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i:P i.; . , ..�Y _�. <br /> . . . � . ..� -7r:'.�}�•�' ` ;' <br /> -.r17d�, � '_ ` i'e.�•. <br /> / � .. `�ti�!i� . -. <br /> , ,..r.• ..r�.`.� �, . <br /> . ,� . ' . •�•.r. ,..♦ . ,s -- <br /> .......�..'--_-'.-'.pr�l"_'H;�!!tMf'i"---� .. .. _ . . _ . " ! . - , ��'� .•1. .y�7�7{:r�: <br /> I �} -- � .y�{�`i�-. <br /> - . .. i .. .. 't•Q�l.fl.'. <br /> � . t8. @orrower'� Rlqht to Relnstete. It Borrower meece•certein Cond�bne, BortOwbr ehall have the rlght to �ave <br /> enforcomant of thls Securiry Instnirnent dlscontlnued tt any time prlor to the earl�r of: (u) 6 days(or suah other perbd as appilcable <br /> Isv� mfly :,peClty lor ralnstatemflnq bEloro eal�o} tho Property�pureuant to any power ol sale contnlnod In this Socur�y InstrumanY; or , _ <br /> - (b) entry of e Judgment enlorcing thls aeCUrity Inetrument Th000 conditlona nro Ihat Dono�vcr. (n) ppyo Londer nll eumc wh�ch then ,� <br /> would bo dua under Ihis Socurity Instrument ond the Note as II np eccegratlon hfld occurred; (b)r,ures any defautt of any other , ` <br /> ' covennnt or agresments; (o) pays ell exponses Inaurred In enforning thls Securky Instrument, lnoludlnp, but not Ilmftsd to, reaeonable �. <br /> � attomoys' 1oos: flnd (d)tskas suCh ACtlon As Londer may re�oonably requke to nBEUre Ih�t the Ilen of this Security inetmment,Lender's " _- <br /> riphts In the Property and BOnower'e obllpation to p�y the aums secured by this 6ecurNy Inslrument shell continue unchanped. Upon , <br /> relnstatemenl by Borrower,thls Securfty Inetrument flnd the obll�atbns eeCUre d her e by e h�tll r emeln ful y efleatNe as N no acceleratbny _ <br /> � �� had occurred. However, this ripht to ro:nsinto shnll not npph� the caae of accei�etfon under paragraph 17. , <br /> 19. Sela of Note; Chen�e mt�oan Senrleer. The Npt9 ot e p&Alil Interest In the Note (topethe► wRh thls SeCUrity� <br /> Instrument)may be sold ane or more timee wRhout prior not�e ta Borrower. A saie mey result In B ChanQo in the entlty(known as ther <br /> 'LOan ServfCOr"}that col{eCt6 monthy papnents due under tho Note and thls Secu�ity Instrumant. There also may be one or moroO . . . <br /> �� ahanges of Ihe Loan Servf�er unre�ated to a sale of the Note. If thera Is a nhanye of Ihe 40in ServiCer, BOrcower wiu be flNem wr�tterl . <br /> notice ot the change ln eacorci�nce with paragraph 14 above and appl�able law, The not�a0 will st8te the namo and tidclrE►ss of the� <br /> new Loan ServlCer and tho address to wh�h payments should be made. The notke wul also conN:h any oth6r inform�tbn rnqulred by� - <br /> applbflble 19w. . __._:-. .. <br /> 20. Hsaerdoud SubetanCes, Bortower shall not cauee or permft the presence, use, dfapasnl, stor;.ga. or ro��se ot nny� �� - •, ;�,, -. , <br /> Harardous Subsiencea on or In the PropeRy. Bortower shali not do, nor allow anyana else to do,unything affectin�Qie Property that � . �� •��� � <br /> i9 in vtolallon of any Environmentel Law. The precedinfl two sentences shall not eppy ro the presence, use, or stori�pe on the ;:�;�,;;�r��;« <br /> Propurty ot 6mall quanpttes of Hflzerdoue Subatances that are genorelly recopnlzad to be epproprlate to normal resldonllal uees ttnd to � ,r_��;,����, <br /> 1 malntenance of the PropeAy. _ ��'�"�� <br /> � . .,�,�r Borrawer shsll prompty pNe Lender written notbe of flny investl�ailon,Clakn.demend, Iflwsuit or other aoilo�i Gy any poa�rnm�ntnl `'�, <br /> • or regulatory agency or private pasiy hvoklnp th8 Proprrty and any iieiardous Subst�nce ar Env4onmental Law of whbh 9orcower hes :: <br /> eCtufll knowledge. If Borrowor leams, or Is nodfied by any govemmentsi or repulatory euthority, that eny removal or other remedlatlon �,= _. <br /> •• of any Merardoua Substance aKecling the PropoRy Is nocossary, Bortower shel! promptly take ell nacessery remedlal aotbns In ., _ — <br /> accordance with Envlronmental Law. --- <br /> As used In this paraqraph 20, "H�rardous Substanees" are those subst�nces definetl as toxb or ha=ardous substances by <br /> Envtronrtsenlal 4aw and the}ollow�ng substances: paeoline, kerosene, other tlammeble or toxb petroleum prodacts,toxb pest�ides end �,_ <br /> t herbbldes,voletile soHents, mntsrfalo contalnlnp esbestos or formaidehyde,and rodioflcttve materinls. As used In this para���tph 20, ; <br /> � , �� "Envlronmentel Lativ" means federal lawb and law8 0} the Jurlsd�tlon wh�re the P�operty Is IoCated thet reiete to heakh, ssfety or � � <br /> "� envkonmeNal proteCtbn. ''' �� <br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bonower nnd Lender 1uRher covenant and aflree as folbws: •'! <br /> 21. Aacelerotion; Remedtea, Lender ahall �Ive notice to Borrow�r prtor to acceleratton following �-��,:; � <br /> �, Borrower'a breach of any coyenan� or egreoment in thia Security Instrument (bu! not prior to f . . <br /> _ - --_ = a�;;�i�;atl;,z u:��: gase�•apt� !T �!n!�� nnolicabte lew arovides othQrwiae). The notiee ehall �teaffy: ` <br /> (e) the detault; (b) thn ectlor� requtred to cure the detault; (c)e dt�te, not less than 30 deya nom tne -i <br /> � date the noticr Is glven to Borrower� by whieh the detault muat be cured; a�d (d) that tailure to cure >� _�; <br /> � the deiault on or before the date speciflad In the notice m�y rtauit in ecceleration ot the a�ma , <br /> aecured by thls Security Inslrumen4 nnd sale of the P�ope�ty. The natice ahall tunher inform ":� f: <br /> � �, Borrowar of the riyht to relnst�te efter neceler�tlon �nd the rl�ht to brin� a court eetlon tv a�sert the ;,,;_ <br /> non-extstence oi e detault or eny other defenaa of Borrower to acc�le�etion end aale. If the default ie " <br /> �. not cured on or befo�e tne d�te �ecitied in ti�e no4lce, Lendcr et Its opUnn ma�y �equlra Immediete ; :� <br /> c, payment in tuil of nil sums �acured by thls SecuNty Instrumant withaut fu�ther dernend a�d msy ,�' <br /> � Invoke the power of tale and any other remediea ptlrmlt3ed by eppliceble law. �ender ahell be • • <br /> � entitled to collect all expenses Incurred In purwing the �emedles provided In thls perapraph 21� ._..�_ — <br /> '�� includinp, but not Itmited to, ressonable attorneys'fees and co�ts ot titie evidence. ' <br /> It the power of sale As Invoked� Trustee ahall record a notice af default in each acunty In whlch ��;ps <br /> Any part of the Proqerty i�loc�ted end shall mail coples ot wch netice In the mannar presc,�ibed by �--- <br /> appll�able lew to B�orrower asnd to the other persons prescribed by applic�ble law. Atter the Ume �'>------ <br /> � ' �. requtrad by eppliceble isw,Trustee shaQ qive publio notice of sale to the persons end In the manner �'-- <br /> ;, ,.�.,, ` prescribeti by applicoble lew. Truatee, without demand on Borrower, shall sell the Property �t publlc E�ti.---- <br /> F <br /> �::• , euctlon to the hl�hest bidde� et the time and plece and under the term� desi�netod in the notlae of _, <br /> sale In one or more p�rcels end in any order Truatee cleterminea. Trustee m�y pattpone iraie of all <br /> . ar eny pdraei ot the Prnperty by public �nnouncemant at the time end plece of any previously �_�R <br /> �.�, �-.w;�_� <br /> schedulad eale.Letnder or Its dealynee may pu�cheae tho Property at any oalo. <br />_' ; .<<•:�.1,� Upon recefpt of peyns�ent of the price bid, Trustee ahall deliver to the pu�chaaer Trustee's deed �:_ __ <br /> conveyin0 the Property. The recltala In the Trustee's d�ed ehsll bo prime fecie evidence of the truth — <br /> r of the etetements mede ther�in. Yru�tae ahall apply the proceeds of the aede In the tollowinp order: �-n;;,��a� <br /> � � ; (a)to all cotts end expenus of exerciaing the power of eale, and the sale� includin� the peyment of _ ++��� <br /> . r the Truetee's teea actuelly Incurred� not to exaeed 3.00 96 of the principal amount of the note t ���'" <br /> , .,::��`f-��°���", <br /> � et the time of 4he decleratlon o! defautt� and reaeonab e ettomeye 4ees es permitted by Iaw; (b) to all .,.._r,,�,��,_��., � <br /> , aums eecured by thia Securlty InsVument; and (c) any exceam to Rhe person or persono tegefly ^ :,�.,•:,_._ :.}` ,'�' <br /> �, entitled to it. �'�LT��`� ` <br /> 22.Reconveyance. Upon pnyment of ell sums aoCUrod by thls SsCUr�y Inslrumont, Lender shall request Tmatoe to roconvey , : <br /> ,., the PropeAy end sholf sur►ender Ihls Security Instrument end ell notes evldeneinq debt secursd by this Sect!rity Inalrument to'frustee. , ';µ ��. <br /> Truetee ehall reconvey the Propert/wkhout warranty and wRhout chrtrqe to the person or paraons feQaly entRled[o N, SuCh person or ,�,.�•• • <br /> ���,�, porson�ehall pey any recardatlon costs, � � . <br /> ,:• <br /> ���:+�. <br /> ' �:�ia.;; <br /> , ,,,t.. ; . ,,,. <br /> . � 23.Subatitute Truetee. Lender, at �ta option, may irom tkne to ttme remova Trustee and eppoht a successar trustoe to <br /> ; � .. <br /> ,;�• , <br /> • ;"' any Trustee appokited hereunder by en h6trument recordod In lhe county In wh�h this SeCUrity instrument Is recorded. WRhout . <br /> - ---.' �:k.,`�. ..,..,,,o,.oMO ��eho Prenartv.successor trustee aheil succeed to all the tRb, power end duties conterrod upon Trustee heraln and by �., <br /> - ...__ .._...-�—- - . <br /> ... . <br /> � apPllCtibb Iaw. -- - --- - <br /> � �{;< 24.Roqueot for Noticea. Bortower requests that coptes of tho nottes of deteult end sab be ssnt to Borro�vor's address <br /> whfoh Is tho Property Addre58. <br /> , 25.Rldera to this Seeurity InsVument. �t ono or more riders ere exgCUtod by Bortower Bntl reCOrded topethet with <br /> - this Security Instrumant,the covanents nnd flgrESments of eflch such rider eha�be Ncorporated Into nnd shall arnend and supplement „ <br /> tha covenents and agroemonts ot thls Security Instrumont as If the rlder(s)wero e paA of thls Security Instrumont. <br /> I <br /> i <br /> • Form 802E D/GO ' <br />- � F7029.1M0(2/90) PAp�4 OI 6 <br /> 0f060�9Ji0 <br />