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<br />-� FlALLOON RIDER ��P�
<br /> (COP�DITIONAL FiiGHT TO REFINANCE) �'�',o„ 1������
<br /> �
<br /> , , 1997 _ , ond Is hcorpor�ttd hio�nd ehtU
<br /> THIS Hl�.t.�COU RIDcR is mnd<e u"�I�� 11t deY ot A�,ftll - .
<br /> ' � be doemed zu at+�4+�d and supPN�mnnt tt�� M1lortgaq�,DMd of TNSt or QeW to SaCUra D�bt (tho "Securfty Inntrument")of tho s�m� d�t4 �
<br /> phr0n by thm unde�t�b�ned (lho "�OrrrswC7')tu scc��ro tne Qonowera Noa�co Flrs Mo�t�a ep Corp A� NEl1�11ake C��OI!�t10�1 __ �`
<br /> ,y,,� (the'Lendsr"1 01 the eame dat�u�d coverfnp lha P:aperiy :„_�..
<br /> �;;,,,,��r 4 descnbad F� tho Sacurity InaUVmnnt encS li�cat�d at: ,.;,,�
<br /> - !�,N..�,.aM1►r'. �t,-s:',.�:.:
<br /> 11 A3 Ep. O�d honrt�r� Gr. 1 , Nehrasks 68801 •t, �,:
<br /> �ProD�hy AAdnul +
<br /> . t rna h��rs�st rato ststud on tHc� Nuttf fs called tha'Nate f3ate"The date af the Note Is called the `Note Date." 1 understand the Londer ��r�
<br /> : � may transttn th� Not�,Seaurity innuum�ut and thU Rider•The Le�de�or anyonf who takes the Note, the Seourftyr Instrument and this Rlder �'�_rJ�
<br /> •• � by transfer and who I�entitl�d ro recoh�a payments under the Note Is calfed the'Note Holder." instrument, Barrawer and I.e+�de� tunha►
<br /> �;,� AOQITI(�NAL COVC•NAN�S. In edr!dlbn to 4ha covenants and ayrc�emonts h the Securi!y =�
<br /> �.s:. �. covennnt csnd a9roe as folbtiv4(tlu=s;1�efiY�MhO zo the contrary contalned h the Sacuriry Instrument or the Note): __
<br /> .«:`'::::.:-- �_ 1. �nMR�l44��#►l RIQtIT Y� Fl��INANCE __.:..-
<br />_...,,;;. _� .
<br />- . At th�n m�tur'r,p da±a of tho MqG�era Security Inswment (the "Ma�tl�fi an h eI'asberato cqua/to he New Note•Rate'determined in ` __
<br /> � � naw Malw�Ay�ato 01 f1A.bt1P 1 ���� -
<br /> accordanc�wfth Saxtion 3 twlaw H eJl ths condkbns provided In Sectinn 2 ard 5 bebw aro met (the "Con2litbnal Relinanclnp OPtbn"). It
<br /> those corntli�Ans ero not mo2, I undur:�iE�ld thn4 th9 NOte Hold6r is under no obllgatWn to r�''lnance or modHy tha hole, or to extend tha V
<br /> - Materity Oe.to,and that I wul hnvo t��rctCay the Note hom my own rssources or(ind a lender wilUnp to lend me the money to rspay the niote. gijy�,�
<br /> �
<br /> 2. COMl�f4�t3N'�TO O�TI�P1 =
<br /> If I tvou�l to exe�oi�s th� Condil�r,ne� Retinancinp OPtbn at maturHy, Q b�t to hebnSeCUritytl Btrument�(tho "Prop�ty)�(2)�I must�be
<br /> - condition� ero. (1) � muat stlil bQ N� c�xner and occupant oi the property �r�ents Imrnedktoly
<br /> curca►t i� my monthty paymcx�N 613 cr�nnot have bQen more than 30 daYs late on a��I assesamwitsennt�YemduehR d payabb)other than
<br />�'^a��.� precadh�th� Maturity oata; (3)r�n I{�va Rpeinst tho PrcPertY (e�cgpt for tezes�nd sPec oints above the Note Rate;and(6)1
<br /> � that ot tt�ro SecurRy Inatrumant mny oxsut; (4)the New Note R4te cannot be more thon b percentege p
<br />- ruai r��s t t=:�"'�'!mn��nst to tlto N�ta HOfd�r as providecf in SeCtbn S Itebw.
<br /> j�';�:..� , ,:�. 3. Gp,l.f�1�lATING THE N�11V M07E RATE
<br />!:;,-:_::_,' 7ha NeHr Note Rato will t�a fiscf�d nt�ot intsrost equal to the FedKal Natbntl Mortqage Associttion's rsqulnd net ykfd 1or 30�YNr
<br />'-?-'�' ��t • fbced rnbt� mortpa4es subJect tc Q EO�day mand�tory de�kery commRrr�ent. plus ono-haM of one percent�pe point (0.67G), rounded ro the
<br /> ���x':'r�'` neoresl ten�etphth ot art��arce�n�C'�Point(G.1 .?5%)(the'Now Note Finte').The requirad net yfeld ahail be ths appfic�bM net YN�d �^�t �,
<br />�::��.� .�r ,
<br />�._...e.o....�
<br /> -- ,•;•,,,, on the rJ�ie ond Umo at day tnnt t�+y No4� Hotdor rocuNes not�a of my election to oxeroise the CondRbnat Fiefk�a►�ninp �Ptton• ��t
<br /> �:;�..•�'>.
<br />,.n�__, •• requked na1 ykld ts nnt evatk�:In,tlz4 Nots HokNr w� detKmhe the Now Note Rate by uslny comparabb l�tormatbn.
<br /> :;,r•,•,'o�.
<br />���°:•-���; 4. CALCI�LA'fING TN�e�'. N�5�1 PAYMENT AMOUN7
<br /> .-�
<br /> Pro�d�ed the Niw Not�Aa�a3%alcukt�d h Seotbn 3 above is not prealer than 6 parcentops polnts�bove the Pit helal��d Bu��
<br />'TM...s�'�'," conditbnn roquked(n Sect�an 2 aAaue ue satisf'sd,the NOte HOide�w1A determ�h9 t�h g`e�=h�eU se'w°�toW.�^�tha Nots �nd S�cu'rRfl
<br />=�� to ropaY ��ull(ay tho vnpaW P�inci�dtl,Pius(b)accrued but unpaid hterost.P ()
<br /> J�"�— New No t�lhro Nawt No�FU+tm`h G�e mont H P�Y�The result of thb Ca�i�tbn wNl beu��untno}my new PrM�cp�tl d htta�t
<br /> �nr:�•,,�'�sf414N�� .
<br /> _�:�i_:�ra'�j�`�
<br /> _;��.� payment g+1xy month until tito Naw Dlot�Is tully pald•
<br /> _,���� The Naie Holdsr w N l na G f y mm it loaet 6D caMndar days h advance of the Mtturiqr Dats�nd advise me of the prfneipel. �ccn»d but
<br />`°""-�"'°�'`������ unpaid h9aast,and 48 otno�suma i �m wcpoct�d to owe on the Maturity Qata.Tha Ntote Holder�fso wIN adviso ms thtt I maY�M e th�
<br />_�';`;{-",� CondRb:ucl RofYnnchO �Rt�on M tim� condkbns h Sectbn 2 abova�ro rt�et.The Note H91dor wtll provlde my paym�nt record htomKtfon,
<br />--.�����'-`"*��1 topether with the nnmo,titie►tnd uidress of the pason representhp the Note Holder thtt 0 muat notify h order to exercise tne CnndRior�l
<br /> ______=� q�finane6�,� Optbn. It I mciet tho candkbns of Sectbn 2 above, s �Y �&cise th4 CondMbnal Fletin�ncinp Optbn by natNytnp tM Not�
<br />��-�—�,u Hokl�r nc� Iate�thon 4S caltxidttr ddys prbr t�the Maturity Dats. The Note Hoider w�M cabukte ths fixed Nwv Note Rate bas�d upan tM
<br />_=-"—`':�:� Fade«� Na3Mmal Mortflago ltssoC'�b'un's appl�cabb published requked net ylekl �►ettect on the date and tlm�of day notkfcatbn fs roalwd
<br />__ :�,���; by ths Ncrt�D Hoider and es cal�ulx��d h Sectiun 3�bow.1 wiq then have 30 calend�r daY�R�provida ths Nots Hotd�r wkh�cc�ptabA proof
<br />��•�.:;�`;� ' ot my recrllrod awnarohip, accupnnny u►d propxty Ifen ot�tus. Before t�e Maturity Date tha,Note Holder will advise mu ot the new Intenst
<br /> y�,��. .• _ �•� nts(ths Ne,w Nob Rato), nnw mant,hy peymant amount and a date,tkne and place at which I must�ppeu to Bipn ony dncuments nquind -
<br />-, �. to compleDD tho raquUed roflnnrtcin��. 1 under6tand tho Note Holder will oharqe me reasaneble tees nnd the costs assoatated wRh exercNsYtO
<br /> "� "' tho retinart.a optbn. --�
<br />_: � E�{N.:.
<br /> ,; �r'LG
<br />;y.. . ,Y �: -�_
<br /> ::. : �::-
<br />= . az'
<br />' BY SIONING BFLOW. Ban�a«�t�r accepts and eprees to the t0rms and covenants cont�e�ed in this Balbon Rider. :�:
<br /> � ��A 1-�_ tn.understonrd borrowe�(n)aakr.owiedpo�s)�ecot�t of a copy of thls hstrumeni.
<br /> ��;;::
<br />�-� ..- ���� `� `�-�' —Z ($eal) ����
<br /> - -.� y 6orrover
<br />= oo«aw•� yn�� . ru
<br /> -� .
<br /> _ i` (��)
<br /> (Seaq
<br /> so«o..�
<br /> Oorrow�r [$fgn Oriphai O:►tyJ
<br />� Form 3160 12/89
<br /> - MULTISTA1t BALLOON RIUHFh&inpte FemlyFannle Mae UnHOrm Instrument
<br /> ° .. FG170.LM0(4l96)
<br /> -
<br /> oweo+asco
<br /> : �-- -- -......-----�-_._..._.- -- - __ . --
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