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.;;�. <br /> f� .. _,.�,�..,,,..,,_ .,,.�.,,.�.o....�..�. ._._.._______ _. � . ._ _ _ _ . <br />:,:;::� <br /> 92�-��� <br /> 1=�.$nttti+sn�a and Assidn3 Boundi dotnt�nd&venl I.tablllly� i.oSig�xrs. Tho rnvenanta nnd agrcemems of tlds <br /> Sttvdty,Tnnmmcnt ahnll bind �,id benelit�hc succcssore and �ssigns ot t.cndcr and Aorcowea subJec� to tho provistons of <br /> T' � �ii�fi�th 9.b, AatN�wtr'i covannms und agrccmcnts shall C:Jotnt nr�l uverel. Any iTorroxer wiw co•signs this Scuvlty _ <br /> ntlrvnlqn[bnt dnex not oxeculc�hc NWa: (�) Is co•signing this SecuNty tnnrument only�o nwngnge.Smnt nnd convoy thnt <br /> � NOtNx�M'A�nt0�csl In iha Properly under Ihc temu ot�his Sccurl�y Tnu�unkm;(b)Is no�p:rsona�ly o611gatcd to pay ilic snnu – <br /> snund by Ihl�Acciulty Instn�mcnq and(c)agras th�t I.e�xlcr and any oiher Borrowcr may agrcc to ezcend,modffy,lorbcar or <br /> nukc�ny acCiutlmodnliuns wlth rcaan!to th0lemu of Ihls Sceudty Instrumcnt or�Ae Ncte without �hat Burrowcr.'s conscnt. <br /> Ri3.NWkr.+�Any nntica to llotrowct provtdal for In this Stcuri�y lns�rmtnt shall bo gVvcn by ddivedng f�or by malling <br /> It by fl�et tl�ti anll unlets npnilcabla law requ�res uso ot nnother meth.od.Glt:.srttce shall bo dlrccte�to�ho Propeny Address � <br /> ot�ny aMt pddre�a 1lorrowar deslgnucs 1>y noAco ro LerAer. Any no:km to �ad:r shalt bc givcn by Orst class mail to <br /> l,e�hkt'�oddfCls il�ICd I�erein or nny ndNess i.snder designates by r.ettce to�.,no��rr.r�ny r.o�ice provided for in this Sccudry ° <br /> - -= Inslmnx�d sholi lro deamnl�o havo bcen givcn to Oorrox�,;r or Ler.der wh:n gieen av proviJcd in this paragrnph. – <br /> R, Oo5'M'flillg f.�tv1 H9vernbllity. Thts Stcarity Insuunxnt shnAt b; by f�deral law nr,d the law of th� <br /> JudWlq�on in Widch tho Propwty Is locatnf.4n iF.c evrnt ihai a,q pro��ixion or clausc oP�his Sccurity Instmm:nc or cE�e Nme <br /> — mnNn+wlih nppllcabla Inw,such conilln shaU�wt aflcet o;h�Y provisions M�his Securi�y In<tmmcn�or�ho No�c wfi:h rnn W. _ <br /> �Ivc�Cffcel widmul tl�o cos0lct(ng provt:tnn.To ihis end the pmvisions of ct�i:Securiq�Inswr,crd ar.d>he Noto aro dcclarcd - <br /> �0 bC SCYCIIhIi. _� <br /> 1S.NOffotitf's Capy,13urro•uer shall Iw pfven one co�forme�i copy of�his Sewriiy Instrurcam. <br />��:.;a� 16. Aulgnment nt flents, 12o�tnwer uncondlilonally aulgns enJ unnsFers lo Lendcr nll �hc rems and revenue.s of�M = <br /> Propc�ty.Ibrrowcr qu�hodus Lcndcr or Lendcr's agems to mllcei thc rencs r.a!rovenues and hereby direcis each icnam of ti�e - <br />_ � — Ptopeily In p�y the rcnts io�der or�der's agents.Ilowever,pflor lo icmder's no�ice to➢orrower of Borrower's breacb oY =_ <br /> -- -- any oovenant or ogr�rnxnt In�he&curiiy insirumem,Borrower shall eollat eml receive ell renn and revenues of the Propeny - <br />.�-��;� as Irusltt for the bc�KO�of Lcndcr .nd Dorrowcr. This nsslgnmcnt ot rents constlmta an absolWC auignment and not an =. <br /> _c;; asslgnnxnt for tdditional sccudiy only. _ <br /> {. - <br /> �'•'�;�, if I.ender gives txHice of breach�o porrower. (a)all rcros reccivW by Oorrower shall be hcld by 6orrower es�mstce for <br /> 'S�=�- benclit of l.ender only,�o be op,Iled ro the sunu securcd Uy�he Saurity Instmmenr,(h)LcnACr vl�all be entl�led to collect and - <br /> = rmlve nll ot Iiw renis nf Iho Propeny: a�J (c)each trnant ot Ihe Propeny shall yag all mms due and unpald to Lender or � <br />'.�;;,�,;;� I.cndcr's pgcnt on I.cixlcr's wrhttn demand ro thc tcnam. <br /> � ; <br /> -i�i�� 6nrrower hm trot exetu�cJ any prlur nssignn:ent of the rems anA I.vs rtot:md will nm per(orm nny uc� �hat wou1J prevent _ <br /> :`'+i�,X Lcndcr frun�cxcrcish�g Ils dphu undcr Ihls pnmgtaph 16. =. <br /> :..�. <br /> t�'� LenAer shnll not be rtquind lu emer upon.take mntrol at or maimain�he Propeny before or e4er giving uotice uf brench <br /> to Ifo�rowet. Howeve6 I.enJCr or o Judiclally appotn�ni reccivcr may do so nt any iime there is n brc;x4. Aqy nppllcn�ion of - <br /> �15� �cnts sitall nni curc or wah•e any defanh or Invnlida�t any oihcr dghi �K remedy of Isnder. This assignmrm of rems of the <br /> ==�-;t%t{�:;� p��ny shall temiinalo x�hen ihe deb�secund hy ihe Srcuri�y Insuwnem it qaid in full. <br /> r��it� <br /> `r�,,r� NOY-UNIFOR�1 COVENANTS.Dorrnxer nnJ I.endtt Nnher covenant and agree vs fviio��:c: _. <br />.�.!.+ciG! t7.Coreclusure I'rocedure.1f I.ender m�uircc Immediafe payment in full mider pnragreph S,Lender mey Invoke tLe -- <br />-=45^?!�t� {wwe of sule nnd any olher rcmedles perndllnl by nppticabte 1:nv. Lender shnil he emhde<1 Iu collect all exprnses �t� <br /> rrrLf Incurmi In�xusuing the rnncdies w�Acr Ihls paragroph 17.Incinding.Uut not i6ntted m,reaconable almrney�s'tces nnd <br /> "+T costsofiltlecvide�xc� <br /> *,�af:, <br /> ; S�t !f the goNrr of r,ple Is liuoYeel, Tru.lee ehxll record x uotlee of defautl In rnch counic In x�Ulch env pnr� of the <br /> ` ' � !'ro�x�9y Is lcraleJ and sholl mall copies ot such natitt In the mnnnrr preseribed by npplirable in�r to Aorro�rer nnd to <br /> ',U ,� lhe olher�xrsom prexcdbcd Gy xppllcaUle law,Ahcr the tlme mqulred by appllcxhte In»�,Trustwsi�all glve public nollce <br /> i -�]� of selc to thc�xrsons and In thc manncr prcccritxd b�� np��llrnblc Imr.Tivstcc,��i�hnut dcmnnd an Qorro��rr,shell sell �` <br /> - ''�' the Pro�ktly ut pu»Ik aucllon lo tAe hlghal lildder ei qie tlme anJ piace nnd widrr the terms designated In t?:e notice of � <br />-'^9��,p snie In ane or more purceis and 6�any urArr Trut�re dc�erndne�.7'nutce mny{wstpone+.�te af nll or nny pnrcet ot the }� <br /> - Pro�x�iy Uy pu6ile nnnouncemrnl pt Ihe tlme nnd pince of nny prerlunsly schMnlcd sNC. I.endcr or Its designce mey -- <br /> -- purctmsc t6e Properly al nny sdc. <br />�-�Y'A:{r.:$?. . <br /> ' .'�'[ �-0AfNEI r„�.eo�e '.'. <br /> 1 V� � <br /> ��t s�v�rJ�Af� �:� i..'�;i 1tiY.^n�::*.;�1Y.;�.t ..a_�� � i�- , s_r+1tr�. � i:�i.'."1 .!�i::. -n a. F. R����`l2aliV���d,���' <br /> .� � � ' . - � -. ' _ ��_' '. �.r.�f_ i}j�.i�ii.f . . <br /> ". ' .7 .. . , 'J;�� . . _ . ' �.. _ . <br /> .� � <br /> �i! ; - _ _ _ '_ - . — ' f Ci:• � . <br /> ,� � 1 � � . . � - ' { ' <br /> MS artr(1 -.t �Y�t r � ' -- " � � - � � <br /> Yf1J:' JrYy4 '� - � . . .� l � •;� <br /> °i� .�� z �tt)�� - - - - _ . . ' - e-� ..�r <br /> y (�;`�lr", Ftr' ir" - - , -%/�� - . . � . . . -1�i.�r.'.-. <br /> � r�ti'F-�� . . .�:;�L . , . i ' � - _ . <br /> (��. +rya t <br /> ✓ '1-.' � �l - � . 1 � , . . I'-' . <br /> �� / l J S . . L f ' - - J . , <br /> �� � ! _ ` . _ � . . , <br /> t� ;�it 4 � r5 . . 7 i . _� r i..� i . +"_ <br /> }l <br /> t i �-�� ) l�i � . __ S .: .-awt� t � .�r .. "�Szr� <br /> y .d� � - f i e-� . �. � - �) �- < s <br /> !N: / ' 1 �_ �J ' _ <br /> _ _ ' _ _ . _ _ ,' _ __ <br /> -y.:. .,: ...- ', " 'a.. � -, ., -': c <br /> •�4 c <br /> ' ` � s s <br /> . <br /> . ✓.a. �. .._- . .._- .. . ___ : �. ['- C '��'_..- : .- . - 'P ..-...1�i41� � . !. ...`t a.iS. t <br />