3iSx._, f ��4 . `�,i akr� y:< � .- . f ,i.vY _..
<br /> r r ''' '�:
<br /> , t�.� .
<br /> ..:.�F 7' f _,.E:�'k_4 _ _ L�?'.l�ll..piaw.,a...tici�.:isw�7l5R1`�k�1�^.l.�S{u:."__ .._; - .. ...._„. '" __. . _"
<br /> , ' 92�1a93�s
<br /> ��pp11caGib inw mny spuify for relnstakmenq Ixforo salo of�he P�openy punwnt to any power of saie comeincd in thls
<br />- - �6tCyriiy ine�mAkmt a(b)entry of a Judgment enforcing�hii 3ecurl�y Innrumem. 7'hose condi�lons nru�6a�IIarrower. (n) .
<br /> pAys Lendet ill sums which ihen wonid tw dno under this Securi�y Instruaxnt and tho Noto es If no ncceicmilon hnd
<br /> oceur�d;(b)eutts any defxult of any a6er eovenams or ngrctnxnu;(c)p�ys alI expenses Incurced in rnPoreing this Secudiy
<br /> 1nsiNnirnt,inctudibg,but nm Iimlted�o,reasonr.bia nnomcys'kes� anJ(d)lakes such ectlon ns l.ender may rcasonably R
<br /> requiro ro assuro�hat tho lien of this Sccudiylnsuumen4 Lenderk dghu in tho Propeny nnd Oonowcr�s obligotion to pay t6o
<br /> sums sunrcd by this Securiry lnstmmem shnll cominue nnchanged. Upon reinsialemem by Aortowcr, ihis Secndly
<br />� lnsuument and Il�o obllgatlons saured hercby sh�ll rtmntn fldly etfectivo as if no accden�ion had occarced. Ilowever,this °-
<br /> tight to rcinsfa;e sitnll nol nppty In tha caw of acccicraiton undcr pamgraph I7. °
<br /> 19. Swk af NNei CNangc ot I.oan ServSccr. 7he Nao or a panial Intcrest in dm No�o pogcihcr wi�h dds Secud�y -
<br />� 1nsUU;si:�nt}roay�so.4 Q.:a mort tlm;.s a9tha�t grior ritce to]lorco�rer. A s.ale may resuh In a chsnge{n tM entity -�.
<br /> (knqw¢xs tke'Eaaa Servkcr")ttyt cnitttts moathiy paytt:eats duc nnrl�er�ha iYotc,ad rhts Secudry lnsuument. 'CheK atw ?�����
<br /> may Ge or,e or moce chan¢a of[E.e Lovi Se.x�,oer uncetated�o a sate�f dm Noie. 7�r.�rc:c is a chnR,n,e of ICe Lostt Servicer, j�-,
<br />• - 6onro•rrer xiU be givrn vreirxa era;:ce nf tn�saa.-me e�:rw:c:<�+1cr�•��xh p.r.ura,^k iE nS,�t az3 a{ipltiyble law_ 72f;GsYit+e _
<br /> �iltsn,.t�.�C�:I7�Y'.✓It��kr.�$S�Y1L!_fr9.�:.wRSC[r'al�ti?_t£33:C5<fex�hio`+gag+ncn•ss?+:xs4.4hc:.e:rk. 7i:enccicc�vil� =
<br /> - . xtsrconl:lln?nybth:cinfor.m.+f.'r�vR:r;.:e':'u3�t4'�'tii:aL!t�`+`.�. - '��.
<br /> ID. }sa3Ardo�tsSnbs!�me:s. 8ortowers'.!a![cr,2cr.us=:+c�e:siit.shep-:sen.c.uc:.di.,nosn!.s�aage.c+:R'�::x-fpay c.='
<br />. }lnzmdma Snbsiuica pn or in the Yropercy. Sciro}vtr sTal( oa do.ac.n'a« nnpone cfse ie 3s.n}GSir..g,Tfceir.z tha '
<br />. 14opcny thac ia irt viclation ot any Envieoasv»tal Law, 'Jhe pnvk.!i�¢ivm atm:xces sYa.4 r.ux o{Xn�ur u'n prcotm'�r,ust,or ;_
<br />. xtomgc on the Yroperty oi amall c�uan�idei oF yluardous Snbs�nnces thnt wc gencrati,�rc�v3nized tu bc appropda:c to nomial _-
<br /> m:idemial.usa and lo maiseenar;eo of Ihc Propetly. b;`
<br />' Ooirower s6n11 prompily givo I.ender wduen notlee of any Imes�igaAon,daim,demand,Iawsult or ot6er nciimi by nny _
<br />- govcmmcmnl�or regularory agency or privne puty involving�ho Prapcny and nny H�mNous Substnnco or(?mfronmental -
<br />� 4nw of which Qorro�rcr has actual knowlcd�c. It Borrowcr Icams,or is noti0cd by any govemmcntal or rcgulatory '_
<br /> authoflly,that any rcmovnt or o�her rcmedimion of any HararAons Subs�anca aftectlng tt�e Propeny is necessary.Dorrower _
<br /> shall prompily tnko nil nteessary remedinl naions in accordance witl�F.�vironmemal Lmv. _
<br /> As use4ln�his parapnph 20,"Hazardous Substances"are those subs�anees defined as toxic or 6nrenlaux subx�ances by _
<br /> I:nvlronmeNal I.aw and�he followfng subs�anccx: gasoline,keroecne,other flammnbla m�oxic pcuoleum pmJucn,mzle z�:��
<br />� pes�icides and hetbicid.s, votatlle solvems,ma�edats comaining aslxsms or fnmmidehyde,and ndlooctivo ma�erlal+. A+ =�.:
<br /> uud In this pamgrnph 20,"Cnvironmemal Lnw"means federol Iaws nnJ laws of�he Judsdicilon�vherc the I'ropeny I�IacnteJ ��'�-
<br /> tlut relaio to hcah6,safc�y orenvironmcmnl protection. _`;
<br /> NON•UNIfORAtCqVfiNANTS. BorrowcranJl.cndcrfunhcrcorenamonJagrcens(olbws: �;;"_�
<br /> 2I. Acttkrptiont Remedles. I.enAer shall Rtve no�ice to Borroxrr prior to accelrratlon folloxing dwrower's �.
<br /> Lreach of Any wvrnonl or agrnment!n this S�curily inslrumenl(biu not prlor to accetrra�ton under parogrrph 17 ::
<br /> unlessapp�IraUleiawnro�•idrsoiherxisc). 7'fienolices6etlspttiq'� (a)�hcdrfnuttt(G)ttieaNlonrcryulredtoeurcthc !=
<br /> detaulli(c)a date,not icss lhen 3D dn��s trom lhe dale Ihe notice Is gh�en ro Dorroxrr,Uy whirh tM1e detaull must be '-'
<br /> avcrl�and(d)thattailuretacuret6edetnullonorbr�orelhedntespeciltnllnthenollcemayresn111nacccierallonof ?i'-
<br /> tho snnu stcnreil by Ihis 3reurlty Insirnmrnt nnA snle of the Propsrty. The nolice shnll furiher Inform Itorroxrr o! ;,s
<br /> Iho rlgid to refnslate a(Ier arcelrrAtion and the righl to Gring e wurt neilon lo assert the nomeztstence ota dtlauil or ,
<br /> any oliirr detense oi porro�rer to acceirrnqon onA snie. If the delnult Is not cared on ar before the date sptt3tlrd In
<br /> the noticq l.ender al ils option way rcryulre Immediute pn��mrnl In fuli otnll sums Fe[ared by thls Sccartly tnstrumml ';�"-
<br /> xilhonl tnrther dempnd nnd mny inrnke the po�rer oi sntc nnd nny other remrdirs permitte�l bp appl�cnb�e lare -
<br />� I.ender shnll Ue e�1111M Io eoflrct nll c�prnsrs Incurred In pursuing lhe remrdlrs prmided in lhls perogreph 2I,
<br /> IncluAing,bnl not Ilmittti ta,reasunnbie nlPorncys'tces and cosls ot title evidence. i'.�-
<br /> 1/ihc power of salc is tnrokal,'iYastec shall record n aotice of dcfault(n ench county In whith any pnr!oi�he
<br /> i'roprrly Is Iae��ted end shall mall mpies otsueh natice in the manner preseHbral U�applice4le tawto 13orrun�er and to '_`�--
<br /> Ihe othrr persons prruri6cd by uppllrnhlr Imr. Ailer the tlme rcyuired by appl�cabfe!uo•,TFus�ee shatl gire pubilc ?':-��--
<br />-- nolice otxnte to the persons ancl In Ihe mnaner{irescrl6ed Uy npplica6le Iew. 7tustce,wiltrou!<temnnd on Iforrower, ��;_
<br />- xhall seli the S'roperly et public aucllon to�he highes�hidAer n��he time and place nnd unArr the terms deslgnated In ��c
<br />- ihe nollec otsale in onc or more parccis m�d In nny orAcr 7Yus�ec<telennlnes. Ttustcc may postponc sule ot eli or eny =
<br />� purnl of Ihe Properly by pu6ik annonncement nt the time aud place of nny prerlousi��scheduled anic. i.en�ler or Ils =-
<br /> designamaypurchasetheProper�y nt�mysalc. _-
<br /> Upou recelpt of paymenl of tl�e price b1J,'lYns�ce shAli dell�xr lo Ihe purchucr'(Yast�r's Aee<I conreying the -
<br />_ Property. Riie recifals in the 71•uslee's deed aha116e prhna facie evldence of the irulh of the ctotements made If�eretn. -
<br /> 'IYosleesLplinppl��lhrpromedsofihes�iclnlhefulloaingordrr. (Ntoatlwstsnndrxpettvesutexcrcish�gl6epower -
<br /> ii:
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