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<br />';�ir,�:�'i:;�.';;. DEED QF TRUST _
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<br /> . , 1997 . Ytia
<br /> 2;�,• . • THIS DEED OF TAUST("Se�urNy Instn:ment') Is made on�prll 11th —
<br /> 1:�L '' 1 a n 11 H uh�I _ !1'��.Sjfldle DCfe0I1 -
<br /> :r._i.,: — uY'�CL� �,�L- _'�_ r
<br />..1�`;; '', •
<br />- �•sorrower•).The Wste�is 1�10fWE en ebre e .A. 20 & eme t �ne a e 8__
<br />-.... . .
<br /> � � �-rn,ste•�).The benefbfery Is F ist Mort a e or . �nd whoso addro56 b
<br />�.,,,1_.:;,y:.`� �,
<br /> .�- , whi�h Is orptntted snd�ocisthp undx the Mws Ot e re � ('1.��').
<br /> - �:�;:� , 11608 NIchQlaa St�eet Om�ha. N 86
<br /> -""'�"�.:'�°' gamower owas I.ender the prhClptl sum of t� ..�.:e� t�auaan Two Hundre nn 00 100 _ .
<br />�;r�,��.�� DoNare (U.6.=��0 ). ThL► duht Is evldenoed by Bonower'e noto dntpd th�
<br />-.�.:1�"�� s e rt w de�ta as this Socurky InsWmwii ("Note"),whbh provld�s tor monthy ptymtmtu, wkh the full debt, B not pafd e�rlier, ckM end
<br />-�:�y�,.;� payabb on MaX 1• 20QA . This SeCUrity Inswment secur�r.to Lendor. (e� the repayment o f t hs d e b t o v k l e n a e d
<br />•��^��•=� �� by the Nate,with hterest u►d QII renewals, extensbns and modf8c�tbns of the Plnto; (b)tho payment of aH othK sums, wkh Nie�e�t,
<br /> �� f,.�+�'�� advancod under pvaflrePh 7 to protact the securky o} thfs SecurRy Instmmard;e+nd(a)the pe�formAnce ot Bortower'e ooven�nta�nd
<br />'a'=^�5':wat ayrsanente. For thb purposa, Borrower fRwooaby qrants and conveys to Fivctoe, Y1 tN6t� wRh power of aab, tho foY��w(nq
<br />-�,��� daccr�ed propeRy bCtt�d In Hall County,Nebraskn:
<br /> z,;,,�___, _ Lot 5 end t1�e Easterty 30 te�t of the Northerty 160 teet of thet gor�lan of vacated Short Sireot,irom
<br /> --�� V I ey�Vlew 1'h d Subdtvlslon.pn thn Cltyr of G�ana ieiena, Hafl�'Cmun�ty��NebraM��kiahoma Avenuo In
<br />�;��;�:�
<br /> �-;p�`
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<br /> ;:;,:Y!n""„`
<br /> _:.�}�:��•�,'�i<
<br />�'�` .�-'=.�T� wh�ah nas tne address ot 1703 Eest OklahomA ,Grd d al�nnd _
<br />�.:.. ... s«..� p'y ;�.
<br /> •� ntebras►ca 88801 ("P�Op6(ly Add�Y38")�
<br />� .• . Zlp Cod� r:•—
<br />- � � TOGETHER WITH ell improvements now or hereafter erected on the property, and aq easemento, nppuRenances,and itcturoa now ':,
<br /> or heroafter a ptrt o}the property. All r6placam^nts esnd eddk�ons shAB he covered by thls 9ecurlty Instrument. All of the fOropohg lo
<br /> . '` � reterred to In thfs Security InstNmari as lho "PfOpeRy."
<br />- BOFlROWER COVENANTS thet 8ortowar Is lawfully eelsed of the e9tet0 hereby o0nveyed and han the rlqht ta p�ant dnd oonvey
<br /> �- � �, the Property nnd that the Property IS unenCUmbered,except for encumbrancea��recOrd. BoROwer warrents snd vvlll datend ganor�lly
<br /> the tRle to the Property Yflalnst a1I ol�lms and demflnds,eubjoat to any encumbrenCes of rocord,
<br /> � � "� THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT oombhes unHorm covenants (or netbnal use and non•unHOrm aovenants wkh ItmRed vtrbtbna by �
<br />"�.' ��� juHsdktbn to consticute a unMorm securNy Inswment coverHp real property- �•t
<br /> --_-,_-� �„��c�L r.nv�runNrC. aerrnwar and Lender eovenant end eflrpe ae tolbws: `'
<br /> T � � 1. Payment o4 Princlpal end Interest; PrepeymeM end Late Chnrg�e. Borrow6r 9natt promptry pay pmen due �_ .
<br /> � the prlr.clpel of end hterest on the debt evldenced by the Noto and nny prepsyment und l�ta chnrpos duo under the Not�o.
<br /> � Z. Funda tor Taxe�ered lee�.!r�nee. Sub}oCt to epplbabb 18w or to a wrlltun waNar by Londor, Borrowot Gh�ll pay to
<br /> Lender an the day monthy payments aro due unde� the Note, unt�the Note Is p�ld fn tulti a sum("Funds") for: (a)y��y taxes and
<br />� asseasmenro whfch mny attaln prlority over thls Security Instrumont as a Ikm on the Property;(b) yoetly feflsehold poym�nts or pround
<br /> rents on the Property, N Rny; (o) yearry hazard or property Msurence premlums; (d) yoarry tl�ad Innurance premlum;, i^ e+ny; (e) yeary ..
<br />- • mortpape InsuranCe prwnlums,M any; and(f)any 9ums payable by Borrower to Lender,h aGCOrQnnce wfth tho provlsWns of parepreph .
<br /> 8, In Ibu of the payment of mortgeye Insurance premlums. These Itoms are calbd "Escrow Ilems." Londer mey, �t sny t1ne, cofle�t
<br /> and hold Funds k� an amount not to oxceed the maxknum amount a lender }or a todernl.y rolaled mortgege taan may roqulre for
<br /> �� NCBMSKA•91npI�Fim�tpFOnni�htu(Fr�CdU MaC UNIFORM INBTRUMENT Ftrro 30Z0 0/90 ._
<br /> - Ft02Y.1M0(2/GO) Pay t ol 3 ..
<br /> .. .. 0106013�90 �.
<br />