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"r� VsyiC}t�ir4i � h4a� _t �i � <br /> � ��r �t"F r'r� �5 ,*, �r. �r ' ' , . <br /> tfie. 1"':rr .�� �y , , . :, . . . . ,1 - !�t`r�s��°=: <br /> n.,...���.j.�::1.a.,i9�,w� J 7�47s�S..__.t.5w.5...+:1v1� ik�Wl}KildfuhS�"i.�Ti+tNAiC�:.-�'. .- '.--�.��-.�- _-.. --, <br /> , ' 92.�.�.�s3�� <br /> p.flals thai I.cnder nxpdrcs. 7M insuranco carcicr provlding thc insu�v;rtee shn11 bo chosen by 3lorro�rer subJcct to I.�nderk <br /> a�rovnl�etilch shnll nm Ib unrc�sonably whhhcld. If flovow�cr fails m malniain coeeragc dcscribed a6ove,Lendor nmy,a� <br /> i.ondtr§optlon,obtnin covoraga m protcct I.ender�dgh�a in ihc Propeny in oaorAnnca wip�pa���txph 7. <br /> All Insnranco potldes and rcnawals shail be axopfnblo io l.endu and ahall inclado n s�andani mortgage elnuso. i.�nAoe <br /> shnll havc tho righ�to hold O�o poliNes ond rcncwals. If I.cnder rcqulrcs,Bono��•er sim�l prmnptlY S�ve to I.cndcr nll h:cclpls <br /> ot pald prcmiunu aud rcnewei nolitts. in ihe evem ot loss,Aorcower shatl givo prompt noqco tn tho cartier nnd <br /> i.ender. I.ender may make pmotof loss if noi mndo p�omptly dy Bortower. <br /> Unless I.endcr and Oortox�cr a6envise agrra in writing,lnsumnce Craeuis shell Iw npplied�o ruswmUon or rcpair ot . <br />- tho Pro�rty dnma�ed,If�ho reaorn�lon or rtpnir Is economically teas�hlo nnd I.enderS security is na Iesse�red. if the <br /> rostom�an or rcpi r ts not economlcnlly feuibto or I.enderS ucud�y aroulA Iw Icssened,�ho tnsnnnco prceceds shnll be <br />. applirA to�ho sums secural Uy ihls Secnriry Instnimem,whe�her or nai �6en dne,�el�h nny oxcess p�lA ro Dorrower. If . <br /> (3otrowcr n6nndons tLe Propctty,or dces no�answcr�viihln 30 dnys n notlw froai I.cndcr ihnt tho insunnw carcicr hns <br /> o(fercd to settlo n elnim,then 4ender m�y collecl tho Insunnee pmceeds. Lender may aso�ho praceeds In ropnir or n:slo;o <br /> tho Ropeny oc eo pay sums vxw<d by�his Secvrity Instmment,whNher or not then Ane. 'll�0 90•day pedal will bcgin wl¢n <br /> (P=e.Mi:e ts g[veo. .. <br /> Untess A.ender and Qorrower o�hervrise agree in v�d�ing,any appIicmion of proceeds to principnl shall not eziend or <br /> � pcstpor.e Na due dxte af�he monthty payvicects refemd m in paregraphs I and 2 or change ir.e nmonm of�he paymeuls. If <br /> ur.der puagraQh 2t tho R'opett�is:xquired Cy l.ender.Itortowet�rlght to any fnsurance pnlicies nnd praeMs rcsulling <br /> fmm damago fo tAe S"ropctty pnor ro�M:r•»�uisition shnll pass�0 4ender to�he excent of�hc Fmn<<ecurcd hy thls Sccumy <br /> [as�mment immedintaly priix to�ho acq+i>Ra.v. <br /> - ¢. OccuC�f�+•�tsoi��silon, Fialmzoar,s¢ aad Protecllon ot the Properfy; Roi�•oa�er5 Loen Appllention; <br /> �Innskholy}v..h:iroae�syn!t acupy.osmt4ish,aud ux the i7opeity as Oortower§pcinstpal rtsid:nct wiihfn slx�y A:�ys nfter <br /> tb�ex„i:@sn nf ihis Secmi�y Instnmxnl-5ind ehall contlnue to occupy�he Pro�:ny as Baeo��ut p.lneipal rcsidme for nt =� <br /> lias� one �ear ,f�cr the Jete of, unless 4ender othcnvtse agrces ia writing, "-Sinc �onsen� shsll no� h � <br /> u:^reamnably�x�i:hheY.l,•cv un�ess extenuating circums�ances exis�which arc beyor.d Aormwer!e.�:rol. 13oROwer shnl➢na� _ <br /> [Scstroy,dam��gr or impxi!1ho 1'ropetly,nllow the Property w detedorate,or commit�vic�e rn�he S7opcny. Ao�m�er sh,)1 , <br /> Cx in defauh if any forTehn;:ac�ion or proceeding,�rhether ctvll or criminal,is begv�t'::+t in Ler.Jer§goec!txeT..j�igmeni <br /> ccutd rcsult In furfeimrc ni �he Property or o�hcnvise maicdally Impair Oic fica.rzaiad by lhix Stccti:r I�c:mment or <br /> Lender3 secudly INCrcst. Dottower may curc such n dei'eul�and rcinsta�e,as provld:l ln�trag�ti�h IF,bpcm:ii�e ehe actlon � <br /> or proceeding ro be dismissed wi�h a rut�ng tha6 in Lender�good fni�h deiemilnTtion,preciudes to:fe[m:e as�re Borrower4 <br /> (nicrost In�ho Propetly or oiher mnlerial impaimient of�he Ilen creakd by�his Secudly Insimn�:m or 1.znArt's securiry =- <br /> Intcrcst. portower shall also bc in delnull if 6orrowcr, dudng Ihc lo:m applica�ion procr�s, gavc manae;�;ly (aisc or -- <br /> Inaceurate Infomiatlon orslalCmems Iu I.enJer(or fnlled lo provide I.endc-r with nny m+:erial I• ��na�ion)(m m�;r:cilon wi�h <br /> Ilte loan evidenecd 6y �Ae Wae, inci;:Aing,but not limi�ed eo, rcprtsonia�ions con:eming 8orcowert oceupancy of�he <br /> I'roperty os n princlpnl rcse;Ience. If this Secmiry Instrumenl Is on a Ieuehold,Dortowet shall wmpiy with all�he provislons <br /> oP�ho Icase. If Dortawensquirts icc ii�ir i�i tFic F7opei�y,iF.kas:ha;d and iF;fcc:it:c e ioll r�::::e:r.un!�..e Lcr.�r agrr•s -_ <br /> to�hc mcrgcr tn wd�ing. _. <br /> 7. Protection ut l.ender's Rights In tl�e Pruperly. 1(Dortower fails �o�tfomi iEe corenams ard agrcemems <br /> in �his Security In.wmcnt,or d¢m is a te@al protteding �hat m,ry Ri3.iiti..�ndy n((m� LenAers r%zhts In ihe - <br />. :�ropeny(such nc a prwredi�te in bankmpicy,probai..far condemna�ion or forfeivae or m enforce laws orr�,;,then -_ <br /> Lr.nd.r may do and pny for wha!ever la n.cessary�o pm�cct tiw vnlue of�he Pro�ny and Lender�righ�s in+he Propetly. - <br /> l.tnderk nninns may Inclnde p�ying any snms securcd by n Ilen which h:is pdoA�y over�his Sec�siry Inxwm.�ni,appeadng <br />