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<br /> :�;;,�risl'�; of Borrowcr's cov�nnnts ond agrocmcnts urtdcr this Sccuriry Insuument and the Notc. For this pn�sc, Borrowcr ''
<br /> � - i irrevocably grants and canveys to tho Trustee,in wst,with power of snle.thc faUowinp,dcscribed pmperty locata!ln �,'�``'
<br /> ' s �,t, Counry,Nebmska: �`�'
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<br /> ����''' which has ihe�c�dress of 1103 NORTH SHERMAIJ, C3RAND ISLAND lStrect,(:ity�, _-
<br /> , ,. •,•; " Nebrdska 68803 �ZtpCodo) ("PropCityAddress");
<br /> =�:;-�.�'°�,, ' 'POGETHFiR WITH all the improvements now or here.after e.rectec! on the property, and all easem�nts, µ
<br /> T �1�:�:^: • trppurtenances and fixdues now or hereafter a part of tlte prapercy.All replacements and addidons shall also be covemd
<br /> � '� �..`:�� by thls Secadty Insmimen�All of ihe foregoing is tefenet�ta in dils Securlty Instrument�.s the"Property."
<br />��%�������= f� � BORROi�1T�ER COVSNANTS thAt Barsower is lawfully sei�ed of the estate hereby wnveytd and hag the dght to
<br /> '�;� , ;''''' � �rane anS convey the Property and that the Propesry is unencumbered,except for encumbrances of ncord. Borrowea
<br />_' �<.�;'�J,; w,arsants and will defend generully the title to the Propesty against all cleims and demands.subject to any encumbrnnces
<br />=-•`�;;,:��. of reoord.
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<br />:�'::_..ti,y,. TfIIS SBCURITY INSTRUN�NT comb�nes uniform covenants for naaonal use and non-unifonn covenanrn with
<br /> -���=��"���' limit�ed variations b uris�iicdon w constiwte a uniform securi inswment coverin real ro
<br /> ����..,--p. Y j �Y 8 P t��5'•
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<br /> =__,,,,,�k . Borc�ower end Lender cov�enant and a�ee as follows:
<br />-�s.;.';:
<br />--����1� 1.Paymwt ot Priacip�l,Interest and Late C6arge.Bomnwer shall pay when due the principal of.and entcrost
<br /> 9,��a�rt!;� on.the debt evidenced by the Note and late cliarges duc under the Note.
<br /> _����°="�,�� 2.MoQthly F'ayment of Tsues,Insurance s�nd Other C6arges.Borrower shall include in each monthly�puyment,
<br />--`"'-��� togethrr wIth the principal and interest cts set forth in the Note and any late charges,a eum for(a) taxes und s�xxIal -
<br /> ��� assessments levied or to be levied aguinst the Property.(b)leaschold payrnents oz ground rents on the Propr�cgr.and(c)
<br /> u ��;��,� premiums for insurance required nnder paragraph 4. In eny year in which tha Lender must pay a mo�age inau�nca _
<br />=_=� prcmium w the Sscretary of Housing and Urban Development("Secretary").or in :ury yP,ar in which such pmmium
<br />.-°*��:•,� wauld have bcea requized if Lsnder still held thc Security Instrument,each monttily payment shall aLso includo Qither.(i)
<br /> " __.�_-�,.. Z�nm for the annual maiigag�insuiance premiwn W be paid by Lender w tfie Secretary,or(u)a monthly charge inste�d
<br /> -�--T-� of a mortgage insurar�ce premium if this Secority Instrumer�t is held by the Socretary, in a reasonable xmannt ta be
<br />-__��� cletermined by the Secretary. &xcept for the montlily chacge by the Secretary,these items aze callecl"Escrow 1c�;ms"rand
<br />-"�^�at,�, the sums paid Hn Lender ere called"Bsc,row Fands.��
<br /> �:a=-?�"�`;.' Lender ma ,at any time,collect an�hold amounts for Escrow Items in an • °�
<br />: l Y aggre8aie amount not to encecd the „
<br />==�'`'�i^�� mauimum nmount thaz may�bc rc�quired fc�r Borrower's escrow account under tf�e Real Estate Settkment Pmeedums Act • �;:,
<br />�_ ���°�'�°. af 1974, 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 rt seg.and implemcnring regulations,24 CFR Part 3500,as they may bo aniended .
<br /> _ . from tune to¢ime("RFSPA"),exccpt thaY c�aa cushion or rese�ve permittud by RESPA for unantici�ated disbuivements �.�'...
<br />,�' :, �� � � or disbiusements before the Borrower's payments are available in the account may not be based on umounts due for thc �';:��;
<br />��_ .. �-� mortgage insivance pcemiiun. ��
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