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� f _ ��{� r `r '�Y� ��;�':� �� .. _ _ ;`= � __'k�'F `.. <br /> st,-_�va v 5rrp �V Y r:={.1 h sy <br /> �F{3 L. ,r-�k�'- ,� .S� �: 1 I.ik�fnKfidL.C�:. - �rr _ <br /> _. <br /> ���•��.�i�3`� <br /> I 'P00[iTN(30. WITIi nll tl�o Improvanems now or heruQer ertttal on tho pro�xny, and nll csunxnts, dgL�s, <br /> �ppunetunccs,rema,mynitles,mincml,all and�as Nphis�nd profiis wa�or righ�a nnd stcek and nil Iixturos now or hercaftor a <br />� ;.8 of thc pmpcny. All rcpinumcnls nnd nddiliuns ahnll aiso C:mvercd by c6is 3ecud�y All of tho foregoing is <br /> rcRrrcd to in t6is Security Inslmmcnl ns�ho"Propeny." <br /> i DORRONIiR COVL�NANTS�hat Borrowcr is lawfully u:lscd of thc cs�ato htrcby rnnvcycd nnd hns dm rigLt m gmm nrtd <br /> convoy tlle Propeny nnd�ha�tAe Propeny Is unencumixred, exctpt for encum6r�nces ot record. Iforcowcr�vnrrnnts nnd wlll <br />. dcfenA genemlly tho tido to�ho Propeny�gainst all clatnu and demarrJs,subJcct�a any cnwmbrances of rcc�rA. <br />- 1.F:�3Gw�»t of Pdneipai,inteYrst aud i.ale Charge.Rorrower shsll p9y�rhen duc thc principal ot, and Interest on,the � <br /> Qebt eviden�ad by ttx Note and lato ciinrges duo undcr tho Noto. <br /> 2. b7ontAly P�yzr,rnU oY Taxes, ins�unnm amJ Ot"m'�}.�r,�s. Oorrowcr shall includo In cach monthly paymcm, <br /> together�vith the pdneip.�i a�intercst as set tonh in tt��Nae arA any Lue cF�.raes,nn instaltnxr�ot any(a)wxes and spectal _ <br />� assess�r.�s Pr.i:d or lo ix Itvled a$ztnst the Yroperty. (b) teauho[� Fvyrtr,nu or grou[ad rents on tF.e ProFetty, s.�d (c) <br />_. g�amiunufarn:sarancurcqutredbypara3rayh4. <br /> � Fach mo:uhiy installment for Ilenu W).(b),and(c)shall equal one•Iwdith of tPa arinual amonms,ns reawrably esNne�ted _ . <br /> . by I.eoder;�i':GS an nmount sut(icient to nuimain an additional baU.nce pt not mnrc than ane•six�x of�he estlm�:ed amwr.ts.7he <br />