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<br /> 'T(3GI3THGR WI'a'H iell ihe ImSTC►ven�enty i�o�v ar�iereaQ�r erectcd on ihe property,uix!i►II ca�semente,appurtenatxes,u��l ,
<br /> fixtures rx�w �tt hereaAer w pstrt uf the property. All rrplaceme�uy xtxl Ndditinns shnll alsc� t►e covNred by d»s Secudry .
<br /> � Inetnimei�t. All�f the foregufng is referred to in this Sccuriry In.titrt�ment ex thc"Pmperty"
<br /> .c + BORROWE3R COVBNANTS dwt Borrower ie lawfully seistd af tiau r��xte iiereby cunvcycd a�td has dic riglit tn gmnt aad
<br /> ,. . ' canvey d�e Pro�rty anG dwt the Propercy is une►xumtxred, except for e�xumbr��xes of�:ard. Bonower wamu►ts and wiA , :. _
<br /> ,.�.•�:�"`� defead ga�erally die citle tn the Propeny against all claims and demx��ds,subject tu eny encuuibrxnces of record.
<br /> • - `•"�! THIS SBCURITY IIVST'RUMBNT combines unifomi cavenaatA far uadonal us�a»d �x�n•unlfomi c�veu;uus �vith liniited
<br /> varistiouy by jnr�sdictaon to constitutc A unlfann securiry ia.�nument covcdng tr.nl pm�teceY• � ;:
<br /> u•
<br /> � llNIFORM COV ByANT5,C�OffOiVCI SAd LClId�Y COVCIIaA!Gild AEj1�IIS fl1II0WS: I: :;�.:__
<br /> 1. Pxyme�t of Fdncipal and Intercsti Pre1u►yme�rt and ➢r'G: �iu�'�`�. Bc�rsca��`r �.h.�ll pmn�ptly psy tvhen due ttie : _�_
<br /> , princi�►al of and interest on the debt evidenced by che Note and any pnpayn�oiu and late ctwrges duo under the Note. ;�
<br /> ' 2. Fund9 for Taxes and Imw�xnce. Subject ro applicable law or to u written waiveR by I.cnder. Borrow�er shxll pay m r ,:_
<br /> " Len�er on the day m�snUdy payments ere du�under die Nau,undl tUe Note is paid in full,a Fun�("Futxls")far:(a)yearly taxes ^:��
<br /> -- -.. -.. __;_.f: ������:,,h��f, ,Ly Ftta;n nrinrity over this SecuritY Uu����t us a Ilen an the Prope[ty;(b)Yeady leasehold paynunts .° '�__
<br />� ,�1 or ground reats on[l�Property,if any:(c)Yeazly hazacd or propecty iasurauce pmulums:Qd1 Ye�[ry iioo0 ias�u'atx:t:pruuuui�, _
<br /> ii any; (e)Yc�r1Y m�=33aae�!�"�e premiums. if a4y;aad(fl�y:�vme payable by Bomawer to Ler.c:tr,in xcotdance with
<br /> �+ .--
<br /> tt�e pmvisioas of paragra�rh 8, an i�eu of�he payment of mortgage ipsut�nce ptemlums•'It�e.se itcros are called"Esc:ruw Itc:+�s.' �,,�m
<br /> � Lender may, at any t�e. cold�c and hold Puads in an amount not to eacoctl the muimum an�ount a leader for a federAlly �
<br /> relaud mort�age la�may n�cla+re for Bormwer's es�row eccount under tUe federal �te�l �stste SettIem�nt Froredut�es Act of �,,:r y
<br /> � 197�t as am�sded fruau tim.e to time,1Z U.S.C. Sadon 2601 et su1. ("RESPA"),unless anocher law that apglies to the Furnls
<br /> • sets a lesser amount_ If so,L�mder may,at auy dme,callect and hold Funds in an amount not to eaceod the lesser amount. �..--
<br /> � ' Lendcr may esdm�t� t1N an�o�an�af F�wds due on the basis of curreut data aad reasonAble est�uaces of eapendituns of fvture -
<br /> � "' Bscrow Items or otlierwise in accorcfance wist►appGcable law. !°`
<br /> The Fondu ahnl]be deld in an insatuuon whose deposits are insund by a feder.�l agency, iasmrmentality, or endty `.
<br /> ' ; (iacluding Leuder,i�Lender is svch an institudon)or ia any Federal Homc Loan Bank.Lendar sUall apply the Funds to pay the °
<br /> Essrow Items. Lend,er maY not charge Borrower for holding 9nd;+pplYinS the Funds.annuallY analYzing the esc�°w a�°��or
<br />� ��- z��,.��p��:.,ir�n,�,��ml�ca Lender osys Botrower inurest on tfie F�nds and applicabla law peimit�Ler�kr to make suc,� _
<br /> • • a cbarge. However, Lender may requi[�e Borrower to paY a ouo-time cltar8e for an indepencient�si csiaic iax ici,u.u�v,.r'i� �
<br /> "'•` used by Lender in connec8on with tlris loan, unless applicable law provides othenvise. Unless an agreement is made or
<br /> h� to a Borrower an int�rest or eamings un the Funds.
<br /> - ^ ' ' applicable law renuir_es inuccst to be paid, Y.e�eder sball noc be req�i�rl P Y y
<br />~�'•• ,� •• � Bonower and Lender may agree in wcinn8+however,that xuterest shall be paid on the Funds.I.�nder shall give to Bortower,
<br /> � wbthout cbaxge. an annual eccountin8 of the Funds. sho�ing credits and debita to the Fwuds and the putpose for whict►each
<br />�'�', �•�' debit to the Funda vr�s made.The Pu�s are pledged as ad�idonal security for all sums seeured by thiu Security Instmmeat.
<br /> ��.�.;.,;.�,,;, ., i.; ]Icable law.Lender sL�ll acconnt to Bormvv�r
<br />-+,,,,:_ �,,:i.,.;,t i:, ,; If tlie Funds l�ld by Lender excced tlae amounts pe:mitted to be helsl bY aPP
<br /> - _ .,,;_,..�,• '� for the excess FY�nd�in accordance with the re9nicements of applicable law. If tbe amount of tlie Fhnds held by Lender at eny
<br /> �:�'. .. �+�• ��, time is not suffcctont w pay che Escrow Items wben due. I.ender may so noafy Borcower in wrid►�,end,in such case Borrower
<br />° ' ' :>>:� st►aU pay to Lendur t5e amon�t t�cessary ta make up t�he deficieucy. Borra�ver shaU malce up the deficie�y in ao niore thsn
<br />��+=:.�•'=�a'41ti � twelve montbly payAneats.at 7.4rxier's sole discredon. __
<br /> �._,�;,::,�;#..y refund to Borrowtr any
<br /> --,-•"z'" '� UP�n Pa?Ja�teut In full of all �sums sr.cnred by this Security Instaument. I.ender sbaU promP�Y
<br /> - �=:•;�x� * y p 21� Lender st�all acquir:or ss:71 the Pmperty,Lender, pri�r W the acquisidon oi��lc
<br /> �_:j:�.:,.,�, punds held b lt�nder.If.under araB�P'�
<br /> _=����=L�•� of ths Property,shal]apply any�unds held by Lender flt tl�e time of acquisidon or sale as a credit s�ainst the sams secured Q�Y
<br />_---�:`sAyy,�q�, this Security b�smunent.
<br /> �,.,•e;li;�'�, 3.ApplEcntba of�'�ymeMs•Unless applirable law�rovides otherwise.a11 payments received by Leader u�cler paritgtapbs
<br /> --- "==`^ 1 and 2 shall bu apnlial• fust,w aaY P�Yment cbargea due under the Nota:second,to amounts payable under paragraQh 2:
<br /> �Rti��'�..�. , tliird,to intet�st due;founh, to principal dne;and last,to aay late charges due under the Note.
<br /> �"��i��'�;�', ` 4.Chxe,�es,L.la►s.Donower shall pay all ta�es� assessments�char�es. fines and imposi6o�os auributable to t�e ProPeltY
<br /> �—��m�:.l�_:a.
<br />—_��-��-.=--�. whlch may a�Sa3�p�lonty o�er this Security Iust�umen2,and leasehold payments or ground rents, tf any. Bomowor pay _
<br />- "'`•"`r . h?.,or if not paid in tl�at manner,Boirower sl�all pay them on time dic+ectly
<br /> ,;,�;��;k: ��,. •, these oblig�tio�in the mw�u:r pmvided in pAragraP �,-'.:
<br /> -- �' to the pers�n cared p�ymeut. Borrower shall promptly fi�mish to L.ender ali nodces of amounts to be paid under this�gaPb• -
<br /> ��;�°�"•� '� `�1 If Borrower�anl«s tbtse pzyn►ents direcdy.Borrower shall promptly fa�.rnish to Lender r�ceipts evideacing the paYm �
<br /> , `: . � Borrower shall promQtly discharse anY lien wlrich has priority ovzr this Security Insm�meut unless Borrower:(a)agnees na
<br /> ' � writtng to thhES pnyrncat of the obligadon secured by the laen in a nwnner acceptable to Lender;(b)contests in gaod fi+ith t1�e lien o�
<br /> � . q I by, or defends against enforcemeut of the lien in,leg;i! proceedinSs which ia the Lender's opinion operate to preveni the "
<br /> . � �-
<br /> � � enforcement of the lien: or(c)secures fronn the f�older of the lien au agreement satisfactory to Lender subom�n�Un�th��i�n�° �;
<br /> � �:�� this Sec:utity I�uun�ent.If I.ender determiues tl�aat any part of the Property is sab,iect co a lien �vhlch may auain priority over `:.�_-
<br /> . ' �H'°� this Security Inshunient.Lender may give D�rrower a uodce idsntifying the liea Hocro�ver shell sarisfy the llon or tnke one ur :
<br /> � more of the actiou�,set fonh above within 10 days of ttae giving of notice.
<br /> Form 302E3 9I001�
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