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<br /> IN CONSIDERATION of the paycnent oP the debt nP�ned therein, the FIVE POIIV'1 S
<br /> `::�'`�.5`�
<br /> BANK, cirand Island, ileui:,sk�, � rdc���k�C�rN�r�don, he�ty valeases thc mortga�e dated ,_
<br /> November 16, 1995 r�nade to FIVE POIN'I'� BANK, a Nebrnstcn Corporarion by Kenneth A.
<br /> Dankert and Laurbe S.Dankert,husbund and wife, on the fallowi�gc�ascribed real estate,tawit:
<br /> An Acre tr�ot of land locuted in the Southeast comer of th�e 5outh H[alf of Section Eleven(11�,
<br /> Township Twelve(12) North, Range Ten(10)West of tha dth P.Iv1., in Hall County,Nebr�ska,
<br /> mor�particuIariy descci'oCU us fvttow�:
<br /> Comn►encing at the Southeast comer of said Section Elav�n (11�,tunning thence North,along and
<br /> upon the East side of said Secdon Eleven(11�,a distance of Tr+�ci H:a�udred Ei�ht and Seve�xty-five
<br /> hundredths (20$.75) feet, rurming thence �Vest and parnll�l wi2t��t�a South side of said SEC�i��u
<br /> Eleven (li) a distunce of Two Hundnd Eight ruid Seventy-five;htu�dru�dth,(208.75) feet,rumaing
<br /> thence Sou't�a end pat�llel with tlte East side of said Section Elev�,a{l l)a distance of Two Hundred
<br /> Eig�t and Seventy-five hundredths(205.75) foc; nuuiin�th��1r►�East, along and upon the S�tith
<br /> side of said Section 11 a distance of Two Hi��l Eight ancl Sav�nty-fivo hundredths(Z08.75)�et
<br /> to the poin+t e�f ba�inxung.
<br /> which was recorded mr�November 27, 1995,as Docum�t T��mber 95-108083 of the Records of the
<br /> County of HaU tind State of Neb��ska.
<br /> IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF,tlie said FIVE�n�i?�1'i'S SANK,a Nebraska Carporation h�s ,
<br /> caused these presents to be executed by its executiv�vice presxdent and its Corporate Sea14ID be
<br /> a�xed day of April, 1997.
<br /> �Q �
<br /> �O �� . FIVE POINTS BANK,
<br /> _ � � �"�, a Neb a Corpc�ra' n
<br /> _ �� �'J�►�. ��,� By:� -''� --
<br /> _ �j����N�' Jon Luebs -
<br /> E tive Vice President
<br /> )§ -
<br /> Cnnntv nf Nall 1 -
<br /> ----. ------ -
<br /> The attached instnunent was ackn�wledAed before me April 8, 1996 by Jon F. Luebs, --
<br />_� Executive Vir,e President of Five Points Bank, a Nebraska Corporation, on beiztilf of the _-
<br />;; corpararion. -
<br /> :;
<br />'� A GENERAI NOfAAP,S1�Uof NtEruRl � _
<br /> � �� JONI L GALIAWAY � ��
<br /> hAr can�n.E�a N�r,2r,iss� No Public
<br /> , _
<br /> ,i =
<br /> I �.
<br /> !I /�(o :.
<br />