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<br /> '� 13.Notices.Any nodce co Borrower pmvided for in this Scxurity Insteument shull ba Qi�+en by delevering it or by ?�y�
<br /> mailing it by Cust class mail unless applicable law requires use of ano�her methad.The rtcti.ce shnl!he directcd to tho ; ,,.�i:.
<br /> , ; Propeny Address or any othcr address Honower drsignaus by nodce to Lendar.My notIcc tn Lender sh�U be givcn Uy :� ;,ti.1
<br /> fust class mail to Lender's address stated herein or�ny address Lende�designates by natir.e tr�Bornower.Any notica :���,�
<br /> ,; �. .��--
<br /> provided for in ihis Security Insuument shall be deemed to havo been given co Borruwc,�or Len�cr when given �e .�,�:
<br /> �'; provided in thisparegraph. �.�;:;'�
<br /> - ` � 14.Gc�verning Law; Seve�bility.This Securiry InstrumenY shall be�ovcmcd by Fc�+eral law and the l��v of Qic , ,;�:�y�.
<br /> � jurisdicdon in which the Property is located-Ir►the event that any provaion ar clause of�itfs Sr.curity Insirwnent or dia ; .,
<br /> �� Nate conflicts with applicable law,such conflict snari�ct.,ff�;.t o:he�prot isiens of thix S�;aarity Inatmment or tfie Nota
<br /> , s_�
<br /> which can be Btven effect withaut the wnflicdng provisian.To this end tha provisions oa`tt�i�Security Ie�snvment and ��_:�-'�
<br /> ' � the Note t►cs declared to be severable. of the Nute and uf this Securiry InstrumenG ��j`"-"=
<br /> � fl5.�arrower's Cmpy.Boirowa shall be given one confom►ed copy �;�,,`.,;�:.
<br /> 16. NaYa�'doDS Sa�bstances. Boaower shf►l!not cause or permit ihe presence,use,ctis►fosal,stornge,or relea�of y;„,,_,__
<br /> � �'�--
<br /> ,., ,,::
<br /> any I�IazarAous Substances on or in the Property Borrower shall not do,nar allow anyonG else to do.Anythin8 uffeccin6
<br /> ,:.�'.. the Froperty ttwt is in vialatian of any Environmental Law. The precedin�two sentences shull not ap�ly ta the pr2senca, ;��7,V:^�
<br /> � � use. or sto}$ge on the Praperty of small quanddes of Hazardous Subatencea that nre gen-erally recognized to b.. _ --
<br /> appmprlale w noaenal residentisal uses and to maintenance of tha Property. m;'x`.�
<br /> 1
<br /> goirower shall promptly give Lender wriuen notice of any imesugation,cluim,demAnd,lawsuit or other acdon by �j:.'=-_'
<br /> �Y S�vemmental or regulawry agency or private partY involving�hs 1'roperty and any Hezardo�s Substance or —
<br /> Envuoi�.mea�tal Law of which Bocrower has acwal lmowledge. If Borrowcr lvama.or is��o'�'ied by any Sovernmenml or
<br /> a-:= �: • ; ng�u�ry suthority. thac any removi�i�e �u'z�:r.��:.�on af sr_;Hs±�n�taus Substt�ces affectnng the Properey is
<br /> . ... �e�ssary,�Borrowu shall PromP�ly tako a!1 nocessazY remediel acdons in eccardance wide Gnvinonmental Law. �
<br /> �� '. ps ustd in th;s paragraph 16, "Hs�.erdous Substences" are thosa substanccs d�6ncd es to�ic or hazardoua �
<br /> -�,,�;;,.��; substsnces by Fmironma�tal Law�nd the following substances:gesolfne.kerosene,othnr fl�mnblc or toxic petrolcum
<br /> .;:..,r,�i� products. toxic postkides and herbicides. volatlle solvents. materfals contnining twirestr�s or formuldEhyde. end
<br /> ::''`"��'",' ridloacdve mAterlals. As used in this paregcaph 16, "Bnvironmcntal I.aw" mctutn f�dcral Inws and laws of tho
<br /> °`�'-:�`4�r is locatca chat rclau to hcalth,safcry orcnvironmcnuil B�U.ctEo�. _
<br /> _�� :., Jurisdictian where the Propetty '
<br />---��'"``�`
<br /> - ..:-��� NON-iINIFORM COVBNAN'PS.Bonowcr and Lendcr furthcr covcnant mid a�grcc au fnll�ws:
<br /> ��_,-;� 17,A.ul�nment ot Rmts.Borrowu uncondidonally assiBns end trnt►sfcrs w Le►idis nll thc rcnts and revcnues of
<br /> -:"r r, - Iho Prape�tY.Bamwer authorizes Lender or Lender's agcnts to colloct thu rents anc�nrvcnues and hercby dirccis ea�l� --
<br /> �-�= tcnant of the PropatY to D8Y the rents to Lendu or Lendu's agcnts.Ho:�avcr.Priaf w L�ender's aotice to Borrowcr of —
<br /> """�°'"�'" gorrower's bmach of any covenant or agreement in the Secnrity Insuument,Boma•wcr stiull collecc and roceive all rents
<br />_-,z_��� and mvenues of the PropertY as trustee for th�e benefit of Lender and Barrower.Thio ansi�ment of rentv wnsdtutes an
<br />—. _ absuluta agsignma�t and:�ot an assignment for addidonal sccurity only, �:
<br /> -
<br />