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<br /> � S. Huza�d or F�v►pert� Intiuruncc• H«rrne�cr �h`�„tki`Phc temi�cxicncled`ccwcr��i!�a d any otl cr'hat.�rds`Lncludlii� ..�
<br /> � P�•up.:n� in�urcd against I��• I•} Pire. ha�ardy includ�d
<br /> -•••� � floods or flcxxiing. for«�hich I.ender rcyuires in�urance. This in�urancc shall hc mamtiuued in thc amuunts and f�tir 0►c prri�uls --
<br /> , - that I.cndcr requires. The insurance carrier pmvidin�thc insur�mcc shnll be choscn hy Borrow�er tiuk?Icct ta l.cndcr'y appi��td `�.
<br /> which shall nat bc unreasonably ��tthhcld. If Borro��-cr fails to maintain coverage dcscribed abnre. Lender maY• �� �°'����� •i��:
<br /> ,' option,obtain caverage t�protect Lendrr's rights in the Prnperty in accordance«�ith parag�aph?• —
<br /> �� All insurnnci policies und renew•als shall be acceptable to Lender and shall include a standard mortgage clnus:. Lender ';:
<br /> shall have the right to hold the policies and renewals. If�orrowc rsh•all g� prompt nnt ce tophe n�u�ance currier'and L.end ef ,:��
<br /> � pai d premiu m s a n d r e n e w a l n o t i c e s.I n t h e e v e n t o f l o s s. B
<br /> � Lender may makc pr�x►f of loss if not made promptly by Borrowcr. _
<br /> Un less L en der a n d�o r r o w e r o t h e r wis�a�rce in writing, insurance proceeds shall be applied to restorstion or repair of the -
<br /> Progerty damagcd,if the restoration ar mpae[S�r°�,ould be 1 essenedl the insurance proceeds shall be appli d to he�sums _
<br /> " refl3ir is nat economically feasible or Lend Y � ;_�'
<br /> _ _.._ se:umd by this Securiry lnstn►ment. whether or not then duc, with an)' excess paid to Bomawcr. if Borrower abandons c ---
<br /> �� ' Praperty. or daes not answer wiU�in 30 days a nder ma n�u e the p��rcrceedsitour Pair�estore che P P�nYt°r ►o lP"y ur��s =- -
<br /> S.ender may callect the insurance praceeds. l..e Y
<br /> • secum.�l by this Sacurity Instrument.u•hether or not then due.The 30-da)'P�timn uf�sroceedset princ pal,shal�e ot extend ar .
<br /> � Unless I.ender and Bo�TOwer othenvise agree in writing, any appl� P _
<br /> • � postpone the due date of the monthl�• payrnenu ref�eerred ottower�s deht tolanya nsurance P°���5 and Prt°cced5 result ng tftom .
<br /> � under paragrapfi 21 the Propecty is acquin,d by Len . ��
<br /> �` n' rior to the acquisition shaU pass ro Lender tu the extent of the sums securr.d by his Securit Instrument .-
<br /> t Y
<br /> � damage to the�'roperty P -•
<br /> ".'� "'' - immedlately prior to the acquisition. Ucation;I.easzho�ds•
<br /> .�. •� � Preservation.Ai�i�tensmce and Protectfon of the Property;Horrower's Loan App �;4
<br /> 6.Occupxncy. -
<br /> "`" q Borrower shaU oceupy,esta'�lish,and use[he Property as lkrrower's principal residence within siaty�days after the exec�tuon of
<br /> • ��''• this Securiry Insuument and shall continue co ocqu[�y�e W�ntpngYwtuch onsent hrallCnot�be nnr�aso ably wi�thheld.Yo unl�s -
<br /> -��y ••=���' �� the date oi occupancy,unica,i.c,nier a..,c.•::x..ar.�_ _n e or iui s t�� -
<br />,;*�_;,;_,-.. extenuati�g circumstances exi?o de e orat.bor rnmmit�Waste'on the�PropertY•W�n°Wer shall be in�defa ItSif any forfeiture
<br /> .;;�:�,_.,. ,. , properry. allow the Propert'
<br /> ��_��;;•��' ' flction or proceeding,whether civil or criminal,is begun that in Lender s good faa�h judgment could resule irn forfeitt�e of the
<br /> - ��.t�-." �
<br /> "-"Y'.'s��'� Property or ottnerwise materially impair the lien crcated by this Securizy Insmiment or Lendar's securiry interest. orrower may
<br /> '�"�-�„�'�xx�,'' cure such�cl�Eault and reinstate,as provided in paragraph 18,by catrsi.ng the actlon or proce��ing to be dismis�sed h�mnterial
<br />-_�=°�°1'- that� in Lender's good faich detemtination. prcc�udes forfeirurc of tY�e Borrower's intarost in tha PropertY
<br /> °"°`�' '�`� lmpairment of the lien created by this Security Instrurnent or L.ender's security interest. Bormwer shall also be in dGfault if
<br /> 'T�"• ave mutcriall false or inaccuratc informatian or statements to Lender(or failcd
<br />--�--*�+�tc` Borrower,during the loan application process,g Y
<br /> :F.;�{��,
<br /> .:_�_��..a'� � to provide L.ender with any material informaaon)in connection with the toan evidensed by the Note,including,but not limit
<br /> -,-.�;�_ ��
<br /> --'�"_=�i��� to.representutioas conaming IIorroN�er's occupancy of the Property as a principal residence. lf thi�Securiry Inserument is on a
<br /> __ �..:��.-i}5G_`.LS►'�
<br />-?I--=-�_�--= lces�:hold, Borcower shall rnmply a�ith �ll the provisions of the lease. If Borrower acquir.s tee tit�e ro tha Properry. the
<br /> � lcx�,4e?wld and the fee dde shall not merge unless Lendcr agrees to the marger in writing.
<br /> ----- 7.Prntection uf I.endler's Rlgh4s in the Propc�'t��•If BOITaWer fails to perform 4he covenents nnd agresments contained in `v._
<br /> --- this Security Instrument.or them is a legal proceed�nP that may significantly af��ct Lendcr's rights in the Property(such as a __
<br />��� pr�oceeding�n 6anl:ruptcy,probate, tor condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulations). �►��a��s ac�u'onsmay _
<br /> ---- pay for whntever is necessary to proteca the value of t1�e Propert3' nnd Ixnder's rights in the Property•
<br /> -===-� include paying any sums secured b}• a lien �vhich hos prioricy over this Sccuriry Instwr.ent, eppearin8 in wurt, paying
<br /> =—____— reasonable uttomeys' fees a�d entering on the Property to mnke npairs• Althoug�s Lender may take action under this paragraph
<br /> -- "� 7,L,ender does not have to do so.
<br /> -_,�.��`� Any amounts disbursed by l.ender under this paragraph 7 shall become addivanal debt of Sorrower secured by this
<br /> �_:'� Securiry Inst�ument. Unlsss�3orrower and Lender agree to other ternu of payment, these amounu shall bcar intarest trom the
<br /> �-T,_-���� date of disbursemenc at the Note rate and shall be payable, with interest, upon notice from Lender to Borrower rt,questing
<br />� :;,�;�� payment.
<br /> —''��•,.x:'=- S.Mortgage Insurance.If Lender required morsgage insurance as a conditiun of making the loan secuned by th[s Security
<br /> :�xr.
<br /> - _ �';:;i;�,:� Instrument, Bonower shaU pay the premiums required to mtiin¢n��► the mottgage insurance in effcct. If, for any reason, c =
<br /> � mnrtgIIge insurance rnverage required by Lender lapses or ceAS:s e�be in effect.Borrower shall pay the aremiums required to _
<br />_,=i�-_._. ". � nbUUn coverage substantially equivalent to the mortga�e insurance p�eviously in effeet. at a cost substantially equivalent co the �.•
<br />=_=-= � - cost ta Borro�ver of d��anortgage insurance previously in effect, from an alce�ate mongage insurer ap�+roved by L.ender. If f i,_
<br /> `�`� substantiully equiv a lent mo r tgag e i n s u r a nce covera ge is not available.Borrowcr shall puy to Lender each mc�ndi a sum equal to 6,
<br /> - • �;�."�'�� � one-twelfth of the yearly mongngc insurance premium bcing paid by Borrower ahen thc insurance coverage lapsed or c c a s c d to �?;`
<br /> • be in effcct. Lender will accept. use and retain these payments:u a loss reserve in lieu of mort€age insurance. 1-oss re�en'e -
<br /> - , �;� ' Form 3028 9I�0 �'
<br /> =� � P�pe 3 of 0 a..-.
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