�}Y �'ra t � �� { '�'�;-` � n>r s � : � r`` _,
<br /> • ,t r , y j t•,, � E '.
<br />. : _'__ .._.__. .tiu�4.4`.,���•:i'Y...-litv�Tt:..�u.:...rn ..q.�..S3��."'.,e(�tainia?eGYM+4xiSfbLCS... _.�i...�..........._:__.._�.�-_.-.
<br /> 92—.. ac�r����
<br /> pnyments,whkh uo rcPorced w in Pu+groph 2,or changa the amonnt of snch paynunts. Any exass pratcJs ovu nn
<br /> nptoturircq uircd to p�y all omstanding IndeMcdntis un6er�hs Nde md�Ids Sceurhy insimnxnt shatl 6c pald to tlM aul�y
<br />� legally eniided�hem�o.
<br /> i S.Fm. l.cnderm�ycolkctkcsanJchugesaudiaiudby�hc&crctnry.
<br /> 9. QroundsforAceekrallonotDcbf.
<br /> Ttquirofmmedi�ep�Ymeniintullof�llsoymsaceuredbyihfs3cc rity�InsSmm��m��inthacuscofpaymcmdcfaulis,
<br /> io 0 on aio a o a;io otii�o�noximonii�iy pnymcnt,or mhly pnymcm required hy�his Sccud�y Insuunmm pdor
<br /> (IU Rorcowcr defnulis by iniling,for n perioJ of t61ny days,to per(omi nny o�hcr obllgntions coNnincd in this
<br /> 3amhy Inswmcm.
<br /> (h)3nio Wllhont Crcdit Ayprovel. I.endcr shal6 if pcmtitted by npplicablo Imv and with tho pdor npproval of thc _
<br /> SecmWry tt�utro immcdinte paymcm in full of ull tho snnu secnrcd by iLis Sandry Ins�mmem ih .
<br /> p)AlE cr pnn of cka PropchY,or o benetktal tnrerest[n a itust o�mtag nll or patt of thc Propeny,is sold or _
<br /> c.°txrwisa ttt.nsfemcf(oiCet tfli'1 LY lbYlii'Of C��£3CCC'.4)G)[�C B/JCLOIY�t.J.ClI
<br /> pq 7'he 1'm{�rtty 3s rtcc o�cupied by @.e parchaxer w gnntrz aslus��Cer Frir,cipal tesi�Me,ce the purchnser -.
<br /> ot gramee dces w oce�gy �� Ptepeny b:n his ar her credi� has me Ecra a.p�ure4 in :mroidanct _
<br />. vrirS�thc reqn[rcnr.ms of thc Sn-retary. _
<br />- (C)Kv 1�kleea If circnms�anca acur thu a�outd pcmiii Lerckr ro require imm:ctix:e p:rymert7 in t�di,btr.Lrnt+er _
<br /> doex aot rcq:iirc se��h paymcn�s,[.endcr do�s rsot���are ils righis w�ith reseect to s�xby,qar.m s�rn'<.
<br /> (d)Re�llqllo�s of'S7UA Seercla�y. In many eucums�anas rcgulztions uccr.d Oy t�x S:crcaary�Hll lirait 4e�:z1
<br /> dghis, in tho cxsc of paymcnt defeults,lo uim im7�ediatz pa>mem in FuEI rrd fa;qlasc If no� paiA. 7ius -
<br />- Secv�itv Luwmeui does no1 authodze ettelerat on or forccl�v�rs i(nm�r.zise:d by regvt,ar.>:ns of the Secrctery. -
<br />_ (e)Mortgoge Not Insnrcd. 6orrowcr agrces�hat shouid�hi.5:.+�riiy Er�:�mnt anA the n,:c secund�licrcby not ;
<br /> -- bc ellgibic for in:vlinxe undcr thc Nntionxl 6Musing Aa wi:hin � manths Gom the _
<br /> da�e hcrcof,l.eivto:ray,at i�s option nrv,k vnn«rtcsanding any�hing In 57xagnph 9,rcquirc immedielc paymenl in --
<br /> full of all sums so:,.r.:.�b this S crity lr..vr.�>nen� A wriucn s�a�ement of any aWhodv.ed agcnt a!�he Sccrclary _
<br /> � � datcd subsequen�ne � rQn� trom tl:c dare hemof,declining w Insure d�is Securi�y �_-
<br />- Instmment a�td iSe r.:.1e securat tb:reGy,sFaA'Qr deemed coacinsire proof of such Ineligibili�y. No1wl�hslanding =-
<br />- Ihe PoregofnF,+��'c�,rQon may r.a Ce exr.tiscd by Lcndcr�vhen ihe unavaflability of insurnncc is soiely due�o =-
<br />-- 1.ende�kfalbmtiotni�nmottgagain,nrancepremiumm�he5ecrc�nry. _
<br />.- 1D. RdtulMetnen9. z.rtowcr 6ns n righ�to 6c rcinam�eA If Lender hns required Immcdlate papment in ftdl bccausc _
<br /> n(Isohow:a's fi:r.:c�e pa�an amouni dno under ihc��d.o or this Securi�y lmimment. 71ds dght applies cven af�cr �-
<br />- f�:er7ssrie p+a:ecd:'ngs nrc ins�iwtcd. 76 rcinsmte thc Securi�y Ins[rumenl, ➢orrower shall tende� (n a lump sim nll
<br />- a,;o;>;=�xe;��_�!;c h;?.^.g Pettewart nrre!�nt cnrren�indudinc,m ihc ex�em�hcy are abligniiom of Dortower undcr�Idt �
<br />- Scvr•ity]nxtmmen4 fo�edosum custs nnd rcaxunnble nnd ciummnry.«omcys'lees nnA expenses properly assoclatW wilh =.
<br />, �*e forcclosuro proceeAing. U�wn n;tnsinemem by flwwx�er.�hts Securi�y Instnimem nnd the obliga�ions�hal 1�secnres -__
<br />= shall remain in effa�ns it l.cnJCr had notru�ulrcd immcdiate payment In full. Ffowever,Lcnder is nm requircd to�c m�i� ..
<br /> rcinsmtemcm IC (p Lender hns nccepted minslatement nfler Iha commencemenl af forcclosuru praecdings wi�hin Hro _,
<br /> ycars fmmedlately prccedfng die commencemem of n currcnt Porcclosurc procceding, (IU rcinstatement will preclude _.
<br />- forcelosum on dltferent gmunds In ihe Polurc,or OlU rclnsiatemeN wiil ndrersely o(fecl ihe pdori�y of the Ilen created by .
<br /> thisSaud�y Insimmcm. -
<br />- 11. Borrower Not RcleaxJi ForUearancc h LenJn• Nof n 15nl��cr, lixtcnsfon of Ihc dmc of paymem or -
<br />- madilicaqon of amoniu�tion of�he sums secured by th�s Sceurity Ins�mmem gmmed by l.cnder io any successor In finems� =
<br /> of Dorcower shall no1 opcmtc to n;lc,ue thc Ifabilily u(tho oflgmal Oorco�rcr or�orrowerl suaessor In imcRSi. I.cndcr =.
<br /> shall not be rcquired to commenco proceedings egafnn�en�snecessor in imercs�or reNse ro ex�tnd Ilme for papmeni or -
<br />° otLctwise modify amonim�lon of ihc sums securcd by ih s Sccurity Ins�mmem by rc:uon of:uiy demand mado 6y�Lc -
<br />- odglnal Rorcower or Oarcower§suceessors in iNCrcst. Any forbeamnce by I.ender In ezercising any dght or rcmedy ahnll _.
<br />_ no�Ix a walver of or prcclude the exercise ot ony righ�or rcmedy. _
<br />-- 12. Successors nnd Assigns Dovnd;Jolnt nnd Serernl [.InLility;Co•tilgnera. 71u covenanis and.grecmcnts of -
<br />�` this Securi�y Insuumuu shnll binA.nd Ixnefit the successars nnd nssigns o(Lender�mA Oortoxror,subJat to�he prorisfnns �
<br />` of Mngmph 7b. Dorrmrerr mvenams and agrecmems xhall ln Jolnt and xever.d. Any 6nvower who co•slgns �hls _.
<br />�= Sccuri�y Instnuncnl bul docs noi executc�hc Notc: (n)Is m•signing�his Sceurliy lnvrumem only ro mm�Enge,gmnl nnd
<br />-= eonvey�ha�iiortowerk inleresl in the Propeny under�he�emis of�his Sccuriry InswmenC(67 is no�personally obligoled In --
<br />�= pay�he sums xecurcd by�his Secwi�y Inswroem:nnd(c)ogrees ihai Lender and�ny other portower may ag�ce to exlend, -
<br /> - modify,forixar or make any aecommodaiiuns wi�h cegxrJ�o ihe�crm.of�hit Secu�i�y Insirumem or the Nnte wi�hou��ha� .�.
<br /> Dovowcr4conxm. -
<br />� 13. �otices. Any noiicc to Uottm��er providcd for in ihis Sccuriiy Insunmcm xhall be giren by dclivcring I�or by .
<br />-- mailing it by firel clxsc mail unleu applirable la�e rcquires uxc o(ano�her meihal. 7he nolire shall Ix: dirceted ro the __
<br /> = Propeny AdAress or nny mher aJdrcu Qonowrr Jtxignates by nmice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shnll be given by
<br /> - firs�class mail to Lenderi addrcss sm�cd hercin or :my addrcsx Lender d.signa�es I�y noiice to 6orrower. Any naice
<br /> provided for in this Secu�iry Ins�mmem xhali lx dcemcd m hare Ixcn giren m flnrro�cer or L.nder ahen given as provideJ -
<br /> = in�hispam@raph. ,
<br /> = t4. Coo�enilng l.ms:tic��crnbllit��. "Iliis Sccuriq•Ina�mmem shall iw go.rrneJ by Iedrr:il imr and iho law uf�hr �
<br /> )urisdiclion irt a�hich the Rupeny is loca�ed. In�he ceent�hn nuy prnvisim�m rlau�c of�his Securily Ins�mmem or�he
<br /> `- Note emdlic�+�aiih applic.6le la��'.wdi con0ia+hall um affec�mhrr proeisions of ihis Srwri�y Insimmem or Ihe No:e ,
<br />- which can 6e givrn effect�rilhoul Ihe canllii9ing p�m�isiun. Ti�Ihi.eml ihe provi�ium of dii.Securiiy Inxlrumenl and Ihe =
<br /> _ Noic am dednrcd to br�c��crablc.
<br />- I5. Oo��uue�'sCop�. Rottu�cer>holllmgircunnc.nnfom�cAropyof�I�i4Se.nriry-Li.trmncni.
<br />