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<br /> + �oriowe�shall a1�o be in def�ult if Borrower,dur�na t1�n litan u�PUcstdon process,gave materially false ot inaccwrate �
<br /> �� ��'
<br /> .�., informadon or statements tn Lender(ar fail�d tn pr�vid�L,endnr with any material infonnr�tion)i.�connecdon v�ith the
<br /> : :� loan evidcnccd Uy thc Notc. includi fB�b9 Securi�iU a�n►ni is n ua Icasehold, Borro er stn�tll comply�wi�h th� �!":_
<br /> �?� Ropcny as n principal residencc. Y =�-,
<br /> provLsiona of the leasc. If�orrowcr acquirea fee d.tic w Q�r FrcAI�rtY.�e leasehold and fee pde shall n9t be mQa6ed
<br /> unless I.endcr agrees co the merger in wrntinB. .-;-,
<br /> . : 6.Candemaatlnn.'It►e proc'.eed.�of any award e�r clnim Ces dama8es,direct or c4nseq�tw�dz�l�in connection wlth �. .
<br /> ; any candemnation or othe,r taking of su►y Fnct of tl�e�Y+�'for conveyanee in P1ace of cnas�2ann�sian,are h�reby ;-,
<br /> • a�signed and shall be paid to Lendcr a�S�nt�fUs►c��ch�t��n��da to the reduction of thn�indebtedr es�s und�the Note �i;;�
<br /> Note end this Se.curlty Instrunznt Le �P h 3,and then to v_
<br /> .;��,:�� ��' and this Securlty Instivmeni,first co eny dclinquont.amaainta a�rplied in the ordcr prmvidad'u►paraBr�Pa due dste of thE R-
<br /> °.;_� p r e p a y m e n t o f p ri n c i p a l.A n y a P Pl�ca�on of the praceec�t ua d�n principal shall not ext�nd or postpo
<br />-�,�;<A,..�_ ,� monthly PaYments.which ar..referred to in paraIIra�n 2.Oc Cjt3fi�TC 1}2C°•Sl20l1[![O f 4 L r�t p R y I ri C 1 1 l S. A I I Y B R C C S S j l T Q G C O�S � -
<br /> �1 over a n a m o u n t t e q u i r e d to�an Y ull autsmndina indebted�fesa►m�er the Note and this Securitp Instrument shall be paid t,a
<br /> ;.`�" , the enaty legally eadtled thereta. , Sonower sba11 paY a11
<br /> 7. Chargea to Boerowcr a¢d E'rotectian of l.ender s Rig6ts in the �'ape�� Ronower shall pay these
<br /> . ..�.. govemmeneal or municipal charges,fines and impoaiu.onn d�ut or�not included in paraBraPuld ed�ersely affccz Lender's
<br /> ,_.;� '-. obligafions on time directly tn the entitY which is awed d�e paymenG yf failure co paY
<br />,_r.�,� �� interest in the Pronerty,ugon L,ei►der'�re9uest Earrower shn1A prornptly furnish to Lender cec�ipts evidencing these
<br /> �:;','r �`� payrmcnts.
<br />.'-,;yid� If Borrowr�faiLv t�m m�ke these payments or thc;payment�required bY P�fi�Pfi Z,or faiLs to perfocm any other -
<br />`��'''a�'.;S r. coven9nts smd agreements contained in alus Secunry Innu.vniont,or thera is a legal praceecting that may signi#icantly -_
<br />.`r��.`,�:��r ., effect Lendea's rlghts in the Pruperty (such es a proceedinII irc b��kruPtcY�for condemnaYion or w enforce lawa or �
<br /> '���;������ re uladans),tAen 1.�ender may do nnd pay whatever is necess�ry w prote�f tha�alue of the Properry and Len�ter's rights
<br /> ���,�.�;,� F:.; � in the 1�rapertY.incIuuu��-yay7r:,r.i as .,.,��hp,,,Tar�a 9ncnrunce ancl other items mentioned in parngraPh 2.
<br />'-""'•"'�"� '�� Any amounts disUursed by I.ender under thi� pa'ragcaph shall become an adciidona! deht of Borrowcr u��� �
<br /> _:!='.�;�,'r:, ,.;4.
<br /> secured by thi�Security Insuumenc Thcse amounte shnll bcar inu:rest irom the dates�f disbwsement,at the ote rato,
<br />_;:����. , und at the option of L.endcr.shall ba immcdiatelY due and payubtu.
<br /> � iQ„;� Bormwcr sheill ixompdy dischargc any lien which hns p{iority aver this Security Instrument unless�,�n��(�
<br />`-""'='-.--...,� sg�¢s irt writing co the paymer►t of the obligatton secured tsy the licn ln a manncr accePtable w Ler�der;
<br /> _���;�.�
<br /> � good falth tho llen by�or defends ageinst enforcement of the lien in.legal procadin8s which in the�����to
<br /> .�F�=:;�.� �te�,o�xevent the enforcement of the lien: or(c)secures fcan the doldu of the lien an ag�oemen �s subjoct to
<br />::-'��'�'1�� L,ender subocdlnatinB the lica to tht�Socuriry Inshumen�If Lendu determines�hat enY Da�t ot tho PmpatY�
<br /> =LLy-�� a lien whic�h may att�in Driaf�Y over this Securiry Inauurnent,Lr�►der may give Borrowea a nodce ider�tifying 11�e lien.
<br /> �"� g�wer sha1J sadsfy tho licn or telce on�or more of tha actions set forth above within 10 days of�he giving of notice.
<br /> d.FNy.Lender may colkxt fccs and chnrges uuthorirr.,d by the Sxretary.
<br /> -==� 9.Grounds[or Accekntbn of IDebt.
<br /> (a) Dtfaul�Lendar mAy�cxcept as 1Lnited by rcguluriann iasucd by the Secretiuy, in tho cace of payment
<br /> -- ..--.-r—_ �f��.requize immediete payment in f�ill ef all sum�recured by th m�L������Securiry Instrument
<br /> --- _ (i)Boirowu defaults by fallin8 to paY in fe�tl any n�oa6dY PaY
<br /> ---_-�= prior to or on the dua dute of the next mond�ly QaY�noi►t,or
<br /> -_ -_— — (u)Borrowcr dcfuults by failinQ,far a period ef ddity dnys,w perform anY other obligat�ons containod in
<br /> __— � this Securiry Insuwncnt
<br /> ��-_- �=� (b)Sak WiWout Credit A{sproval.Lcnd�'shnll.if pe�ni�d by applicable law(including Scetion 341(d)of
<br /> — the Garu-S�t3c�anin Dcpositary L�sdtntiono Act of 1982,12 U.S.C.I701 j-3(d))and ve+ith the pcinr approval of
<br />.=•���'��" thc Sccretary,rco�uire immediutc payment in full of ell sums secared by this Security Insuumcnt iE:
<br /> _��
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