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� <br />UCC FINANCING STATEMENT AMENDMENT <br />FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS (front end backl CAREFULLY <br />Bruce I Smith/ 308-382-1930 <br />' Bruce I. Smith <br />P.O. Boz 790 <br />Gr�nd Island, NE 68802-0790 <br />2011Q9��5� <br />� �I THE ABOVE SPACE IS FOR FILINO OFFICE USE ONLY <br />1 a. INffIAL FINANCII <br />201105721 <br />to be flled (tor racord] (or reeorde� in tha <br />� 2. TERMINATION: Eftectivaness of tha Finencing 8tetamant identified abova is terminatad wfth reapect to sacurity iMerest(s) of tha Sacured Perty authorizing this Terminetfon Statemant <br />CONTINUATION: Eftectivenese of tha Financing S�temeM identified ebova with raspact ta securily interest(s) of the Secured Perry authorizing this CoMinuatlon Stetemant is <br />continuad for tha edditionel period provided by eppliceble law. <br />4. ASSIONMENT (full or partia�: G(ve nema of essignee in item 7e or 7b end eddress of es sfgnee in kam 7c; end elso give n eme oi essignor In kam 8. <br />5. AMENDMENT (PAR1Y INFORMATION): This Amendmant affecte � Dabtor gt � Saeured Perty of record. Check onty g� ot thesa two boxes. <br />Also check g� of the following three boxes gp�{ provide eppropriate iMormetfon in items 8 end/or 7. <br />n CHANGEnemeend/oraddrass: Pleaseretar0othada�iledinetructione ❑ DELETE rmma: Give record nema ❑ ADDname: Completeitam7aor7b,a�etsoftem7c; <br />'- - �ardstochenainathaimmaleddressoteoartv to ba deleted in itam 8a or 8b. elsocomaleteitema7e-7afAaaolicebfa). <br />6_ Cl1RRFNT RFCOR� INFORMATIONt <br />OR <br />Prescott David A <br />7c. MAILING ADDRESS CIIY STATE POSTAL CODE <br />1507 S ruce Place Grand Island NE 68801 <br />7d. SEE INSTRUCTIONS ADD'L INFO RE 7e. TYPE OF ORGANIZATION 7f. JURISDICTION OF ORGANIZATION 7g. ORGANIZATIONAL ID #, K eny <br />ORGANIZATION <br />DEBTOR <br />8. AMENDMENT (COLLATERAL CHANGE): checkanlyppSbax. <br />� Describa collaterel �deleted or ❑ eddad, or give entira�rastatad colleteral dascription, or d�cribe callateral �essignad. <br />All buildings and improvements situated upon the following described real estate and Debtor's leasehold iaterest therein: <br />NONE <br />Lot Siz (�, having a lake front footage of 62 feet situated on the East Side of the Easterly Portion of Kuester Lake and being <br />on a part of the East Half of the Southwest Quarter (El/2SW1/4) in Section Thirteen (13), Townshp Eleven (11) Nort6, <br />Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska <br />9. NAME OF SECURED PARTY OF RECORD AUTHORI7JNG THIS AMENDMENT (name of assignor, i(this is an Asaignma�. If this fs en Amemlment euthorized by e Debmr which <br />edda colleta�al or adds the aufhorizing �btor, or'rf this is e Termination euthorized by a Dabtor, check here n end anter rreme oi DEBTOR authorfzing this Ama�merrt. <br />oR � Lebensraum, Inc. <br />Intemational Association of Commercial Administrators (IACA) <br />FILINO OFFICE COPY — UCC FINANCING STATEMENT AMENDMENT (FORM UCC3) (REV. 05/22/02) <br />7. CHANGm (NEV� OR ADDED INFORMATION: <br />