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2 01109854 <br />SPECIAL POWER OF ATTORNEY <br />KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY TI�SE PRESENTS: <br />That Deborah McMillan, with address at 113 Woodlake Court, St Augustine, FL, 32080, <br />has made, constituter�, and appointed, and buy these presems daes hereby make, constitute, and <br />appoi�t Bryce Bartu and Phyllis Bartu, whose address is 1907 Stolley Park Circle, Grand Island, <br />Nebraska, 68803, as her true and lawfi�l attomey-in-fact in and for the state of Florida, the state of <br />Nebraska, and a11 other jurisdictions. <br />The attorney-in-fact herein named is granted the authority to buy the following properiy <br />described, for a purchase price of Two Hundre� Eleven Thousand Dollars ($211,000.00), and to <br />execute any and all documems ne+:�ssary to effectuate the purchase and/or conveyance of the <br />following described real properiy: <br />Single family home at 2107 West John Stree� legally described as: East'/2 of lot <br />3, all Lots 1 and 2, Block 47, Charles Wasmer's 3`� Addition, Grand Island, Ha11 <br />Co. NE <br />Such documems shall include, but not be limited to, contracts, deeds, affidavits, bills of sa1e, <br />closing statemeirts, mortgages, notes, a.nd such othe,r instruments as may be requir� to carry out the <br />purposes here and expressed, giving it and granting unto Bryce Bartu and Phyllis Bartu, said <br />attorneys-in-fact, full power and authority to do and perform a11 and every act and thing wha,tsoever <br />requisite and ne�sary to be done in and about the premises, as fulty, and to a11 intents and <br />purposes, as the undersignerl might or could do if gersonally present, hereby ratifying and <br />confirming all that Deborah McMillan said attorney-in-fact shall lawfully do or cause to be done by <br />virtue hereof. <br />The authority of the within appointed attomey-in-fact to exercise any powers herein gant� <br />shall commence on the date of execution of this instrument <br />and delivered <br />� <br />� <br />����j,� , �� ' �� � �� � <br />�►.��I: � ' • I I <br />Witness <br />