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<br /> •� l �7.Trsut�Fer o6 the Prmpeity nr a Bmefldui I��terest In Borrower. It nll or any part af d�c Propeny or Huy ntcrest en it
<br /> :' 1 is sold or�ferred(or If a bea�.ficial interest in Burrower is sold or transferted xrvl Boreuwer is not i+�ti{turnl E►er�ou)aithoa�
<br /> l' Lender's prior written wnsent. I.ender may, at its opaon, require inu�iedia�e paynient in full af ull sums secured by tl�fs
<br /> �� Security lnstrument.Hnwcver, tUis opdou sl�all not be exerci�:d by Lender if exercfse�x prol�ibited by fe�ler,sl law as of d�e dute
<br /> of this Secutity Insmiment. .
<br /> � If l.ender eaercises this oprion,I.ender shall give Botrower nodce of acceleraGton.71ie notice shall provide n period o noe
<br /> �`°' ' less tltan 30 days from the date the noace i�delivered ar mailed�vithin wtuch Borcower must pay all sums sectued by thls
<br /> ��' Securisy Itumimeat. If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior ta the expiration of this periad, Ixnder may iavoke cu�Y remedics .
<br /> peimitted by this Seaurtty Instcument without�iuther uodce or deruaud on Honower.
<br /> +' 18. Borrower's Et�Sht to Reinstate. If Borrower mPets certatn conditions, Bonower shall l�ave the risltt to bave
<br /> I enforcement of this Security Insuvment discondnued at any timc prior ta the�nt t�f: (�) 5 �Cis of sale tcontainai ic� clds �,.,:t,
<br /> • ..] apPlicable law may specify for re�nstatement) before sate of ths Froperty P �Y P� ;,. .��-.
<br /> Security Insuument:or(b)entry of a,iudgment enforcing this Security 1ns�uu►ent.Those condidons an tt�at Borrower. (a)PTYS ' _Y�.-
<br /> Le�der all sums which then would be due u�der this Security Insuument and the Note as lf no acceieradan had occuned; (6) s��._
<br /> �� �;J cu seany default af any other covenants or agreements: (c)pays all expenses incurred in enfoning this Securi[y Iust�umenc� ,�. _``—
<br /> '; i n c Y u d i o B. b u t n o t limited to,xeasonxble auomeys'frxs:and(d) takes such action as Lender inay reasonably mquire to assure ,z__.
<br /> - that trie lien of this Sec�ulty Insm�ment, Lxnder's rights in tlie Properry a n d Borcowec's o b l igr,t i o n t a Q a y���en�dd:�e �' ��-- -
<br /> tl�is gecurity Instrument sl�all condntie unsbanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Secunry, =<,-�=�y;;-"—
<br /> this nght to reiastate shal� .
<br /> .: obligadons see�ra�1 Lereby shall remain fully efcective as tf ao accelerada�had occurted. However, ':.:_ _
<br /> not apply in the ca.sz af acceleration under para�raph 17.
<br /> 19. Sale of Nete; Chang�of Loan Servicer. The Note or a pardzl lnterest in the Note (together wlth this Security � : Yu�--
<br /> Inss�unent)may be sold one or more cimes wlthout prior nadce to Barrower.A sale may m,sult in a change in the ea�.ry(kuowu� ;'�Y i,—
<br /> .' a as the'Loan Seivicer")that collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Security Insuument.Tkere also may be oue u ---
<br /> �, or more changes of the Loan Servicer wnrelated to a sale of ttie Note. If then is a��B��w,�noa nv llrs�ace the name ancl �'���F"�
<br /> g ivea wtitten�dc't of the change in accordaflce with paragaPh 14 above and app v�-..
<br /> address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to wliich payments str.dul d b e ma de. T he no d ce will also contain any ocher ,,�__ .-
<br /> infom�ation required by applicable law. �'''�
<br /> � 2p, Hezsisdou9 Substaaces.Borrower sh�ll not caus�or pemut the preseuce,use, disposal, storage, or release of any i•.�
<br /> Hazardous Substances an or in the Property• Sonower �111 noc do, nor allow anyone else to do, any thin8 affiecdntT �� ;
<br /> property ttiat is in vloladon of eny Bnvironmental Law.T�►e pncedin8 two sentences sha11 not appl�y�w wero��o��� ,_
<br /> swrare on t he Prope rt y o f s m a l l q u a n t i t i e s o f H a 7 a r d o u s S�bstances that are generally reco� PP P �,`._
<br /> � g ' residendal uses and to maintenauce oi ttie Yropercy. -_
<br /> ��'r�. Ho�ro�ver sl�all promptlY 8lve Le�der written notice�of any invesdgadon, claim,demand,lawsuic or other acdon by any ____
<br /> all
<br /> $ gati •�r�nmtntal or regulatory age�cy or grlvate party imiolv��b the Propemy ancl a�►y Hazardous Substance or Snvironmental I.aw ���;�.:
<br /> �; of�+r]uoh Banower has actual isnowledge. If Horrower lu�ms, ar ia noafied by any gav�rnmental or regulatory autha�ity. tlutt
<br /> ; � any�moval or other remediation of any Hazatdous Substa�nce af�'ecting the Pi'oPetty�s�c�ssa�'. A°nower shall promptly take _
<br /> rall�cessary rem�dial acdons in accordance with Bnvironmemal Law.
<br /> `' As used in this paragraPh 20, 'Ha�ardous Substances' are those sa�bsrances defined as toxic or hazardous substan�x c
<br /> • 1� . gm�a�onmentat Law and the following substances: gasoDime, keresene, other flammable or toxic petroleum �raducts+
<br /> - '; pesdcides and heebicides.volu�i➢�solvents,materials contn�ninfi asbest�s oc fotmaldehyde,and radioacdve maunalslocat�that
<br /> ;�;,•,., : this par�aph Z0. "Bnvironmenral Lav►' means federal laws and laws of tYte jurisdtcdon ahere the Property
<br /> :;�,•�. - relate to health,safety or em�imnmental protection.
<br /> . �. HON-iJNIPURM COVB1VAIV'CS.Bomuwer and I.ender further covenant and agree as follows: -- �
<br /> .. 21. Accdtratlon;Ranedi��det��oe°°Nce t°Ea'=T°w�'prtor to acceleration followin6 Borrowh 1��iu�il� _
<br />_ • ... ,. of any cov�aant or a�^eauesrt L�shvma�t N�not prior to ccceteratlon under ParA�P =
<br />- ' : apFllcable law pmvides otherwLse).The nutice shell spedfy: (a) the default, p�)rt�he sdion ceq�dred to cure t6e default; _
<br /> n.•. ,�� ,.M' � (c)a date,not less than 30 days from lhe date the aotice fs give�n to Borrower.by which tl9e defautt must be cured;and
<br /> . . � .� (d)that fallure to cure the defstnit on or before the date speci��ce shaU further Inform Borro�wet of�tl�e rilFht to _
<br /> tt secural by th�Sec�rit�'Y�ruma►t nnd sale of the PropartY• _
<br /> `_ '�� '' r�ate a�titter arcdexatioa and the right to briag n court action to aue►t the rwn�e�x of a default or wny other �
<br /> � e w
<br />- = deiense of Bosow�r to accderatlon nnd s�le. IF the��ftul�l nf�all su�ns��sec u�d by thls Securlty�Instn[i�r�e�without ----.
<br /> . �i' � Leniier, xt its option,may reqaire immediate pxymen `_
<br />_" ;:'. ° �'air3her deau�nd and may[nvoke the power of sale and aay other re�utlies pen�l�ed by applicible law.Lent]Er shall b�
<br /> ''t.�;' ir►curred in �usuing tLe re�nedies provtded in thlg paYa�aPh 21,Including,b��tiot limlted ::-
<br /> _";f-• �atitl�d to colled ell expease� P
<br /> � •• to�reason�ble attorneys'fees and costs of�3tle evtdence. ``
<br /> .. U the Irower of sale!s invoked,T��tee shall record a notice of default in cach�i�bl ew to Borrowcr and o = �._..�
<br /> � . proptrty L�lacated and shaDn ma11 coples of such notice in the mAnner p�msc�'1b�be lawp Tn�stee shall give public noHce -�-°----
<br /> �` ° tbe other pecso�prescdbefl Iby applicable law.After the Ume requ[red b ppl ,":;;,--
<br /> �and in tLe n�armer p►�scaibed by appllcable law.'I'rustee,:vithout danand on Borrower.shall sell �.i,<.__._._
<br /> of sale to tl�e pesso 4•:.�: - __'
<br /> te
<br /> i . : the Y'rope�ty rt pubUc audton to the highest btdder at the time and pl�ce and unda�t�a���r�y p�tof t6� ����'�
<br /> �, sale tn one c+�Qnore parcels and ta any order Tnlstce detcrml�es.'Trustee�ay P�P° :4�:-�`=."
<br /> `; .� pr�perty by p�blic a�►�aunce�ent at the¢Ime and place of any p:rEViously scheduled sale. I.ender or its designee►nsig+ ;;,,`�k,�...
<br /> „ ' � �p�r�clnsc the Propeety at�y sale.
<br /> •. �
<br /> : , ,4 �
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