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<br /> ��,� DEED OF TRUST p
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<br />� " PAwlIES:Thls Deed of Trust ia made on�,_MnR K �4.a 1997 ,emanp the Grantor,_$Q�a R AliqTAN� A
<br /> .� 1'Borrower'li--�
<br /> � - x �.tnt� nenenN Q =
<br /> �' who:�re�idence�ddra�s lo �o nnx �op,_�e�i *��•^� u " County, Nabraake 1'Truateo"1,�nd the Beneticiery, t\�
<br /> �< �. H O M F F Fn ,a corporetion orpanhod \Q
<br /> • �:��
<br /> �`- and existing under tho laws of_ .nuacun _whose eddross le �71 S Q L i T H r.�r t T S m G T R SF,T,
<br /> ...•z �. ('Lender'1.
<br /> . � ::.�flr;�� f3RAld[] T�, " -
<br /> � ���.,'" COkVEMiI�t�G:For vslue recalved,Borrower ir�evocably grente and convoys to Truatoe,in truct,w(th powor of sele,the roal property,of whfch
<br /> Banoel�in lataFu{y eelzad, desc�fMd beluw end ali buiidinBs, fixtures, and existinp and luture improvemente thereon and ell ri�hts•of•way,
<br /> easert+enta, rent�, Issuea, proflte, income, tenemante. hernditamenta, privile8ea and eny eppurtenunceu thereunto belonping falt callad tha
<br /> • ����Y��' rn-nr T-TIl'7i3 ,Nebfa9ke 6pCa�3
<br /> '" `---- Fii{iri.iGl�t`AYLi���' ?d0' �S iATY7�YETTP A21f? . IZh�COdN
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<br /> ����--� —
<br />��"�,4,�,,� TIO'lEs Rorrowe c�venmu and warronta tit�to tM propercy.except for
<br /> _��.,;s, � .
<br /> `:`.�� �ECUREO DEDT:Thl�dead of truat eecures to Lender repayment of the eecured dobt snd the performance of the covemnn and�prssmentt�
<br />:�;��.;;i�_ contNnad tn th!a doad of truot ond tn any other document Incorporeted herein.Securmd deht,as used In MI�deed of truat,includes any emounta
<br />�,;,�--Y;b• Borrowei awee to Ltrnda under this deed of uust or under any Instrument secured by thla deed of trust,�nd ail modifioetiana,extenabn�anci
<br /> -- renewala thereof.
<br /> ��b Jn� TM secured d�bt b evidenced by(List ult instromente and aproemente aecured by th(�desd ot truat end the detea thereof.l:
<br /> "" '°-:� � A ARONI2CRORV t��(�iF AtvT'3 SRCr7RTTk A(3RFAMtIZNT T7ATFi] M a 4 1997
<br />_�=�ui�ii�aii��
<br />----�_���� �Wtu»R9v�nca:The�bove amount i• �scured even though all or part of it mey not yet bs adva�ced. Future advancea a7A
<br />--:y`;,-- contemplatad�nd wfli be sscured ta the ame sxtent�s!f mado on the dete thio doed at truet Ic exacuted.
<br /> �._"'w3c�
<br /> _- --= ❑ Revolvinp Iica of cxeAit agrooment dated ,wtth initi�7 annual Intere�t rate of 9b.
<br />-------------- All�mourrio owed undor thla spraament ere secured even though ell emounu may nc�a yet bs�dwnced.Future aclvsnces undar
<br /> -.�.� the�Qraemtsm aro contempleted and wi11 bs secured to the sama oxton�ae ff mado on the date this deed of trust Is exacutod.
<br /> _____�,� TM�bov�obllpeUon ts due�nd payable on AARTi S, �oo ____ if not patd e�rlFhr.
<br /> � TM tot�l unpaid batance cecured by Mla deed of trust st eny one tlme shnll not oxcoed e maximum principsl smount of
<br />,-",.' �±'�s�� . arrz��+ mxnttaa�an aix sr^•^^�,• ^�•^.•, °T••°- '-",,,, ?��,eo DmllAro(3].1,66G �� 1.Dluc Intnmtt.
<br /> ,,���� ptu�sny emourrt�ditbursed under the terma of thla deed of uuat to protoct tho security of thle deed of trust or to perform eny of tha
<br /> covenante contained in this deed of Vust,with interest on auch disbursement�.
<br /> S_',...""'�['��Z��
<br /> —•r_:�-�. ❑Vad�bN R�tr.The intorest rate on the obllgatlon secured by this doed o4'tauet mey vary eccording to tho torma oi thet obtlgetion.
<br />�;�"fi�!'.•:.
<br /> -,F���-�•.• .a�� U A copy ot the loan agreement conteining the terms under which the interost rato mny vary is ettachnd to this deod of trust nnd
<br /> 3�;r;',::4c:�>�•:• ..
<br /> , ,„�..�ti'�,_r made e pa►t hereof.
<br /> �+�,`�, ' �;` ARG *`R'NT OF RFN4'4 C� -
<br /> .,, , `:�•�:.` RI�ERS:� Commerclai tt�7 7:(" — � T
<br />-;,"�'_�, , S � -- — OE8IQNATION OR N�7NE6'0'�AD
<br />-i.
<br /> ?�?• Pwauont to tha Fnrm Homostaad Protoctlon 6��c,detignution of homaiteed � �s etiachod to this doed ot trust and mede e part hnmai
<br /> " . ❑haa been ditcle':med;tAo disclaimer ie ettachod to thia deod of Vu�t and m�do a part horeof.
<br />�'�. ' '.� SIaNATURFS:Ey aiy�+p heiow.Banaw�r yn�to th�t�rm�and cownente cont�d in Ws dMd af trust.inelu�np tfiow ar��2,irtd In
<br />.: �rty tid�rt deeadb�d ebuwr by Bortow�r.
<br />�. �� � �
<br /> �i� _, �_..-. -
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<br /> --�- -..°;. AOSE S Ft3NTUiV
<br />- � ACKHOWLEDOMENT:STATE OF NEBAASKA, c�lznt�m iS7��� ftn.t.i. County ss:
<br /> , The forsgofn0 inetrument wes ecknowledged before mo on this. �4TH __day of _MAR -u, i 9g�
<br /> � bY Rl1QR R PAh^^^T• A 1SSN6.S P pF1]PV —
<br /> R�U�IUI
<br /> ' CaporlU a Of W tme of Caporpt�on a PlrtnmNpl �
<br /> - ., PYInY�If'D
<br /> " �a,nu,M�epn,.,u a � on bohalf of the corporation or partnorehip.
<br /> w y comm�s on exp rea: � � f�__ _ / ,
<br /> � ��.�l.^Z/�l��, lNotMY RAlkl
<br /> . IS�+I)
<br /> � ' Thi�inatrument waa propared by ruer�e c. xnsut� �+
<br /> - p 19E6L�IKERS SvSTEMS,MC..5T.CIOVD.MN 6E70�U�F.OQ�97•21N1 FORM OCP�MT��t1E tl/1991 �pL� �Q 03�Z 17 fpage o171 '�G �KA
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