- 41 � - I <br /> ' � <br /> "� . :.�/� �L:�`�� -_ '�:', I. _ <br /> .�rixchwL.: ..., .. _ ., . .. . . . .. ... . . . .. . . . . .. . _ .._ _ ..,._., _ .�. _ ' "-- <br />