DEED OF TRUST 2 011 Q�� 3� Page 7
<br />Loan No: 7781263 (Continued)
<br />Hazardous SubstanCes. The words "Hazardous Substances" mean materials that, because of their quantity,
<br />concentration or physicai, chemical or infectious characteristics, may cause.or pose a present or potential hazard
<br />>. to human health or the environment when improperly used, treated, stored, disposed of, generated, manufactured,
<br />transported or otherwise handled. The words "Hazardous Substances" are used in their, very broadest.sense and
<br />include without limitetipn any and all hazardous or toxic . substences, materials or waste as de by, or listed
<br />under the Environmentaf Laws. The term "Hazardous Substances" also includes, without limitatiqn, petroleum and
<br />petroleum by-products or any fraction thereof and asbestos.. ,
<br />Improvementsr The word "Improvements" means all existing and future improvements, buildings;° structures,
<br />mobile homes affixed on the Reaf Property, facilities, additions, replecements and other� construction on the Real
<br />Property.
<br />Indebtedness. The word "Indebtedness" means all principal, interest, and other amounts, costs and expenses
<br />peyable under the Note or Related Documents, together with all ranewals of, extensions of, modifications of,
<br />consolidations of and substitutions for the Note or Related Documents and any amounts expended or advanced by
<br />Lender to discharge Trustor's obligations or expenses incurred by Trustee or Lender to enforce Trustor's
<br />obligations under this Deed of Trust, together with interest on such amounts as provided in this Deed of Trust.
<br />Lender. The word "Lender" means Fremont National Bank end Trust Company, its successors and assigns. The
<br />words "successors or assigns" mean any person or company that acquires any interest in the Note.
<br />Note. The word "Note" means the promissory note dated December 19, 2011, In the original principal
<br />amount of $140', 000.00 from Trustor to Lender together with all renewals of, extensions'of, modificetions
<br />of, refinancings of, consolidations of, and substitutions for the promissory note or agreement. The maturity date of
<br />this Deed of Trust is June 23, 2012.
<br />Personal Property. The words "Personal Property" mean all equipment, fixtures, and bther articles of personal
<br />property now or hereafter owned by Trustor, and now or hereafter attached or affixed to the Real Property;
<br />together with all accessions, parts, and additions to, all replacements of, and all substitutions for, any of such
<br />property; and together with all proceeds (including without limitation ell insurance �roceeds and refunds of
<br />premiums) from any &ale or other disposition of the Property.
<br />Property. The word "Property" means collectively the Real Property and the Personal Property.
<br />Real Proparty. The words "Real Property" mean the real proparty, interests and rights, aS further described in this
<br />Deed of Trust.
<br />Related Documents. The words "Related Documents" mean all promissory notes, credit qgreements, loan
<br />agreements, environmental agreements, guaranties, security agreements, mortgeges, ,deeds of trust; security
<br />deeds, collaterel mottgages, and all other Instruments, agreements end documents, whether r�ow or hereafter
<br />existing, executed in connection with the Indebtedness.
<br />Rents. The word "Rents" means all present and future rents, revenues, income, issuqs, royalties, profits, and
<br />other benefits derived from the Property.
<br />Trustee. The word "Trustee" means Fremont National Bank & Trust Company, whose address is P.O. Box 228,
<br />Fremont, NE 68026 and any substitute or successor trustees.
<br />Trustor. The word "Trustor" means JASON DANNELLY and ABBY DANNELLY.
<br />TRUSTOR:
<br />STATE OF Nebraska.
<br />couNnr oF Dodge
<br />l
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<br />On this day before me, the undersigned Notary Public, personally appeared J N DANNELL a A�BY DANNELLY,
<br />HUSBAND AND WIFE, to me known to be the individuals described in d who exec te th Deed of Trust, and
<br />acknowledged that they signed the Deed of Trust as their f�ee and volu ary act and e, for e uses and purposes
<br />therein mentioned.
<br />Given under my hend end official seal this 19tY1 day of C , 20 11
<br />By
<br />Notary Public in end for the State o� N('_br3SiG3
<br />GENERAL NOTARY of Nebrdska Residing at
<br />_ My Comm. Exp. March 31, 2013 My commission expires 3/3� /13
<br />