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<br /> ' � CQYF_MANT3 �7�,• ����7�3
<br /> 9. Paym�nt�. Bo►rower epidee to make ell payment� on th� securad debt when due. Unlei� Borrowsr�nd Lendar �pn� oth�rwl�s. �ny ,
<br /> � paymente Lender receive�Irom Oorrow�r or ior Bor�owar'e benofit will bu applied firet to eny amounts Elorrowor owe9 oi tno s9CUrod doht
<br /> ,, oxctuolvo of intcrunt or principal,aocond to Interoat, end than to principal.If panlol propaymont of thn uecurod dabt ocGUro Tor onv ronaon, it wilt
<br /> not redu�e or exr,we�enytChedeMtl'pe/iT1lfftYell�t�f' red dobt b pald In full. °
<br /> �..a K^4....� (iU y.�.� �;
<br /> 2.CI�(m�Apdn�t TI �. rower �y�II1p��1C a�� �mento, en6 other chupei ettributa6le to the propeny when due end wlll detend title
<br /> to the o arty ap al t a c{�yry� Gh.y� a� p�{p�y Ilen of thll deed of trust.Lender may re uire Borrower to e�sfpn any riphta,clalm9 or
<br /> .. . de}ensei whlch Borr we�ey`�i`��Ytt��rtiD�,,Fil.jS'. pply labor or meteriale to Improva or melnteln tho property.
<br /> �� 9.In�uunc�.Borrowsr wi9 ka�p the property Ineured under terms�cceptabla to Lender at Borrower'e expense�nd for lsnder'� bonefit.All
<br /> frtturance pnllcle�sh�ll inctudo a etand�rd mortg�pe cteuae In}avor of Lender.Lender will bo nemed at toas peyee or es the Incured on�ny�uch
<br /> Ineurenee poltcy.Any Ineurence procoede mey be epplied,within Lendar'e discretton,to elther the reato►etlon o►repalr of tho dnmeg9d D�o08rty
<br /> �� or to the eecured debt. If londer requlrss mortgape i�turance,8orrower epraee to mtlntaln such Insurenae 4or es IonU ae Lender roquiroe,
<br /> 4.Prop�rty.8orrower wlll keep lhe propeny In gaad conditfon end make ell repUrs roasonably necescary.
<br /> %"='�'�� G.Exp�nfs�.Borrowel aprees to pey�II Lendar'e expensea,includinp reasonable attorneys'fees,Ii Borrower broaka a�y covongnt9 in thla deed
<br /> ..-_ •'�'• of truat or in eny oblipatlon secured by thla deed ot truat. Borro�ver wfll pay thts9 amounte to Londor ea providod in�ovonnnt 8 0l thi9 deed ot
<br /> • truat.
<br /> 8.Prla S�curhy Mt�rosU.Unleat� Barrower fi�st obteina Lender's written consent, Borrower will not mako or pormit any chnrtqna to eny prlar . •
<br /> sscurity Interesta Borrovrar will parform all of 8onov+or'a obllgetions under any pdor mortgago, dasd of trunt or othqr sor,ur�;y ��reement,
<br /> ineludinp Borrowor'�covanenta to maka paymente when due. �' �°°
<br /> 7.Assi�r�m�nt of Ronte�nd Proftb.Bo►rower assipne to Lender tho rentt and profit6 of the prope►ty.Untess Borrowor and lnndnr I�ave agreed
<br /> otherw af e in writing, Borrower may collect end rotain the ronts as long na 8orrower is not In default. If Borrower dofaultA, Lnrtr1Rl, Lender'� " ��
<br /> agent, or e court appointed recaivor may taka possenaton and mana�e the prope►ty and coilact the rents.Any rents I.ondo� calh�r,4s shdl be • '•
<br /> r.pplied first to tha euste of man3fling tho property, Includinp court costs and nttomoys'foos, coromis�ions to rontel a r3ut5, ur.r1 eny other �:`•�
<br /> necea�ery roleted expensea.The rernarntng emount of rents w;ll thsn epply to p�yments on the socured debt as providod in�ovartna./. �,1 -
<br /> ' 8.l�as�hold�•Corfdornt�lurt►s;9larned Udt D�vAopmmts.Boerower a�rees to comply wiih 4ho provl,lons of eny Isaso if fhie�d�irtd ut trust is on ���;'z`
<br /> .} a leasohold. Ir this deed of trust is on a unit cn e condominiurn or e p annad unit devolopm�,�t,Borrower will porform all of BarFnwwr'e duti�a -
<br /> under tho covenants,by-laws,or repulationa of the condominium or planned urot developntbnt.
<br /> �• " 8.Autl�orfty of L�nd�► tu PK(orm ta Bortow�e.If Borrower fa0a tope rform eny o}Borrower'e duties undar this dood of tr`�nU Wnder m�y .•f;;t=
<br /> ...._ .. . �. oerform the duttes or cnuxe ihem to he{+er�nrm�. Lend�r mty rtgn Parrur.°:cr s nama or pay sny anCUr.t if rt�Ma�r.r;!cr�rtcra=�nr!• M en; "�-
<br /> �� construction on ths properry is dfscontlnued or mt carried on In a reasona6tm manner,LonCer may do whatover is necosaary to pmr,sr.t lender'e
<br />_ �`. . sacurity inierest in the propevty.Thla may inciude completinp tFra consvucdon. f,__
<br /> . . �;:. J''
<br /> ,.� ,'� LendeYs fefiuro to perform wili rtot preclude Lender from exorciotnm any of its other rights undor the law or thb deed of Yru�t � F _
<br /> �_
<br /> . "r , Any emaunts pstd by Lender to pi,ia�¢Lar�uo:'s saewiiy inierayi wili ioe eecurod by thie deed of tru:t. Such amounts wUl bn dun an dem�nd �---
<br /> and wfll bear Intoreat hom the date of the payment until paid in fu�l ut th�interest rate in eHoat on the secured debt. �:,;__
<br /> ���` 10. Whutt a�d Acal�ntlon. It Borrower fai3s to mako nny payment wh¢n duo or breaks any covenants unJer thia dqnd ot Vuat or any r
<br /> obfigation secured 6y thl�deed of wat or ony prior mortp�pe or deud of t►utt, Lender may eccelerate the maturity o1 tFr�soc�sned debt and !�+
<br /> • � demand Immediste peyment end mry invoke the power of aaie end eny other remedies permitted by applEcable law. ����
<br /> i
<br /> � ' � 71.R�qwat tor Notic� af O�fw1't.It is hereby�equeated thtt copios of the �oticos of default end sete be sent to eaeh p�ra.on wtua Is a party �p`�
<br /> c:__'—�.�_ hnroto,et the oddreas of each euch porson,as aet forth hereln. L`'
<br /> " 12.Pow�e of 8�1a.If the Lender Invokes the �awar of sele,ths Trustoe shail iirst rocord(n the office of the repister of dendn of.•sach county ��
<br /> wherein the trust proparty or some part or pa�cel thereof is eitustad e�oNce a�f d�fautt contatnin9 the intorm�tion required by law.The Truttee �
<br /> shill etco m�tl caplea of the notice of default to the Borrower,to each porson who is a party hereto, and to othor p�rQOno ao prsscdbed by .
<br /> t� � applicabie Iaw. Not lesa than one month eftar ihe Trustea rezorda the notice of defautt ar two months if the trust prt+pqriy�ii not in any ___
<br />_.���. ,_ - incorpouted city or viilage and la uted in termin9 opentiona carried on by the Vustor,the�'rt�olea sh111 giva public no8r,o of anle W the percanc
<br /> �:�;�,?�' . , and in tAe m�nner presaibed by eppptioa6le Ir�w.Truatee,wIt?iout demand on Bor�ower,ahn1�sell the properly at public euctinrt to the hiflhest
<br />_ � : � bidder.If requlred by the Ferm Harnesteed Pro4ectlon Act,Trusteo ahall oNer tho property in two separate eetes ea rcqulred pry x(wlic�bte (�w. _
<br />-^` `!�'• {:�, Trustee may postpone seie of ell ar en y previounly¢r,heduNd��h.
<br /> _„ ,;•; ,,,. , y perca0 of the property by publia ennouncamont et the time md pla�.e of en
<br />- ' t r;:,'r!•: Lender or ite deaipnae nney purchase the proparty fft any oete.
<br /> � ���;�''�.'`� Upan roceipt of peymant of the price bid,Trusteo ahall delivor to the D�►che&or Trusteo's dead conveylnp the propsrty.Tho roolDala cont�ir�ed in
<br />� '' • Truitee't deed ahall be prima fecie evidience of tM truth af the stetements contaEnad thereln.Trustee shAll apply tho procoadc►c�E r�he seb in ths
<br />-� �- ^ -^ foibwirq ad�r. (�) to �8 expenss� of tM aaD, inciudinp, but not Itmitsd to, re�sonibte Trustes's feee, rsesonnAle attam�y'� fess snd
<br /> f• reinatatemont fees;(b)to�II sums aecured by thie deed of truat,and Ic)tM balnnco,if Any,to the percons lepally eniitlad to rtaniw�i4.
<br />��• _•;.,, ' '''� 13.Fonclwun.At Lender's option,thfs deed of ttust may be foreclosed tn the manner provide by eppllcabfe law tor to�c.cioaurv,�!morty�ya
<br />� -_ ,;L•..,. on roal property.
<br />�,`���J.''`'__� 74.Insp�c4}an Lender mey entar the property tolnapect It if Londer pivos�orrower notico betorehand. Tha notico muat stat�tT�� re�somble
<br /> i;_�`=i'-`. cau�e Tor Lender'e Inapectlon.
<br />���`1'�y�`''''°`� 16.Cond�rtuutloo.Bor�ower assigns to Lender the pro¢eeds o4 any award or clalm tor dama�c os connectod with e condomnntklrt ar other tnkinp
<br />����,�`t�g;"�`L°r� of dl or eny part of tho property.Such proceeda wili be applied as provided in Cavenant 7.7his aaelpnmant le subJoct to tha terc�a of�ny prior
<br />�i;:,�;41:-,� ' +' , 6ECUtitfl�Qf68IT100t.
<br /> -�"t"��'��� "'. 18.WNYK.By oxarcisinp eny remedy avaliab�m to Lender,Lender doQa not eivo up eny rights to later use anV othor rcmody.$�t not exercfsiny -
<br />-° `� , eny rsmedy upon Borrower's defautt,Lender doea not wafve any ripht to later cons�der the event a defeult ii�iz{iapponn epain. -
<br />�_�4 � � .
<br /> �� �i�. � t�.Joint �nd Sweal WbMity;�u�siprnrt: 6�aeassas and Asaipu Bamd.All duties under thi�deed of cruet ero Jolnt a�d ssveral. Any �,_
<br /> •�-=��'- • Borrpwer who co-tsiyns tNS deed of t►uat but doen not co•ai�n tMt undarlyinp debt (nstrument(�) does so only to pra.nt nnd canvey th�t �;__
<br />_�rx�;;.;{ • 8onowx's interoat in the praperty to the Truscee under the terma of thio deod of truat. In�ddition, such e Borrower apraoo thnt the Ler�de►end
<br />-_.�,,,,.,,, ,.� anY other Borrowar undar this deod of truat maY extend, modify or mako any other chan9ea in the terms of this dood of tre,at or the aecurod ��--
<br /> - ,,�;,,,,,,,,�, .;�;: debt without thas IRorrower's conaent end witCaom releaaing that Bonower from ths torms of thfs dend of troaot.
<br />---�� ,g,�. �r��' The duties and bensflts of this deed of t►uet ahall hind end 6eno(it tiw succussors and aesigns o}Lender and Borrower.
<br />�,,! 7S.MCtlee.Unieaa otherwise requirad by law, eny notfce to Borrower shali qe pivon by delivoring it or by mallinp It by cortifind mnil addrotsed ta =
<br />-r , Borrower et the property�ddros�or any otMr eddress that Borcower hao pivan to Lander.8orrower will give any noUr.o io.lunder by certified _
<br />-�.! m�il ta Lender'e�ddrasa on papo t of this deed of trust,or to any othar addrese wNCh lendu7 haF designatod. Any othur nc►tian to Lender shall `
<br />�•i be eent to Lender'e eddrose ea eteted on pape S ot thle daed of trust ,:=
<br /> :r..
<br />_ Any notice ahell bo deemed to have 6een glvern to 9orrower or Lender w(wn given In the manner etated above. •�•,"•i
<br /> - � 19.Trantf�+of thr.�Propxty w�B�flci�l IM�n�t in tfi�Borrow�r.If ell or any part of tha property or any(nturo�t in R is sotd or trensforrod
<br /> - wiUtout LendeYe prior writt�n consent, Lender may demand lmmedfate paVmont of tRe ea�ure� debt. Lander mo� aloo domand imrtr�diato � �
<br /> - payment If tM Borrower I� noi a neturel person and a 4oneHc+e1 Interest En tix3 Barowor •1s sold or trnnaferred. Haweucr. L�nder mey not
<br /> x
<br />_:_�,} ; demand peyment fn tho ehnve s'r,vatlorts If it(s prohibRed by fadaaa!lew os of tla date of th��1eed of trust. �
<br /> � � � 20.R�co�w�yn�r.When the obitgatlon secured by thio deud of trusi hau beun pafd, end Lender has no turthur obfiqntion to mako advancea
<br /> und�r tM instn.monte or egreemente seCUreQ by thEo dood of trust,tha Truatea shall, upon wr'�tten raquest by thn Lunder,roconvoy tho truat
<br /> _ ,;. ..
<br /> ---• • pro ►ty.The Lendar shatl detiver to the Bonower, or to Borrowe►'s successor In 9nterest,the trust deed cnd thn notn or othar evidence of the � .
<br /> . �=" obl patian ao sstiattod.Borrower shall pay eny�ewrdallon costs.
<br /> -____ _,--- _ --
<br /> - - -- r Zl.Suec�saa T►ustM. lenUer, at Lentler's opnon, muV �emovo Trueteo ara o(�patnt e �uccocsor tru�too Dy t�rat, mnnmp e copy of tne
<br /> - �. ' sub;tttution of truatee aa rnquirod by applicablo low, nnd than,by filing tho suhsUttttvn Of trusteo for rocord in tha office of tho ragfater of deeds �
<br /> of each county In which the t►ust proporty,or some part thoreof,ts sit�cated,The succassor trustoo,without canveyance of tho property, shall
<br /> ' succeed ta ell tha power,dutfos,authority and titlo of tho Tru3tan namod In tlko dead of trust and of any succossor truateo.
<br /> �
<br /> - 1 '
<br /> -- � lpsgl 2 0/?1
<br /> OANKER36Y6TEM5.INC..ST.CIWD.MN 66301 11�000397•776t1 FORM OCPaNT(i-NE817991
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